Cannot export to hugo/markdown #9

opened 2022-11-20 19:26:19 +00:00 by authsec · 16 comments
authsec commented 2022-11-20 19:26:19 +00:00 (Migrated from

Hi @tecosaur,

if I export to Hugo/Markdown, I get the following error:

org-export-data: Wrong type argument: hash-table-p, nil

Do you have any idea why? Exporting to LaTeX works fine.

Hi @tecosaur, if I export to Hugo/Markdown, I get the following error: ``` org-export-data: Wrong type argument: hash-table-p, nil ``` Do you have any idea why? Exporting to LaTeX works fine.
tecosaur commented 2022-12-09 08:19:40 +00:00 (Migrated from

An MWE and/or backtrace would be a huge help here. With just that message I can't do much.

An MWE and/or backtrace would be a huge help here. With just that message I can't do much.
authsec commented 2022-12-09 16:21:36 +00:00 (Migrated from

Thanks for looking into it. I can reproduce it with the attached files.

When I comment these 2 lines, I can export just fine.

Note: If I remove the acronym EmRE from the text, the export works as well.

#+glossary_sources: glossary-it-general acronyms-it-general

The backtrace I get when it fails looks like:

Debugger entered--Lisp error: (wrong-type-argument hash-table-p nil)
  gethash((#("Emacs REproducible Research Environment\n" 0 40 (:parent nil))) nil)
  org-export-data((#("Emacs REproducible Research Environment\n" 0 40 (:parent nil))) nil)
  org-glossary--export-template("%v (%u)" md nil (:key "EmRE" :key-plural "EmREs" :key-nonce 5 :term "EmRE" :term-plural "EmREs" :alias-for nil :type acronym :category nil :value (#("Emacs REproducible Research Environment\n" 0 40 (:parent nil))) :definition-file "/home/emre/research/glosses/acronyms-it-general.or..." :definition-pos 80 :extracted nil :uses ((1 link (:type "gls" :path "1:EmRE" :format bracket :raw-link "gls:1:EmRE" :application nil :search-option nil :begin 565 :end 579 :contents-begin nil :contents-end nil :post-blank 0 :parent (paragraph (:begin 452 :end 581 :contents-begin 452 :contents-end 581 :post-blank 0 :post-affiliated 452 :mode nil :granularity element :cached t :parent (section ...))))))) 1 nil nil nil)
  org-glossary--export-instance(md nil (:key "EmRE" :key-plural "EmREs" :key-nonce 5 :term "EmRE" :term-plural "EmREs" :alias-for nil :type acronym :category nil :value (#("Emacs REproducible Research Environment\n" 0 40 (:parent nil))) :definition-file "/home/emre/research/glosses/acronyms-it-general.or..." :definition-pos 80 :extracted nil :uses ((1 link (:type "gls" :path "1:EmRE" :format bracket :raw-link "gls:1:EmRE" :application nil :search-option nil :begin 565 :end 579 :contents-begin nil :contents-end nil :post-blank 0 :parent (paragraph (:begin 452 :end 581 :contents-begin 452 :contents-end 581 :post-blank 0 :post-affiliated 452 :mode nil :granularity element :cached t :parent (section ...))))))) :first-use 1 nil nil nil)
  org-glossary--link-export(md nil "1:EmRE" nil nil nil)
  org-glossary--link-export-gls("1:EmRE" nil md nil)
  org-export-custom-protocol-maybe((link (:type "gls" :path "1:EmRE" :format bracket :raw-link "gls:1:EmRE" :application nil :search-option nil :begin 565 :end 579 :contents-begin nil :contents-end nil :post-blank 0 :parent (paragraph (:begin 452 :end 581 :contents-begin 452 :contents-end 581 :post-blank 1 :post-affiliated 452 :mode top-comment :granularity nil :parent (section (:begin 452 :end 581 :contents-begin 452 :contents-end 581 :robust-begin 452 :robust-end 579 :post-blank 1 :post-affiliated 452 :mode first-section :granularity nil :parent (org-data ... #47 ... ... ...)) #27)) #("Use a reference" 0 15 (:parent #27)) (footnote-reference (:label nil :type inline :contents-begin 468 :contents-end 497 :post-blank 1 :parent #27) (raw (:parent #31) #("Jens Frey, “Get Windows Wi-Fi Password,” April 13,..." 0 190 (:parent #34)))) #("and a glossary entry to the " 0 28 (:parent #27)) (link (:type "gls" :path "1:PC" :format bracket :raw-link "gls:1:PC" :application nil :search-option nil :begin 525 :end 538 :contents-begin nil :contents-end nil :post-blank 1 :parent #27)) #("or a " 0 5 (:parent #27)) (link (:type "Gls" :path "1:blog" :format bracket :raw-link "Gls:1:blog" :application nil :search-option nil :begin 543 :end 558 :contents-begin nil :contents-end nil :post-blank 1 :parent #27)) #("in the " 0 7 (:parent #27)) #1 #(".\n" 0 2 (:parent #27))))) nil md)
  org-hugo-link((link (:type "gls" :path "1:EmRE" :format bracket :raw-link "gls:1:EmRE" :application nil :search-option nil :begin 565 :end 579 :contents-begin nil :contents-end nil :post-blank 0 :parent (paragraph (:begin 452 :end 581 :contents-begin 452 :contents-end 581 :post-blank 1 :post-affiliated 452 :mode top-comment :granularity nil :parent ...) #("Use a reference" 0 15 ...) (footnote-reference ... ...) #("and a glossary entry to the " 0 28 ...) (link ...) #("or a " 0 5 ...) (link ...) #("in the " 0 7 ...) #1 #(".\n" 0 2 ...)))) nil (:export-options (subtree) :back-end #s(org-export-backend :name hugo :parent blackfriday :transcoders ((code . org-hugo-kbd-tags-maybe) (drawer . org-hugo-drawer) (example-block . org-hugo-example-block) (export-block . org-hugo-export-block) (export-snippet . org-hugo-export-snippet) (headline . org-hugo-heading) (inner-template . org-hugo-inner-template) (inline-src-block . org-hugo-inline-src-block) (keyword . org-hugo-keyword) (link . org-hugo-link) (paragraph . org-hugo-paragraph) (src-block . org-hugo-src-block) (special-block . org-hugo-special-block)) :options ((:with-toc nil "toc" org-hugo-export-with-toc) (:section-numbers nil "num" org-hugo-export-with-section-numbers) (:author "AUTHOR" nil user-full-name newline) (:creator "CREATOR" nil org-hugo-export-creator-string) (:with-smart-quotes nil "'" nil) (:with-special-strings nil "-" nil) (:with-sub-superscript nil "^" ...) (:hugo-with-locale "HUGO_WITH_LOCALE" nil nil) (:hugo-front-matter-format "HUGO_FRONT_MATTER_FORMAT" nil org-hugo-front-matter-format) (:hugo-level-offset "HUGO_LEVEL_OFFSET" nil "1") (:hugo-preserve-filling "HUGO_PRESERVE_FILLING" nil org-hugo-preserve-filling) (:hugo-delete-trailing-ws "HUGO_DELETE_TRAILING_WS" nil org-hugo-delete-trailing-ws) (:hugo-section "HUGO_SECTION" nil org-hugo-section) (:hugo-bundle "HUGO_BUNDLE" nil nil) (:hugo-base-dir "HUGO_BASE_DIR" nil org-hugo-base-dir) (:hugo-goldmark "HUGO_GOLDMARK" nil org-hugo-goldmark) (:hugo-code-fence "HUGO_CODE_FENCE" nil t) (:hugo-use-code-for-kbd "HUGO_USE_CODE_FOR_KBD" nil org-hugo-use-code-for-kbd) (:hugo-prefer-hyphen-in-tags "HUGO_PREFER_HYPHEN_IN_TAGS" nil org-hugo-prefer-hyphen-in-tags) (:hugo-allow-spaces-in-tags "HUGO_ALLOW_SPACES_IN_TAGS" nil org-hugo-allow-spaces-in-tags) (:hugo-auto-set-lastmod "HUGO_AUTO_SET_LASTMOD" nil org-hugo-auto-set-lastmod) (:hugo-custom-front-matter "HUGO_CUSTOM_FRONT_MATTER" nil nil space) (:hugo-blackfriday "HUGO_BLACKFRIDAY" nil nil space) (:hugo-front-matter-key-replace "HUGO_FRONT_MATTER_KEY_REPLACE" nil nil space) (:hugo-date-format "HUGO_DATE_FORMAT" nil org-hugo-date-format) (:hugo-paired-shortcodes "HUGO_PAIRED_SHORTCODES" nil org-hugo-paired-shortcodes space) (:hugo-pandoc-citations "HUGO_PANDOC_CITATIONS" nil nil) (:bibliography "BIBLIOGRAPHY" nil nil newline) (:html-container "HTML_CONTAINER" nil org-hugo-container-element) (:html-container-class "HTML_CONTAINER_CLASS" nil "") (:hugo-aliases "HUGO_ALIASES" nil nil space) (:hugo-audio "HUGO_AUDIO" nil nil) ...) :filters ((:filter-body . org-hugo-body-filter)) :blocks nil :menu (72 "Export to Hugo-compatible Markdo..." (... ... ... ... ... ...))) :translate-alist ((code . org-hugo-kbd-tags-maybe) (drawer . org-hugo-drawer) (example-block . org-hugo-example-block) (export-block . org-hugo-export-block) (export-snippet . org-hugo-export-snippet) (headline . org-hugo-heading) (inner-template . org-hugo-inner-template) (inline-src-block . org-hugo-inline-src-block) (keyword . org-hugo-keyword) (link . org-hugo-link) (paragraph . org-hugo-paragraph) (src-block . org-hugo-src-block) (special-block . org-hugo-special-block) (center-block . org-blackfriday-center-block) (example-block . org-blackfriday-example-block) (fixed-width . org-blackfriday-fixed-width) (footnote-reference . org-blackfriday-footnote-reference) (inner-template . org-blackfriday-inner-template) (italic . org-blackfriday-italic) (item . org-blackfriday-item) (latex-environment . org-blackfriday-latex-environment) (latex-fragment . org-blackfriday-latex-fragment) (line-break . org-html-line-break) (plain-list . org-blackfriday-plain-list) (plain-text . org-blackfriday-plain-text) (quote-block . org-blackfriday-quote-block) (radio-target . org-blackfriday-radio-target) (special-block . org-blackfriday-special-block) (src-block . org-blackfriday-src-block) (strike-through . org-blackfriday-strike-through) (table-cell . org-blackfriday-table-cell) (table-row . org-blackfriday-table-row) ...) :exported-data #<hash-table eq 9/4001 0x2aaabb726e01> :input-buffer "*Ox-hugo Pre-processed 202212091..." :input-file "/home/emre/research/roam-notes/2..." :with-toc nil :section-numbers nil :author "Jens Frey" :creator "Emacs 28.2 (Org mode 9.6 + ox-hu..." :with-smart-quotes nil :with-special-strings nil :with-sub-superscript {} :hugo-with-locale nil :hugo-front-matter-format "yaml" :hugo-level-offset "1" ...))
  org-export-data((link (:type "gls" :path "1:EmRE" :format bracket :raw-link "gls:1:EmRE" :application nil :search-option nil :begin 565 :end 579 :contents-begin nil :contents-end nil :post-blank 0 :parent (paragraph (:begin 452 :end 581 :contents-begin 452 :contents-end 581 :post-blank 1 :post-affiliated 452 :mode top-comment :granularity nil :parent ...) #("Use a reference" 0 15 ...) (footnote-reference ... ...) #("and a glossary entry to the " 0 28 ...) (link ...) #("or a " 0 5 ...) (link ...) #("in the " 0 7 ...) #1 #(".\n" 0 2 ...)))) (:export-options (subtree) :back-end #s(org-export-backend :name hugo :parent blackfriday :transcoders ((code . org-hugo-kbd-tags-maybe) (drawer . org-hugo-drawer) (example-block . org-hugo-example-block) (export-block . org-hugo-export-block) (export-snippet . org-hugo-export-snippet) (headline . org-hugo-heading) (inner-template . org-hugo-inner-template) (inline-src-block . org-hugo-inline-src-block) (keyword . org-hugo-keyword) (link . org-hugo-link) (paragraph . org-hugo-paragraph) (src-block . org-hugo-src-block) (special-block . org-hugo-special-block)) :options ((:with-toc nil "toc" org-hugo-export-with-toc) (:section-numbers nil "num" org-hugo-export-with-section-numbers) (:author "AUTHOR" nil user-full-name newline) (:creator "CREATOR" nil org-hugo-export-creator-string) (:with-smart-quotes nil "'" nil) (:with-special-strings nil "-" nil) (:with-sub-superscript nil "^" ...) (:hugo-with-locale "HUGO_WITH_LOCALE" nil nil) (:hugo-front-matter-format "HUGO_FRONT_MATTER_FORMAT" nil org-hugo-front-matter-format) (:hugo-level-offset "HUGO_LEVEL_OFFSET" nil "1") (:hugo-preserve-filling "HUGO_PRESERVE_FILLING" nil org-hugo-preserve-filling) (:hugo-delete-trailing-ws "HUGO_DELETE_TRAILING_WS" nil org-hugo-delete-trailing-ws) (:hugo-section "HUGO_SECTION" nil org-hugo-section) (:hugo-bundle "HUGO_BUNDLE" nil nil) (:hugo-base-dir "HUGO_BASE_DIR" nil org-hugo-base-dir) (:hugo-goldmark "HUGO_GOLDMARK" nil org-hugo-goldmark) (:hugo-code-fence "HUGO_CODE_FENCE" nil t) (:hugo-use-code-for-kbd "HUGO_USE_CODE_FOR_KBD" nil org-hugo-use-code-for-kbd) (:hugo-prefer-hyphen-in-tags "HUGO_PREFER_HYPHEN_IN_TAGS" nil org-hugo-prefer-hyphen-in-tags) (:hugo-allow-spaces-in-tags "HUGO_ALLOW_SPACES_IN_TAGS" nil org-hugo-allow-spaces-in-tags) (:hugo-auto-set-lastmod "HUGO_AUTO_SET_LASTMOD" nil org-hugo-auto-set-lastmod) (:hugo-custom-front-matter "HUGO_CUSTOM_FRONT_MATTER" nil nil space) (:hugo-blackfriday "HUGO_BLACKFRIDAY" nil nil space) (:hugo-front-matter-key-replace "HUGO_FRONT_MATTER_KEY_REPLACE" nil nil space) (:hugo-date-format "HUGO_DATE_FORMAT" nil org-hugo-date-format) (:hugo-paired-shortcodes "HUGO_PAIRED_SHORTCODES" nil org-hugo-paired-shortcodes space) (:hugo-pandoc-citations "HUGO_PANDOC_CITATIONS" nil nil) (:bibliography "BIBLIOGRAPHY" nil nil newline) (:html-container "HTML_CONTAINER" nil org-hugo-container-element) (:html-container-class "HTML_CONTAINER_CLASS" nil "") (:hugo-aliases "HUGO_ALIASES" nil nil space) (:hugo-audio "HUGO_AUDIO" nil nil) ...) :filters ((:filter-body . org-hugo-body-filter)) :blocks nil :menu (72 "Export to Hugo-compatible Markdo..." (... ... ... ... ... ...))) :translate-alist ((code . org-hugo-kbd-tags-maybe) (drawer . org-hugo-drawer) (example-block . org-hugo-example-block) (export-block . org-hugo-export-block) (export-snippet . org-hugo-export-snippet) (headline . org-hugo-heading) (inner-template . org-hugo-inner-template) (inline-src-block . org-hugo-inline-src-block) (keyword . org-hugo-keyword) (link . org-hugo-link) (paragraph . org-hugo-paragraph) (src-block . org-hugo-src-block) (special-block . org-hugo-special-block) (center-block . org-blackfriday-center-block) (example-block . org-blackfriday-example-block) (fixed-width . org-blackfriday-fixed-width) (footnote-reference . org-blackfriday-footnote-reference) (inner-template . org-blackfriday-inner-template) (italic . org-blackfriday-italic) (item . org-blackfriday-item) (latex-environment . org-blackfriday-latex-environment) (latex-fragment . org-blackfriday-latex-fragment) (line-break . org-html-line-break) (plain-list . org-blackfriday-plain-list) (plain-text . org-blackfriday-plain-text) (quote-block . org-blackfriday-quote-block) (radio-target . org-blackfriday-radio-target) (special-block . org-blackfriday-special-block) (src-block . org-blackfriday-src-block) (strike-through . org-blackfriday-strike-through) (table-cell . org-blackfriday-table-cell) (table-row . org-blackfriday-table-row) ...) :exported-data #<hash-table eq 9/4001 0x2aaabb726e01> :input-buffer "*Ox-hugo Pre-processed 202212091..." :input-file "/home/emre/research/roam-notes/2..." :with-toc nil :section-numbers nil :author "Jens Frey" :creator "Emacs 28.2 (Org mode 9.6 + ox-hu..." :with-smart-quotes nil :with-special-strings nil :with-sub-superscript {} :hugo-with-locale nil :hugo-front-matter-format "yaml" :hugo-level-offset "1" ...))
  #f(compiled-function (element) #<bytecode 0xfed05dc84ca8478>)((link (:type "gls" :path "1:EmRE" :format bracket :raw-link "gls:1:EmRE" :application nil :search-option nil :begin 565 :end 579 :contents-begin nil :contents-end nil :post-blank 0 :parent (paragraph (:begin 452 :end 581 :contents-begin 452 :contents-end 581 :post-blank 1 :post-affiliated 452 :mode top-comment :granularity nil :parent (section (:begin 452 :end 581 :contents-begin 452 :contents-end 581 :robust-begin 452 :robust-end 579 :post-blank 1 :post-affiliated 452 :mode first-section :granularity nil :parent (org-data ... #47 ... ... ...)) #27)) #("Use a reference" 0 15 (:parent #27)) (footnote-reference (:label nil :type inline :contents-begin 468 :contents-end 497 :post-blank 1 :parent #27) (raw (:parent #31) #("Jens Frey, “Get Windows Wi-Fi Password,” April 13,..." 0 190 (:parent #34)))) #("and a glossary entry to the " 0 28 (:parent #27)) (link (:type "gls" :path "1:PC" :format bracket :raw-link "gls:1:PC" :application nil :search-option nil :begin 525 :end 538 :contents-begin nil :contents-end nil :post-blank 1 :parent #27)) #("or a " 0 5 (:parent #27)) (link (:type "Gls" :path "1:blog" :format bracket :raw-link "Gls:1:blog" :application nil :search-option nil :begin 543 :end 558 :contents-begin nil :contents-end nil :post-blank 1 :parent #27)) #("in the " 0 7 (:parent #27)) #1 #(".\n" 0 2 (:parent #27))))))
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  org-export-data((paragraph (:begin 452 :end 581 :contents-begin 452 :contents-end 581 :post-blank 1 :post-affiliated 452 :mode top-comment :granularity nil :parent (section ... #1)) #("Use a reference" 0 15 (:parent #1)) (footnote-reference (:label nil :type inline :contents-begin 468 :contents-end 497 :post-blank 1 :parent #1) (raw ... ...)) #("and a glossary entry to th..." 0 28 (:parent #1)) (link (:type "gls" :path "1:PC" :format bracket :raw-link "gls:1:PC" :application nil :search-option nil :begin 525 :end 538 :contents-begin nil :contents-end nil :post-blank 1 :parent #1)) #("or a " 0 5 (:parent #1)) (link (:type "Gls" :path "1:blog" :format bracket :raw-link "Gls:1:blog" :application nil :search-option nil :begin 543 :end 558 :contents-begin nil :contents-end nil :post-blank 1 :parent #1)) #("in the " 0 7 (:parent #1)) (link (:type "gls" :path "1:EmRE" :format bracket :raw-link "gls:1:EmRE" :application nil :search-option nil :begin 565 :end 579 :contents-begin nil :contents-end nil :post-blank 0 :parent #1)) #(".\n" 0 2 (:parent #1))) (:export-options (subtree) :back-end #s(org-export-backend :name hugo :parent blackfriday :transcoders (... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...) :options (... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...) :filters (...) :blocks nil :menu (72 "Export to Hugo-compatible ..." ...)) :translate-alist ((code . org-hugo-kbd-tags-maybe) (drawer . org-hugo-drawer) (example-block . org-hugo-example-block) (export-block . org-hugo-export-block) (export-snippet . org-hugo-export-snippet) (headline . org-hugo-heading) (inner-template . org-hugo-inner-template) (inline-src-block . org-hugo-inline-src-block) (keyword . org-hugo-keyword) (link . org-hugo-link) (paragraph . org-hugo-paragraph) (src-block . org-hugo-src-block) (special-block . org-hugo-special-block) (center-block . org-blackfriday-center-block) (example-block . org-blackfriday-example-block) (fixed-width . org-blackfriday-fixed-width) (footnote-reference . org-blackfriday-footnote-reference) (inner-template . org-blackfriday-inner-template) (italic . org-blackfriday-italic) (item . org-blackfriday-item) (latex-environment . org-blackfriday-latex-environment) (latex-fragment . org-blackfriday-latex-fragment) (line-break . org-html-line-break) (plain-list . org-blackfriday-plain-list) (plain-text . org-blackfriday-plain-text) (quote-block . org-blackfriday-quote-block) ...) :exported-data #<hash-table eq 9/4001 0x2aaabb726e01> :input-buffer "*Ox-hugo Pre-processed 202..." :input-file "/home/emre/research/roam-n..." :with-toc nil :section-numbers nil :author "Jens Frey" :creator "Emacs 28.2 (Org mode 9.6 +..." :with-smart-quotes nil :with-special-strings nil :with-sub-superscript {} ...))
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  org-export-data((org-data (:begin 1 :contents-begin 1 :contents-end 1189 :end 1189 :robust-begin 67 :robust-end 1187 :post-blank 0 :post-affiliated 1 :path "/home/emre/research/roam-n..." :mode org-data :ID "89e2f328-75ee-4460-8a85-72..." :CATEGORY "20221209154813-glossary_de..." :granularity nil) (section (:begin 452 :end 581 :contents-begin 452 :contents-end 581 :robust-begin 452 :robust-end 579 :post-blank 1 :post-affiliated 452 :mode first-section :granularity nil :parent #1) (paragraph ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...)) (headline (:raw-value "One One" :begin 581 :end 647 :pre-blank 0 :contents-begin 592 :contents-end 646 :robust-begin 594 :robust-end 644 :level 2 :priority nil :tags nil :todo-keyword nil :todo-type nil ...) (section ... ...)) (headline (:raw-value "Acronyms" :begin 647 :end 747 :pre-blank 0 :contents-begin 658 :contents-end 746 :robust-begin 660 :robust-end 744 :level 1 :priority nil :tags nil :todo-keyword nil :todo-type nil ...) (section ... ...)) (headline (:raw-value "Glossary" :begin 747 :end 1013 :pre-blank 0 :contents-begin 758 :contents-end 1013 :robust-begin 760 :robust-end 1011 :level 1 :priority nil :tags nil :todo-keyword nil :todo-type nil ...) (section ... ... ...))) (:export-options (subtree) :back-end #s(org-export-backend :name hugo :parent blackfriday :transcoders (... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...) :options (... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...) :filters (...) :blocks nil :menu (72 "Export to Hugo-compatible ..." ...)) :translate-alist ((code . org-hugo-kbd-tags-maybe) (drawer . org-hugo-drawer) (example-block . org-hugo-example-block) (export-block . org-hugo-export-block) (export-snippet . org-hugo-export-snippet) (headline . org-hugo-heading) (inner-template . org-hugo-inner-template) (inline-src-block . org-hugo-inline-src-block) (keyword . org-hugo-keyword) (link . org-hugo-link) (paragraph . org-hugo-paragraph) (src-block . org-hugo-src-block) (special-block . org-hugo-special-block) (center-block . org-blackfriday-center-block) (example-block . org-blackfriday-example-block) (fixed-width . org-blackfriday-fixed-width) (footnote-reference . org-blackfriday-footnote-reference) (inner-template . org-blackfriday-inner-template) (italic . org-blackfriday-italic) (item . org-blackfriday-item) (latex-environment . org-blackfriday-latex-environment) (latex-fragment . org-blackfriday-latex-fragment) (line-break . org-html-line-break) (plain-list . org-blackfriday-plain-list) (plain-text . org-blackfriday-plain-text) (quote-block . org-blackfriday-quote-block) ...) :exported-data #<hash-table eq 9/4001 0x2aaabb726e01> :input-buffer "*Ox-hugo Pre-processed 202..." :input-file "/home/emre/research/roam-n..." :with-toc nil :section-numbers nil :author "Jens Frey" :creator "Emacs 28.2 (Org mode 9.6 +..." :with-smart-quotes nil :with-special-strings nil :with-sub-superscript {} ...))
  #f(compiled-function (backend &optional subtreep visible-only body-only ext-plist) "Transcode current Org buffer into BACKEND code.\n\nBACKEND is either an export back-end, as returned by, e.g.,\n`org-export-create-backend', or a symbol referring to\na registered back-end.\n\nIf narrowing is active in the current buffer, only transcode its\nnarrowed part.\n\nIf a region is active, transcode that region.\n\nWhen optional argument SUBTREEP is non-nil, transcode the\nsub-tree at point, extracting information from the headline\nproperties first.\n\nWhen optional argument VISIBLE-ONLY is non-nil, don't export\ncontents of hidden elements.\n\nWhen optional argument BODY-ONLY is non-nil, only return body\ncode, without surrounding template.\n\nOptional argument EXT-PLIST, when provided, is a property list\nwith external parameters overriding Org default settings, but\nstill inferior to file-local settings.\n\nReturn code as a string." #<bytecode 0x516bdbd7933c732>)(hugo :subtreep nil nil (:output-file "/home/emre/research/export/hugo/emre-site/content/..."))
  apply(#f(compiled-function (backend &optional subtreep visible-only body-only ext-plist) "Transcode current Org buffer into BACKEND code.\n\nBACKEND is either an export back-end, as returned by, e.g.,\n`org-export-create-backend', or a symbol referring to\na registered back-end.\n\nIf narrowing is active in the current buffer, only transcode its\nnarrowed part.\n\nIf a region is active, transcode that region.\n\nWhen optional argument SUBTREEP is non-nil, transcode the\nsub-tree at point, extracting information from the headline\nproperties first.\n\nWhen optional argument VISIBLE-ONLY is non-nil, don't export\ncontents of hidden elements.\n\nWhen optional argument BODY-ONLY is non-nil, only return body\ncode, without surrounding template.\n\nOptional argument EXT-PLIST, when provided, is a property list\nwith external parameters overriding Org default settings, but\nstill inferior to file-local settings.\n\nReturn code as a string." #<bytecode 0x516bdbd7933c732>) (hugo :subtreep nil nil (:output-file "/home/emre/research/export/hugo/emre-site/content/...")))
  (let ((old-async-init-file org-export-async-init-file) (org-export-async-init-file (make-temp-file "doom-org-async-export"))) (doom-file-write org-export-async-init-file (list (list 'setq 'org-export-async-debug (or org-export-async-debug debug-on-error) 'load-path (list 'quote load-path)) (cons 'unwind-protect (cons (list 'let (list (list ... old-async-init-file)) (cons 'if (cons ... ...))) '((delete-file load-file-name)))))) (apply fn args))
  +org--fix-async-export-a(#f(compiled-function (backend &optional subtreep visible-only body-only ext-plist) "Transcode current Org buffer into BACKEND code.\n\nBACKEND is either an export back-end, as returned by, e.g.,\n`org-export-create-backend', or a symbol referring to\na registered back-end.\n\nIf narrowing is active in the current buffer, only transcode its\nnarrowed part.\n\nIf a region is active, transcode that region.\n\nWhen optional argument SUBTREEP is non-nil, transcode the\nsub-tree at point, extracting information from the headline\nproperties first.\n\nWhen optional argument VISIBLE-ONLY is non-nil, don't export\ncontents of hidden elements.\n\nWhen optional argument BODY-ONLY is non-nil, only return body\ncode, without surrounding template.\n\nOptional argument EXT-PLIST, when provided, is a property list\nwith external parameters overriding Org default settings, but\nstill inferior to file-local settings.\n\nReturn code as a string." #<bytecode 0x516bdbd7933c732>) hugo :subtreep nil nil (:output-file "/home/emre/research/export/hugo/emre-site/content/..."))
  apply(+org--fix-async-export-a #f(compiled-function (backend &optional subtreep visible-only body-only ext-plist) "Transcode current Org buffer into BACKEND code.\n\nBACKEND is either an export back-end, as returned by, e.g.,\n`org-export-create-backend', or a symbol referring to\na registered back-end.\n\nIf narrowing is active in the current buffer, only transcode its\nnarrowed part.\n\nIf a region is active, transcode that region.\n\nWhen optional argument SUBTREEP is non-nil, transcode the\nsub-tree at point, extracting information from the headline\nproperties first.\n\nWhen optional argument VISIBLE-ONLY is non-nil, don't export\ncontents of hidden elements.\n\nWhen optional argument BODY-ONLY is non-nil, only return body\ncode, without surrounding template.\n\nOptional argument EXT-PLIST, when provided, is a property list\nwith external parameters overriding Org default settings, but\nstill inferior to file-local settings.\n\nReturn code as a string." #<bytecode 0x516bdbd7933c732>) (hugo :subtreep nil nil (:output-file "/home/emre/research/export/hugo/emre-site/content/...")))
  org-export-as(hugo :subtreep nil nil (:output-file "/home/emre/research/export/hugo/emre-site/content/..."))
  #f(compiled-function (backend file &optional async subtreep visible-only body-only ext-plist post-process) "Call `org-export-as' with output to a specified file.\n\nBACKEND is either an export back-end, as returned by, e.g.,\n`org-export-create-backend', or a symbol referring to\na registered back-end.  FILE is the name of the output file, as\na string.\n\nA non-nil optional argument ASYNC means the process should happen\nasynchronously.  The resulting buffer will then be accessible\nthrough the `org-export-stack' interface.\n\nOptional arguments SUBTREEP, VISIBLE-ONLY, BODY-ONLY and\nEXT-PLIST are similar to those used in `org-export-as', which\nsee.\n\nOptional argument POST-PROCESS is called with FILE as its\nargument and happens asynchronously when ASYNC is non-nil.  It\nhas to return a file name, or nil.  Export back-ends can use this\nto send the output file through additional processing, e.g,\n\n  (defun org-latex-export-to-latex\n    (&optional async subtreep visible-only body-only ext-plist)\n    (interactive)\n    (let ((outfile (org-export-output-file-name \".tex\" subtreep)))\n      (org-export-to-file \\='latex outfile\n        async subtreep visible-only body-only ext-plist\n        #\\='org-latex-compile)))\n\nWhen expressed as an anonymous function, using `lambda',\nPOST-PROCESS needs to be quoted.\n\nThe function returns either a file name returned by POST-PROCESS,\nor FILE." #<bytecode 0x1aedda964918d97f>)(hugo "/home/emre/research/export/hugo/emre-site/content/..." nil :subtreep nil)
  apply(#f(compiled-function (backend file &optional async subtreep visible-only body-only ext-plist post-process) "Call `org-export-as' with output to a specified file.\n\nBACKEND is either an export back-end, as returned by, e.g.,\n`org-export-create-backend', or a symbol referring to\na registered back-end.  FILE is the name of the output file, as\na string.\n\nA non-nil optional argument ASYNC means the process should happen\nasynchronously.  The resulting buffer will then be accessible\nthrough the `org-export-stack' interface.\n\nOptional arguments SUBTREEP, VISIBLE-ONLY, BODY-ONLY and\nEXT-PLIST are similar to those used in `org-export-as', which\nsee.\n\nOptional argument POST-PROCESS is called with FILE as its\nargument and happens asynchronously when ASYNC is non-nil.  It\nhas to return a file name, or nil.  Export back-ends can use this\nto send the output file through additional processing, e.g,\n\n  (defun org-latex-export-to-latex\n    (&optional async subtreep visible-only body-only ext-plist)\n    (interactive)\n    (let ((outfile (org-export-output-file-name \".tex\" subtreep)))\n      (org-export-to-file \\='latex outfile\n        async subtreep visible-only body-only ext-plist\n        #\\='org-latex-compile)))\n\nWhen expressed as an anonymous function, using `lambda',\nPOST-PROCESS needs to be quoted.\n\nThe function returns either a file name returned by POST-PROCESS,\nor FILE." #<bytecode 0x1aedda964918d97f>) (hugo "/home/emre/research/export/hugo/emre-site/content/..." nil :subtreep nil))
  (let (before-save-hook after-save-hook) (apply fn args))
  +org--dont-trigger-save-hooks-a(#f(compiled-function (backend file &optional async subtreep visible-only body-only ext-plist post-process) "Call `org-export-as' with output to a specified file.\n\nBACKEND is either an export back-end, as returned by, e.g.,\n`org-export-create-backend', or a symbol referring to\na registered back-end.  FILE is the name of the output file, as\na string.\n\nA non-nil optional argument ASYNC means the process should happen\nasynchronously.  The resulting buffer will then be accessible\nthrough the `org-export-stack' interface.\n\nOptional arguments SUBTREEP, VISIBLE-ONLY, BODY-ONLY and\nEXT-PLIST are similar to those used in `org-export-as', which\nsee.\n\nOptional argument POST-PROCESS is called with FILE as its\nargument and happens asynchronously when ASYNC is non-nil.  It\nhas to return a file name, or nil.  Export back-ends can use this\nto send the output file through additional processing, e.g,\n\n  (defun org-latex-export-to-latex\n    (&optional async subtreep visible-only body-only ext-plist)\n    (interactive)\n    (let ((outfile (org-export-output-file-name \".tex\" subtreep)))\n      (org-export-to-file \\='latex outfile\n        async subtreep visible-only body-only ext-plist\n        #\\='org-latex-compile)))\n\nWhen expressed as an anonymous function, using `lambda',\nPOST-PROCESS needs to be quoted.\n\nThe function returns either a file name returned by POST-PROCESS,\nor FILE." #<bytecode 0x1aedda964918d97f>) hugo "/home/emre/research/export/hugo/emre-site/content/..." nil :subtreep nil)
