24/7 24/365 accurate adaptive alternative an expanded array of B2B B2C backend backward-compatible best-of-breed bleeding-edge bricks-and-clicks business clicks-and-mortar client-based client-centred client-centric client-focused collaborative compelling competitive cooperative corporate cost effective covalent cross functional cross-media cross-platform cross-unit customer directed customised cutting-edge distinctive distributed diverse dynamic e-business economically sound effective efficient emerging empowered enabled end-to-end enterprise enterprise-wide equity invested error-free ethical excellent exceptional extensible extensive flexible focused frictionless front-end fully researched fully tested functional functionalised future-proof global go forward goal-oriented granular high standards in high-payoff high-quality highly efficient holistic impactful inexpensive innovative installed base integrated interactive interdependent intermandated interoperable intuitive just in time leading-edge leveraged long-term high-impact low-risk high-yield magnetic maintainable market positioning market-driven mission-critical multidisciplinary multifunctional multimedia based next-generation one-to-one open-source optimal orthogonal out-of-the-box pandemic parallel performance based plug-and-play premier premium principle-centred proactive process-centric professional progressive prospective quality real-time reliable resource-sucking resource-maximising resource-levelling revolutionary robust scalable seamless stand-alone standardised standards compliant state of the art sticky strategic superior sustainable synergistic tactical team building team driven technically sound timely top-line transparent turnkey ubiquitous unique user-centric user friendly value-added vertical viral virtual visionary web-enabled wireless world-class worldwide fungible cloud-ready elastic hyper-scale on-demand cloud-based cloud-centric cloudified agile