;;; ox-deck.el --- deck.js Presentation Back-End for Org Export Engine ;; Copyright (C) 2013 Rick Frankel ;; Author: Rick Frankel ;; Keywords: outlines, hypermedia, slideshow ;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs. ;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ;; (at your option) any later version. ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with this program. If not, see . ;;; Commentary: ;; This library implements a deck.js presentation back-end for the Org ;; generic exporter. ;; Installation ;; ------------- ;; Get a copy of deck.js from http://imakewebthings.com/deck.js/ or ;; the gitub repository at https://github.com/imakewebthings/deck.js. ;; ;; Add the path to the extracted code to the variable ;; `org-deck-directories' There are a number of customization in the ;; org-export-deck group, most of which can be overrriden with buffer ;; local customization (starting with DECK_.) ;; See ox.el and ox-html.el for more details on how this exporter ;; works (it is derived from ox-html.) (require 'ox-html) (eval-when-compile (require 'cl)) (org-export-define-derived-backend deck html :menu-entry (?d "Export to deck.js HTML Presentation" ((?H "To temporary buffer" org-deck-export-as-html) (?h "To file" org-deck-export-to-html) (?o "To file and open" (lambda (a s v b) (if a (org-deck-export-to-html t s v b) (org-open-file (org-deck-export-to-html nil s v b))))))) :options-alist ((:html-link-home "HTML_LINK_HOME" nil nil) (:html-link-up "HTML_LINK_UP" nil nil) (:html-postamble nil "html-postamble" nil t) (:html-preamble nil "html-preamble" nil t) (:html-head-include-default-style "HTML_INCLUDE_DEFAULT_STYLE" nil nil) (:html-head-include-scripts "HTML_INCLUDE_SCRIPTS" nil nil) (:deck-base-url "DECK_BASE_URL" nil org-deck-base-url) (:deck-theme "DECK_THEME" nil org-deck-theme) (:deck-transition "DECK_TRANSITION" nil org-deck-transition) (:deck-include-extensions "DECK_INCLUDE_EXTENSIONS" nil org-deck-include-extensions split) (:deck-exclude-extensions "DECK_EXCLUDE_EXTENSIONS" nil org-deck-exclude-extensions split)) :translate-alist ((headline . org-deck-headline) (inner-template . org-deck-inner-template) (item . org-deck-item) (template . org-deck-template))) (defgroup org-export-deck nil "Options for exporting Org mode files to deck.js HTML Presentations." :tag "Org Export DECK" :group 'org-export-html) (defcustom org-deck-directories '("./deck.js") "Directories to search for deck.js components (jquery, modernizr; core, extensions and themes directories.)" :group 'org-export-deck :type '(repeat (string :tag "Directory"))) (defun org-deck--cleanup-components (components) (remove-duplicates (car (remove 'nil components)) :test (lambda (x y) (string= (file-name-nondirectory x) (file-name-nondirectory y))))) (defun org-deck--find-extensions () "Returns a unique list of all extensions found in in the extensions directories under `org-deck-directories'" (org-deck--cleanup-components (mapcar ; extensions under existing dirs (lambda (dir) (when (file-directory-p dir) (directory-files dir t "^[^.]"))) (mapcar ; possible extension directories (lambda (x) (expand-file-name "extensions" x)) org-deck-directories)))) (defun org-deck--find-css (type) "Return a unique list of all the css stylesheets in the themes/TYPE directories under `org-deck-directories'." (org-deck--cleanup-components (mapcar (lambda (dir) (let ((css-dir (expand-file-name (concat (file-name-as-directory "themes") type) dir))) (when (file-directory-p css-dir) (directory-files css-dir t "\\.css$")))) org-deck-directories))) (defun org-deck-list-components () "List all available deck extensions, styles and transitions (with full paths) to a temporary buffer." (interactive) (let ((outbuf (get-buffer-create "*deck.js Extensions*"))) (with-current-buffer outbuf (erase-buffer) (insert "Extensions\n----------\n") (insert (mapconcat 'identity (org-deck--find-extensions) "\n")) (insert "\n\nStyles\n------\n") (insert (mapconcat 'identity (org-deck--find-css "style") "\n")) (insert "\n\nTransitions\n----------\n") (insert (mapconcat 'identity (org-deck--find-css "transition") "\n"))) (switch-to-buffer-other-window outbuf))) (defcustom org-deck-include-extensions nil "If non-nil, list