  apply(+org--dont-trigger-save-hooks-a #f(compiled-function (backend file &optional async subtreep visible-only body-only ext-plist post-process) "Call `org-export-as' with output to a specified file.\n\nBACKEND is either an export back-end, as returned by, e.g.,\n`org-export-create-backend', or a symbol referring to\na registered back-end.  FILE is the name of the output file, as\na string.\n\nA non-nil optional argument ASYNC means the process should happen\nasynchronously.  The resulting buffer will then be accessible\nthrough the `org-export-stack' interface.\n\nOptional arguments SUBTREEP, VISIBLE-ONLY, BODY-ONLY and\nEXT-PLIST are similar to those used in `org-export-as', which\nsee.\n\nOptional argument POST-PROCESS is called with FILE as its\nargument and happens asynchronously when ASYNC is non-nil.  It\nhas to return a file name, or nil.  Export back-ends can use this\nto send the output file through additional processing, e.g,\n\n  (defun org-latex-export-to-latex\n    (&optional async subtreep visible-only body-only ext-plist)\n    (interactive)\n    (let ((outfile (org-export-output-file-name \".tex\" subtreep)))\n      (org-export-to-file \\='latex outfile\n        async subtreep visible-only body-only ext-plist\n        #\\='org-latex-compile)))\n\nWhen expressed as an anonymous function, using `lambda',\nPOST-PROCESS needs to be quoted.\n\nThe function returns either a file name returned by POST-PROCESS,\nor FILE." #<bytecode 0x1aedda964918d97f>) (hugo "/home/emre/research/export/hugo/emre-site/content/..." nil :subtreep nil))
  #f(advice-wrapper :around #f(compiled-function (backend file &optional async subtreep visible-only body-only ext-plist post-process) "Call `org-export-as' with output to a specified file.\n\nBACKEND is either an export back-end, as returned by, e.g.,\n`org-export-create-backend', or a symbol referring to\na registered back-end.  FILE is the name of the output file, as\na string.\n\nA non-nil optional argument ASYNC means the process should happen\nasynchronously.  The resulting buffer will then be accessible\nthrough the `org-export-stack' interface.\n\nOptional arguments SUBTREEP, VISIBLE-ONLY, BODY-ONLY and\nEXT-PLIST are similar to those used in `org-export-as', which\nsee.\n\nOptional argument POST-PROCESS is called with FILE as its\nargument and happens asynchronously when ASYNC is non-nil.  It\nhas to return a file name, or nil.  Export back-ends can use this\nto send the output file through additional processing, e.g,\n\n  (defun org-latex-export-to-latex\n    (&optional async subtreep visible-only body-only ext-plist)\n    (interactive)\n    (let ((outfile (org-export-output-file-name \".tex\" subtreep)))\n      (org-export-to-file \\='latex outfile\n        async subtreep visible-only body-only ext-plist\n        #\\='org-latex-compile)))\n\nWhen expressed as an anonymous function, using `lambda',\nPOST-PROCESS needs to be quoted.\n\nThe function returns either a file name returned by POST-PROCESS,\nor FILE." #<bytecode 0x1aedda964918d97f>) +org--dont-trigger-save-hooks-a)(hugo "/home/emre/research/export/hugo/emre-site/content/..." nil :subtreep nil)
  apply(#f(advice-wrapper :around #f(compiled-function (backend file &optional async subtreep visible-only body-only ext-plist post-process) "Call `org-export-as' with output to a specified file.\n\nBACKEND is either an export back-end, as returned by, e.g.,\n`org-export-create-backend', or a symbol referring to\na registered back-end.  FILE is the name of the output file, as\na string.\n\nA non-nil optional argument ASYNC means the process should happen\nasynchronously.  The resulting buffer will then be accessible\nthrough the `org-export-stack' interface.\n\nOptional arguments SUBTREEP, VISIBLE-ONLY, BODY-ONLY and\nEXT-PLIST are similar to those used in `org-export-as', which\nsee.\n\nOptional argument POST-PROCESS is called with FILE as its\nargument and happens asynchronously when ASYNC is non-nil.  It\nhas to return a file name, or nil.  Export back-ends can use this\nto send the output file through additional processing, e.g,\n\n  (defun org-latex-export-to-latex\n    (&optional async subtreep visible-only body-only ext-plist)\n    (interactive)\n    (let ((outfile (org-export-output-file-name \".tex\" subtreep)))\n      (org-export-to-file \\='latex outfile\n        async subtreep visible-only body-only ext-plist\n        #\\='org-latex-compile)))\n\nWhen expressed as an anonymous function, using `lambda',\nPOST-PROCESS needs to be quoted.\n\nThe function returns either a file name returned by POST-PROCESS,\nor FILE." #<bytecode 0x1aedda964918d97f>) +org--dont-trigger-save-hooks-a) (hugo "/home/emre/research/export/hugo/emre-site/content/..." nil :subtreep nil))
  (let ((old-async-init-file org-export-async-init-file) (org-export-async-init-file (make-temp-file "doom-org-async-export"))) (doom-file-write org-export-async-init-file (list (list 'setq 'org-export-async-debug (or org-export-async-debug debug-on-error) 'load-path (list 'quote load-path)) (cons 'unwind-protect (cons (list 'let (list (list ... old-async-init-file)) (cons 'if (cons ... ...))) '((delete-file load-file-name)))))) (apply fn args))
  +org--fix-async-export-a(#f(advice-wrapper :around #f(compiled-function (backend file &optional async subtreep visible-only body-only ext-plist post-process) "Call `org-export-as' with output to a specified file.\n\nBACKEND is either an export back-end, as returned by, e.g.,\n`org-export-create-backend', or a symbol referring to\na registered back-end.  FILE is the name of the output file, as\na string.\n\nA non-nil optional argument ASYNC means the process should happen\nasynchronously.  The resulting buffer will then be accessible\nthrough the `org-export-stack' interface.\n\nOptional arguments SUBTREEP, VISIBLE-ONLY, BODY-ONLY and\nEXT-PLIST are similar to those used in `org-export-as', which\nsee.\n\nOptional argument POST-PROCESS is called with FILE as its\nargument and happens asynchronously when ASYNC is non-nil.  It\nhas to return a file name, or nil.  Export back-ends can use this\nto send the output file through additional processing, e.g,\n\n  (defun org-latex-export-to-latex\n    (&optional async subtreep visible-only body-only ext-plist)\n    (interactive)\n    (let ((outfile (org-export-output-file-name \".tex\" subtreep)))\n      (org-export-to-file \\='latex outfile\n        async subtreep visible-only body-only ext-plist\n        #\\='org-latex-compile)))\n\nWhen expressed as an anonymous function, using `lambda',\nPOST-PROCESS needs to be quoted.\n\nThe function returns either a file name returned by POST-PROCESS,\nor FILE." #<bytecode 0x1aedda964918d97f>) +org--dont-trigger-save-hooks-a) hugo "/home/emre/research/export/hugo/emre-site/content/..." nil :subtreep nil)
  apply(+org--fix-async-export-a #f(advice-wrapper :around #f(compiled-function (backend file &optional async subtreep visible-only body-only ext-plist post-process) "Call `org-export-as' with output to a specified file.\n\nBACKEND is either an export back-end, as returned by, e.g.,\n`org-export-create-backend', or a symbol referring to\na registered back-end.  FILE is the name of the output file, as\na string.\n\nA non-nil optional argument ASYNC means the process should happen\nasynchronously.  The resulting buffer will then be accessible\nthrough the `org-export-stack' interface.\n\nOptional arguments SUBTREEP, VISIBLE-ONLY, BODY-ONLY and\nEXT-PLIST are similar to those used in `org-export-as', which\nsee.\n\nOptional argument POST-PROCESS is called with FILE as its\nargument and happens asynchronously when ASYNC is non-nil.  It\nhas to return a file name, or nil.  Export back-ends can use this\nto send the output file through additional processing, e.g,\n\n  (defun org-latex-export-to-latex\n    (&optional async subtreep visible-only body-only ext-plist)\n    (interactive)\n    (let ((outfile (org-export-output-file-name \".tex\" subtreep)))\n      (org-export-to-file \\='latex outfile\n        async subtreep visible-only body-only ext-plist\n        #\\='org-latex-compile)))\n\nWhen expressed as an anonymous function, using `lambda',\nPOST-PROCESS needs to be quoted.\n\nThe function returns either a file name returned by POST-PROCESS,\nor FILE." #<bytecode 0x1aedda964918d97f>) +org--dont-trigger-save-hooks-a) (hugo "/home/emre/research/export/hugo/emre-site/content/..." nil :subtreep nil))
  org-export-to-file(hugo "/home/emre/research/export/hugo/emre-site/content/..." nil :subtreep nil)
  org-hugo-export-to-md(nil :subtreep nil)
  org-hugo--export-subtree-to-md(nil nil :all-subtrees)
  #f(compiled-function () #<bytecode 0x1f69f5b1b7d5>)()
  #f(compiled-function (el) #<bytecode -0xfc7fac3e916343>)((headline (:raw-value "One" :begin 400 :end 617 :pre-blank 0 :contents-begin 406 :contents-end 616 :robust-begin 450 :robust-end 614 :level 1 :priority nil :tags nil :todo-keyword nil :todo-type nil :post-blank 1 :footnote-section-p nil :archivedp nil :commentedp nil :post-affiliated 400 :EXPORT_FILE_NAME "_index" :title "One" :mode nil :granularity element :cached t :parent (org-data (:begin 1 :contents-begin 1 :contents-end 791 :end 791 :robust-begin 67 :robust-end 789 :post-blank 0 :post-affiliated 1 :path "/home/emre/research/roam-notes/20221209154813-glos..." :mode org-data :ID "89e2f328-75ee-4460-8a85-7276ec87201e" :CATEGORY "20221209154813-glossary_demo" :parent nil :cached t :org-element--cache-sync-key nil)) :org-element--cache-sync-key (8 . 402))))
  org-element-cache-map(#f(compiled-function (el) #<bytecode -0xfc7fac3e916343>) :next-re "^\\*+ " :fail-re "^\\*+ " :narrow t)
  org-scan-tags(#f(compiled-function () #<bytecode 0x1f69f5b1b7d5>) (lambda (todo tags-list level) (progn (setq org-cached-props nil) (or (and (org-string<> (or (org-cached-entry-get nil "EXPORT_FILE_NAME") "") ""))))) nil nil)
  org-map-entries(#f(compiled-function () #<bytecode 0x1f69f5b1b7d5>) "EXPORT_FILE_NAME<>\"\"")
  org-hugo-export-wim-to-md(:all-subtrees nil nil)
  (lambda (a _s v _b) (org-hugo-export-wim-to-md :all-subtrees a v))(nil nil nil nil)
  #<subr org-export-dispatch>(nil)
  apply(#<subr org-export-dispatch> nil)
  #f(advice-wrapper :after #<subr org-export-dispatch> (closure ((last-message . "../../../.emacs.d/.local/straight/build-28.2/org-special-block-extras/org-special-block-extras.el: Warning: Pattern t is deprecated.  Use `_' instead") (arg) t) (&rest _) (if (car-safe (prog1 org--docs-empty! (setq org--docs-empty! (cdr org--docs-empty!)))) (progn (setq org--docs-actually-used nil org--docs nil)))))(nil)
  apply(#f(advice-wrapper :after #<subr org-export-dispatch> (closure ((last-message . "../../../.emacs.d/.local/straight/build-28.2/org-s...") (arg) t) (&rest _) (if (car-safe (prog1 org--docs-empty! (setq org--docs-empty! (cdr org--docs-empty!)))) (progn (setq org--docs-actually-used nil org--docs nil))))) nil)
  #f(advice-wrapper :after #f(advice-wrapper :after #<subr org-export-dispatch> (closure ((last-message . "../../../.emacs.d/.local/straight/build-28.2/org-special-block-extras/org-special-block-extras.el: Warning: Pattern t is deprecated.  Use `_' instead") (arg) t) (&rest _) (if (car-safe (prog1 org--docs-empty! (setq org--docs-empty! (cdr org--docs-empty!)))) (progn (setq org--docs-actually-used nil org--docs nil))))) (closure ((last-message . "Starting new Ispell process /usr/bin/ispell with american dictionary...done") (arg) t) (&rest _) (if (car-safe (prog1 org--docs-empty! (setq org--docs-empty! (cdr org--docs-empty!)))) (progn (setq org--docs-actually-used nil org--docs nil)))))(nil)
  apply(#f(advice-wrapper :after #f(advice-wrapper :after #<subr org-export-dispatch> (closure ((last-message . "../../../.emacs.d/.local/straight/build-28.2/org-s...") (arg) t) (&rest _) (if (car-safe (prog1 org--docs-empty! (setq org--docs-empty! ...))) (progn (setq org--docs-actually-used nil org--docs nil))))) (closure ((last-message . "Starting new Ispell process /usr/bin/ispell with a...") (arg) t) (&rest _) (if (car-safe (prog1 org--docs-empty! (setq org--docs-empty! (cdr org--docs-empty!)))) (progn (setq org--docs-actually-used nil org--docs nil))))) nil)
  #f(advice-wrapper :after #f(advice-wrapper :after #f(advice-wrapper :after #<subr org-export-dispatch> (closure ((last-message . "../../../.emacs.d/.local/straight/build-28.2/org-special-block-extras/org-special-block-extras.el: Warning: Pattern t is deprecated.  Use `_' instead") (arg) t) (&rest _) (if (car-safe (prog1 org--docs-empty! (setq org--docs-empty! (cdr org--docs-empty!)))) (progn (setq org--docs-actually-used nil org--docs nil))))) (closure ((last-message . "Starting new Ispell process /usr/bin/ispell with american dictionary...done") (arg) t) (&rest _) (if (car-safe (prog1 org--docs-empty! (setq org--docs-empty! (cdr org--docs-empty!)))) (progn (setq org--docs-actually-used nil org--docs nil))))) (closure ((last-message . #("Position saved to mark ring, go back with ‘M-x org-mark-ring-goto’." 43 65 (font-lock-face help-key-binding face help-key-binding))) (arg) t) (&rest _) (if (car-safe (prog1 org--docs-empty! (setq org--docs-empty! (cdr org--docs-empty!)))) (progn (setq org--docs-actually-used nil org--docs nil)))))(nil)
  apply(#f(advice-wrapper :after #f(advice-wrapper :after #f(advice-wrapper :after #<subr org-export-dispatch> (closure ((last-message . "../../../.emacs.d/.local/straight/build-28.2/org-s...") (arg) t) (&rest _) (if (car-safe (prog1 org--docs-empty! ...)) (progn (setq org--docs-actually-used nil org--docs nil))))) (closure ((last-message . "Starting new Ispell process /usr/bin/ispell with a...") (arg) t) (&rest _) (if (car-safe (prog1 org--docs-empty! (setq org--docs-empty! ...))) (progn (setq org--docs-actually-used nil org--docs nil))))) (closure ((last-message . #("Position saved to mark ring, go back with ‘M-x org..." 43 65 (font-lock-face help-key-binding face help-key-binding))) (arg) t) (&rest _) (if (car-safe (prog1 org--docs-empty! (setq org--docs-empty! (cdr org--docs-empty!)))) (progn (setq org--docs-actually-used nil org--docs nil))))) nil)
  funcall-interactively(org-export-dispatch nil)
Thanks for looking into it. I can reproduce it with the attached files. []( []( []( When I comment these 2 lines, I can export just fine. **Note**: If I remove the acronym EmRE from the text, the export works as well. ``` #+glossary_sources: glossary-it-general acronyms-it-general #+print_glossary: ``` The backtrace I get when it fails looks like: ``` Debugger entered--Lisp error: (wrong-type-argument hash-table-p nil) gethash((#("Emacs REproducible Research Environment\n" 0 40 (:parent nil))) nil) org-export-data((#("Emacs REproducible Research Environment\n" 0 40 (:parent nil))) nil) org-glossary--export-template("%v (%u)" md nil (:key "EmRE" :key-plural "EmREs" :key-nonce 5 :term "EmRE" :term-plural "EmREs" :alias-for nil :type acronym :category nil :value (#("Emacs REproducible Research Environment\n" 0 40 (:parent nil))) :definition-file "/home/emre/research/glosses/acronyms-it-general.or..." :definition-pos 80 :extracted nil :uses ((1 link (:type "gls" :path "1:EmRE" :format bracket :raw-link "gls:1:EmRE" :application nil :search-option nil :begin 565 :end 579 :contents-begin nil :contents-end nil :post-blank 0 :parent (paragraph (:begin 452 :end 581 :contents-begin 452 :contents-end 581 :post-blank 0 :post-affiliated 452 :mode nil :granularity element :cached t :parent (section ...))))))) 1 nil nil nil) org-glossary--export-instance(md nil (:key "EmRE" :key-plural "EmREs" :key-nonce 5 :term "EmRE" :term-plural "EmREs" :alias-for nil :type acronym :category nil :value (#("Emacs REproducible Research Environment\n" 0 40 (:parent nil))) :definition-file "/home/emre/research/glosses/acronyms-it-general.or..." :definition-pos 80 :extracted nil :uses ((1 link (:type "gls" :path "1:EmRE" :format bracket :raw-link "gls:1:EmRE" :application nil :search-option nil :begin 565 :end 579 :contents-begin nil :contents-end nil :post-blank 0 :parent (paragraph (:begin 452 :end 581 :contents-begin 452 :contents-end 581 :post-blank 0 :post-affiliated 452 :mode nil :granularity element :cached t :parent (section ...))))))) :first-use 1 nil nil nil) org-glossary--link-export(md nil "1:EmRE" nil nil nil) org-glossary--link-export-gls("1:EmRE" nil md nil) org-export-custom-protocol-maybe((link (:type "gls" :path "1:EmRE" :format bracket :raw-link "gls:1:EmRE" :application nil :search-option nil :begin 565 :end 579 :contents-begin nil :contents-end nil :post-blank 0 :parent (paragraph (:begin 452 :end 581 :contents-begin 452 :contents-end 581 :post-blank 1 :post-affiliated 452 :mode top-comment :granularity nil :parent (section (:begin 452 :end 581 :contents-begin 452 :contents-end 581 :robust-begin 452 :robust-end 579 :post-blank 1 :post-affiliated 452 :mode first-section :granularity nil :parent (org-data ... #47 ... ... ...)) #27)) #("Use a reference" 0 15 (:parent #27)) (footnote-reference (:label nil :type inline :contents-begin 468 :contents-end 497 :post-blank 1 :parent #27) (raw (:parent #31) #("Jens Frey, “Get Windows Wi-Fi Password,” April 13,..." 0 190 (:parent #34)))) #("and a glossary entry to the " 0 28 (:parent #27)) (link (:type "gls" :path "1:PC" :format bracket :raw-link "gls:1:PC" :application nil :search-option nil :begin 525 :end 538 :contents-begin nil :contents-end nil :post-blank 1 :parent #27)) #("or a " 0 5 (:parent #27)) (link (:type "Gls" :path "1:blog" :format bracket :raw-link "Gls:1:blog" :application nil :search-option nil :begin 543 :end 558 :contents-begin nil :contents-end nil :post-blank 1 :parent #27)) #("in the " 0 7 (:parent #27)) #1 #(".\n" 0 2 (:parent #27))))) nil md) org-hugo-link((link (:type "gls" :path "1:EmRE" :format bracket :raw-link "gls:1:EmRE" :application nil :search-option nil :begin 565 :end 579 :contents-begin nil :contents-end nil :post-blank 0 :parent (paragraph (:begin 452 :end 581 :contents-begin 452 :contents-end 581 :post-blank 1 :post-affiliated 452 :mode top-comment :granularity nil :parent ...) #("Use a reference" 0 15 ...) (footnote-reference ... ...) #("and a glossary entry to the " 0 28 ...) (link ...) #("or a " 0 5 ...) (link ...) #("in the " 0 7 ...) #1 #(".\n" 0 2 ...)))) nil (:export-options (subtree) :back-end #s(org-export-backend :name hugo :parent blackfriday :transcoders ((code . org-hugo-kbd-tags-maybe) (drawer . org-hugo-drawer) (example-block . org-hugo-example-block) (export-block . org-hugo-export-block) (export-snippet . org-hugo-export-snippet) (headline . org-hugo-heading) (inner-template . org-hugo-inner-template) (inline-src-block . org-hugo-inline-src-block) (keyword . org-hugo-keyword) (link . org-hugo-link) (paragraph . org-hugo-paragraph) (src-block . org-hugo-src-block) (special-block . org-hugo-special-block)) :options ((:with-toc nil "toc" org-hugo-export-with-toc) (:section-numbers nil "num" org-hugo-export-with-section-numbers) (:author "AUTHOR" nil user-full-name newline) (:creator "CREATOR" nil org-hugo-export-creator-string) (:with-smart-quotes nil "'" nil) (:with-special-strings nil "-" nil) (:with-sub-superscript nil "^" ...) (:hugo-with-locale "HUGO_WITH_LOCALE" nil nil) (:hugo-front-matter-format "HUGO_FRONT_MATTER_FORMAT" nil org-hugo-front-matter-format) (:hugo-level-offset "HUGO_LEVEL_OFFSET" nil "1") (:hugo-preserve-filling "HUGO_PRESERVE_FILLING" nil org-hugo-preserve-filling) (:hugo-delete-trailing-ws "HUGO_DELETE_TRAILING_WS" nil org-hugo-delete-trailing-ws) (:hugo-section "HUGO_SECTION" nil org-hugo-section) (:hugo-bundle "HUGO_BUNDLE" nil nil) (:hugo-base-dir "HUGO_BASE_DIR" nil org-hugo-base-dir) (:hugo-goldmark "HUGO_GOLDMARK" nil org-hugo-goldmark) (:hugo-code-fence "HUGO_CODE_FENCE" nil t) (:hugo-use-code-for-kbd "HUGO_USE_CODE_FOR_KBD" nil org-hugo-use-code-for-kbd) (:hugo-prefer-hyphen-in-tags "HUGO_PREFER_HYPHEN_IN_TAGS" nil org-hugo-prefer-hyphen-in-tags) (:hugo-allow-spaces-in-tags "HUGO_ALLOW_SPACES_IN_TAGS" nil org-hugo-allow-spaces-in-tags) (:hugo-auto-set-lastmod "HUGO_AUTO_SET_LASTMOD" nil org-hugo-auto-set-lastmod) (:hugo-custom-front-matter "HUGO_CUSTOM_FRONT_MATTER" nil nil space) (:hugo-blackfriday "HUGO_BLACKFRIDAY" nil nil space) (:hugo-front-matter-key-replace "HUGO_FRONT_MATTER_KEY_REPLACE" nil nil space) (:hugo-date-format "HUGO_DATE_FORMAT" nil org-hugo-date-format) (:hugo-paired-shortcodes "HUGO_PAIRED_SHORTCODES" nil org-hugo-paired-shortcodes space) (:hugo-pandoc-citations "HUGO_PANDOC_CITATIONS" nil nil) (:bibliography "BIBLIOGRAPHY" nil nil newline) (:html-container "HTML_CONTAINER" nil org-hugo-container-element) (:html-container-class "HTML_CONTAINER_CLASS" nil "") (:hugo-aliases "HUGO_ALIASES" nil nil space) (:hugo-audio "HUGO_AUDIO" nil nil) ...) :filters ((:filter-body . org-hugo-body-filter)) :blocks nil :menu (72 "Export to Hugo-compatible Markdo..." (... ... ... ... ... ...))) :translate-alist ((code . org-hugo-kbd-tags-maybe) (drawer . org-hugo-drawer) (example-block . org-hugo-example-block) (export-block . org-hugo-export-block) (export-snippet . org-hugo-export-snippet) (headline . org-hugo-heading) (inner-template . org-hugo-inner-template) (inline-src-block . org-hugo-inline-src-block) (keyword . org-hugo-keyword) (link . org-hugo-link) (paragraph . org-hugo-paragraph) (src-block . org-hugo-src-block) (special-block . org-hugo-special-block) (center-block . org-blackfriday-center-block) (example-block . org-blackfriday-example-block) (fixed-width . org-blackfriday-fixed-width) (footnote-reference . org-blackfriday-footnote-reference) (inner-template . org-blackfriday-inner-template) (italic . org-blackfriday-italic) (item . org-blackfriday-item) (latex-environment . org-blackfriday-latex-environment) (latex-fragment . org-blackfriday-latex-fragment) (line-break . org-html-line-break) (plain-list . org-blackfriday-plain-list) (plain-text . org-blackfriday-plain-text) (quote-block . org-blackfriday-quote-block) (radio-target . org-blackfriday-radio-target) (special-block . org-blackfriday-special-block) (src-block . org-blackfriday-src-block) (strike-through . org-blackfriday-strike-through) (table-cell . org-blackfriday-table-cell) (table-row . org-blackfriday-table-row) ...) :exported-data #<hash-table eq 9/4001 0x2aaabb726e01> :input-buffer "*Ox-hugo Pre-processed 202212091..." :input-file "/home/emre/research/roam-notes/2..." :with-toc nil :section-numbers nil :author "Jens Frey" :creator "Emacs 28.2 (Org mode 9.6 + ox-hu..." :with-smart-quotes nil :with-special-strings nil :with-sub-superscript {} :hugo-with-locale nil :hugo-front-matter-format "yaml" :hugo-level-offset "1" ...)) org-export-data((link (:type "gls" :path "1:EmRE" :format bracket :raw-link "gls:1:EmRE" :application nil :search-option nil :begin 565 :end 579 :contents-begin nil :contents-end nil :post-blank 0 :parent (paragraph (:begin 452 :end 581 :contents-begin 452 :contents-end 581 :post-blank 1 :post-affiliated 452 :mode top-comment :granularity nil :parent ...) #("Use a reference" 0 15 ...) (footnote-reference ... ...) #("and a glossary entry to the " 0 28 ...) (link ...) #("or a " 0 5 ...) (link ...) #("in the " 0 7 ...) #1 #(".\n" 0 2 ...)))) 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(paragraph (:begin 452 :end 581 :contents-begin 452 :contents-end 581 :post-blank 1 :post-affiliated 452 :mode top-comment :granularity nil :parent #1) #("Use a reference" 0 15 ...) (footnote-reference ... ...) #("and a glossary entry to th..." 0 28 ...) (link ...) #("or a " 0 5 ...) (link ...) #("in the " 0 7 ...) (link ...) #(".\n" 0 2 ...))) (:export-options (subtree) :back-end #s(org-export-backend :name hugo :parent blackfriday :transcoders (... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...) :options (... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...) :filters (...) :blocks nil :menu (72 "Export to Hugo-compatible ..." ...)) :translate-alist ((code . org-hugo-kbd-tags-maybe) (drawer . org-hugo-drawer) (example-block . org-hugo-example-block) (export-block . org-hugo-export-block) (export-snippet . org-hugo-export-snippet) (headline . org-hugo-heading) (inner-template . org-hugo-inner-template) (inline-src-block . org-hugo-inline-src-block) (keyword . org-hugo-keyword) (link . org-hugo-link) (paragraph . org-hugo-paragraph) (src-block . org-hugo-src-block) (special-block . org-hugo-special-block) (center-block . org-blackfriday-center-block) (example-block . org-blackfriday-example-block) (fixed-width . org-blackfriday-fixed-width) (footnote-reference . org-blackfriday-footnote-reference) (inner-template . org-blackfriday-inner-template) (italic . org-blackfriday-italic) (item . org-blackfriday-item) (latex-environment . org-blackfriday-latex-environment) (latex-fragment . org-blackfriday-latex-fragment) (line-break . org-html-line-break) (plain-list . org-blackfriday-plain-list) (plain-text . org-blackfriday-plain-text) (quote-block . org-blackfriday-quote-block) ...) :exported-data #<hash-table eq 9/4001 0x2aaabb726e01> :input-buffer "*Ox-hugo Pre-processed 202..." :input-file "/home/emre/research/roam-n..." :with-toc nil :section-numbers nil :author "Jens Frey" :creator "Emacs 28.2 (Org mode 9.6 +..." :with-smart-quotes nil :with-special-strings nil :with-sub-superscript {} ...)) #f(compiled-function (element) #<bytecode 0xfed05dc84ca8478>)((section (:begin 452 :end 581 :contents-begin 452 :contents-end 581 :robust-begin 452 :robust-end 579 :post-blank 1 :post-affiliated 452 :mode first-section :granularity nil :parent (org-data (:begin 1 :contents-begin 1 :contents-end 1189 :end 1189 :robust-begin 67 :robust-end 1187 :post-blank 0 :post-affiliated 1 :path "/home/emre/research/roam-notes/20221209154813-glos..." :mode org-data :ID "89e2f328-75ee-4460-8a85-7276ec87201e" :CATEGORY "20221209154813-glossary_demo" :granularity nil) #1 (headline (:raw-value "One One" :begin 581 :end 647 :pre-blank 0 :contents-begin 592 :contents-end 646 :robust-begin 594 :robust-end 644 :level 2 :priority nil :tags nil :todo-keyword nil :todo-type nil :post-blank 1 :footnote-section-p nil :archivedp nil :commentedp nil :post-affiliated 581 :title (#("One One" 0 7 ...)) :mode nil :granularity nil :parent #25) (section (:begin 592 :end 647 :contents-begin 592 :contents-end 646 :robust-begin 592 :robust-end 644 :post-blank 1 :post-affiliated 592 :mode section :granularity nil :parent #29) (paragraph (:begin 592 :end 646 :contents-begin 592 :contents-end 646 :post-blank 1 :post-affiliated 592 :mode planning :granularity nil :parent #32) #("Use another reference" 0 21 ...) (footnote-reference ... ...) #("\n" 0 1 ...)))) (headline (:raw-value "Acronyms" :begin 647 :end 747 :pre-blank 0 :contents-begin 658 :contents-end 746 :robust-begin 660 :robust-end 744 :level 1 :priority nil :tags nil :todo-keyword nil :todo-type nil :post-blank 1 :footnote-section-p nil :archivedp nil :commentedp nil :post-affiliated 647 :title (#("Acronyms" 0 8 ...)) :mode nil :granularity nil :parent #25) (section (:begin 658 :end 747 :contents-begin 658 :contents-end 746 :robust-begin 658 :robust-end 744 :post-blank 1 :post-affiliated 658 :mode section :granularity nil :parent #30) (paragraph (:begin 658 :end 746 :contents-begin 658 :contents-end 746 :post-blank 1 :post-affiliated 658 :mode planning :granularity nil :parent #33) (bold ... ...) (entity ...) #("Emacs REproducible Research Environment" 0 39 ...) (entity ...) (link ...) #("\n" 0 1 ...)))) (headline (:raw-value "Glossary" :begin 747 :end 1013 :pre-blank 0 :contents-begin 758 :contents-end 1013 :robust-begin 760 :robust-end 1011 :level 1 :priority nil :tags nil :todo-keyword nil :todo-type nil :post-blank 1 :footnote-section-p nil :archivedp nil :commentedp nil :post-affiliated 747 :title (#("Glossary" 0 8 ...)) :mode nil :granularity nil :parent #25) (section (:begin 758 :end 1013 :contents-begin 758 :contents-end 1013 :robust-begin 758 :robust-end 1011 :post-blank 1 :post-affiliated 758 :mode section :granularity nil :parent #31) (paragraph (:begin 758 :end 940 :contents-begin 758 :contents-end 939 :post-blank 1 :post-affiliated 758 :mode planning :granularity nil :parent #34) (bold ... ...) (entity ...) #("~ is the short form of weblog and references an on..." 0 132 ...) (entity ...) (link ...) #("\n" 0 1 ...)) (paragraph (:begin 940 :end 1013 :contents-begin 940 :contents-end 1013 :post-blank 1 :post-affiliated 940 :mode nil :granularity nil :parent #34) (bold ... ...) (entity ...) #("A personal computing device." 0 28 ...) (entity ...) (link ...) #("\n" 0 1 ...)))))) (paragraph (:begin 452 :end 581 :contents-begin 452 :contents-end 581 :post-blank 1 :post-affiliated 452 :mode top-comment :granularity nil :parent #1) #("Use a reference" 0 15 (:parent #4)) (footnote-reference (:label nil :type inline :contents-begin 468 :contents-end 497 :post-blank 1 :parent #4) (raw (:parent #8) #("Jens Frey, “Get Windows Wi-Fi Password,” April 13,..." 0 190 (:parent #11)))) #("and a glossary entry to the " 0 28 (:parent #4)) (link (:type "gls" :path "1:PC" :format bracket :raw-link "gls:1:PC" :application nil :search-option nil :begin 525 :end 538 :contents-begin nil :contents-end nil :post-blank 1 :parent #4)) #("or a " 0 5 (:parent #4)) (link (:type "Gls" :path "1:blog" :format bracket :raw-link "Gls:1:blog" :application nil :search-option nil :begin 543 :end 558 :contents-begin nil :contents-end nil :post-blank 1 :parent #4)) #("in the " 0 7 (:parent #4)) (link (:type "gls" :path "1:EmRE" :format bracket :raw-link "gls:1:EmRE" :application nil :search-option nil :begin 565 :end 579 :contents-begin nil :contents-end nil :post-blank 0 :parent #4)) #(".