module Results using SearchLight using Surveys, Dates using DataFrames, CSV, JSON3, SQLite export surveys, questions, responseids, results, register!, deregister!, save!, clear! const SURVEYS = Dict{SurveyID, String}() const QUESTIONS = Dict{SurveyID, Dict{Symbol, Dict{Symbol, Any}}}() const RESPONSES = Dict{SurveyID, Dict{ResponseID, Union{Response, Nothing}}}() # --------------------- # Reading # --------------------- function surveys(;cache::Bool=true) if !cache || isempty(SURVEYS) foreach(SearchLight.query("SELECT * from surveys") |> eachrow) do s SURVEYS[SurveyID(] = end end SURVEYS end surveys(id::SurveyID; cache::Bool=true) = surveys(;cache)[id] function questions(survey::SurveyID; cache::Bool=true) if !haskey(QUESTIONS, survey) || !cache qns = SearchLight.query("SELECT id, type, prompt, input FROM questions WHERE survey=$survey") = Symbol.( qns.type = Vector{Type}(@. eval(Meta.parse(qns.type))) qns.input = Vector{Type}(@. eval(Meta.parse(qns.input))) QUESTIONS[survey] = Dict( => Dict(:type => q.type, :prompt => q.prompt, :input => q.input) for q in eachrow(qns)) end QUESTIONS[survey] end function responseids(survey::SurveyID; cache::Bool=true) if !haskey(RESPONSES, survey) || !cache ids = SearchLight.query("SELECT DISTINCT response FROM results WHERE survey=$survey") |> r -> ResponseID.(r.response) if !haskey(RESPONSES, survey) RESPONSES[survey] = Dict{ResponseID, Union{Response, Nothing}}(id => nothing for id in ids) else foreach(ids) do id if !haskey(RESPONSES[survey], id) RESPONSES[survey][id] = nothing end end end end Vector{ResponseID}(keys(RESPONSES[survey]) |> collect) end function responseids(survey::SurveyID, type::Symbol; cache::Bool=true) if type == :all responseids(surveyid; cache) elseif type == :complete SearchLight.query("SELECT id FROM responses WHERE survey=$survey AND completed IS NOT NULL") |> r -> ResponseID.( elseif type == :incomplete SearchLight.query("SELECT id FROM responses WHERE survey=$survey AND completed IS NULL") |> r -> ResponseID.( end end function response(survey::SurveyID, response::ResponseID; cache::Bool=true) if cache && response ∉ responseids(survey; cache) responseids(survey, cache=false) end @assert response in responseids(survey; cache) if RESPONSES[survey][response] === nothing responsedata = SearchLight.query("SELECT question, value FROM results WHERE survey=$survey AND response=$response") answers = Dict(map(eachrow(responsedata)) do ans qid = Symbol(ans.question) anstype = questions(survey)[qid][:type] value = eval(Meta.parse(ans.value)) qid => Answer{anstype}(value, nothing) end) metadata = SearchLight.query("SELECT started, completed, page FROM responses WHERE survey=$survey AND id=$response") started = parse(DateTime, metadata.started[1]) completed = if !ismissing(metadata.completed[1]) parse(DateTime, metadata.completed[1]) end RESPONSES[survey][response] = Response(survey, response,[1], answers, started, completed) end RESPONSES[survey][response] end function results(survey::SurveyID; cache::Bool=true, format::Symbol=:DataFrame) resids = responseids(survey; cache) res = response.(survey, resids; cache) qids = keys(questions(survey; cache)) data = Dict(q => map(r -> r[q].value, res) for q in qids) DataFrame(data) |> if format == :DataFrame identity elseif format == :csv df -> sprint(CSV.write, df) elseif format == :tsv df -> sprint((io, df) -> CSV.write(io, df, delim='\t'), df) elseif format == :json df -> sprint(JSON3.pretty, [Dict([string(col) => df[i, col] for col in names(df)]) for i in 1:size(df, 1)]) elseif format == :sqlite df -> (mktemp() do path, io SQLite.load!