of extensions to include instead of all available. Can be overriden or set with the DECK_INCLUDE_EXTENSIONS property. During output generation, the extensions found by `org-deck--find-extensions' are searched for the appropriate files (scripts and/or stylesheets) to include in the generated html. The href/src attributes are created relative to `org-deck-base-url'." :group 'org-export-deck :type '(repeat (string :tag "Extension"))) (defcustom org-deck-exclude-extensions nil "If non-nil, list of extensions to exclude. Can be overriden or set with the DECK_EXCLUDE_EXTENSIONS property." :group 'org-export-deck :type '(repeat (string :tag "Extension"))) (defcustom org-deck-theme "swiss.css" "deck.js theme. Can be overriden with the DECK_THEME property. If this value contains a path component (\"/\"), it is used as a literal path (url). Otherwise it is prepended with `org-deck-base-url'/themes/style/." :group 'org-export-deck :type 'string) (defcustom org-deck-transition "fade.css" "deck.js transition theme. Can be overriden with the DECK_TRANSITION property. If this value contains a path component (\"/\"), it is used as a literal path (url). Otherwise it is prepended with `org-deck-base-url'/themes/transition/." :group 'org-export-deck :type 'string) (defcustom org-deck-base-url "deck.js" "Url prefix to deck.js base directory containing the core, extensions and themes directories. Can be overriden with the DECK_BASE_URL property." :group 'org-export-deck :type 'string) (defcustom org-deck-postamble-template "

%author - %title

" "Format template to specify the postamble section of document. Completed using `org-fill-template', optional keys include %author, %email, %file, %title and %date. This is included in the document at the bottom of the content section, and uses the postamble element and id from `org-html-divs'. The default places the author and presentation title at the bottom of each slide. See also `org-deck-preamble-postamble-styles'." :group 'org-export-deck :type 'string) (defcustom org-deck-preamble-template "" "Format template to specify the preamble section of the document. Completed using `org-fill-template', optional keys include %author, %email, %file, %title and %date. This is included before the content section of the document and would normally be a header for the presentation. See also `org-deck-preamble-postamble-styles'." :group 'org-export-deck :type 'string) (defvar org-deck-preamble-postamble-styles `((both "left: 5px; width: 100%;") (preamble "position: absolute; top: 10px;") (postamble "")) "Alist of css styles for the preamble, postamble and both respectively. Can be overriden in `org-deck-styles'. See also `org-html-divs'.") (defvar org-deck-toc-styles (mapconcat 'identity (list "#table-of-contents a {color: inherit;}" "#table-of-contents ul {margin-bottom: 0;}" "#table-of-contents li {padding: 0;}") "\n") "Default css styles used for formatting a table of contents slide. Can be overriden in `org-deck-styles'. Note that when the headline numbering option is true, a \"list-style: none\" is automatically added to avoid both numbers and bullets on the toc entries.") (defcustom org-deck-styles " #title-slide h1 { position: static; padding: 0; margin-top: 10%; -webkit-transform: none; -moz-transform: none; -ms-transform: none; -o-transform: none; transform: none; } #title-slide h2 { text-align: center; border:none; padding: 0; margin: 0; }" "Deck specific CSS styles to include in exported html. Defaults to styles for the title page." :group 'org-export-deck :type 'string) (defcustom org-deck-title-slide-template "





" "Format template to specify title page section. Completed using `org-fill-template', optional keys include %author, %email, %file, %title and %date. It will be wrapped in the element defined in the :html-container property, and defaults to the value of `org-html-container-element', and have the id \"title-slide\"." :group 'org-export-deck :type 'string) (defun org-deck-toc (depth info) (concat (format "<%s id='table-of-contents' class='slide'>\n" (plist-get info :html-container)) (format "