\n" 0 2 (:parent #4))))) mapconcat(#f(compiled-function (element) #<bytecode 0xfed05dc84ca8478>) ((section (:begin 452 :end 581 :contents-begin 452 :contents-end 581 :robust-begin 452 :robust-end 579 :post-blank 1 :post-affiliated 452 :mode first-section :granularity nil :parent (org-data (:begin 1 :contents-begin 1 :contents-end 1189 :end 1189 :robust-begin 67 :robust-end 1187 :post-blank 0 :post-affiliated 1 :path "/home/emre/research/roam-notes/2022120..." :mode org-data :ID "89e2f328-75ee-4460-8a85-7276ec87201e" :CATEGORY "20221209154813-glossary_demo" :granularity nil) . #2)) (paragraph (:begin 452 :end 581 :contents-begin 452 :contents-end 581 :post-blank 1 :post-affiliated 452 :mode top-comment :granularity nil :parent #3) #("Use a reference" 0 15 (:parent #6)) (footnote-reference (:label nil :type inline :contents-begin 468 :contents-end 497 :post-blank 1 :parent #6) (raw ... ...)) #("and a glossary entry to the " 0 28 (:parent #6)) (link (:type "gls" :path "1:PC" :format bracket :raw-link "gls:1:PC" :application nil :search-option nil :begin 525 :end 538 :contents-begin nil :contents-end nil :post-blank 1 :parent #6)) #("or a " 0 5 (:parent #6)) (link (:type "Gls" :path "1:blog" :format bracket :raw-link "Gls:1:blog" :application nil :search-option nil :begin 543 :end 558 :contents-begin nil :contents-end nil :post-blank 1 :parent #6)) #("in the " 0 7 (:parent #6)) (link (:type "gls" :path "1:EmRE" :format bracket :raw-link "gls:1:EmRE" :application nil :search-option nil :begin 565 :end 579 :contents-begin nil :contents-end nil :post-blank 0 :parent #6)) #(".\n" 0 2 (:parent #6)))) (headline (:raw-value "One One" :begin 581 :end 647 :pre-blank 0 :contents-begin 592 :contents-end 646 :robust-begin 594 :robust-end 644 :level 2 :priority nil :tags nil :todo-keyword nil :todo-type nil :post-blank 1 :footnote-section-p nil :archivedp nil :commentedp nil :post-affiliated 581 :title (#("One One" 0 7 ...)) ...) (section (:begin 592 :end 647 :contents-begin 592 :contents-end 646 :robust-begin 592 :robust-end 644 :post-blank 1 :post-affiliated 592 :mode section :granularity nil :parent #4) (paragraph (:begin 592 :end 646 :contents-begin 592 :contents-end 646 :post-blank 1 :post-affiliated 592 :mode planning :granularity nil :parent #7) #("Use another reference" 0 21 ...) (footnote-reference ... ...) #("\n" 0 1 ...)))) (headline (:raw-value "Acronyms" :begin 647 :end 747 :pre-blank 0 :contents-begin 658 :contents-end 746 :robust-begin 660 :robust-end 744 :level 1 :priority nil :tags nil :todo-keyword nil :todo-type nil :post-blank 1 :footnote-section-p nil :archivedp nil :commentedp nil :post-affiliated 647 :title (#("Acronyms" 0 8 ...)) ...) (section (:begin 658 :end 747 :contents-begin 658 :contents-end 746 :robust-begin 658 :robust-end 744 :post-blank 1 :post-affiliated 658 :mode section :granularity nil :parent #5) (paragraph (:begin 658 :end 746 :contents-begin 658 :contents-end 746 :post-blank 1 :post-affiliated 658 :mode planning :granularity nil :parent #8) (bold ... ...) (entity ...) #("Emacs REproducible Research Environmen..." 0 39 ...) (entity ...) (link ...) #("\n" 0 1 ...)))) (headline (:raw-value "Glossary" :begin 747 :end 1013 :pre-blank 0 :contents-begin 758 :contents-end 1013 :robust-begin 760 :robust-end 1011 :level 1 :priority nil :tags nil :todo-keyword nil :todo-type nil :post-blank 1 :footnote-section-p nil :archivedp nil :commentedp nil :post-affiliated 747 :title (#("Glossary" 0 8 ...)) ...) (section (:begin 758 :end 1013 :contents-begin 758 :contents-end 1013 :robust-begin 758 :robust-end 1011 :post-blank 1 :post-affiliated 758 :mode section :granularity nil :parent #6) (paragraph (:begin 758 :end 940 :contents-begin 758 :contents-end 939 :post-blank 1 :post-affiliated 758 :mode planning :granularity nil :parent #9) (bold ... ...) (entity ...) #("~ is the short form of weblog and refe..." 0 132 ...) (entity ...) (link ...) #("\n" 0 1 ...)) (paragraph (:begin 940 :end 1013 :contents-begin 940 :contents-end 1013 :post-blank 1 :post-affiliated 940 :mode nil :granularity nil :parent #9) (bold ... ...) (entity ...) #("A personal computing device." 0 28 ...) (entity ...) (link ...) #("\n" 0 1 ...))))) "") org-export-data((org-data (:begin 1 :contents-begin 1 :contents-end 1189 :end 1189 :robust-begin 67 :robust-end 1187 :post-blank 0 :post-affiliated 1 :path "/home/emre/research/roam-n..." :mode org-data :ID "89e2f328-75ee-4460-8a85-72..." :CATEGORY "20221209154813-glossary_de..." :granularity nil) (section (:begin 452 :end 581 :contents-begin 452 :contents-end 581 :robust-begin 452 :robust-end 579 :post-blank 1 :post-affiliated 452 :mode first-section :granularity nil :parent #1) (paragraph ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...)) (headline (:raw-value "One One" :begin 581 :end 647 :pre-blank 0 :contents-begin 592 :contents-end 646 :robust-begin 594 :robust-end 644 :level 2 :priority nil :tags nil :todo-keyword nil :todo-type nil ...) (section ... ...)) (headline (:raw-value "Acronyms" :begin 647 :end 747 :pre-blank 0 :contents-begin 658 :contents-end 746 :robust-begin 660 :robust-end 744 :level 1 :priority nil :tags nil :todo-keyword nil :todo-type nil ...) (section ... ...)) (headline (:raw-value "Glossary" :begin 747 :end 1013 :pre-blank 0 :contents-begin 758 :contents-end 1013 :robust-begin 760 :robust-end 1011 :level 1 :priority nil :tags nil :todo-keyword nil :todo-type nil ...) (section ... ... ...))) (:export-options (subtree) :back-end #s(org-export-backend :name hugo :parent blackfriday :transcoders (... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...) :options (... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...) :filters (...) :blocks nil :menu (72 "Export to Hugo-compatible ..." ...)) :translate-alist ((code . org-hugo-kbd-tags-maybe) (drawer . org-hugo-drawer) (example-block . org-hugo-example-block) (export-block . org-hugo-export-block) (export-snippet . org-hugo-export-snippet) (headline . org-hugo-heading) (inner-template . org-hugo-inner-template) (inline-src-block . org-hugo-inline-src-block) (keyword . org-hugo-keyword) (link . org-hugo-link) (paragraph . org-hugo-paragraph) (src-block . org-hugo-src-block) (special-block . org-hugo-special-block) (center-block . org-blackfriday-center-block) (example-block . org-blackfriday-example-block) (fixed-width . org-blackfriday-fixed-width) (footnote-reference . org-blackfriday-footnote-reference) (inner-template . org-blackfriday-inner-template) (italic . org-blackfriday-italic) (item . org-blackfriday-item) (latex-environment . org-blackfriday-latex-environment) (latex-fragment . org-blackfriday-latex-fragment) (line-break . org-html-line-break) (plain-list . org-blackfriday-plain-list) (plain-text . org-blackfriday-plain-text) (quote-block . org-blackfriday-quote-block) ...) :exported-data #<hash-table eq 9/4001 0x2aaabb726e01> :input-buffer "*Ox-hugo Pre-processed 202..." :input-file "/home/emre/research/roam-n..." :with-toc nil :section-numbers nil :author "Jens Frey" :creator "Emacs 28.2 (Org mode 9.6 +..." :with-smart-quotes nil :with-special-strings nil :with-sub-superscript {} ...)) #f(compiled-function (backend &optional subtreep visible-only body-only ext-plist) "Transcode current Org buffer into BACKEND code.\n\nBACKEND is either an export back-end, as returned by, e.g.,\n`org-export-create-backend', or a symbol referring to\na registered back-end.\n\nIf narrowing is active in the current buffer, only transcode its\nnarrowed part.\n\nIf a region is active, transcode that region.\n\nWhen optional argument SUBTREEP is non-nil, transcode the\nsub-tree at point, extracting information from the headline\nproperties first.\n\nWhen optional argument VISIBLE-ONLY is non-nil, don't export\ncontents of hidden elements.\n\nWhen optional argument BODY-ONLY is non-nil, only return body\ncode, without surrounding template.\n\nOptional argument EXT-PLIST, when provided, is a property list\nwith external parameters overriding Org default settings, but\nstill inferior to file-local settings.\n\nReturn code as a string." #<bytecode 0x516bdbd7933c732>)(hugo :subtreep nil nil (:output-file "/home/emre/research/export/hugo/emre-site/content/...")) apply(#f(compiled-function (backend &optional subtreep visible-only body-only ext-plist) "Transcode current Org buffer into BACKEND code.\n\nBACKEND is either an export back-end, as returned by, e.g.,\n`org-export-create-backend', or a symbol referring to\na registered back-end.\n\nIf narrowing is active in the current buffer, only transcode its\nnarrowed part.\n\nIf a region is active, transcode that region.\n\nWhen optional argument SUBTREEP is non-nil, transcode the\nsub-tree at point, extracting information from the headline\nproperties first.\n\nWhen optional argument VISIBLE-ONLY is non-nil, don't export\ncontents of hidden elements.\n\nWhen optional argument BODY-ONLY is non-nil, only return body\ncode, without surrounding template.\n\nOptional argument EXT-PLIST, when provided, is a property list\nwith external parameters overriding Org default settings, but\nstill inferior to file-local settings.\n\nReturn code as a string." #<bytecode 0x516bdbd7933c732>) (hugo :subtreep nil nil (:output-file "/home/emre/research/export/hugo/emre-site/content/..."))) (let ((old-async-init-file org-export-async-init-file) (org-export-async-init-file (make-temp-file "doom-org-async-export"))) (doom-file-write org-export-async-init-file (list (list 'setq 'org-export-async-debug (or org-export-async-debug debug-on-error) 'load-path (list 'quote load-path)) (cons 'unwind-protect (cons (list 'let (list (list ... old-async-init-file)) (cons 'if (cons ... ...))) '((delete-file load-file-name)))))) (apply fn args)) +org--fix-async-export-a(#f(compiled-function (backend &optional subtreep visible-only body-only ext-plist) "Transcode current Org buffer into BACKEND code.\n\nBACKEND is either an export back-end, as returned by, e.g.,\n`org-export-create-backend', or a symbol referring to\na registered back-end.\n\nIf narrowing is active in the current buffer, only transcode its\nnarrowed part.\n\nIf a region is active, transcode that region.\n\nWhen optional argument SUBTREEP is non-nil, transcode the\nsub-tree at point, extracting information from the headline\nproperties first.\n\nWhen optional argument VISIBLE-ONLY is non-nil, don't export\ncontents of hidden elements.\n\nWhen optional argument BODY-ONLY is non-nil, only return body\ncode, without surrounding template.\n\nOptional argument EXT-PLIST, when provided, is a property list\nwith external parameters overriding Org default settings, but\nstill inferior to file-local settings.\n\nReturn code as a string." #<bytecode 0x516bdbd7933c732>) hugo :subtreep nil nil (:output-file "/home/emre/research/export/hugo/emre-site/content/...")) apply(+org--fix-async-export-a #f(compiled-function (backend &optional subtreep visible-only body-only ext-plist) "Transcode current Org buffer into BACKEND code.\n\nBACKEND is either an export back-end, as returned by, e.g.,\n`org-export-create-backend', or a symbol referring to\na registered back-end.\n\nIf narrowing is active in the current buffer, only transcode its\nnarrowed part.\n\nIf a region is active, transcode that region.\n\nWhen optional argument SUBTREEP is non-nil, transcode the\nsub-tree at point, extracting information from the headline\nproperties first.\n\nWhen optional argument VISIBLE-ONLY is non-nil, don't export\ncontents of hidden elements.\n\nWhen optional argument BODY-ONLY is non-nil, only return body\ncode, without surrounding template.\n\nOptional argument EXT-PLIST, when provided, is a property list\nwith external parameters overriding Org default settings, but\nstill inferior to file-local settings.\n\nReturn code as a string." #<bytecode 0x516bdbd7933c732>) (hugo :subtreep nil nil (:output-file "/home/emre/research/export/hugo/emre-site/content/..."))) org-export-as(hugo :subtreep nil nil (:output-file "/home/emre/research/export/hugo/emre-site/content/...")) #f(compiled-function (backend file &optional async subtreep visible-only body-only ext-plist post-process) "Call `org-export-as' with output to a specified file.\n\nBACKEND is either an export back-end, as returned by, e.g.,\n`org-export-create-backend', or a symbol referring to\na registered back-end. FILE is the name of the output file, as\na string.\n\nA non-nil optional argument ASYNC means the process should happen\nasynchronously. The resulting buffer will then be accessible\nthrough the `org-export-stack' interface.\n\nOptional arguments SUBTREEP, VISIBLE-ONLY, BODY-ONLY and\nEXT-PLIST are similar to those used in `org-export-as', which\nsee.\n\nOptional argument POST-PROCESS is called with FILE as its\nargument and happens asynchronously when ASYNC is non-nil. It\nhas to return a file name, or nil. Export back-ends can use this\nto send the output file through additional processing, e.g,\n\n (defun org-latex-export-to-latex\n (&optional async subtreep visible-only body-only ext-plist)\n (interactive)\n (let ((outfile (org-export-output-file-name \".tex\" subtreep)))\n (org-export-to-file \\='latex outfile\n async subtreep visible-only body-only ext-plist\n #\\='org-latex-compile)))\n\nWhen expressed as an anonymous function, using `lambda',\nPOST-PROCESS needs to be quoted.\n\nThe function returns either a file name returned by POST-PROCESS,\nor FILE." #<bytecode 0x1aedda964918d97f>)(hugo "/home/emre/research/export/hugo/emre-site/content/..." nil :subtreep nil) apply(#f(compiled-function (backend file &optional async subtreep visible-only body-only ext-plist post-process) "Call `org-export-as' with output to a specified file.\n\nBACKEND is either an export back-end, as returned by, e.g.,\n`org-export-create-backend', or a symbol referring to\na registered back-end. FILE is the name of the output file, as\na string.\n\nA non-nil optional argument ASYNC means the process should happen\nasynchronously. The resulting buffer will then be accessible\nthrough the `org-export-stack' interface.\n\nOptional arguments SUBTREEP, VISIBLE-ONLY, BODY-ONLY and\nEXT-PLIST are similar to those used in `org-export-as', which\nsee.\n\nOptional argument POST-PROCESS is called with FILE as its\nargument and happens asynchronously when ASYNC is non-nil. It\nhas to return a file name, or nil. Export back-ends can use this\nto send the output file through additional processing, e.g,\n\n (defun org-latex-export-to-latex\n (&optional async subtreep visible-only body-only ext-plist)\n (interactive)\n (let ((outfile (org-export-output-file-name \".tex\" subtreep)))\n (org-export-to-file \\='latex outfile\n async subtreep visible-only body-only ext-plist\n #\\='org-latex-compile)))\n\nWhen expressed as an anonymous function, using `lambda',\nPOST-PROCESS needs to be quoted.\n\nThe function returns either a file name returned by POST-PROCESS,\nor FILE." #<bytecode 0x1aedda964918d97f>) (hugo "/home/emre/research/export/hugo/emre-site/content/..." nil :subtreep nil)) (let (before-save-hook after-save-hook) (apply fn args)) +org--dont-trigger-save-hooks-a(#f(compiled-function (backend file &optional async subtreep visible-only body-only ext-plist post-process) "Call `org-export-as' with output to a specified file.\n\nBACKEND is either an export back-end, as returned by, e.g.,\n`org-export-create-backend', or a symbol referring to\na registered back-end. FILE is the name of the output file, as\na string.\n\nA non-nil optional argument ASYNC means the process should happen\nasynchronously. The resulting buffer will then be accessible\nthrough the `org-export-stack' interface.\n\nOptional arguments SUBTREEP, VISIBLE-ONLY, BODY-ONLY and\nEXT-PLIST are similar to those used in `org-export-as', which\nsee.\n\nOptional argument POST-PROCESS is called with FILE as its\nargument and happens asynchronously when ASYNC is non-nil. It\nhas to return a file name, or nil. Export back-ends can use this\nto send the output file through additional processing, e.g,\n\n (defun org-latex-export-to-latex\n (&optional async subtreep visible-only body-only ext-plist)\n (interactive)\n (let ((outfile (org-export-output-file-name \".tex\" subtreep)))\n (org-export-to-file \\='latex outfile\n async subtreep visible-only body-only ext-plist\n #\\='org-latex-compile)))\n\nWhen expressed as an anonymous function, using `lambda',\nPOST-PROCESS needs to be quoted.\n\nThe function returns either a file name returned by POST-PROCESS,\nor FILE." #<bytecode 0x1aedda964918d97f>) hugo "/home/emre/research/export/hugo/emre-site/content/..." nil :subtreep nil) apply(+org--dont-trigger-save-hooks-a #f(compiled-function (backend file &optional async subtreep visible-only body-only ext-plist post-process) "Call `org-export-as' with output to a specified file.\n\nBACKEND is either an export back-end, as returned by, e.g.,\n`org-export-create-backend', or a symbol referring to\na registered back-end. FILE is the name of the output file, as\na string.\n\nA non-nil optional argument ASYNC means the process should happen\nasynchronously. The resulting buffer will then be accessible\nthrough the `org-export-stack' interface.\n\nOptional arguments SUBTREEP, VISIBLE-ONLY, BODY-ONLY and\nEXT-PLIST are similar to those used in `org-export-as', which\nsee.\n\nOptional argument POST-PROCESS is called with FILE as its\nargument and happens asynchronously when ASYNC is non-nil. It\nhas to return a file name, or nil. Export back-ends can use this\nto send the output file through additional processing, e.g,\n\n (defun org-latex-export-to-latex\n (&optional async subtreep visible-only body-only ext-plist)\n (interactive)\n (let ((outfile (org-export-output-file-name \".tex\" subtreep)))\n (org-export-to-file \\='latex outfile\n async subtreep visible-only body-only ext-plist\n #\\='org-latex-compile)))\n\nWhen expressed as an anonymous function, using `lambda',\nPOST-PROCESS needs to be quoted.\n\nThe function returns either a file name returned by POST-PROCESS,\nor FILE." #<bytecode 0x1aedda964918d97f>) (hugo "/home/emre/research/export/hugo/emre-site/content/..." nil :subtreep nil)) #f(advice-wrapper :around #f(compiled-function (backend file &optional async subtreep visible-only body-only ext-plist post-process) "Call `org-export-as' with output to a specified file.\n\nBACKEND is either an export back-end, as returned by, e.g.,\n`org-export-create-backend', or a symbol referring to\na registered back-end. FILE is the name of the output file, as\na string.\n\nA non-nil optional argument ASYNC means the process should happen\nasynchronously. The resulting buffer will then be accessible\nthrough the `org-export-stack' interface.\n\nOptional arguments SUBTREEP, VISIBLE-ONLY, BODY-ONLY and\nEXT-PLIST are similar to those used in `org-export-as', which\nsee.\n\nOptional argument POST-PROCESS is called with FILE as its\nargument and happens asynchronously when ASYNC is non-nil. It\nhas to return a file name, or nil. Export back-ends can use this\nto send the output file through additional processing, e.g,\n\n (defun org-latex-export-to-latex\n (&optional async subtreep visible-only body-only ext-plist)\n (interactive)\n (let ((outfile (org-export-output-file-name \".tex\" subtreep)))\n (org-export-to-file \\='latex outfile\n async subtreep visible-only body-only ext-plist\n #\\='org-latex-compile)))\n\nWhen expressed as an anonymous function, using `lambda',\nPOST-PROCESS needs to be quoted.\n\nThe function returns either a file name returned by POST-PROCESS,\nor FILE." #<bytecode 0x1aedda964918d97f>) +org--dont-trigger-save-hooks-a)(hugo "/home/emre/research/export/hugo/emre-site/content/..." nil :subtreep nil) apply(#f(advice-wrapper :around #f(compiled-function (backend file &optional async subtreep visible-only body-only ext-plist post-process) "Call `org-export-as' with output to a specified file.\n\nBACKEND is either an export back-end, as returned by, e.g.,\n`org-export-create-backend', or a symbol referring to\na registered back-end. FILE is the name of the output file, as\na string.\n\nA non-nil optional argument ASYNC means the process should happen\nasynchronously. The resulting buffer will then be accessible\nthrough the `org-export-stack' interface.\n\nOptional arguments SUBTREEP, VISIBLE-ONLY, BODY-ONLY and\nEXT-PLIST are similar to those used in `org-export-as', which\nsee.\n\nOptional argument POST-PROCESS is called with FILE as its\nargument and happens asynchronously when ASYNC is non-nil. It\nhas to return a file name, or nil. Export back-ends can use this\nto send the output file through additional processing, e.g,\n\n (defun org-latex-export-to-latex\n (&optional async subtreep visible-only body-only ext-plist)\n (interactive)\n (let ((outfile (org-export-output-file-name \".tex\" subtreep)))\n (org-export-to-file \\='latex outfile\n async subtreep visible-only body-only ext-plist\n #\\='org-latex-compile)))\n\nWhen expressed as an anonymous function, using `lambda',\nPOST-PROCESS needs to be quoted.\n\nThe function returns either a file name returned by POST-PROCESS,\nor FILE." #<bytecode 0x1aedda964918d97f>) +org--dont-trigger-save-hooks-a) (hugo "/home/emre/research/export/hugo/emre-site/content/..." nil :subtreep nil)) (let ((old-async-init-file org-export-async-init-file) (org-export-async-init-file (make-temp-file "doom-org-async-export"))) (doom-file-write org-export-async-init-file (list (list 'setq 'org-export-async-debug (or org-export-async-debug debug-on-error) 'load-path (list 'quote load-path)) (cons 'unwind-protect (cons (list 'let (list (list ... old-async-init-file)) (cons 'if (cons ... ...))) '((delete-file load-file-name)))))) (apply fn args)) +org--fix-async-export-a(#f(advice-wrapper :around #f(compiled-function (backend file &optional async subtreep visible-only body-only ext-plist post-process) "Call `org-export-as' with output to a specified file.\n\nBACKEND is either an export back-end, as returned by, e.g.,\n`org-export-create-backend', or a symbol referring to\na registered back-end. FILE is the name of the output file, as\na string.\n\nA non-nil optional argument ASYNC means the process should happen\nasynchronously. The resulting buffer will then be accessible\nthrough the `org-export-stack' interface.\n\nOptional arguments SUBTREEP, VISIBLE-ONLY, BODY-ONLY and\nEXT-PLIST are similar to those used in `org-export-as', which\nsee.\n\nOptional argument POST-PROCESS is called with FILE as its\nargument and happens asynchronously when ASYNC is non-nil. It\nhas to return a file name, or nil. Export back-ends can use this\nto send the output file through additional processing, e.g,\n\n (defun org-latex-export-to-latex\n (&optional async subtreep visible-only body-only ext-plist)\n (interactive)\n (let ((outfile (org-export-output-file-name \".tex\" subtreep)))\n (org-export-to-file \\='latex outfile\n async subtreep visible-only body-only ext-plist\n #\\='org-latex-compile)))\n\nWhen expressed as an anonymous function, using `lambda',\nPOST-PROCESS needs to be quoted.\n\nThe function returns either a file name returned by POST-PROCESS,\nor FILE." #<bytecode 0x1aedda964918d97f>) +org--dont-trigger-save-hooks-a) hugo "/home/emre/research/export/hugo/emre-site/content/..." nil :subtreep nil) apply(+org--fix-async-export-a #f(advice-wrapper :around #f(compiled-function (backend file &optional async subtreep visible-only body-only ext-plist post-process) "Call `org-export-as' with output to a specified file.\n\nBACKEND is either an export back-end, as returned by, e.g.,\n`org-export-create-backend', or a symbol referring to\na registered back-end. FILE is the name of the output file, as\na string.\n\nA non-nil optional argument ASYNC means the process should happen\nasynchronously. The resulting buffer will then be accessible\nthrough the `org-export-stack' interface.\n\nOptional arguments SUBTREEP, VISIBLE-ONLY, BODY-ONLY and\nEXT-PLIST are similar to those used in `org-export-as', which\nsee.\n\nOptional argument POST-PROCESS is called with FILE as its\nargument and happens asynchronously when ASYNC is non-nil. It\nhas to return a file name, or nil. Export back-ends can use this\nto send the output file through additional processing, e.g,\n\n (defun org-latex-export-to-latex\n (&optional async subtreep visible-only body-only ext-plist)\n (interactive)\n (let ((outfile (org-export-output-file-name \".tex\" subtreep)))\n (org-export-to-file \\='latex outfile\n async subtreep visible-only body-only ext-plist\n #\\='org-latex-compile)))\n\nWhen expressed as an anonymous function, using `lambda',\nPOST-PROCESS needs to be quoted.\n\nThe function returns either a file name returned by POST-PROCESS,\nor FILE." #<bytecode 0x1aedda964918d97f>) +org--dont-trigger-save-hooks-a) (hugo "/home/emre/research/export/hugo/emre-site/content/..." nil :subtreep nil)) org-export-to-file(hugo "/home/emre/research/export/hugo/emre-site/content/..." nil :subtreep nil) org-hugo-export-to-md(nil :subtreep nil) org-hugo--export-subtree-to-md(nil nil :all-subtrees) #f(compiled-function () #<bytecode 0x1f69f5b1b7d5>)() #f(compiled-function (el) #<bytecode -0xfc7fac3e916343>)((headline (:raw-value "One" :begin 400 :end 617 :pre-blank 0 :contents-begin 406 :contents-end 616 :robust-begin 450 :robust-end 614 :level 1 :priority nil :tags nil :todo-keyword nil :todo-type nil :post-blank 1 :footnote-section-p nil :archivedp nil :commentedp nil :post-affiliated 400 :EXPORT_FILE_NAME "_index" :title "One" :mode nil :granularity element :cached t :parent (org-data (:begin 1 :contents-begin 1 :contents-end 791 :end 791 :robust-begin 67 :robust-end 789 :post-blank 0 :post-affiliated 1 :path "/home/emre/research/roam-notes/20221209154813-glos..." :mode org-data :ID "89e2f328-75ee-4460-8a85-7276ec87201e" :CATEGORY "20221209154813-glossary_demo" :parent nil :cached t :org-element--cache-sync-key nil)) :org-element--cache-sync-key (8 . 402)))) org-element-cache-map(#f(compiled-function (el) #<bytecode -0xfc7fac3e916343>) :next-re "^\\*+ " :fail-re "^\\*+ " :narrow t) org-scan-tags(#f(compiled-function () #<bytecode 0x1f69f5b1b7d5>) (lambda (todo tags-list level) (progn (setq org-cached-props nil) (or (and (org-string<> (or (org-cached-entry-get nil "EXPORT_FILE_NAME") "") ""))))) nil nil) org-map-entries(#f(compiled-function () #<bytecode 0x1f69f5b1b7d5>) "EXPORT_FILE_NAME<>\"\"") org-hugo-export-wim-to-md(:all-subtrees nil nil) (lambda (a _s v _b) (org-hugo-export-wim-to-md :all-subtrees a v))(nil nil nil nil) #<subr org-export-dispatch>(nil) apply(#<subr org-export-dispatch> nil) #f(advice-wrapper :after #<subr org-export-dispatch> (closure ((last-message . "../../../.emacs.d/.local/straight/build-28.2/org-special-block-extras/org-special-block-extras.el: Warning: Pattern t is deprecated. Use `_' instead") (arg) t) (&rest _) (if (car-safe (prog1 org--docs-empty! (setq org--docs-empty! (cdr org--docs-empty!)))) (progn (setq org--docs-actually-used nil org--docs nil)))))(nil) apply(#f(advice-wrapper :after #<subr org-export-dispatch> (closure ((last-message . "../../../.emacs.d/.local/straight/build-28.2/org-s...") (arg) t) (&rest _) (if (car-safe (prog1 org--docs-empty! (setq org--docs-empty! (cdr org--docs-empty!)))) (progn (setq org--docs-actually-used nil org--docs nil))))) nil) #f(advice-wrapper :after #f(advice-wrapper :after #<subr org-export-dispatch> (closure ((last-message . "../../../.emacs.d/.local/straight/build-28.2/org-special-block-extras/org-special-block-extras.el: Warning: Pattern t is deprecated. Use `_' instead") (arg) t) (&rest _) (if (car-safe (prog1 org--docs-empty! (setq org--docs-empty! (cdr org--docs-empty!)))) (progn (setq org--docs-actually-used nil org--docs nil))))) (closure ((last-message . "Starting new Ispell process /usr/bin/ispell with american dictionary...done") (arg) t) (&rest _) (if (car-safe (prog1 org--docs-empty! (setq org--docs-empty! (cdr org--docs-empty!)))) (progn (setq org--docs-actually-used nil org--docs nil)))))(nil) apply(#f(advice-wrapper :after #f(advice-wrapper :after #<subr org-export-dispatch> (closure ((last-message . "../../../.emacs.d/.local/straight/build-28.2/org-s...") (arg) t) (&rest _) (if (car-safe (prog1 org--docs-empty! (setq org--docs-empty! ...))) (progn (setq org--docs-actually-used nil org--docs nil))))) (closure ((last-message . "Starting new Ispell process /usr/bin/ispell with a...") (arg) t) (&rest _) (if (car-safe (prog1 org--docs-empty! (setq org--docs-empty! (cdr org--docs-empty!)))) (progn (setq org--docs-actually-used nil org--docs nil))))) nil) #f(advice-wrapper :after #f(advice-wrapper :after #f(advice-wrapper :after #<subr org-export-dispatch> (closure ((last-message . "../../../.emacs.d/.local/straight/build-28.2/org-special-block-extras/org-special-block-extras.el: Warning: Pattern t is deprecated. Use `_' instead") (arg) t) (&rest _) (if (car-safe (prog1 org--docs-empty! (setq org--docs-empty! (cdr org--docs-empty!)))) (progn (setq org--docs-actually-used nil org--docs nil))))) (closure ((last-message . "Starting new Ispell process /usr/bin/ispell with american dictionary...done") (arg) t) (&rest _) (if (car-safe (prog1 org--docs-empty! (setq org--docs-empty! (cdr org--docs-empty!)))) (progn (setq org--docs-actually-used nil org--docs nil))))) (closure ((last-message . #("Position saved to mark ring, go back with ‘M-x org-mark-ring-goto’." 43 65 (font-lock-face help-key-binding face help-key-binding))) (arg) t) (&rest _) (if (car-safe (prog1 org--docs-empty! (setq org--docs-empty! (cdr org--docs-empty!)))) (progn (setq org--docs-actually-used nil org--docs nil)))))(nil) apply(#f(advice-wrapper :after #f(advice-wrapper :after #f(advice-wrapper :after #<subr org-export-dispatch> (closure ((last-message . "../../../.emacs.d/.local/straight/build-28.2/org-s...") (arg) t) (&rest _) (if (car-safe (prog1 org--docs-empty! ...)) (progn (setq org--docs-actually-used nil org--docs nil))))) (closure ((last-message . "Starting new Ispell process /usr/bin/ispell with a...") (arg) t) (&rest _) (if (car-safe (prog1 org--docs-empty! (setq org--docs-empty! ...))) (progn (setq org--docs-actually-used nil org--docs nil))))) (closure ((last-message . #("Position saved to mark ring, go back with ‘M-x org..." 43 65 (font-lock-face help-key-binding face help-key-binding))) (arg) t) (&rest _) (if (car-safe (prog1 org--docs-empty! (setq org--docs-empty! (cdr org--docs-empty!)))) (progn (setq org--docs-actually-used nil org--docs nil))))) nil) org-export-dispatch(nil) funcall-interactively(org-export-dispatch nil) command-execute(org-export-dispatch) ```
tecosaur commented 2022-12-20 16:26:59 +00:00 (Migrated from

