#+Title: a collection of examples for ob-fortran tests #+OPTIONS: ^:nil * simple programs :PROPERTIES: :ID: 459384e8-1797-4f11-867e-dde0473ea7cc :END: #+name: hello #+begin_src fortran :results silent print *, 'Hello world' #+end_src #+name: fortran_parameter #+begin_src fortran :results silent integer, parameter :: i = 10 write (*, '(i2)') i #+end_src * variable resolution :PROPERTIES: :ID: d8d1dfd3-5f0c-48fe-b55d-777997e02242 :END: #+begin_src fortran :var N = 15 :results silent write (*, '(i2)') N #+end_src Define for preprocessed fortran #+begin_src fortran :defines N 42 :results silent implicit none write (*, '(i2)') N #+end_src #+begin_src fortran :var s="word" :results silent write (*, '(a4)') s #+end_src * arrays :PROPERTIES: :ID: c28569d9-04ce-4cad-ab81-1ea29f691465 :END: Real array as input #+begin_src fortran :var s='(1.0 2.0 3.0) :results silent write (*, '(3f5.2)'), s #+end_src #+name: test_tbl | 1.0 | | 2.0 | #+begin_src fortran :var s=test_tbl :results silent write (*, '(2f5.2)'), s #+end_src * matrix :PROPERTIES: :ID: 3f73ab19-d25a-428d-8c26-e8c6aa933976 :END: Real matrix as input #+name: fortran-input-matrix1 | 0.0 | 42.0 | | 0.0 | 0.0 | | 0.0 | 0.0 | #+name: fortran-input-matrix2 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | | 0.0 | 0.0 | 42.0 | #+begin_src fortran :var s=fortran-input-matrix1 :results silent write (*, '(i2)'), nint(s(1,2)) #+end_src #+begin_src fortran :var s=fortran-input-matrix2 :results silent write (*, '(i2)'), nint(s(2,3)) #+end_src * failing :PROPERTIES: :ID: 891ead4a-f87a-473c-9ae0-1cf348bcd04f :END: Should fail (TODO: add input variables for the case with explicit program statement) #+begin_src fortran :var s="word" :results silent program ex print *, "output of ex program" end program ex #+end_src Fails to compile (TODO: error check in ob-fortran.el) #+begin_src fortran :var s='(1 ()) :results silent print *, s #+end_src Should fail to compile with gfortran #+begin_src fortran :flags --std=f95 --pedantic-error :results silent program ex integer*8 :: i end program ex #+end_src * programs input parameters :PROPERTIES: :ID: 2d5330ea-9934-4737-9ed6-e1d3dae2dfa4 :END: Pass parameters to the program #+begin_src fortran :cmdline "23" :results silent character(len=255) :: cmd call get_command_argument(1, cmd) write (*,*) trim(cmd) #+end_src