\n" (org-html--translate "Table of Contents" info)) (org-html--toc-text (mapcar (lambda (headline) (let* ((class (org-element-property :HTML_CONTAINER_CLASS headline)) (section-number (when (and (not (org-export-low-level-p headline info)) (org-export-numbered-headline-p headline info)) (concat (mapconcat 'number-to-string (org-export-get-headline-number headline info) ".") ". "))) (title (concat section-number (replace-regexp-in-string ; remove any links in headline... "]*>" "" (org-export-data (org-element-property :title headline) info))))) (cons (if (and class (string-match-p "\\" class)) (format "%s" (or (org-element-property :CUSTOM_ID headline) (mapconcat 'number-to-string (org-export-get-headline-number headline info) "-")) title) title) (org-export-get-relative-level headline info)))) (org-export-collect-headlines info depth))) (format "\n" (plist-get info :html-container)))) (defun org-deck--get-packages (info) (let ((prefix (concat (plist-get info :deck-base-url) "/")) (theme (plist-get info :deck-theme)) (transition (plist-get info :deck-transition)) (include (plist-get info :deck-include-extensions)) (exclude (plist-get info :deck-exclude-extensions)) (scripts '()) (sheets '()) (snippets '())) (add-to-list 'scripts (concat prefix "jquery-1.7.2.min.js")) (add-to-list 'scripts (concat prefix "core/deck.core.js")) (add-to-list 'scripts (concat prefix "modernizr.custom.js")) (add-to-list 'sheets (concat prefix "core/deck.core.css")) (mapc (lambda (extdir) (let* ((name (file-name-nondirectory extdir)) (dir (file-name-as-directory extdir)) (path (concat prefix "extensions/" name "/")) (base (format "deck.%s." name))) (when (and (or (eq nil include) (member name include)) (not (member name exclude))) (when (file-exists-p (concat dir base "js")) (add-to-list 'scripts (concat path base "js"))) (when (file-exists-p (concat dir base "css")) (add-to-list 'sheets (concat path base "css"))) (when (file-exists-p (concat dir base "html")) (add-to-list 'snippets (concat dir base "html")))))) (org-deck--find-extensions)) (if (not (string-match-p "^[[:space:]]*$" theme)) (add-to-list 'sheets (if (file-name-directory theme) theme (format "%sthemes/style/%s" prefix theme)))) (if (not (string-match-p "^[[:space:]]*$" transition)) (add-to-list 'sheets (if (file-name-directory transition) transition (format "%sthemes/transition/%s" prefix transition)))) (list :scripts (nreverse scripts) :sheets (nreverse sheets) :snippets snippets))) (defun org-deck-inner-template (contents info) "Return body of document string after HTML conversion. CONTENTS is the transcoded contents string. INFO is a plist holding export options." (concat contents "\n")) (defun org-deck-headline (headline contents info) (let ((org-html-toplevel-hlevel 2) (class (or (org-element-property :HTML_CONTAINER_CLASS headline) "")) (level (org-export-get-relative-level headline info))) (when (and (= 1 level) (not (string-match-p "\\" class))) (org-element-put-property headline :HTML_CONTAINER_CLASS (concat class " slide"))) (org-html-headline headline contents info))) (defun org-deck-item (item contents info) "Transcode an ITEM element from Org to HTML. CONTENTS holds the contents of the item. INFO is a plist holding contextual information. If the containing headline has the property :slide, then the \"slide\" class will be added to the to the list element, which will make the list into a \"build\"." (let ((text (org-html-item item contents info))) (if (org-export-get-node-property :STEP item t) (replace-regexp-in-string "^
  • " "
  • " text) text))) (defun org-deck-template-alist (info) (list `("title" . ,(car (plist-get info :title))) `("author" . ,(car (plist-get info :author))) `("email" . ,(plist-get info :email)) `("date" . ,(nth 0 (plist-get info :date))) `("file" . ,(plist-get info :input-file)))) (defun org-deck-template (contents info) "Return complete document string after HTML conversion. CONTENTS is the transcoded contents string. INFO is a plist holding export options." (let ((pkg-info (org-deck--get-packages info))) (mapconcat 'identity (list (plist-get info :html-doctype) (let ((lang (plist-get info :language))) (mapconcat (lambda (x) (apply 'format "" x)) (list `("[if lt IE 7]>" "class='no-js ie6'" ,lang "") `("[if IE 7]>" "class='no-js ie7'" ,lang "") `("[if IE 8]>" "class='no-js ie8'" ,lang "") `("[if gt IE 8]>" "" ,lang "