Do you see an error when exporting with the following?

#+title: Glossary Demo

* One

Use a reference and a glossary entry to the PC or a Blog in the EmRE.

* Two
No refs aside from the PC glossary entry.

* Acronyms
- API :: Application Programming Interface
- DPI :: Dots Per Inch
- EmRE :: Emacs REproducible Research Environment

* Glossary
- PC :: A personal computing device.
- Blog :: ~ is the short form of weblog and references an online journal where an individual, a group or a corporate entity share information.

Also, which version of Org and Emacs are you running?

Do you see an error when exporting with the following? ``` #+title: Glossary Demo * One Use a reference and a glossary entry to the PC or a Blog in the EmRE. * Two No refs aside from the PC glossary entry. * Acronyms - API :: Application Programming Interface - DPI :: Dots Per Inch - EmRE :: Emacs REproducible Research Environment * Glossary - PC :: A personal computing device. - Blog :: ~ is the short form of weblog and references an online journal where an individual, a group or a corporate entity share information. ``` Also, which version of Org and Emacs are you running?
authsec commented 2022-12-20 21:51:47 +00:00 (Migrated from

Yes, this produces the same mistake. The "fix" to remove the "EmRE" acronym fixes it too.
I'm using a custom build of Emacs which reports the following versions:

#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(format "Org Version: %s\nEmacs Version: %s" (org-version) (emacs-version))

: Org Version: 9.6
: Emacs Version: GNU Emacs 28.2 (build 2, aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu, X toolkit, cairo version 1.16.0, Xaw scroll bars)
:  of 2022-12-04
Yes, this produces the same mistake. The "fix" to remove the "EmRE" acronym fixes it too. I'm using a custom build of Emacs which reports the following versions: ``` #+begin_src emacs-lisp (format "Org Version: %s\nEmacs Version: %s" (org-version) (emacs-version)) #+end_src #+RESULTS: : Org Version: 9.6 : Emacs Version: GNU Emacs 28.2 (build 2, aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu, X toolkit, cairo version 1.16.0, Xaw scroll bars) : of 2022-12-04 ```
authsec commented 2023-01-08 18:18:46 +00:00 (Migrated from

How can I help solve this? I saw in the code that you don't have an export function for hugo/md, so I tried to provide some, but that didn't work (probably because I don't know how to properly reload the function):

    (hugo (t :use "[%t](#glossary-%K)"
           :definition "%t {#glossary-%K}\n:%v\n"))
    (md (t :use "[%t](#glossary-%K)"
           :definition "%t {#glossary-%K}\n:%v\n"))

If I run the minimal example you posted (without doing any experiments) I get the following debug output:

