# This file is autogenerated to run all tests in the context of your Genie app. # It is not necessary to edit this file. # To create tests, simply add `.jl` test files in the `test/` folder. # All `.jl` files in the `test/` folder will be automaticlaly executed by running `$ julia --project runtests.jl` # If you want to selectively run tests, use `$ julia --project runtests.jl test_file_1 test_file_2` ENV["GENIE_ENV"] = "test" push!(LOAD_PATH, abspath(normpath(joinpath("..", "src")))) cd("..") using Pkg Pkg.activate(".") using Genie Genie.loadapp("..") cd(@__DIR__) Pkg.activate(".") # !!! Main.UserApp is configured as an alias for Main.EmacsSurvey and you might encounter it in some tests using Main.EmacsSurvey, Test, TestSetExtensions, Logging Logging.global_logger(NullLogger()) @testset ExtendedTestSet "EmacsSurvey tests" begin @includetests ARGS end