#+title: Pile Theme #+property: header-args:shell :tangle build.sh :shebang "#!/usr/bin/env bash" :comments none A sass-based set of styles to be used by Org when exporting to HTML. =main.scss= is compiled to =main.css= which is then inserted into the ~~ of generated HTML documents. This is a modified version of [[https://lepisma.xyz/][lepisma]]'s lovely [[https://github.com/lepisma/pile-theme][pile-theme]]. A little non-essential JS has been added to provide: + Functionality for copy-to-clipboard buttons + Have the table of contents auto-expand based on the current scroll position * Development To build =main.css= and =main.js=, I simply run #+begin_src shell sassc main.scss main.css #+end_src A minified CSS file would be nice to have too. #+begin_src shell sassc --style compressed main.scss main.min.css if command -v csso &> /dev/null; then csso main.min.css -o main.min.css fi #+end_src Then for combining the JS #+begin_src shell ls _*.js | sort -V | xargs cat > main.js #+end_src