Debugger entered--Lisp error: (wrong-type-argument hash-table-p nil)
  gethash((#("Emacs REproducible Research Environment\n" 0 40 (:parent nil))) nil)
  org-export-data((#("Emacs REproducible Research Environment\n" 0 40 (:parent nil))) nil)
  org-glossary--export-template("%v (%u)" md nil (:key "EmRE" :key-plural "EmREs" :key-nonce 3 :term "EmRE" :term-plural "EmREs" :alias-for nil :type acronym :category nil :value (#("Emacs REproducible Research Environment\n" 0 40 (:parent nil))) :definition-file "/home/emre/research/roam-notes/20230108185620-new_..." :definition-pos 293 :extracted nil :uses ((1 link (:type "gls" :path "1:EmRE" :format bracket :raw-link "gls:1:EmRE" :application nil :search-option nil :begin 178 :end 192 :contents-begin nil :contents-end nil :post-blank 0 :parent (paragraph (:begin 94 :end 195 :contents-begin 94 :contents-end 194 :post-blank 1 :post-affiliated 94 :mode planning :granularity element :cached t :parent (section ...))))))) 1 nil nil nil)
  org-glossary--export-instance(md nil (:key "EmRE" :key-plural "EmREs" :key-nonce 3 :term "EmRE" :term-plural "EmREs" :alias-for nil :type acronym :category nil :value (#("Emacs REproducible Research Environment\n" 0 40 (:parent nil))) :definition-file "/home/emre/research/roam-notes/20230108185620-new_..." :definition-pos 293 :extracted nil :uses ((1 link (:type "gls" :path "1:EmRE" :format bracket :raw-link "gls:1:EmRE" :application nil :search-option nil :begin 178 :end 192 :contents-begin nil :contents-end nil :post-blank 0 :parent (paragraph (:begin 94 :end 195 :contents-begin 94 :contents-end 194 :post-blank 1 :post-affiliated 94 :mode planning :granularity element :cached t :parent (section ...))))))) :first-use 1 nil nil nil)
  org-glossary--link-export(md nil "1:EmRE" nil nil nil)
  org-glossary--link-export-gls("1:EmRE" nil md nil)
  org-export-custom-protocol-maybe((link (:type "gls" :path "1:EmRE" :format bracket :raw-link "gls:1:EmRE" :application nil :search-option nil :begin 178 :end 192 :contents-begin nil :contents-end nil :post-blank 0 :parent (paragraph (:begin 94 :end 194 :contents-begin 94 :contents-end 194 :post-blank 1 :post-affiliated 94 :mode planning :granularity nil :parent (section (:begin 94 :end 195 :contents-begin 94 :contents-end 194 :robust-begin 94 :robust-end 192 :post-blank 1 :post-affiliated 94 :mode section :granularity nil :parent (headline ... #47)) #27)) #("Use a reference and a glossary entry to the " 0 44 (:parent #27)) (link (:type "gls" :path "1:PC" :format bracket :raw-link "gls:1:PC" :application nil :search-option nil :begin 138 :end 151 :contents-begin nil :contents-end nil :post-blank 1 :parent #27)) #("or a " 0 5 (:parent #27)) (link (:type "Gls" :path "1:blog" :format bracket :raw-link "Gls:1:blog" :application nil :search-option nil :begin 156 :end 171 :contents-begin nil :contents-end nil :post-blank 1 :parent #27)) #("in the " 0 7 (:parent #27)) #1 #(".\n" 0 2 (:parent #27))))) nil md)
  org-hugo-link((link (:type "gls" :path "1:EmRE" :format bracket :raw-link "gls:1:EmRE" :application nil :search-option nil :begin 178 :end 192 :contents-begin nil :contents-end nil :post-blank 0 :parent (paragraph (:begin 94 :end 194 :contents-begin 94 :contents-end 194 :post-blank 1 :post-affiliated 94 :mode planning :granularity nil :parent ...) #("Use a reference and a glossary e..." 0 44 ...) (link ...) #("or a " 0 5 ...) (link ...) #("in the " 0 7 ...) #1 #(".\n" 0 2 ...)))) nil (:export-options nil :back-end #s(org-export-backend :name hugo :parent blackfriday :transcoders ((code . org-hugo-kbd-tags-maybe) (drawer . org-hugo-drawer) (example-block . org-hugo-example-block) (export-block . org-hugo-export-block) (export-snippet . org-hugo-export-snippet) (headline . org-hugo-heading) (inner-template . org-hugo-inner-template) (inline-src-block . org-hugo-inline-src-block) (keyword . org-hugo-keyword) (link . org-hugo-link) (paragraph . org-hugo-paragraph) (src-block . org-hugo-src-block) (special-block . org-hugo-special-block)) :options ((:with-toc nil "toc" org-hugo-export-with-toc) (:section-numbers nil "num" org-hugo-export-with-section-numbers) (:author "AUTHOR" nil user-full-name newline) (:creator "CREATOR" nil org-hugo-export-creator-string) (:with-smart-quotes nil "'" nil) (:with-special-strings nil "-" nil) (:with-sub-superscript nil "^" ...) (:hugo-with-locale "HUGO_WITH_LOCALE" nil nil) (:hugo-front-matter-format "HUGO_FRONT_MATTER_FORMAT" nil org-hugo-front-matter-format) (:hugo-level-offset "HUGO_LEVEL_OFFSET" nil "1") (:hugo-preserve-filling "HUGO_PRESERVE_FILLING" nil org-hugo-preserve-filling) (:hugo-delete-trailing-ws "HUGO_DELETE_TRAILING_WS" nil org-hugo-delete-trailing-ws) (:hugo-section "HUGO_SECTION" nil org-hugo-section) (:hugo-bundle "HUGO_BUNDLE" nil nil) (:hugo-base-dir "HUGO_BASE_DIR" nil org-hugo-base-dir) (:hugo-goldmark "HUGO_GOLDMARK" nil org-hugo-goldmark) (:hugo-code-fence "HUGO_CODE_FENCE" nil t) (:hugo-use-code-for-kbd "HUGO_USE_CODE_FOR_KBD" nil org-hugo-use-code-for-kbd) (:hugo-prefer-hyphen-in-tags "HUGO_PREFER_HYPHEN_IN_TAGS" nil org-hugo-prefer-hyphen-in-tags) (:hugo-allow-spaces-in-tags "HUGO_ALLOW_SPACES_IN_TAGS" nil org-hugo-allow-spaces-in-tags) (:hugo-auto-set-lastmod "HUGO_AUTO_SET_LASTMOD" nil org-hugo-auto-set-lastmod) (:hugo-custom-front-matter "HUGO_CUSTOM_FRONT_MATTER" nil nil space) (:hugo-blackfriday "HUGO_BLACKFRIDAY" nil nil space) (:hugo-front-matter-key-replace "HUGO_FRONT_MATTER_KEY_REPLACE" nil nil space) (:hugo-date-format "HUGO_DATE_FORMAT" nil org-hugo-date-format) (:hugo-paired-shortcodes "HUGO_PAIRED_SHORTCODES" nil org-hugo-paired-shortcodes space) (:hugo-pandoc-citations "HUGO_PANDOC_CITATIONS" nil nil) (:bibliography "BIBLIOGRAPHY" nil nil newline) (:html-container "HTML_CONTAINER" nil org-hugo-container-element) (:html-container-class "HTML_CONTAINER_CLASS" nil "") (:hugo-aliases "HUGO_ALIASES" nil nil space) (:hugo-audio "HUGO_AUDIO" nil nil) ...) :filters ((:filter-body . org-hugo-body-filter)) :blocks nil :menu (72 "Export to Hugo-compatible Markdo..." (... ... ... ... ... ...))) :translate-alist ((code . org-hugo-kbd-tags-maybe) (drawer . org-hugo-drawer) (example-block . org-hugo-example-block) (export-block . org-hugo-export-block) (export-snippet . org-hugo-export-snippet) (headline . org-hugo-heading) (inner-template . org-hugo-inner-template) (inline-src-block . org-hugo-inline-src-block) (keyword . org-hugo-keyword) (link . org-hugo-link) (paragraph . org-hugo-paragraph) (src-block . org-hugo-src-block) (special-block . org-hugo-special-block) (center-block . org-blackfriday-center-block) (example-block . org-blackfriday-example-block) (fixed-width . org-blackfriday-fixed-width) (footnote-reference . org-blackfriday-footnote-reference) (inner-template . org-blackfriday-inner-template) (italic . org-blackfriday-italic) (item . org-blackfriday-item) (latex-environment . org-blackfriday-latex-environment) (latex-fragment . org-blackfriday-latex-fragment) (line-break . org-html-line-break) (plain-list . org-blackfriday-plain-list) (plain-text . org-blackfriday-plain-text) (quote-block . org-blackfriday-quote-block) (radio-target . org-blackfriday-radio-target) (special-block . org-blackfriday-special-block) (src-block . org-blackfriday-src-block) (strike-through . org-blackfriday-strike-through) (table-cell . org-blackfriday-table-cell) (table-row . org-blackfriday-table-row) ...) :exported-data #<hash-table eq 7/4001 0x2aaab0825efb> :input-buffer "" :input-file "/home/emre/research/roam-notes/2..." :with-toc nil :section-numbers nil :author "Jens Frey" :creator "Emacs 28.2 (Org mode 9.6 + ox-hu..." :with-smart-quotes nil :with-special-strings nil :with-sub-superscript {} :hugo-with-locale nil :hugo-front-matter-format "toml" :hugo-level-offset "1" ...))
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  org-export-data((org-data (:begin 1 :contents-begin 1 :contents-end 638 :end 638 :robust-begin 67 :robust-end 636 :post-blank 0 :post-affiliated 1 :path "/home/emre/research/roam-n..." :mode org-data :ID "cd785446-74bf-40ea-9dd3-57..." :CATEGORY "20230108185620-new_test" :granularity nil) (section (:begin 1 :end 87 :contents-begin 1 :contents-end 86 :robust-begin 1 :robust-end 84 :post-blank 1 :post-affiliated 1 :mode first-section :granularity nil :parent #1) (keyword ...)) (headline (:raw-value "One" :begin 87 :end 195 :pre-blank 1 :contents-begin 94 :contents-end 194 :robust-begin 96 :robust-end 192 :level 1 :priority nil :tags nil :todo-keyword nil :todo-type nil ...) (section ... ...)) (headline (:raw-value "Two" :begin 195 :end 255 :pre-blank 0 :contents-begin 201 :contents-end 253 :robust-begin 203 :robust-end 251 :level 1 :priority nil :tags nil :todo-keyword nil :todo-type nil ...) (section ... ...)) (headline (:raw-value "Acronyms" :begin 255 :end 355 :pre-blank 0 :contents-begin 266 :contents-end 354 :robust-begin 268 :robust-end 352 :level 1 :priority nil :tags nil :todo-keyword nil :todo-type nil ...) (section ... ...)) (headline (:raw-value "Glossary" :begin 355 :end 638 :pre-blank 0 :contents-begin 366 :contents-end 638 :robust-begin 368 :robust-end 636 :level 1 :priority nil :tags nil :todo-keyword nil :todo-type nil ...) (section ... ... ...))) (:export-options nil :back-end #s(org-export-backend :name hugo :parent blackfriday :transcoders (... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...) :options (... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...) :filters (...) :blocks nil :menu (72 "Export to Hugo-compatible ..." ...)) :translate-alist ((code . org-hugo-kbd-tags-maybe) (drawer . org-hugo-drawer) (example-block . org-hugo-example-block) (export-block . org-hugo-export-block) (export-snippet . org-hugo-export-snippet) (headline . org-hugo-heading) (inner-template . org-hugo-inner-template) (inline-src-block . org-hugo-inline-src-block) (keyword . org-hugo-keyword) (link . org-hugo-link) (paragraph . org-hugo-paragraph) (src-block . org-hugo-src-block) (special-block . org-hugo-special-block) (center-block . org-blackfriday-center-block) (example-block . org-blackfriday-example-block) (fixed-width . org-blackfriday-fixed-width) (footnote-reference . org-blackfriday-footnote-reference) (inner-template . org-blackfriday-inner-template) (italic . org-blackfriday-italic) (item . org-blackfriday-item) (latex-environment . org-blackfriday-latex-environment) (latex-fragment . org-blackfriday-latex-fragment) (line-break . org-html-line-break) (plain-list . org-blackfriday-plain-list) (plain-text . org-blackfriday-plain-text) (quote-block . org-blackfriday-quote-block) ...) :exported-data #<hash-table eq 7/4001 0x2aaab0825efb> :input-buffer "20230108185620-new_test.or..." :input-file "/home/emre/research/roam-n..." :with-toc nil :section-numbers nil :author "Jens Frey" :creator "Emacs 28.2 (Org mode 9.6 +..." :with-smart-quotes nil :with-special-strings nil :with-sub-superscript {} ...))
  #f(compiled-function (backend &optional subtreep visible-only body-only ext-plist) "Transcode current Org buffer into BACKEND code.\n\nBACKEND is either an export back-end, as returned by, e.g.,\n`org-export-create-backend', or a symbol referring to\na registered back-end.\n\nIf narrowing is active in the current buffer, only transcode its\nnarrowed part.\n\nIf a region is active, transcode that region.\n\nWhen optional argument SUBTREEP is non-nil, transcode the\nsub-tree at point, extracting information from the headline\nproperties first.\n\nWhen optional argument VISIBLE-ONLY is non-nil, don't export\ncontents of hidden elements.\n\nWhen optional argument BODY-ONLY is non-nil, only return body\ncode, without surrounding template.\n\nOptional argument EXT-PLIST, when provided, is a property list\nwith external parameters overriding Org default settings, but\nstill inferior to file-local settings.\n\nReturn code as a string." #<bytecode 0x42435c5fcc34ef2>)(hugo nil nil nil nil)
  apply(#f(compiled-function (backend &optional subtreep visible-only body-only ext-plist) "Transcode current Org buffer into BACKEND code.\n\nBACKEND is either an export back-end, as returned by, e.g.,\n`org-export-create-backend', or a symbol referring to\na registered back-end.\n\nIf narrowing is active in the current buffer, only transcode its\nnarrowed part.\n\nIf a region is active, transcode that region.\n\nWhen optional argument SUBTREEP is non-nil, transcode the\nsub-tree at point, extracting information from the headline\nproperties first.\n\nWhen optional argument VISIBLE-ONLY is non-nil, don't export\ncontents of hidden elements.\n\nWhen optional argument BODY-ONLY is non-nil, only return body\ncode, without surrounding template.\n\nOptional argument EXT-PLIST, when provided, is a property list\nwith external parameters overriding Org default settings, but\nstill inferior to file-local settings.\n\nReturn code as a string." #<bytecode 0x42435c5fcc34ef2>) (hugo nil nil nil nil))
  (let ((old-async-init-file org-export-async-init-file) (org-export-async-init-file (make-temp-file "doom-org-async-export"))) (doom-file-write org-export-async-init-file (list (list 'setq 'org-export-async-debug (or org-export-async-debug debug-on-error) 'load-path (list 'quote load-path)) (cons 'unwind-protect (cons (list 'let (list (list ... old-async-init-file)) (cons 'if (cons ... ...))) '((delete-file load-file-name)))))) (apply fn args))
  +org--fix-async-export-a(#f(compiled-function (backend &optional subtreep visible-only body-only ext-plist) "Transcode current Org buffer into BACKEND code.\n\nBACKEND is either an export back-end, as returned by, e.g.,\n`org-export-create-backend', or a symbol referring to\na registered back-end.\n\nIf narrowing is active in the current buffer, only transcode its\nnarrowed part.\n\nIf a region is active, transcode that region.\n\nWhen optional argument SUBTREEP is non-nil, transcode the\nsub-tree at point, extracting information from the headline\nproperties first.\n\nWhen optional argument VISIBLE-ONLY is non-nil, don't export\ncontents of hidden elements.\n\nWhen optional argument BODY-ONLY is non-nil, only return body\ncode, without surrounding template.\n\nOptional argument EXT-PLIST, when provided, is a property list\nwith external parameters overriding Org default settings, but\nstill inferior to file-local settings.\n\nReturn code as a string." #<bytecode 0x42435c5fcc34ef2>) hugo nil nil nil nil)
  apply(+org--fix-async-export-a #f(compiled-function (backend &optional subtreep visible-only body-only ext-plist) "Transcode current Org buffer into BACKEND code.\n\nBACKEND is either an export back-end, as returned by, e.g.,\n`org-export-create-backend', or a symbol referring to\na registered back-end.\n\nIf narrowing is active in the current buffer, only transcode its\nnarrowed part.\n\nIf a region is active, transcode that region.\n\nWhen optional argument SUBTREEP is non-nil, transcode the\nsub-tree at point, extracting information from the headline\nproperties first.\n\nWhen optional argument VISIBLE-ONLY is non-nil, don't export\ncontents of hidden elements.\n\nWhen optional argument BODY-ONLY is non-nil, only return body\ncode, without surrounding template.\n\nOptional argument EXT-PLIST, when provided, is a property list\nwith external parameters overriding Org default settings, but\nstill inferior to file-local settings.\n\nReturn code as a string." #<bytecode 0x42435c5fcc34ef2>) (hugo nil nil nil nil))
  org-export-as(hugo nil nil nil nil)
  org-export-to-buffer(hugo "*Org Hugo Export*" nil nil nil nil nil #f(compiled-function () #<bytecode 0x15f46fec69bd9>))
  org-hugo-export-as-md(nil nil nil)
  (lambda (a s v _b) (org-hugo-export-as-md a s v))(nil nil nil nil)
  #f(compiled-function (&optional arg) "Export dispatcher for Org mode.\n\nIt provides an access to common export related tasks in a buffer.\nIts interface comes in two flavors: standard and expert.\n\nWhile both share the same set of bindings, only the former\ndisplays the valid keys associations in a dedicated buffer.\nScrolling (resp. line-wise motion) in this buffer is done with\nSPC and DEL (resp. C-n and C-p) keys.\n\nSet variable `org-export-dispatch-use-expert-ui' to switch to one\nflavor or the other.\n\nWhen ARG is `\\[universal-argument]', repeat the last export action, with the same\nset of options used back then, on the current buffer.\n\nWhen ARG is `\\[universal-argument] \\[universal-argument]', display the asynchronous export stack." (interactive "P") #<bytecode -0x80753cb693b6aa2>)(nil)
  apply(#f(compiled-function (&optional arg) "Export dispatcher for Org mode.\n\nIt provides an access to common export related tasks in a buffer.\nIts interface comes in two flavors: standard and expert.\n\nWhile both share the same set of bindings, only the former\ndisplays the valid keys associations in a dedicated buffer.\nScrolling (resp. line-wise motion) in this buffer is done with\nSPC and DEL (resp. C-n and C-p) keys.\n\nSet variable `org-export-dispatch-use-expert-ui' to switch to one\nflavor or the other.\n\nWhen ARG is `\\[universal-argument]', repeat the last export action, with the same\nset of options used back then, on the current buffer.\n\nWhen ARG is `\\[universal-argument] \\[universal-argument]', display the asynchronous export stack." (interactive "P") #<bytecode -0x80753cb693b6aa2>) nil)
  funcall-interactively(org-export-dispatch nil)
How can I help solve this? I saw in the code that you don't have an export function for hugo/md, so I tried to provide some, but that didn't work (probably because I don't know how to properly reload the function): ``` (hugo (t :use "[%t](#glossary-%K)" :definition "%t {#glossary-%K}\n:%v\n")) (md (t :use "[%t](#glossary-%K)" :definition "%t {#glossary-%K}\n:%v\n")) ``` If I run the minimal example you posted (without doing any experiments) I get the following debug output: ``` Debugger entered--Lisp error: (wrong-type-argument hash-table-p nil) gethash((#("Emacs REproducible Research Environment\n" 0 40 (:parent nil))) nil) org-export-data((#("Emacs REproducible Research Environment\n" 0 40 (:parent nil))) nil) org-glossary--export-template("%v (%u)" md nil (:key "EmRE" :key-plural "EmREs" :key-nonce 3 :term "EmRE" :term-plural "EmREs" :alias-for nil :type acronym :category nil :value (#("Emacs REproducible Research Environment\n" 0 40 (:parent nil))) :definition-file "/home/emre/research/roam-notes/20230108185620-new_..." :definition-pos 293 :extracted nil :uses ((1 link (:type "gls" :path "1:EmRE" :format bracket :raw-link "gls:1:EmRE" :application nil :search-option nil :begin 178 :end 192 :contents-begin nil :contents-end nil :post-blank 0 :parent (paragraph (:begin 94 :end 195 :contents-begin 94 :contents-end 194 :post-blank 1 :post-affiliated 94 :mode planning :granularity element :cached t :parent (section ...))))))) 1 nil nil nil) org-glossary--export-instance(md nil (:key "EmRE" :key-plural "EmREs" :key-nonce 3 :term "EmRE" :term-plural "EmREs" :alias-for nil :type acronym :category nil :value (#("Emacs REproducible Research Environment\n" 0 40 (:parent nil))) :definition-file "/home/emre/research/roam-notes/20230108185620-new_..." :definition-pos 293 :extracted nil :uses ((1 link (:type "gls" :path "1:EmRE" :format bracket :raw-link "gls:1:EmRE" :application nil :search-option nil :begin 178 :end 192 :contents-begin nil :contents-end nil :post-blank 0 :parent (paragraph (:begin 94 :end 195 :contents-begin 94 :contents-end 194 :post-blank 1 :post-affiliated 94 :mode planning :granularity element :cached t :parent (section ...))))))) :first-use 1 nil nil nil) org-glossary--link-export(md nil "1:EmRE" nil nil nil) org-glossary--link-export-gls("1:EmRE" nil md nil) org-export-custom-protocol-maybe((link (:type "gls" :path "1:EmRE" :format bracket :raw-link "gls:1:EmRE" :application nil :search-option nil :begin 178 :end 192 :contents-begin nil :contents-end nil :post-blank 0 :parent (paragraph (:begin 94 :end 194 :contents-begin 94 :contents-end 194 :post-blank 1 :post-affiliated 94 :mode planning :granularity nil :parent (section (:begin 94 :end 195 :contents-begin 94 :contents-end 194 :robust-begin 94 :robust-end 192 :post-blank 1 :post-affiliated 94 :mode section :granularity nil :parent (headline ... #47)) #27)) #("Use a reference and a glossary entry to the " 0 44 (:parent #27)) (link (:type "gls" :path "1:PC" :format bracket :raw-link "gls:1:PC" :application nil :search-option nil :begin 138 :end 151 :contents-begin nil :contents-end nil :post-blank 1 :parent #27)) #("or a " 0 5 (:parent #27)) (link (:type "Gls" :path "1:blog" :format bracket :raw-link "Gls:1:blog" :application nil :search-option nil :begin 156 :end 171 :contents-begin nil :contents-end nil :post-blank 1 :parent #27)) #("in the " 0 7 (:parent #27)) #1 #(".\n" 0 2 (:parent #27))))) nil md) org-hugo-link((link (:type "gls" :path "1:EmRE" :format bracket :raw-link "gls:1:EmRE" :application nil :search-option nil :begin 178 :end 192 :contents-begin nil :contents-end nil :post-blank 0 :parent (paragraph (:begin 94 :end 194 :contents-begin 94 :contents-end 194 :post-blank 1 :post-affiliated 94 :mode planning :granularity nil :parent ...) #("Use a reference and a glossary e..." 0 44 ...) (link ...) #("or a " 0 5 ...) (link ...) #("in the " 0 7 ...) #1 #(".\n" 0 2 ...)))) nil (:export-options nil :back-end #s(org-export-backend :name hugo :parent blackfriday :transcoders ((code . org-hugo-kbd-tags-maybe) (drawer . org-hugo-drawer) (example-block . org-hugo-example-block) (export-block . org-hugo-export-block) (export-snippet . org-hugo-export-snippet) (headline . org-hugo-heading) (inner-template . org-hugo-inner-template) (inline-src-block . org-hugo-inline-src-block) (keyword . org-hugo-keyword) (link . org-hugo-link) (paragraph . org-hugo-paragraph) (src-block . org-hugo-src-block) (special-block . org-hugo-special-block)) :options ((:with-toc nil "toc" org-hugo-export-with-toc) (:section-numbers nil "num" org-hugo-export-with-section-numbers) (:author "AUTHOR" nil user-full-name newline) (:creator "CREATOR" nil org-hugo-export-creator-string) (:with-smart-quotes nil "'" nil) (:with-special-strings nil "-" nil) (:with-sub-superscript nil "^" ...) (:hugo-with-locale "HUGO_WITH_LOCALE" nil nil) (:hugo-front-matter-format "HUGO_FRONT_MATTER_FORMAT" nil org-hugo-front-matter-format) (:hugo-level-offset "HUGO_LEVEL_OFFSET" nil "1") (:hugo-preserve-filling "HUGO_PRESERVE_FILLING" nil org-hugo-preserve-filling) (:hugo-delete-trailing-ws "HUGO_DELETE_TRAILING_WS" nil org-hugo-delete-trailing-ws) (:hugo-section "HUGO_SECTION" nil org-hugo-section) (:hugo-bundle "HUGO_BUNDLE" nil nil) (:hugo-base-dir "HUGO_BASE_DIR" nil org-hugo-base-dir) (:hugo-goldmark "HUGO_GOLDMARK" nil org-hugo-goldmark) (:hugo-code-fence "HUGO_CODE_FENCE" nil t) (:hugo-use-code-for-kbd "HUGO_USE_CODE_FOR_KBD" nil org-hugo-use-code-for-kbd) (:hugo-prefer-hyphen-in-tags "HUGO_PREFER_HYPHEN_IN_TAGS" nil org-hugo-prefer-hyphen-in-tags) (:hugo-allow-spaces-in-tags "HUGO_ALLOW_SPACES_IN_TAGS" nil org-hugo-allow-spaces-in-tags) (:hugo-auto-set-lastmod "HUGO_AUTO_SET_LASTMOD" nil org-hugo-auto-set-lastmod) (:hugo-custom-front-matter "HUGO_CUSTOM_FRONT_MATTER" nil nil space) (:hugo-blackfriday "HUGO_BLACKFRIDAY" nil nil space) (:hugo-front-matter-key-replace "HUGO_FRONT_MATTER_KEY_REPLACE" nil nil space) (:hugo-date-format "HUGO_DATE_FORMAT" nil org-hugo-date-format) (:hugo-paired-shortcodes "HUGO_PAIRED_SHORTCODES" nil org-hugo-paired-shortcodes space) (:hugo-pandoc-citations "HUGO_PANDOC_CITATIONS" nil nil) (:bibliography "BIBLIOGRAPHY" nil nil newline) (:html-container "HTML_CONTAINER" nil org-hugo-container-element) (:html-container-class "HTML_CONTAINER_CLASS" nil "") (:hugo-aliases "HUGO_ALIASES" nil nil space) (:hugo-audio "HUGO_AUDIO" nil nil) ...) :filters ((:filter-body . org-hugo-body-filter)) :blocks nil :menu (72 "Export to Hugo-compatible Markdo..." (... ... ... ... ... ...))) :translate-alist ((code . org-hugo-kbd-tags-maybe) (drawer . org-hugo-drawer) (example-block . org-hugo-example-block) (export-block . org-hugo-export-block) (export-snippet . org-hugo-export-snippet) (headline . org-hugo-heading) (inner-template . org-hugo-inner-template) (inline-src-block . org-hugo-inline-src-block) (keyword . org-hugo-keyword) (link . org-hugo-link) (paragraph . org-hugo-paragraph) (src-block . org-hugo-src-block) (special-block . org-hugo-special-block) (center-block . org-blackfriday-center-block) (example-block . org-blackfriday-example-block) (fixed-width . org-blackfriday-fixed-width) (footnote-reference . org-blackfriday-footnote-reference) (inner-template . org-blackfriday-inner-template) (italic . org-blackfriday-italic) (item . org-blackfriday-item) (latex-environment . org-blackfriday-latex-environment) (latex-fragment . org-blackfriday-latex-fragment) (line-break . org-html-line-break) (plain-list . org-blackfriday-plain-list) (plain-text . org-blackfriday-plain-text) (quote-block . org-blackfriday-quote-block) (radio-target . org-blackfriday-radio-target) (special-block . org-blackfriday-special-block) (src-block . org-blackfriday-src-block) (strike-through . org-blackfriday-strike-through) (table-cell . org-blackfriday-table-cell) (table-row . org-blackfriday-table-row) ...) :exported-data #<hash-table eq 7/4001 0x2aaab0825efb> :input-buffer "" :input-file "/home/emre/research/roam-notes/2..." :with-toc nil :section-numbers nil :author "Jens Frey" :creator "Emacs 28.2 (Org mode 9.6 + ox-hu..." :with-smart-quotes nil :with-special-strings nil :with-sub-superscript {} :hugo-with-locale nil :hugo-front-matter-format "toml" :hugo-level-offset "1" ...)) org-export-data((link (:type "gls" :path "1:EmRE" :format bracket :raw-link "gls:1:EmRE" :application nil :search-option nil :begin 178 :end 192 :contents-begin nil :contents-end nil :post-blank 0 :parent (paragraph (:begin 94 :end 194 :contents-begin 94 :contents-end 194 :post-blank 1 :post-affiliated 94 :mode planning :granularity nil :parent ...) #("Use a reference and a glossary e..." 0 44 ...) (link ...) #("or a " 0 5 ...) (link ...) #("in the " 0 7 ...) #1 #(".\n" 0 2 ...)))) (:export-options nil :back-end #s(org-export-backend :name hugo :parent blackfriday :transcoders ((code . org-hugo-kbd-tags-maybe) (drawer . org-hugo-drawer) (example-block . org-hugo-example-block) (export-block . org-hugo-export-block) (export-snippet . org-hugo-export-snippet) (headline . org-hugo-heading) (inner-template . org-hugo-inner-template) (inline-src-block . org-hugo-inline-src-block) (keyword . org-hugo-keyword) (link . org-hugo-link) (paragraph . org-hugo-paragraph) (src-block . org-hugo-src-block) (special-block . org-hugo-special-block)) :options ((:with-toc nil "toc" org-hugo-export-with-toc) (:section-numbers nil "num" org-hugo-export-with-section-numbers) (:author "AUTHOR" nil user-full-name newline) (:creator "CREATOR" nil org-hugo-export-creator-string) (:with-smart-quotes nil "'" nil) (:with-special-strings nil "-" nil) (:with-sub-superscript nil "^" ...) (:hugo-with-locale "HUGO_WITH_LOCALE" nil nil) (:hugo-front-matter-format "HUGO_FRONT_MATTER_FORMAT" nil org-hugo-front-matter-format) (:hugo-level-offset "HUGO_LEVEL_OFFSET" nil "1") (:hugo-preserve-filling "HUGO_PRESERVE_FILLING" nil org-hugo-preserve-filling) (:hugo-delete-trailing-ws "HUGO_DELETE_TRAILING_WS" nil org-hugo-delete-trailing-ws) (:hugo-section "HUGO_SECTION" nil org-hugo-section) (:hugo-bundle "HUGO_BUNDLE" nil nil) (:hugo-base-dir "HUGO_BASE_DIR" nil org-hugo-base-dir) (:hugo-goldmark "HUGO_GOLDMARK" nil org-hugo-goldmark) (:hugo-code-fence "HUGO_CODE_FENCE" nil t) (:hugo-use-code-for-kbd "HUGO_USE_CODE_FOR_KBD" nil org-hugo-use-code-for-kbd) (:hugo-prefer-hyphen-in-tags "HUGO_PREFER_HYPHEN_IN_TAGS" nil org-hugo-prefer-hyphen-in-tags) (:hugo-allow-spaces-in-tags "HUGO_ALLOW_SPACES_IN_TAGS" nil org-hugo-allow-spaces-in-tags) (:hugo-auto-set-lastmod "HUGO_AUTO_SET_LASTMOD" nil org-hugo-auto-set-lastmod) (:hugo-custom-front-matter "HUGO_CUSTOM_FRONT_MATTER" nil nil space) (:hugo-blackfriday "HUGO_BLACKFRIDAY" nil nil space) (:hugo-front-matter-key-replace "HUGO_FRONT_MATTER_KEY_REPLACE" nil nil space) (:hugo-date-format "HUGO_DATE_FORMAT" nil org-hugo-date-format) (:hugo-paired-shortcodes "HUGO_PAIRED_SHORTCODES" nil org-hugo-paired-shortcodes space) (:hugo-pandoc-citations "HUGO_PANDOC_CITATIONS" nil nil) (:bibliography "BIBLIOGRAPHY" nil nil newline) (:html-container "HTML_CONTAINER" nil org-hugo-container-element) (:html-container-class "HTML_CONTAINER_CLASS" nil "") (:hugo-aliases "HUGO_ALIASES" nil nil space) (:hugo-audio "HUGO_AUDIO" nil nil) ...) :filters ((:filter-body . org-hugo-body-filter)) :blocks nil :menu (72 "Export to Hugo-compatible Markdo..." (... ... ... ... ... ...))) :translate-alist ((code . org-hugo-kbd-tags-maybe) (drawer . org-hugo-drawer) (example-block . org-hugo-example-block) (export-block . org-hugo-export-block) (export-snippet . org-hugo-export-snippet) (headline . org-hugo-heading) (inner-template . org-hugo-inner-template) (inline-src-block . org-hugo-inline-src-block) (keyword . org-hugo-keyword) (link . org-hugo-link) (paragraph . org-hugo-paragraph) (src-block . org-hugo-src-block) (special-block . org-hugo-special-block) (center-block . org-blackfriday-center-block) (example-block . org-blackfriday-example-block) (fixed-width . org-blackfriday-fixed-width) (footnote-reference . org-blackfriday-footnote-reference) (inner-template . org-blackfriday-inner-template) (italic . org-blackfriday-italic) (item . org-blackfriday-item) (latex-environment . org-blackfriday-latex-environment) (latex-fragment . org-blackfriday-latex-fragment) (line-break . org-html-line-break) (plain-list . org-blackfriday-plain-list) (plain-text . org-blackfriday-plain-text) (quote-block . org-blackfriday-quote-block) (radio-target . org-blackfriday-radio-target) (special-block . org-blackfriday-special-block) (src-block . org-blackfriday-src-block) (strike-through . org-blackfriday-strike-through) (table-cell . org-blackfriday-table-cell) (table-row . org-blackfriday-table-row) ...) :exported-data #<hash-table eq 7/4001 0x2aaab0825efb> :input-buffer "" :input-file "/home/emre/research/roam-notes/2..." :with-toc nil :section-numbers nil :author "Jens Frey" :creator "Emacs 28.2 (Org mode 9.6 + ox-hu..." :with-smart-quotes nil :with-special-strings nil :with-sub-superscript {} :hugo-with-locale nil :hugo-front-matter-format "toml" :hugo-level-offset "1" ...)) #f(compiled-function (element) #<bytecode -0x16ee70c71e035241>)((link (:type "gls" :path "1:EmRE" :format bracket :raw-link "gls:1:EmRE" :application nil :search-option nil :begin 178 :end 192 :contents-begin nil :contents-end nil :post-blank 0 :parent (paragraph (:begin 94 :end 194 :contents-begin 94 :contents-end 194 :post-blank 1 :post-affiliated 94 :mode planning :granularity nil :parent (section (:begin 94 :end 195 :contents-begin 94 :contents-end 194 :robust-begin 94 :robust-end 192 :post-blank 1 :post-affiliated 94 :mode section :granularity nil :parent (headline ... #47)) #27)) #("Use a reference and a glossary entry to the " 0 44 (:parent #27)) (link (:type "gls" :path "1:PC" :format bracket :raw-link "gls:1:PC" :application nil :search-option nil :begin 138 :end 151 :contents-begin nil :contents-end nil :post-blank 1 :parent #27)) #("or a " 0 5 (:parent #27)) (link (:type "Gls" :path "1:blog" :format bracket :raw-link "Gls:1:blog" :application nil :search-option nil :begin 156 :end 171 :contents-begin nil :contents-end nil :post-blank 1 :parent #27)) #("in the " 0 7 (:parent #27)) #1 #(".