.EXPORT_ALL_VARIABLES: .NOTPARALLEL: .PHONY # Additional distribution files DISTFILES_extra= Makefile request-assign-future.txt contrib etc LISPDIRS = lisp OTHERDIRS = doc etc SUBDIRS = $(OTHERDIRS) $(LISPDIRS) INSTSUB = $(SUBDIRS:%=install-%) ORG_MAKE_DOC ?= info html pdf ifneq ($(wildcard .git),) GITVERSION ?= $(shell git describe --abbrev=6 HEAD) ORGVERSION ?= $(subst release_,,$(shell git describe --abbrev=0 HEAD)) GITSTATUS ?= $(shell git status -uno --porcelain) else GITVERSION ?= N/A ORGVERSION ?= N/A endif DATE = $(shell date +%Y-%m-%d) ifneq ($(GITSTATUS),) GITVERSION := $(GITVERSION:.dirty=).dirty endif .PHONY: all oldorg update update2 up0 up1 up2 compile $(SUBDIRS) \ check test install info html pdf card doc docs $(INSTSUB) \ autoloads cleanall clean cleancontrib cleanutils cleanrel clean-install \ cleanelc cleandirs cleanlisp cleandoc cleandocs cleantest compile compile-dirty uncompiled oldorg: compile info # what the old makefile did when no target was specified uncompiled: cleanlisp autoloads # for developing refcard: card update update2:: up0 all .PRECIOUS: local.mk local.mk: $(info ======================================================) $(info = Invoke "make help" for a synopsis of make targets. =) $(info = Created a default local.mk template. =) $(info = Setting "oldorg" as the default target. =) $(info = Please adapt local.mk to your local setup! =) $(info ======================================================) -@$(MAKE_LOCAL_MK) all compile:: $(foreach dir, doc lisp, $(MAKE) -C $(dir) clean;) compile compile-dirty:: $(MAKE) -C lisp $@ all clean-install:: $(foreach dir, $(SUBDIRS), $(MAKE) -C $(dir) $@;) check test:: compile check test test-dirty:: -$(MKDIR) $(testdir) TMPDIR=$(testdir) $(BTEST) ifeq ($(TEST_NO_AUTOCLEAN),) # define this variable to leave $(testdir) around for inspection $(MAKE) cleantest endif up0 up1 up2:: git remote update git pull up1 up2:: all $(MAKE) test-dirty up2 update2:: $(SUDO) $(MAKE) install install: $(INSTSUB) install-info: install-doc doc docs: $(ORG_MAKE_DOC) info html pdf card: $(MAKE) -C doc $@ $(INSTSUB): $(MAKE) -C $(@:install-%=%) install autoloads: lisp $(MAKE) -C $< $@ cleandirs: $(foreach dir, $(SUBDIRS), $(MAKE) -C $(dir) cleanall;) clean: cleanrel $(MAKE) -C lisp clean $(MAKE) -C doc clean cleanall: cleandirs cleantest cleancontrib cleanutils -$(FIND) . -name \*~ -o -name \*# -o -name .#\* -exec $(RM) {} \; cleancontrib: -$(FIND) contrib -name \*~ -o -name \*.elc -exec $(RM) {} \; cleanutils: -$(FIND) UTILITIES -name \*~ -o -name \*.elc -exec $(RM) {} \; cleanrel: $(RMR) RELEASEDIR $(RMR) org-7.* $(RMR) org-7*zip org-7*tar.gz cleanelc cleanlisp: $(MAKE) -C lisp clean -$(FIND) lisp -name \*~ -exec $(RM) {} \; cleandoc cleandocs: $(MAKE) -C doc clean -$(FIND) doc -name \*~ -exec $(RM) {} \; cleantest: $(RMR) $(testdir)