(df, SQLite.DB(path), "results") read(path) end) end end questions(s::Survey; cache::Bool=true) = questions(; cache) responseids(s::Survey; cache::Bool=true) = responseids(; cache) response(s::Survey; cache::Bool=true) = response(; cache) results(s::Survey; cache::Bool=true) = results(; cache) # --------------------- # Writing # --------------------- function register!(survey::Survey) qvaltype(::Question{<:Surveys.FormField{T}}) where {T} = T if ∉ keys(surveys()) name = if isnothing( "NULL" else SearchLight.escape_value( end srepr = repr(survey) |> SearchLight.escape_value SearchLight.query("INSERT INTO surveys (id, name, repr) VALUES ($(, $name, $srepr)") for (qid, q) in survey.questions qid_s = string(qid) |> SearchLight.escape_value prompt = q.prompt |> SearchLight.escape_value type = string(qvaltype(q)) |> SearchLight.escape_value field = string(typeof(q.field)) |> SearchLight.escape_value SearchLight.query("INSERT INTO questions (survey, id, type, prompt, input) VALUES ($(, $qid_s, $type, $prompt, $field)") end SURVEYS[] = end end function register!(response::Response; cache::Bool=true) if response.survey ∉ keys(surveys(;cache)) register!(response.survey) end @assert ∉ responseids(response.survey; cache) SearchLight.query("INSERT INTO responses (survey, id, started, page) VALUES ($(response.survey), $(, '$(string(response.started))', $(") for (qid, ans) in response.answers qid_s = SearchLight.escape_value(string(qid)) value_s = SearchLight.escape_value(repr(ans.value)) SearchLight.query("INSERT INTO results (survey, response, question, value) VALUES ($(response.survey), $(, $qid_s, $value_s)") end RESPONSES[response.survey][] = nothing end function deregister!(response::Response; cache::Bool=true) @assert ∈ responseids(response.survey; cache) SearchLight.query("DELETE FROM responses WHERE survey = $(response.survey) AND id = $(") SearchLight.query("DELETE FROM results WHERE survey = $(response.survey) AND response = $(") delete!(RESPONSES[response.survey], end function save!(response::Response, questionsids::Vector{Symbol}=keys(response.answers); cache::Bool=true) @assert ∈ responseids(response.survey; cache) if !isnothing(response.completed) SearchLight.query("UPDATE responses SET completed = '$(string(response.completed))' WHERE survey = $(response.survey) AND id = $(") end SearchLight.query("UPDATE responses SET page = $( WHERE survey = $(response.survey) AND id = $(") for qid in questionsids qid_s = SearchLight.escape_value(string(qid)) ans = response.answers[qid] value_s = SearchLight.escape_value(repr(ans.value)) SearchLight.query("UPDATE results SET value = $value_s WHERE survey = $(response.survey) AND response = $( AND question = $qid_s") end end save!(response::Response, questions::Vector{Question}; cache::Bool=true) = save!(response, getfield.(questions, :id); cache) save!(response::Response, question::Question; cache::Bool=true) = save!(response, []; cache) save!(response::Response, part::SurveyPart; cache::Bool=true) = save!(response, part.questions; cache) save!(response::Response, survey::Survey; cache::Bool=true) = save!(response, survey.questions; cache) function clear!(survey::Survey) SearchLight.query("DELETE FROM survey WHERE id = $(") SearchLight.query("DELETE FROM questions WHERE survey = $(") SearchLight.query("DELETE FROM responses WHERE survey = $(") SearchLight.query("DELETE FROM results WHERE survey = $(") end function clear!(response::Response) SearchLight.query("DELETE FROM responses WHERE survey = $(response.survey), id = $(") SearchLight.query("DELETE FROM results WHERE survey = $(response.survey), response = $(") end end