\n" 0 2 (:parent #27)))))) mapconcat(#f(compiled-function (element) #<bytecode -0x16ee70c71e035241>) (#("Use a reference and a glossary 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94 :mode planning :granularity nil :parent (section (:begin 94 :end 195 :contents-begin 94 :contents-end 194 :robust-begin 94 :robust-end 192 :post-blank 1 :post-affiliated 94 :mode section :granularity nil :parent ...) #8)) . #2))) (link (:type "Gls" :path "1:blog" :format bracket :raw-link "Gls:1:blog" :application nil :search-option nil :begin 156 :end 171 :contents-begin nil :contents-end nil :post-blank 1 :parent (paragraph (:begin 94 :end 194 :contents-begin 94 :contents-end 194 :post-blank 1 :post-affiliated 94 :mode planning :granularity nil :parent (section (:begin 94 :end 195 :contents-begin 94 :contents-end 194 :robust-begin 94 :robust-end 192 :post-blank 1 :post-affiliated 94 :mode section :granularity nil :parent ...) #32)) . #2))) #("in the " 0 7 (:parent (paragraph (:begin 94 :end 194 :contents-begin 94 :contents-end 194 :post-blank 1 :post-affiliated 94 :mode planning :granularity nil :parent (section (:begin 94 :end 195 :contents-begin 94 :contents-end 194 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#2)))) "") org-export-data((paragraph (:begin 94 :end 194 :contents-begin 94 :contents-end 194 :post-blank 1 :post-affiliated 94 :mode planning :granularity nil :parent (section ... #1)) #("Use a reference and a glos..." 0 44 (:parent #1)) (link (:type "gls" :path "1:PC" :format bracket :raw-link "gls:1:PC" :application nil :search-option nil :begin 138 :end 151 :contents-begin nil :contents-end nil :post-blank 1 :parent #1)) #("or a " 0 5 (:parent #1)) (link (:type "Gls" :path "1:blog" :format bracket :raw-link "Gls:1:blog" :application nil :search-option nil :begin 156 :end 171 :contents-begin nil :contents-end nil :post-blank 1 :parent #1)) #("in the " 0 7 (:parent #1)) (link (:type "gls" :path "1:EmRE" :format bracket :raw-link "gls:1:EmRE" :application nil :search-option nil :begin 178 :end 192 :contents-begin nil :contents-end nil :post-blank 0 :parent #1)) #(".\n" 0 2 (:parent #1))) (:export-options nil :back-end #s(org-export-backend :name hugo :parent blackfriday :transcoders (... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...) :options (... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...) :filters (...) :blocks nil :menu (72 "Export to Hugo-compatible ..." ...)) :translate-alist ((code . org-hugo-kbd-tags-maybe) (drawer . org-hugo-drawer) (example-block . org-hugo-example-block) (export-block . org-hugo-export-block) (export-snippet . org-hugo-export-snippet) (headline . org-hugo-heading) (inner-template . org-hugo-inner-template) (inline-src-block . org-hugo-inline-src-block) (keyword . org-hugo-keyword) (link . org-hugo-link) (paragraph . org-hugo-paragraph) (src-block . org-hugo-src-block) (special-block . org-hugo-special-block) (center-block . org-blackfriday-center-block) (example-block . org-blackfriday-example-block) (fixed-width . org-blackfriday-fixed-width) (footnote-reference . org-blackfriday-footnote-reference) (inner-template . org-blackfriday-inner-template) (italic . org-blackfriday-italic) (item . org-blackfriday-item) (latex-environment . org-blackfriday-latex-environment) (latex-fragment . org-blackfriday-latex-fragment) (line-break . org-html-line-break) (plain-list . org-blackfriday-plain-list) (plain-text . org-blackfriday-plain-text) (quote-block . org-blackfriday-quote-block) ...) :exported-data #<hash-table eq 7/4001 0x2aaab0825efb> :input-buffer "20230108185620-new_test.or..." :input-file "/home/emre/research/roam-n..." :with-toc nil :section-numbers nil :author "Jens Frey" :creator "Emacs 28.2 (Org mode 9.6 +..." :with-smart-quotes nil :with-special-strings nil :with-sub-superscript {} ...)) #f(compiled-function (element) #<bytecode -0x16ee70c71e035241>)((paragraph (:begin 94 :end 194 :contents-begin 94 :contents-end 194 :post-blank 1 :post-affiliated 94 :mode planning :granularity nil :parent (section (:begin 94 :end 195 :contents-begin 94 :contents-end 194 :robust-begin 94 :robust-end 192 :post-blank 1 :post-affiliated 94 :mode section 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bracket :raw-link "gls:1:EmRE" :application nil :search-option nil :begin 178 :end 192 :contents-begin nil :contents-end nil :post-blank 0 :parent #1)) #(".\n" 0 2 (:parent #1)))) mapconcat(#f(compiled-function (element) #<bytecode -0x16ee70c71e035241>) ((paragraph (:begin 94 :end 194 :contents-begin 94 :contents-end 194 :post-blank 1 :post-affiliated 94 :mode planning :granularity nil :parent (section (:begin 94 :end 195 :contents-begin 94 :contents-end 194 :robust-begin 94 :robust-end 192 :post-blank 1 :post-affiliated 94 :mode section :granularity nil :parent (headline (:raw-value "One" :begin 87 :end 195 :pre-blank 1 :contents-begin 94 :contents-end 194 :robust-begin 96 :robust-end 192 :level 1 :priority nil :tags nil :todo-keyword nil :todo-type nil :post-blank 1 :footnote-section-p nil :archivedp nil :commentedp nil :post-affiliated 87 :title ... :parent ... :cached t :org-element--cache-sync-key ... :granularity nil) #23)) . #2)) #("Use a reference and a glossary entry to the " 0 44 (:parent #3)) (link (:type "gls" :path "1:PC" :format bracket :raw-link "gls:1:PC" :application nil :search-option nil :begin 138 :end 151 :contents-begin nil :contents-end nil :post-blank 1 :parent #3)) #("or a " 0 5 (:parent #3)) (link (:type "Gls" :path "1:blog" :format bracket :raw-link "Gls:1:blog" :application nil :search-option nil :begin 156 :end 171 :contents-begin nil :contents-end nil :post-blank 1 :parent #3)) #("in the " 0 7 (:parent #3)) (link (:type "gls" :path "1:EmRE" :format bracket :raw-link "gls:1:EmRE" :application nil :search-option nil :begin 178 :end 192 :contents-begin nil :contents-end nil :post-blank 0 :parent #3)) #(".\n" 0 2 (:parent #3)))) "") org-export-data((section (:begin 94 :end 195 :contents-begin 94 :contents-end 194 :robust-begin 94 :robust-end 192 :post-blank 1 :post-affiliated 94 :mode section :granularity nil :parent (headline ... #1)) (paragraph (:begin 94 :end 194 :contents-begin 94 :contents-end 194 :post-blank 1 :post-affiliated 94 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(link ...) #("or a " 0 5 ...) (link ...) #("in the " 0 7 ...) (link ...) #(".\n" 0 2 ...))) (:export-options nil :back-end #s(org-export-backend :name hugo :parent blackfriday :transcoders (... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...) :options (... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...) :filters (...) :blocks nil :menu (72 "Export to Hugo-compatible ..." ...)) :translate-alist ((code . org-hugo-kbd-tags-maybe) (drawer . org-hugo-drawer) (example-block . org-hugo-example-block) (export-block . org-hugo-export-block) (export-snippet . org-hugo-export-snippet) (headline . org-hugo-heading) (inner-template . org-hugo-inner-template) (inline-src-block . org-hugo-inline-src-block) (keyword . org-hugo-keyword) (link . org-hugo-link) (paragraph . org-hugo-paragraph) (src-block . org-hugo-src-block) (special-block . org-hugo-special-block) (center-block . org-blackfriday-center-block) (example-block . org-blackfriday-example-block) (fixed-width . org-blackfriday-fixed-width) (footnote-reference . org-blackfriday-footnote-reference) (inner-template . org-blackfriday-inner-template) (italic . org-blackfriday-italic) (item . org-blackfriday-item) (latex-environment . org-blackfriday-latex-environment) (latex-fragment . org-blackfriday-latex-fragment) (line-break . org-html-line-break) (plain-list . org-blackfriday-plain-list) (plain-text . org-blackfriday-plain-text) (quote-block . org-blackfriday-quote-block) ...) :exported-data #<hash-table eq 7/4001 0x2aaab0825efb> :input-buffer "20230108185620-new_test.or..." :input-file "/home/emre/research/roam-n..." :with-toc nil :section-numbers nil :author "Jens Frey" :creator "Emacs 28.2 (Org mode 9.6 +..." :with-smart-quotes nil :with-special-strings nil :with-sub-superscript {} ...)) #f(compiled-function (element) #<bytecode -0x16ee70c71e035241>)((section (:begin 94 :end 195 :contents-begin 94 :contents-end 194 :robust-begin 94 :robust-end 192 :post-blank 1 :post-affiliated 94 :mode section :granularity nil :parent (headline (:raw-value "One" :begin 87 :end 195 :pre-blank 1 :contents-begin 94 :contents-end 194 :robust-begin 96 :robust-end 192 :level 1 :priority nil :tags nil :todo-keyword nil :todo-type nil :post-blank 1 :footnote-section-p nil :archivedp nil :commentedp nil :post-affiliated 87 :title (#("One" 0 3 (:parent #25))) :parent (org-data (:begin 1 :contents-begin 1 :contents-end 638 :end 638 :robust-begin 67 :robust-end 636 :post-blank 0 :post-affiliated 1 :path "/home/emre/research/roam-notes/20230108185620-new_..." :mode org-data :ID "cd785446-74bf-40ea-9dd3-576d1d7e0119" :CATEGORY "20230108185620-new_test" :granularity nil) (section (:begin 1 :end 87 :contents-begin 1 :contents-end 86 :robust-begin 1 :robust-end 84 :post-blank 1 :post-affiliated 1 :mode first-section :granularity nil :parent #67) (keyword ...)) #25 (headline (:raw-value "Two" :begin 195 :end 255 :pre-blank 0 :contents-begin 201 :contents-end 253 :robust-begin 203 :robust-end 251 :level 1 :priority nil :tags nil :todo-keyword nil :todo-type nil :post-blank 1 :footnote-section-p nil :archivedp nil :commentedp nil :post-affiliated 195 :title ... :parent #67 :cached t :org-element--cache-sync-key ... :granularity nil) (section ... ...)) 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(headline ... ...) (headline ... ...)) :cached t :org-element--cache-sync-key (2 . 87) :granularity nil) . #2)) (paragraph (:begin 94 :end 194 :contents-begin 94 :contents-end 194 :post-blank 1 :post-affiliated 94 :mode planning :granularity nil :parent #3) #("Use a reference and a glossary entry to the " 0 44 (:parent #6)) (link (:type "gls" :path "1:PC" :format bracket :raw-link "gls:1:PC" :application nil :search-option nil :begin 138 :end 151 :contents-begin nil :contents-end nil :post-blank 1 :parent #6)) #("or a " 0 5 (:parent #6)) (link (:type "Gls" :path "1:blog" :format bracket :raw-link "Gls:1:blog" :application nil :search-option nil :begin 156 :end 171 :contents-begin nil :contents-end nil :post-blank 1 :parent #6)) #("in the " 0 7 (:parent #6)) (link (:type "gls" :path "1:EmRE" :format bracket :raw-link "gls:1:EmRE" :application nil :search-option nil :begin 178 :end 192 :contents-begin nil :contents-end nil :post-blank 0 :parent #6)) #(".\n" 0 2 (:parent #6))))) "") org-export-data((headline (:raw-value "One" :begin 87 :end 195 :pre-blank 1 :contents-begin 94 :contents-end 194 :robust-begin 96 :robust-end 192 :level 1 :priority nil :tags nil :todo-keyword nil :todo-type nil ...) 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(headline (:raw-value "Glossary" :begin 355 :end 638 :pre-blank 0 :contents-begin 366 :contents-end 638 :robust-begin 368 :robust-end 636 :level 1 :priority nil :tags nil :todo-keyword nil :todo-type nil :post-blank 1 :footnote-section-p nil :archivedp nil :commentedp nil :post-affiliated 355 :title (#("Glossary" 0 8 ...)) :mode nil :granularity nil :parent #43) (section (:begin 366 :end 638 :contents-begin 366 :contents-end 638 :robust-begin 366 :robust-end 636 :post-blank 1 :post-affiliated 366 :mode section :granularity nil :parent #50) (paragraph (:begin 366 :end 548 :contents-begin 366 :contents-end 547 :post-blank 1 :post-affiliated 366 :mode planning :granularity nil :parent #53) (bold ... ...) (entity ...) #("~ is the short form of weblog and references an on..." 0 132 ...) (entity ...) (link ...) #("\n" 0 1 ...)) (paragraph (:begin 548 :end 638 :contents-begin 548 :contents-end 638 :post-blank 1 :post-affiliated 548 :mode nil :granularity nil :parent #53) (bold ... ...) (entity ...) #("A personal computing device." 0 28 ...) (entity ...) (link ...) #(", " 0 2 ...) (link ...) #("\n" 0 1 ...))))) :cached t :org-element--cache-sync-key (2 . 87) :granularity nil) (section (:begin 94 :end 195 :contents-begin 94 :contents-end 194 :robust-begin 94 :robust-end 192 :post-blank 1 :post-affiliated 94 :mode section :granularity nil :parent #1) (paragraph (:begin 94 :end 194 :contents-begin 94 :contents-end 194 :post-blank 1 :post-affiliated 94 :mode planning :granularity nil :parent #4) #("Use a reference and a glossary entry to the " 0 44 (:parent #7)) (link (:type "gls" :path "1:PC" :format bracket :raw-link "gls:1:PC" :application nil :search-option nil :begin 138 :end 151 :contents-begin nil :contents-end nil :post-blank 1 :parent #7)) #("or a " 0 5 (:parent #7)) (link (:type "Gls" :path "1:blog" :format bracket :raw-link "Gls:1:blog" :application nil :search-option nil :begin 156 :end 171 :contents-begin nil :contents-end nil :post-blank 1 :parent #7)) #("in the " 0 7 (:parent #7)) (link (:type "gls" :path "1:EmRE" :format bracket :raw-link "gls:1:EmRE" :application nil :search-option nil :begin 178 :end 192 :contents-begin nil :contents-end nil :post-blank 0 :parent #7)) #(".\n" 0 2 (:parent #7)))))) mapconcat(#f(compiled-function (element) #<bytecode -0x16ee70c71e035241>) ((section (:begin 1 :end 87 :contents-begin 1 :contents-end 86 :robust-begin 1 :robust-end 84 :post-blank 1 :post-affiliated 1 :mode first-section :granularity nil :parent (org-data (:begin 1 :contents-begin 1 :contents-end 638 :end 638 :robust-begin 67 :robust-end 636 :post-blank 0 :post-affiliated 1 :path "/home/emre/research/roam-notes/2023010..." :mode org-data :ID "cd785446-74bf-40ea-9dd3-576d1d7e0119" :CATEGORY "20230108185620-new_test" :granularity nil) . #2)) (keyword (:key "TITLE" :value "New Test" :begin 68 :end 86 :post-blank 1 :post-affiliated 68 :mode nil :granularity nil :parent #3))) (headline (:raw-value "One" :begin 87 :end 195 :pre-blank 1 :contents-begin 94 :contents-end 194 :robust-begin 96 :robust-end 192 :level 1 :priority nil :tags nil :todo-keyword nil :todo-type nil :post-blank 1 :footnote-section-p nil :archivedp nil :commentedp nil :post-affiliated 87 :title (#("One" 0 3 ...)) ...) (section (:begin 94 :end 195 :contents-begin 94 :contents-end 194 :robust-begin 94 :robust-end 192 :post-blank 1 :post-affiliated 94 :mode section :granularity nil :parent #4) (paragraph (:begin 94 :end 194 :contents-begin 94 :contents-end 194 :post-blank 1 :post-affiliated 94 :mode planning :granularity nil :parent #7) #("Use a reference and a glossary entry t..." 0 44 ...) (link ...) #("or a " 0 5 ...) (link ...) #("in the " 0 7 ...) (link ...) #(".\n" 0 2 ...)))) (headline (:raw-value "Two" :begin 195 :end 255 :pre-blank 0 :contents-begin 201 :contents-end 253 :robust-begin 203 :robust-end 251 :level 1 :priority nil :tags nil :todo-keyword nil :todo-type nil :post-blank 1 :footnote-section-p nil :archivedp nil :commentedp nil :post-affiliated 195 :title (#("Two" 0 3 ...)) ...) (section (:begin 201 :end 255 :contents-begin 201 :contents-end 253 :robust-begin 201 :robust-end 251 :post-blank 1 :post-affiliated 201 :mode section :granularity nil :parent #5) (paragraph (:begin 201 :end 253 :contents-begin 201 :contents-end 253 :post-blank 1 :post-affiliated 201 :mode planning :granularity nil :parent #8) #("No refs aside from the " 0 23 ...) (link ...) #("glossary entry.\n" 0 16 ...)))) (headline (:raw-value "Acronyms" :begin 255 :end 355 :pre-blank 0 :contents-begin 266 :contents-end 354 :robust-begin 268 :robust-end 352 :level 1 :priority nil :tags nil :todo-keyword nil :todo-type nil :post-blank 1 :footnote-section-p nil :archivedp nil :commentedp nil :post-affiliated 255 :title (#("Acronyms" 0 8 ...)) ...) (section (:begin 266 :end 355 :contents-begin 266 :contents-end 354 :robust-begin 266 :robust-end 352 :post-blank 1 :post-affiliated 266 :mode section :granularity nil :parent #6) (paragraph (:begin 266 :end 354 :contents-begin 266 :contents-end 354 :post-blank 1 :post-affiliated 266 :mode planning :granularity nil :parent #9) (bold ... ...) (entity ...) #("Emacs REproducible Research Environmen..." 0 39 ...) (entity ...) (link ...) #("\n" 0 1 ...)))) (headline (:raw-value "Glossary" :begin 355 :end 638 :pre-blank 0 :contents-begin 366 :contents-end 638 :robust-begin 368 :robust-end 636 :level 1 :priority nil :tags nil :todo-keyword nil :todo-type nil :post-blank 1 :footnote-section-p nil :archivedp nil :commentedp nil :post-affiliated 355 :title (#("Glossary" 0 8 ...)) ...) (section (:begin 366 :end 638 :contents-begin 366 :contents-end 638 :robust-begin 366 :robust-end 636 :post-blank 1 :post-affiliated 366 :mode section :granularity nil :parent #7) (paragraph (:begin 366 :end 548 :contents-begin 366 :contents-end 547 :post-blank 1 :post-affiliated 366 :mode planning :granularity nil :parent #10) (bold ... ...) (entity ...) #("~ is the short form of weblog and refe..." 0 132 ...) (entity ...) (link ...) #("\n" 0 1 ...)) (paragraph (:begin 548 :end 638 :contents-begin 548 :contents-end 638 :post-blank 1 :post-affiliated 548 :mode nil :granularity nil :parent #10) (bold ... ...) (entity ...) #("A personal computing device." 0 28 ...) (entity ...) (link ...) #(", " 0 2 ...) (link ...) #("\n" 0 1 ...))))) "") org-export-data((org-data (:begin 1 :contents-begin 1 :contents-end 638 :end 638 :robust-begin 67 :robust-end 636 :post-blank 0 :post-affiliated 1 :path "/home/emre/research/roam-n..." :mode org-data :ID "cd785446-74bf-40ea-9dd3-57..." :CATEGORY "20230108185620-new_test" :granularity nil) (section (:begin 1 :end 87 :contents-begin 1 :contents-end 86 :robust-begin 1 :robust-end 84 :post-blank 1 :post-affiliated 1 :mode first-section :granularity nil :parent #1) (keyword ...)) (headline (:raw-value "One" :begin 87 :end 195 :pre-blank 1 :contents-begin 94 :contents-end 194 :robust-begin 96 :robust-end 192 :level 1 :priority nil :tags nil :todo-keyword nil :todo-type nil ...) (section ... ...)) (headline (:raw-value "Two" :begin 195 :end 255 :pre-blank 0 :contents-begin 201 :contents-end 253 :robust-begin 203 :robust-end 251 :level 1 :priority nil :tags nil :todo-keyword nil :todo-type nil ...) (section ... ...)) (headline (:raw-value "Acronyms" :begin 255 :end 355 :pre-blank 0 :contents-begin 266 :contents-end 354 :robust-begin 268 :robust-end 352 :level 1 :priority nil :tags nil :todo-keyword nil :todo-type nil ...) (section ... ...)) (headline (:raw-value "Glossary" :begin 355 :end 638 :pre-blank 0 :contents-begin 366 :contents-end 638 :robust-begin 368 :robust-end 636 :level 1 :priority nil :tags nil :todo-keyword nil :todo-type nil ...) (section ... ... ...))) (:export-options nil :back-end #s(org-export-backend :name hugo :parent blackfriday :transcoders (... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...) :options (... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...) :filters (...) :blocks nil :menu (72 "Export to Hugo-compatible ..." ...)) :translate-alist ((code . org-hugo-kbd-tags-maybe) (drawer . org-hugo-drawer) (example-block . org-hugo-example-block) (export-block . org-hugo-export-block) (export-snippet . org-hugo-export-snippet) (headline . org-hugo-heading) (inner-template . org-hugo-inner-template) (inline-src-block . org-hugo-inline-src-block) (keyword . org-hugo-keyword) (link . org-hugo-link) (paragraph . org-hugo-paragraph) (src-block . org-hugo-src-block) (special-block . org-hugo-special-block) (center-block . org-blackfriday-center-block) (example-block . org-blackfriday-example-block) (fixed-width . org-blackfriday-fixed-width) (footnote-reference . org-blackfriday-footnote-reference) (inner-template . org-blackfriday-inner-template) (italic . org-blackfriday-italic) (item . org-blackfriday-item) (latex-environment . org-blackfriday-latex-environment) (latex-fragment . org-blackfriday-latex-fragment) (line-break . org-html-line-break) (plain-list . org-blackfriday-plain-list) (plain-text . org-blackfriday-plain-text) (quote-block . org-blackfriday-quote-block) ...) :exported-data #<hash-table eq 7/4001 0x2aaab0825efb> :input-buffer "20230108185620-new_test.or..." :input-file "/home/emre/research/roam-n..." :with-toc nil :section-numbers nil :author "Jens Frey" :creator "Emacs 28.2 (Org mode 9.6 +..." :with-smart-quotes nil :with-special-strings nil :with-sub-superscript {} ...)) #f(compiled-function (backend &optional subtreep visible-only body-only ext-plist) "Transcode current Org buffer into BACKEND code.\n\nBACKEND is either an export back-end, as returned by, e.g.,\n`org-export-create-backend', or a symbol referring to\na registered back-end.\n\nIf narrowing is active in the current buffer, only transcode its\nnarrowed part.\n\nIf a region is active, transcode that region.\n\nWhen optional argument SUBTREEP is non-nil, transcode the\nsub-tree at point, extracting information from the headline\nproperties first.\n\nWhen optional argument VISIBLE-ONLY is non-nil, don't export\ncontents of hidden elements.\n\nWhen optional argument BODY-ONLY is non-nil, only return body\ncode, without surrounding template.\n\nOptional argument EXT-PLIST, when provided, is a property list\nwith external parameters overriding Org default settings, but\nstill inferior to file-local settings.\n\nReturn code as a string." #<bytecode 0x42435c5fcc34ef2>)(hugo nil nil nil nil) apply(#f(compiled-function (backend &optional subtreep visible-only body-only ext-plist) "Transcode current Org buffer into BACKEND code.\n\nBACKEND is either an export back-end, as returned by, e.g.,\n`org-export-create-backend', or a symbol referring to\na registered back-end.\n\nIf narrowing is active in the current buffer, only transcode its\nnarrowed part.\n\nIf a region is active, transcode that region.\n\nWhen optional argument SUBTREEP is non-nil, transcode the\nsub-tree at point, extracting information from the headline\nproperties first.\n\nWhen optional argument VISIBLE-ONLY is non-nil, don't export\ncontents of hidden elements.\n\nWhen optional argument BODY-ONLY is non-nil, only return body\ncode, without surrounding template.\n\nOptional argument EXT-PLIST, when provided, is a property list\nwith external parameters overriding Org default settings, but\nstill inferior to file-local settings.\n\nReturn code as a string." #<bytecode 0x42435c5fcc34ef2>) (hugo nil nil nil nil)) (let ((old-async-init-file org-export-async-init-file) (org-export-async-init-file (make-temp-file "doom-org-async-export"))) (doom-file-write org-export-async-init-file (list (list 'setq 'org-export-async-debug (or org-export-async-debug debug-on-error) 'load-path (list 'quote load-path)) (cons 'unwind-protect (cons (list 'let (list (list ... old-async-init-file)) (cons 'if (cons ... ...))) '((delete-file load-file-name)))))) (apply fn args)) +org--fix-async-export-a(#f(compiled-function (backend &optional subtreep visible-only body-only ext-plist) "Transcode current Org buffer into BACKEND code.\n\nBACKEND is either an export back-end, as returned by, e.g.,\n`org-export-create-backend', or a symbol referring to\na registered back-end.\n\nIf narrowing is active in the current buffer, only transcode its\nnarrowed part.\n\nIf a region is active, transcode that region.\n\nWhen optional argument SUBTREEP is non-nil, transcode the\nsub-tree at point, extracting information from the headline\nproperties first.\n\nWhen optional argument VISIBLE-ONLY is non-nil, don't export\ncontents of hidden elements.\n\nWhen optional argument BODY-ONLY is non-nil, only return body\ncode, without surrounding template.\n\nOptional argument EXT-PLIST, when provided, is a property list\nwith external parameters overriding Org default settings, but\nstill inferior to file-local settings.\n\nReturn code as a string." #<bytecode 0x42435c5fcc34ef2>) hugo nil nil nil nil) apply(+org--fix-async-export-a #f(compiled-function (backend &optional subtreep visible-only body-only ext-plist) "Transcode current Org buffer into BACKEND code.\n\nBACKEND is either an export back-end, as returned by, e.g.,\n`org-export-create-backend', or a symbol referring to\na registered back-end.\n\nIf narrowing is active in the current buffer, only transcode its\nnarrowed part.\n\nIf a region is active, transcode that region.\n\nWhen optional argument SUBTREEP is non-nil, transcode the\nsub-tree at point, extracting information from the headline\nproperties first.\n\nWhen optional argument VISIBLE-ONLY is non-nil, don't export\ncontents of hidden elements.\n\nWhen optional argument BODY-ONLY is non-nil, only return body\ncode, without surrounding template.\n\nOptional argument EXT-PLIST, when provided, is a property list\nwith external parameters overriding Org default settings, but\nstill inferior to file-local settings.\n\nReturn code as a string." #<bytecode 0x42435c5fcc34ef2>) (hugo nil nil nil nil)) org-export-as(hugo nil nil nil nil) org-export-to-buffer(hugo "*Org Hugo Export*" nil nil nil nil nil #f(compiled-function () #<bytecode 0x15f46fec69bd9>)) org-hugo-export-as-md(nil nil nil) (lambda (a s v _b) (org-hugo-export-as-md a s v))(nil nil nil nil) #f(compiled-function (&optional arg) "Export dispatcher for Org mode.\n\nIt provides an access to common export related tasks in a buffer.\nIts interface comes in two flavors: standard and expert.\n\nWhile both share the same set of bindings, only the former\ndisplays the valid keys associations in a dedicated buffer.\nScrolling (resp. line-wise motion) in this buffer is done with\nSPC and DEL (resp. C-n and C-p) keys.\n\nSet variable `org-export-dispatch-use-expert-ui' to switch to one\nflavor or the other.\n\nWhen ARG is `\\[universal-argument]', repeat the last export action, with the same\nset of options used back then, on the current buffer.\n\nWhen ARG is `\\[universal-argument] \\[universal-argument]', display the asynchronous export stack." (interactive "P") #<bytecode -0x80753cb693b6aa2>)(nil) apply(#f(compiled-function (&optional arg) "Export dispatcher for Org mode.\n\nIt provides an access to common export related tasks in a buffer.\nIts interface comes in two flavors: standard and expert.\n\nWhile both share the same set of bindings, only the former\ndisplays the valid keys associations in a dedicated buffer.\nScrolling (resp. line-wise motion) in this buffer is done with\nSPC and DEL (resp. C-n and C-p) keys.\n\nSet variable `org-export-dispatch-use-expert-ui' to switch to one\nflavor or the other.\n\nWhen ARG is `\\[universal-argument]', repeat the last export action, with the same\nset of options used back then, on the current buffer.\n\nWhen ARG is `\\[universal-argument] \\[universal-argument]', display the asynchronous export stack." (interactive "P") #<bytecode -0x80753cb693b6aa2>) nil) org-export-dispatch(nil) funcall-interactively(org-export-dispatch nil) command-execute(org-export-dispatch) ```
authsec commented 2023-01-08 19:37:14 +00:00 (Migrated from

