;;; test-org.el ;; Copyright (c) ߚ David Maus ;; Authors: David Maus ;; Released under the GNU General Public License version 3 ;; see: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html ;;;; Comments: ;; Template test file for Org-mode tests ;;; Code: (let ((load-path (cons (expand-file-name ".." (file-name-directory (or load-file-name buffer-file-name))) load-path))) (require 'org-test) (require 'org-test-ob-consts)) ;;; Tests (ert-deftest test-org/org-link-escape-ascii-character () "Escape an ascii character." (should (string= "%5B" (org-link-escape "[")))) (ert-deftest test-org/org-link-escape-ascii-ctrl-character () "Escape an ascii control character." (should (string= "%09" (org-link-escape "\t")))) (ert-deftest test-org/org-link-escape-multibyte-character () "Escape an unicode multibyte character." (should (string= "%E2%82%AC" (org-link-escape "€")))) (ert-deftest test-org/org-link-escape-custom-table () "Escape string with custom character table." (should (string= "Foo%3A%42ar%0A" (org-link-escape "Foo:Bar\n" '(?\: ?\B))))) (ert-deftest test-org/org-link-escape-custom-table-merge () "Escape string with custom table merged with default table." (should (string= "%5BF%6F%6F%3A%42ar%0A%5D" (org-link-escape "[Foo:Bar\n]" '(?\: ?\B ?\o) t)))) (ert-deftest test-org/org-link-unescape-ascii-character () "Unescape an ascii character." (should (string= "[" (org-link-unescape "%5B")))) (ert-deftest test-org/org-link-unescape-ascii-ctrl-character () "Unescpae an ascii control character." (should (string= "\n" (org-link-unescape "%0A")))) (ert-deftest test-org/org-link-unescape-multibyte-character () "Unescape unicode multibyte character." (should (string= "€" (org-link-unescape "%E2%82%AC")))) (ert-deftest test-org/org-link-unescape-ascii-extended-char () "Unescape old style percent escaped character." (should (string= "àâçèéêîôùû" (org-link-unescape "%E0%E2%E7%E8%E9%EA%EE%F4%F9%FB")))) (provide 'test-org) ;;; test-org.el ends here