I just tried your example again and noticed I can export to Markdown, but not to Hugo. There were problems with org-special-block-extras because ox-hugo is a derived backend:

I don't really know what it's doing, but maybe that helps solve the problem?

I just tried your example again and noticed I can export to Markdown, but not to Hugo. There were problems with `org-special-block-extras` because `ox-hugo` is a derived backend: I don't really know what it's doing, but maybe that helps solve the problem?
tecosaur commented 2023-01-18 09:02:08 +00:00 (Migrated from

I have no idea what's going on with the hugo/gethash issue, however I found an issue with the specificity of org-glossary--get-export-specs and have a potential fix for that, I just want to see if I can make it any prettier 🙂.

;; (Within the let* bindings)
         ;; Find the spec for the backend or nearest parent
         (backend (if (symbolp backend)
                      (org-export-get-backend backend)
          (or (alist-get (org-export-backend-name backend)
                (while (and backend
                            (not (assq (org-export-backend-name backend)
                  (setq backend (org-export-get-backend
                (alist-get backend org-glossary-export-specs))

With this fix the example from with a tweaked version of your md export spec seems to work as we'd both hope:

(md (t :use "[%t](#gls-%K)"
       :definition "%t {#gls-%K}"
       :definition-structure "%d\n\\colon{} %v [%n uses]\n")) ; Org syntax, remember
Use a reference and a glossary entry to the [PC](#gls-4) or a [Blog](#gls-5) in the Emacs REproducible Research Environment


PC {#gls-4}
: A personal computing device. [1 uses]
I have no idea what's going on with the hugo/`gethash` issue, however I found an issue with the specificity of `org-glossary--get-export-specs` and have a potential fix for that, I just want to see if I can make it any prettier :slightly_smiling_face:. ```lisp ;; (Within the let* bindings) ;; Find the spec for the backend or nearest parent (backend (if (symbolp backend) (org-export-get-backend backend) backend)) (current-spec (or (alist-get (org-export-backend-name backend) org-glossary-export-specs) (progn (while (and backend (not (assq (org-export-backend-name backend) org-glossary-export-specs))) (setq backend (org-export-get-backend (org-export-backend-parent backend)))) (alist-get backend org-glossary-export-specs)) default-spec)) ``` With this fix the example from with a tweaked version of your `md` export spec seems to work as we'd both hope: ```lisp (md (t :use "[%t](#gls-%K)" :definition "%t {#gls-%K}" :definition-structure "%d\n\\colon{} %v [%n uses]\n")) ; Org syntax, remember ``` ```md Use a reference and a glossary entry to the [PC](#gls-4) or a [Blog](#gls-5) in the Emacs REproducible Research Environment ([EmRE](#gls-3)). ... PC {#gls-4} : A personal computing device. [1 uses] ```
tecosaur commented 2023-01-18 15:07:07 +00:00 (Migrated from

@authsec I've just pushed 62153ffa13, give that a shot and let me know if you still run into any issues.

@authsec I've just pushed 62153ffa13c96b260c3c2991496a0da4380228f5, give that a shot and let me know if you still run into any issues.
authsec commented 2023-01-19 23:02:07 +00:00 (Migrated from

@tecosaur I've tested this quite a bit now and it seems to work reliably for the MWE even if I remove the org-headings as part of the document and use #+glossary_sources: glossary-it-general acronyms-it-general in the header as sources of the glosses.

So when exporting to Markdown, the following document works, if I execute the embedded export-spec before exporting.

#+title: Glossary Demo
#+glossary_sources: glossary-it-general acronyms-it-general

* One

Use a reference and a glossary entry to the PC or a Blog in the EmRE.

* Two

No refs aside from the PC glossary entry.

#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(org-glossary-set-export-spec 'md t
  :use "[%t](#gls-%K)"
  :definition "%t {#gls-%K}"
  :definition-structure "%d\n\\colon{} %v [%n uses]\n")

However, if I change it from 'md to 'hugo which is basically the same markdown to render in this case, I get the initial nasty hash-table-p problem again.

Debugger entered--Lisp error: (wrong-type-argument hash-table-p nil)
  gethash((#("Emacs REproducible Research Environment\n" 0 40 (:parent nil))) nil)
  org-export-data((#("Emacs REproducible Research Environment\n" 0 40 (:parent nil))) nil)
  org-glossary--export-template("%v (%u)" md nil (:key "EmRE" :key-plural "EmREs" :key-nonce 6 :term "EmRE" :term-plural "EmREs" :alias-for nil :type acronym :category nil :value (#("Emacs REproducible Research Environment\n" 0 40 (:parent nil))) :definition-file "/home/emre/research/glosses/acronyms-it-general.or..." :definition-pos 80 :extracted nil :uses ((1 link (:type "gls" :path "1:EmRE" :format bracket :raw-link "gls:1:EmRE" :application nil :search-option nil :begin 243 :end 257 :contents-begin nil :contents-end nil :post-blank 0 :parent (paragraph (:begin 159 :end 260 :contents-begin 159 :contents-end 259 :post-blank 1 :post-affiliated 159 :mode planning :granularity element :org-element--cache-sync-key (1 . 159) :cached t :parent (section ...))))))) 1 nil nil nil)
  org-glossary--export-instance(md nil (:key "EmRE" :key-plural "EmREs" :key-nonce 6 :term "EmRE" :term-plural "EmREs" :alias-for nil :type acronym :category nil :value (#("Emacs REproducible Research Environment\n" 0 40 (:parent nil))) :definition-file "/home/emre/research/glosses/acronyms-it-general.or..." :definition-pos 80 :extracted nil :uses ((1 link (:type "gls" :path "1:EmRE" :format bracket :raw-link "gls:1:EmRE" :application nil :search-option nil :begin 243 :end 257 :contents-begin nil :contents-end nil :post-blank 0 :parent (paragraph (:begin 159 :end 260 :contents-begin 159 :contents-end 259 :post-blank 1 :post-affiliated 159 :mode planning :granularity element :org-element--cache-sync-key (1 . 159) :cached t :parent (section ...))))))) :first-use 1 nil nil nil)
  org-glossary--link-export(md nil "1:EmRE" nil nil nil)
  org-glossary--link-export-gls("1:EmRE" nil md nil)
  org-export-custom-protocol-maybe((link (:type "gls" :path "1:EmRE" :format bracket :raw-link "gls:1:EmRE" :application nil :search-option nil :begin 243 :end 257 :contents-begin nil :contents-end nil :post-blank 0 :parent (paragraph (:begin 159 :end 259 :contents-begin 159 :contents-end 259 :post-blank 1 :post-affiliated 159 :mode planning :granularity nil :parent (section (:begin 159 :end 260 :contents-begin 159 :contents-end 259 :robust-begin 159 :robust-end 257 :post-blank 1 :post-affiliated 159 :mode section :granularity nil :parent (headline ... #47)) #27)) #("Use a reference and a glossary entry to the " 0 44 (:parent #27)) (link (:type "gls" :path "1:PC" :format bracket :raw-link "gls:1:PC" :application nil :search-option nil :begin 203 :end 216 :contents-begin nil :contents-end nil :post-blank 1 :parent #27)) #("or a " 0 5 (:parent #27)) (link (:type "Gls" :path "1:blog" :format bracket :raw-link "Gls:1:blog" :application nil :search-option nil :begin 221 :end 236 :contents-begin nil :contents-end nil :post-blank 1 :parent #27)) #("in the " 0 7 (:parent #27)) #1 #(".\n" 0 2 (:parent #27))))) nil md)
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  #f(compiled-function (element) #<bytecode 0x1d7d739e6f0ce78b>)((section (:begin 159 :end 260 :contents-begin 159 :contents-end 259 :robust-begin 159 :robust-end 257 :post-blank 1 :post-affiliated 159 :mode section :granularity nil :parent (headline (:raw-value "One" :begin 152 :end 260 :pre-blank 1 :contents-begin 159 :contents-end 259 :robust-begin 161 :robust-end 257 :level 1 :priority nil :tags nil :todo-keyword nil :todo-type nil :post-blank 1 :footnote-section-p nil :archivedp nil :commentedp nil :post-affiliated 152 :title (#("One" 0 3 (:parent #25))) :parent (org-data (:begin 1 :contents-begin 1 :contents-end 826 :end 826 :robust-begin 67 :robust-end 824 :post-blank 0 :post-affiliated 1 :path "/home/emre/research/roam-notes/20230119222009-test..." :mode org-data :ID "48f5f865-d0b8-49e9-810c-f2443fd1268d" :CATEGORY "20230119222009-test" :granularity nil) (section (:begin 1 :end 152 :contents-begin 1 :contents-end 151 :robust-begin 1 :robust-end 149 :post-blank 1 :post-affiliated 1 :mode first-section :granularity nil :parent #67) (keyword ...) (keyword ...)) #25 (headline (:raw-value "Two" :begin 260 :end 500 :pre-blank 1 :contents-begin 267 :contents-end 499 :robust-begin 269 :robust-end 497 :level 1 :priority nil :tags nil :todo-keyword nil :todo-type nil :post-blank 1 :footnote-section-p nil :archivedp nil :commentedp nil :post-affiliated 260 :title ... :parent #67 :cached t :org-element--cache-sync-key ... :granularity nil) (section ... ... ...)) (headline (:raw-value "Acronyms" :begin 500 :end 586 :pre-blank 0 :contents-begin 511 :contents-end 585 :robust-begin 513 :robust-end 583 :level 1 :priority nil :tags nil :todo-keyword nil :todo-type nil :post-blank 1 :footnote-section-p nil :archivedp nil :commentedp nil :post-affiliated 500 :title ... :mode nil :granularity nil :parent #67) (section ... ...)) (headline (:raw-value "Glossary" :begin 586 :end 826 :pre-blank 0 :contents-begin 597 :contents-end 826 :robust-begin 599 :robust-end 824 :level 1 :priority nil :tags nil :todo-keyword nil :todo-type nil :post-blank 1 :footnote-section-p nil :archivedp nil :commentedp nil :post-affiliated 586 :title ... :mode nil :granularity nil :parent #67) (section ... ... ...))) :cached t :org-element--cache-sync-key (1 . 152) :granularity nil) #1)) (paragraph (:begin 159 :end 259 :contents-begin 159 :contents-end 259 :post-blank 1 :post-affiliated 159 :mode planning :granularity nil :parent #1) #("Use a reference and a glossary entry to the " 0 44 (:parent #4)) (link (:type "gls" :path "1:PC" :format bracket :raw-link "gls:1:PC" :application nil :search-option nil :begin 203 :end 216 :contents-begin nil :contents-end nil :post-blank 1 :parent #4)) #("or a " 0 5 (:parent #4)) (link (:type "Gls" :path "1:blog" :format bracket :raw-link "Gls:1:blog" :application nil :search-option nil :begin 221 :end 236 :contents-begin nil :contents-end nil :post-blank 1 :parent #4)) #("in the " 0 7 (:parent #4)) (link (:type "gls" :path "1:EmRE" :format bracket :raw-link "gls:1:EmRE" :application nil :search-option nil :begin 243 :end 257 :contents-begin nil :contents-end nil :post-blank 0 :parent #4)) #(".\n" 0 2 (:parent #4)))))
  mapconcat(#f(compiled-function (element) #<bytecode 0x1d7d739e6f0ce78b>) ((section (:begin 159 :end 260 :contents-begin 159 :contents-end 259 :robust-begin 159 :robust-end 257 :post-blank 1 :post-affiliated 159 :mode section :granularity nil :parent (headline (:raw-value "One" :begin 152 :end 260 :pre-blank 1 :contents-begin 159 :contents-end 259 :robust-begin 161 :robust-end 257 :level 1 :priority nil :tags nil :todo-keyword nil :todo-type nil :post-blank 1 :footnote-section-p nil :archivedp nil :commentedp nil :post-affiliated 152 :title (#("One" 0 3 ...)) :parent (org-data (:begin 1 :contents-begin 1 :contents-end 826 :end 826 :robust-begin 67 :robust-end 824 :post-blank 0 :post-affiliated 1 :path "/home/emre/research/roam-notes/20230119222009-test..." :mode org-data :ID "48f5f865-d0b8-49e9-810c-f2443fd1268d" :CATEGORY "20230119222009-test" :granularity nil) (section ... ... ...) #27 (headline ... ...) (headline ... ...) (headline ... ...)) :cached t :org-element--cache-sync-key (1 . 152) :granularity nil) . #2)) (paragraph (:begin 159 :end 259 :contents-begin 159 :contents-end 259 :post-blank 1 :post-affiliated 159 :mode planning :granularity nil :parent #3) #("Use a reference and a glossary entry to the " 0 44 (:parent #6)) (link (:type "gls" :path "1:PC" :format bracket :raw-link "gls:1:PC" :application nil :search-option nil :begin 203 :end 216 :contents-begin nil :contents-end nil :post-blank 1 :parent #6)) #("or a " 0 5 (:parent #6)) (link (:type "Gls" :path "1:blog" :format bracket :raw-link "Gls:1:blog" :application nil :search-option nil :begin 221 :end 236 :contents-begin nil :contents-end nil :post-blank 1 :parent #6)) #("in the " 0 7 (:parent #6)) (link (:type "gls" :path "1:EmRE" :format bracket :raw-link "gls:1:EmRE" :application nil :search-option nil :begin 243 :end 257 :contents-begin nil :contents-end nil :post-blank 0 :parent #6)) #(".\n" 0 2 (:parent #6))))) "")
  org-export-data((headline (:raw-value "One" :begin 152 :end 260 :pre-blank 1 :contents-begin 159 :contents-end 259 :robust-begin 161 :robust-end 257 :level 1 :priority nil :tags nil :todo-keyword nil :todo-type nil ...) (section (:begin 159 :end 260 :contents-begin 159 :contents-end 259 :robust-begin 159 :robust-end 257 :post-blank 1 :post-affiliated 159 :mode section :granularity nil :parent #1) (paragraph ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...))) (:export-options nil :back-end #s(org-export-backend :name hugo :parent blackfriday :transcoders (... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...) :options (... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...) :filters (...) :blocks nil :menu (72 "Export to Hugo-compatible ..." ...)) :translate-alist ((code . org-hugo-kbd-tags-maybe) (drawer . org-hugo-drawer) (example-block . org-hugo-example-block) (export-block . org-hugo-export-block) (export-snippet . org-hugo-export-snippet) (headline . org-hugo-heading) (inner-template . org-hugo-inner-template) (inline-src-block . org-hugo-inline-src-block) (keyword . org-hugo-keyword) (link . org-hugo-link) (paragraph . org-hugo-paragraph) (src-block . org-hugo-src-block) (special-block . org-hugo-special-block) (center-block . org-blackfriday-center-block) (example-block . org-blackfriday-example-block) (fixed-width . org-blackfriday-fixed-width) (footnote-reference . org-blackfriday-footnote-reference) (inner-template . org-blackfriday-inner-template) (italic . org-blackfriday-italic) (item . org-blackfriday-item) (latex-environment . org-blackfriday-latex-environment) (latex-fragment . org-blackfriday-latex-fragment) (line-break . org-html-line-break) (plain-list . org-blackfriday-plain-list) (plain-text . org-blackfriday-plain-text) (quote-block . org-blackfriday-quote-block) ...) :exported-data #<hash-table eq 8/4001 0x2aaac0f55365> :input-buffer "" :input-file "/home/emre/research/roam-n..." :with-toc nil :section-numbers nil :author "Jens Frey" :creator "Emacs 28.2 (Org mode 9.6 +..." :with-smart-quotes nil :with-special-strings nil :with-sub-superscript {} ...))
  #f(compiled-function (element) #<bytecode 0x1d7d739e6f0ce78b>)((headline (:raw-value "One" :begin 152 :end 260 :pre-blank 1 :contents-begin 159 :contents-end 259 :robust-begin 161 :robust-end 257 :level 1 :priority nil :tags nil :todo-keyword nil :todo-type nil :post-blank 1 :footnote-section-p nil :archivedp nil :commentedp nil :post-affiliated 152 :title (#("One" 0 3 (:parent #1))) :parent (org-data (:begin 1 :contents-begin 1 :contents-end 826 :end 826 :robust-begin 67 :robust-end 824 :post-blank 0 :post-affiliated 1 :path "/home/emre/research/roam-notes/2023011922200..." :mode org-data :ID "48f5f865-d0b8-49e9-810c-f2443fd1268d" :CATEGORY "20230119222009-test" :granularity nil) (section (:begin 1 :end 152 :contents-begin 1 :contents-end 151 :robust-begin 1 :robust-end 149 :post-blank 1 :post-affiliated 1 :mode first-section :granularity nil :parent #43) (keyword (:key "TITLE" :value "Glossary Demo" :begin 68 :end 91 :post-blank 1 :post-affiliated 68 :mode nil :granularity nil :parent #46)) (keyword (:key "GLOSSARY_SOURCES" :value "glossary-it-general acronyms-it-general" :begin 91 :end 151 :post-blank 1 :post-affiliated 91 :mode nil :granularity nil :parent #46))) #1 (headline (:raw-value "Two" :begin 260 :end 500 :pre-blank 1 :contents-begin 267 :contents-end 499 :robust-begin 269 :robust-end 497 :level 1 :priority nil :tags nil :todo-keyword nil :todo-type nil :post-blank 1 :footnote-section-p nil :archivedp nil :commentedp nil :post-affiliated 260 :title (...) :parent #43 :cached t :org-element--cache-sync-key (1 . 260) ...) (section (:begin 267 :end 500 :contents-begin 267 :contents-end 499 :robust-begin 267 :robust-end 497 :post-blank 1 :post-affiliated 267 :mode section :granularity nil :parent #48) (paragraph ... ... ... ...) (src-block ...))) (headline (:raw-value "Acronyms" :begin 500 :end 586 :pre-blank 0 :contents-begin 511 :contents-end 585 :robust-begin 513 :robust-end 583 :level 1 :priority nil :tags nil :todo-keyword nil :todo-type nil :post-blank 1 :footnote-section-p nil :archivedp nil :commentedp nil :post-affiliated 500 :title (...) :mode nil :granularity nil :parent #43) (section (:begin 511 :end 586 :contents-begin 511 :contents-end 585 :robust-begin 511 :robust-end 583 :post-blank 1 :post-affiliated 511 :mode section :granularity nil :parent #49) (paragraph ... ... ... ... ...))) (headline (:raw-value "Glossary" :begin 586 :end 826 :pre-blank 0 :contents-begin 597 :contents-end 826 :robust-begin 599 :robust-end 824 :level 1 :priority nil :tags nil :todo-keyword nil :todo-type nil :post-blank 1 :footnote-section-p nil :archivedp nil :commentedp nil :post-affiliated 586 :title (...) :mode nil :granularity nil :parent #43) (section (:begin 597 :end 826 :contents-begin 597 :contents-end 826 :robust-begin 597 :robust-end 824 :post-blank 1 :post-affiliated 597 :mode section :granularity nil :parent #50) (paragraph ... ... ... ... ...) (paragraph ... ... ... ... ...)))) :cached t :org-element--cache-sync-key (1 . 152) ...) (section (:begin 159 :end 260 :contents-begin 159 :contents-end 259 :robust-begin 159 :robust-end 257 :post-blank 1 :post-affiliated 159 :mode section :granularity nil :parent #1) (paragraph (:begin 159 :end 259 :contents-begin 159 :contents-end 259 :post-blank 1 :post-affiliated 159 :mode planning :granularity nil :parent #4) #("Use a reference and a glossary entry to the " 0 44 (:parent #7)) (link (:type "gls" :path "1:PC" :format bracket :raw-link "gls:1:PC" :application nil :search-option nil :begin 203 :end 216 :contents-begin nil :contents-end nil :post-blank 1 :parent #7)) #("or a " 0 5 (:parent #7)) (link (:type "Gls" :path "1:blog" :format bracket :raw-link "Gls:1:blog" :application nil :search-option nil :begin 221 :end 236 :contents-begin nil :contents-end nil :post-blank 1 :parent #7)) #("in the " 0 7 (:parent #7)) (link (:type "gls" :path "1:EmRE" :format bracket :raw-link "gls:1:EmRE" :application nil :search-option nil :begin 243 :end 257 :contents-begin nil :contents-end nil :post-blank 0 :parent #7)) #(".\n" 0 2 (:parent #7))))))
  mapconcat(#f(compiled-function (element) #<bytecode 0x1d7d739e6f0ce78b>) ((section (:begin 1 :end 152 :contents-begin 1 :contents-end 151 :robust-begin 1 :robust-end 149 :post-blank 1 :post-affiliated 1 :mode first-section :granularity nil :parent (org-data (:begin 1 :contents-begin 1 :contents-end 826 :end 826 :robust-begin 67 :robust-end 824 :post-blank 0 :post-affiliated 1 :path "/home/emre/research/roam-notes/2023011..." :mode org-data :ID "48f5f865-d0b8-49e9-810c-f2443fd1268d" :CATEGORY "20230119222009-test" :granularity nil) . #2)) (keyword (:key "TITLE" :value "Glossary Demo" :begin 68 :end 91 :post-blank 1 :post-affiliated 68 :mode nil :granularity nil :parent #3)) (keyword (:key "GLOSSARY_SOURCES" :value "glossary-it-general acronyms-it-genera..." :begin 91 :end 151 :post-blank 1 :post-affiliated 91 :mode nil :granularity nil :parent #3))) (headline (:raw-value "One" :begin 152 :end 260 :pre-blank 1 :contents-begin 159 :contents-end 259 :robust-begin 161 :robust-end 257 :level 1 :priority nil :tags nil :todo-keyword nil :todo-type nil :post-blank 1 :footnote-section-p nil :archivedp nil :commentedp nil :post-affiliated 152 :title (#("One" 0 3 ...)) ...) (section (:begin 159 :end 260 :contents-begin 159 :contents-end 259 :robust-begin 159 :robust-end 257 :post-blank 1 :post-affiliated 159 :mode section :granularity nil :parent #4) (paragraph (:begin 159 :end 259 :contents-begin 159 :contents-end 259 :post-blank 1 :post-affiliated 159 :mode planning :granularity nil :parent #7) #("Use a reference and a glossary entry t..." 0 44 ...) (link ...) #("or a " 0 5 ...) (link ...) #("in the " 0 7 ...) (link ...) #(".\n" 0 2 ...)))) (headline (:raw-value "Two" :begin 260 :end 500 :pre-blank 1 :contents-begin 267 :contents-end 499 :robust-begin 269 :robust-end 497 :level 1 :priority nil :tags nil :todo-keyword nil :todo-type nil :post-blank 1 :footnote-section-p nil :archivedp nil :commentedp nil :post-affiliated 260 :title (#("Two" 0 3 ...)) ...) (section (:begin 267 :end 500 :contents-begin 267 :contents-end 499 :robust-begin 267 :robust-end 497 :post-blank 1 :post-affiliated 267 :mode section :granularity nil :parent #5) (paragraph (:begin 267 :end 320 :contents-begin 267 :contents-end 319 :post-blank 1 :post-affiliated 267 :mode planning :granularity nil :parent #8) #("No refs aside from the " 0 23 ...) (link ...) #("glossary entry.\n" 0 16 ...)) (src-block (:language "emacs-lisp" :switches nil :parameters nil :begin 320 :end 499 :number-lines nil :preserve-indent nil :retain-labels t :use-labels t :label-fmt nil :value "(org-glossary-set-export-spec 'hugo t\n..." :post-blank 1 :post-affiliated 320 :mode nil :granularity nil :parent #8)))) (headline (:raw-value "Acronyms" :begin 500 :end 586 :pre-blank 0 :contents-begin 511 :contents-end 585 :robust-begin 513 :robust-end 583 :level 1 :priority nil :tags nil :todo-keyword nil :todo-type nil :post-blank 1 :footnote-section-p nil :archivedp nil :commentedp nil :post-affiliated 500 :title (#("Acronyms" 0 8 ...)) ...) (section (:begin 511 :end 586 :contents-begin 511 :contents-end 585 :robust-begin 511 :robust-end 583 :post-blank 1 :post-affiliated 511 :mode section :granularity nil :parent #6) (paragraph (:begin 511 :end 585 :contents-begin 511 :contents-end 585 :post-blank 1 :post-affiliated 511 :mode planning :granularity nil :parent #9) (link ...) #("\n" 0 1 ...) (entity ...) #("Emacs REproducible Research Environmen..." 0 49 ...)))) (headline (:raw-value "Glossary" :begin 586 :end 826 :pre-blank 0 :contents-begin 597 :contents-end 826 :robust-begin 599 :robust-end 824 :level 1 :priority nil :tags nil :todo-keyword nil :todo-type nil :post-blank 1 :footnote-section-p nil :archivedp nil :commentedp nil :post-affiliated 586 :title (#("Glossary" 0 8 ...)) ...) (section (:begin 597 :end 826 :contents-begin 597 :contents-end 826 :robust-begin 597 :robust-end 824 :post-blank 1 :post-affiliated 597 :mode section :granularity nil :parent #7) (paragraph (:begin 597 :end 765 :contents-begin 597 :contents-end 764 :post-blank 1 :post-affiliated 597 :mode planning :granularity nil :parent #10) (link ...) #("\n" 0 1 ...) (entity ...) #("~ is the short form of weblog and refe..." 0 142 ...)) (paragraph (:begin 765 :end 826 :contents-begin 765 :contents-end 826 :post-blank 1 :post-affiliated 765 :mode nil :granularity nil :parent #10) (link ...) #("\n" 0 1 ...) (entity ...) #("A personal computing device. [1 uses]\n" 0 38 ...))))) "")
  org-export-data((org-data (:begin 1 :contents-begin 1 :contents-end 826 :end 826 :robust-begin 67 :robust-end 824 :post-blank 0 :post-affiliated 1 :path "/home/emre/research/roam-n..." :mode org-data :ID "48f5f865-d0b8-49e9-810c-f2..." :CATEGORY "20230119222009-test" :granularity nil) (section (:begin 1 :end 152 :contents-begin 1 :contents-end 151 :robust-begin 1 :robust-end 149 :post-blank 1 :post-affiliated 1 :mode first-section :granularity nil :parent #1) (keyword ...) (keyword ...)) (headline (:raw-value "One" :begin 152 :end 260 :pre-blank 1 :contents-begin 159 :contents-end 259 :robust-begin 161 :robust-end 257 :level 1 :priority nil :tags nil :todo-keyword nil :todo-type nil ...) (section ... ...)) (headline (:raw-value "Two" :begin 260 :end 500 :pre-blank 1 :contents-begin 267 :contents-end 499 :robust-begin 269 :robust-end 497 :level 1 :priority nil :tags nil :todo-keyword nil :todo-type nil ...) (section ... ... ...)) (headline (:raw-value "Acronyms" :begin 500 :end 586 :pre-blank 0 :contents-begin 511 :contents-end 585 :robust-begin 513 :robust-end 583 :level 1 :priority nil :tags nil :todo-keyword nil :todo-type nil ...) (section ... ...)) (headline (:raw-value "Glossary" :begin 586 :end 826 :pre-blank 0 :contents-begin 597 :contents-end 826 :robust-begin 599 :robust-end 824 :level 1 :priority nil :tags nil :todo-keyword nil :todo-type nil ...) (section ... ... ...))) (:export-options nil :back-end #s(org-export-backend :name hugo :parent blackfriday :transcoders (... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...) :options (... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...) :filters (...) :blocks nil :menu (72 "Export to Hugo-compatible ..." ...)) :translate-alist ((code . org-hugo-kbd-tags-maybe) (drawer . org-hugo-drawer) (example-block . org-hugo-example-block) (export-block . org-hugo-export-block) (export-snippet . org-hugo-export-snippet) (headline . org-hugo-heading) (inner-template . org-hugo-inner-template) (inline-src-block . org-hugo-inline-src-block) (keyword . org-hugo-keyword) (link . org-hugo-link) (paragraph . org-hugo-paragraph) (src-block . org-hugo-src-block) (special-block . org-hugo-special-block) (center-block . org-blackfriday-center-block) (example-block . org-blackfriday-example-block) (fixed-width . org-blackfriday-fixed-width) (footnote-reference . org-blackfriday-footnote-reference) (inner-template . org-blackfriday-inner-template) (italic . org-blackfriday-italic) (item . org-blackfriday-item) (latex-environment . org-blackfriday-latex-environment) (latex-fragment . org-blackfriday-latex-fragment) (line-break . org-html-line-break) (plain-list . org-blackfriday-plain-list) (plain-text . org-blackfriday-plain-text) (quote-block . org-blackfriday-quote-block) ...) :exported-data #<hash-table eq 8/4001 0x2aaac0f55365> :input-buffer "" :input-file "/home/emre/research/roam-n..." :with-toc nil :section-numbers nil :author "Jens Frey" :creator "Emacs 28.2 (Org mode 9.6 +..." :with-smart-quotes nil :with-special-strings nil :with-sub-superscript {} ...))
  #f(compiled-function (backend &optional subtreep visible-only body-only ext-plist) "Transcode current Org buffer into BACKEND code.\n\nBACKEND is either an export back-end, as returned by, e.g.,\n`org-export-create-backend', or a symbol referring to\na registered back-end.\n\nIf narrowing is active in the current buffer, only transcode its\nnarrowed part.\n\nIf a region is active, transcode that region.\n\nWhen optional argument SUBTREEP is non-nil, transcode the\nsub-tree at point, extracting information from the headline\nproperties first.\n\nWhen optional argument VISIBLE-ONLY is non-nil, don't export\ncontents of hidden elements.\n\nWhen optional argument BODY-ONLY is non-nil, only return body\ncode, without surrounding template.\n\nOptional argument EXT-PLIST, when provided, is a property list\nwith external parameters overriding Org default settings, but\nstill inferior to file-local settings.\n\nReturn code as a string." #<bytecode 0xaf8499a48178f2>)(hugo nil nil nil (:output-file "/home/emre/research/export/hugo/emre-site/content/..."))
  apply(#f(compiled-function (backend &optional subtreep visible-only body-only ext-plist) "Transcode current Org buffer into BACKEND code.\n\nBACKEND is either an export back-end, as returned by, e.g.,\n`org-export-create-backend', or a symbol referring to\na registered back-end.\n\nIf narrowing is active in the current buffer, only transcode its\nnarrowed part.\n\nIf a region is active, transcode that region.\n\nWhen optional argument SUBTREEP is non-nil, transcode the\nsub-tree at point, extracting information from the headline\nproperties first.\n\nWhen optional argument VISIBLE-ONLY is non-nil, don't export\ncontents of hidden elements.\n\nWhen optional argument BODY-ONLY is non-nil, only return body\ncode, without surrounding template.\n\nOptional argument EXT-PLIST, when provided, is a property list\nwith external parameters overriding Org default settings, but\nstill inferior to file-local settings.\n\nReturn code as a string." #<bytecode 0xaf8499a48178f2>) (hugo nil nil nil (:output-file "/home/emre/research/export/hugo/emre-site/content/...")))
  (let ((old-async-init-file org-export-async-init-file) (org-export-async-init-file (make-temp-file "doom-org-async-export"))) (doom-file-write org-export-async-init-file (list (list 'setq 'org-export-async-debug (or org-export-async-debug debug-on-error) 'load-path (list 'quote load-path)) (cons 'unwind-protect (cons (list 'let (list (list ... old-async-init-file)) (cons 'if (cons ... ...))) '((delete-file load-file-name)))))) (apply fn args))
  +org--fix-async-export-a(#f(compiled-function (backend &optional subtreep visible-only body-only ext-plist) "Transcode current Org buffer into BACKEND code.\n\nBACKEND is either an export back-end, as returned by, e.g.,\n`org-export-create-backend', or a symbol referring to\na registered back-end.\n\nIf narrowing is active in the current buffer, only transcode its\nnarrowed part.\n\nIf a region is active, transcode that region.\n\nWhen optional argument SUBTREEP is non-nil, transcode the\nsub-tree at point, extracting information from the headline\nproperties first.\n\nWhen optional argument VISIBLE-ONLY is non-nil, don't export\ncontents of hidden elements.\n\nWhen optional argument BODY-ONLY is non-nil, only return body\ncode, without surrounding template.\n\nOptional argument EXT-PLIST, when provided, is a property list\nwith external parameters overriding Org default settings, but\nstill inferior to file-local settings.\n\nReturn code as a string." #<bytecode 0xaf8499a48178f2>) hugo nil nil nil (:output-file "/home/emre/research/export/hugo/emre-site/content/..."))
  apply(+org--fix-async-export-a #f(compiled-function (backend &optional subtreep visible-only body-only ext-plist) "Transcode current Org buffer into BACKEND code.\n\nBACKEND is either an export back-end, as returned by, e.g.,\n`org-export-create-backend', or a symbol referring to\na registered back-end.\n\nIf narrowing is active in the current buffer, only transcode its\nnarrowed part.\n\nIf a region is active, transcode that region.\n\nWhen optional argument SUBTREEP is non-nil, transcode the\nsub-tree at point, extracting information from the headline\nproperties first.\n\nWhen optional argument VISIBLE-ONLY is non-nil, don't export\ncontents of hidden elements.\n\nWhen optional argument BODY-ONLY is non-nil, only return body\ncode, without surrounding template.\n\nOptional argument EXT-PLIST, when provided, is a property list\nwith external parameters overriding Org default settings, but\nstill inferior to file-local settings.\n\nReturn code as a string." #<bytecode 0xaf8499a48178f2>) (hugo nil nil nil (:output-file "/home/emre/research/export/hugo/emre-site/content/...")))
  org-export-as(hugo nil nil nil (:output-file "/home/emre/research/export/hugo/emre-site/content/..."))
  #f(compiled-function (backend file &optional async subtreep visible-only body-only ext-plist post-process) "Call `org-export-as' with output to a specified file.\n\nBACKEND is either an export back-end, as returned by, e.g.,\n`org-export-create-backend', or a symbol referring to\na registered back-end.  FILE is the name of the output file, as\na string.\n\nA non-nil optional argument ASYNC means the process should happen\nasynchronously.  The resulting buffer will then be accessible\nthrough the `org-export-stack' interface.\n\nOptional arguments SUBTREEP, VISIBLE-ONLY, BODY-ONLY and\nEXT-PLIST are similar to those used in `org-export-as', which\nsee.\n\nOptional argument POST-PROCESS is called with FILE as its\nargument and happens asynchronously when ASYNC is non-nil.  It\nhas to return a file name, or nil.  Export back-ends can use this\nto send the output file through additional processing, e.g,\n\n  (defun org-latex-export-to-latex\n    (&optional async subtreep visible-only body-only ext-plist)\n    (interactive)\n    (let ((outfile (org-export-output-file-name \".tex\" subtreep)))\n      (org-export-to-file \\='latex outfile\n        async subtreep visible-only body-only ext-plist\n        #\\='org-latex-compile)))\n\nWhen expressed as an anonymous function, using `lambda',\nPOST-PROCESS needs to be quoted.\n\nThe function returns either a file name returned by POST-PROCESS,\nor FILE." #<bytecode -0x14d6315366e2d182>)(hugo "/home/emre/research/export/hugo/emre-site/content/..." nil nil nil)
  apply(#f(compiled-function (backend file &optional async subtreep visible-only body-only ext-plist post-process) "Call `org-export-as' with output to a specified file.\n\nBACKEND is either an export back-end, as returned by, e.g.,\n`org-export-create-backend', or a symbol referring to\na registered back-end.  FILE is the name of the output file, as\na string.\n\nA non-nil optional argument ASYNC means the process should happen\nasynchronously.  The resulting buffer will then be accessible\nthrough the `org-export-stack' interface.\n\nOptional arguments SUBTREEP, VISIBLE-ONLY, BODY-ONLY and\nEXT-PLIST are similar to those used in `org-export-as', which\nsee.\n\nOptional argument POST-PROCESS is called with FILE as its\nargument and happens asynchronously when ASYNC is non-nil.  It\nhas to return a file name, or nil.  Export back-ends can use this\nto send the output file through additional processing, e.g,\n\n  (defun org-latex-export-to-latex\n    (&optional async subtreep visible-only body-only ext-plist)\n    (interactive)\n    (let ((outfile (org-export-output-file-name \".tex\" subtreep)))\n      (org-export-to-file \\='latex outfile\n        async subtreep visible-only body-only ext-plist\n        #\\='org-latex-compile)))\n\nWhen expressed as an anonymous function, using `lambda',\nPOST-PROCESS needs to be quoted.\n\nThe function returns either a file name returned by POST-PROCESS,\nor FILE." #<bytecode -0x14d6315366e2d182>) (hugo "/home/emre/research/export/hugo/emre-site/content/..." nil nil nil))
  (let (before-save-hook after-save-hook) (apply fn args))
  +org--dont-trigger-save-hooks-a(#f(compiled-function (backend file &optional async subtreep visible-only body-only ext-plist post-process) "Call `org-export-as' with output to a specified file.\n\nBACKEND is either an export back-end, as returned by, e.g.,\n`org-export-create-backend', or a symbol referring to\na registered back-end.  FILE is the name of the output file, as\na string.\n\nA non-nil optional argument ASYNC means the process should happen\nasynchronously.  The resulting buffer will then be accessible\nthrough the `org-export-stack' interface.\n\nOptional arguments SUBTREEP, VISIBLE-ONLY, BODY-ONLY and\nEXT-PLIST are similar to those used in `org-export-as', which\nsee.\n\nOptional argument POST-PROCESS is called with FILE as its\nargument and happens asynchronously when ASYNC is non-nil.  It\nhas to return a file name, or nil.  Export back-ends can use this\nto send the output file through additional processing, e.g,\n\n  (defun org-latex-export-to-latex\n    (&optional async subtreep visible-only body-only ext-plist)\n    (interactive)\n    (let ((outfile (org-export-output-file-name \".tex\" subtreep)))\n      (org-export-to-file \\='latex outfile\n        async subtreep visible-only body-only ext-plist\n        #\\='org-latex-compile)))\n\nWhen expressed as an anonymous function, using `lambda',\nPOST-PROCESS needs to be quoted.\n\nThe function returns either a file name returned by POST-PROCESS,\nor FILE." #<bytecode -0x14d6315366e2d182>) hugo "/home/emre/research/export/hugo/emre-site/content/..." nil nil nil)
  apply(+org--dont-trigger-save-hooks-a #f(compiled-function (backend file &optional async subtreep visible-only body-only ext-plist post-process) "Call `org-export-as' with output to a specified file.\n\nBACKEND is either an export back-end, as returned by, e.g.,\n`org-export-create-backend', or a symbol referring to\na registered back-end.  FILE is the name of the output file, as\na string.\n\nA non-nil optional argument ASYNC means the process should happen\nasynchronously.  The resulting buffer will then be accessible\nthrough the `org-export-stack' interface.\n\nOptional arguments SUBTREEP, VISIBLE-ONLY, BODY-ONLY and\nEXT-PLIST are similar to those used in `org-export-as', which\nsee.\n\nOptional argument POST-PROCESS is called with FILE as its\nargument and happens asynchronously when ASYNC is non-nil.  It\nhas to return a file name, or nil.  Export back-ends can use this\nto send the output file through additional processing, e.g,\n\n  (defun org-latex-export-to-latex\n    (&optional async subtreep visible-only body-only ext-plist)\n    (interactive)\n    (let ((outfile (org-export-output-file-name \".tex\" subtreep)))\n      (org-export-to-file \\='latex outfile\n        async subtreep visible-only body-only ext-plist\n        #\\='org-latex-compile)))\n\nWhen expressed as an anonymous function, using `lambda',\nPOST-PROCESS needs to be quoted.\n\nThe function returns either a file name returned by POST-PROCESS,\nor FILE." #<bytecode -0x14d6315366e2d182>) (hugo "/home/emre/research/export/hugo/emre-site/content/..." nil nil nil))
  #f(advice-wrapper :around #f(compiled-function (backend file &optional async subtreep visible-only body-only ext-plist post-process) "Call `org-export-as' with output to a specified file.\n\nBACKEND is either an export back-end, as returned by, e.g.,\n`org-export-create-backend', or a symbol referring to\na registered back-end.  FILE is the name of the output file, as\na string.\n\nA non-nil optional argument ASYNC means the process should happen\nasynchronously.  The resulting buffer will then be accessible\nthrough the `org-export-stack' interface.\n\nOptional arguments SUBTREEP, VISIBLE-ONLY, BODY-ONLY and\nEXT-PLIST are similar to those used in `org-export-as', which\nsee.\n\nOptional argument POST-PROCESS is called with FILE as its\nargument and happens asynchronously when ASYNC is non-nil.  It\nhas to return a file name, or nil.  Export back-ends can use this\nto send the output file through additional processing, e.g,\n\n  (defun org-latex-export-to-latex\n    (&optional async subtreep visible-only body-only ext-plist)\n    (interactive)\n    (let ((outfile (org-export-output-file-name \".tex\" subtreep)))\n      (org-export-to-file \\='latex outfile\n        async subtreep visible-only body-only ext-plist\n        #\\='org-latex-compile)))\n\nWhen expressed as an anonymous function, using `lambda',\nPOST-PROCESS needs to be quoted.\n\nThe function returns either a file name returned by POST-PROCESS,\nor FILE." #<bytecode -0x14d6315366e2d182>) +org--dont-trigger-save-hooks-a)(hugo "/home/emre/research/export/hugo/emre-site/content/..." nil nil nil)
  apply(#f(advice-wrapper :around #f(compiled-function (backend file &optional async subtreep visible-only body-only ext-plist post-process) "Call `org-export-as' with output to a specified file.\n\nBACKEND is either an export back-end, as returned by, e.g.,\n`org-export-create-backend', or a symbol referring to\na registered back-end.  FILE is the name of the output file, as\na string.\n\nA non-nil optional argument ASYNC means the process should happen\nasynchronously.  The resulting buffer will then be accessible\nthrough the `org-export-stack' interface.\n\nOptional arguments SUBTREEP, VISIBLE-ONLY, BODY-ONLY and\nEXT-PLIST are similar to those used in `org-export-as', which\nsee.\n\nOptional argument POST-PROCESS is called with FILE as its\nargument and happens asynchronously when ASYNC is non-nil.  It\nhas to return a file name, or nil.  Export back-ends can use this\nto send the output file through additional processing, e.g,\n\n  (defun org-latex-export-to-latex\n    (&optional async subtreep visible-only body-only ext-plist)\n    (interactive)\n    (let ((outfile (org-export-output-file-name \".tex\" subtreep)))\n      (org-export-to-file \\='latex outfile\n        async subtreep visible-only body-only ext-plist\n        #\\='org-latex-compile)))\n\nWhen expressed as an anonymous function, using `lambda',\nPOST-PROCESS needs to be quoted.\n\nThe function returns either a file name returned by POST-PROCESS,\nor FILE." #<bytecode -0x14d6315366e2d182>) +org--dont-trigger-save-hooks-a) (hugo "/home/emre/research/export/hugo/emre-site/content/..." nil nil nil))
  (let ((old-async-init-file org-export-async-init-file) (org-export-async-init-file (make-temp-file "doom-org-async-export"))) (doom-file-write org-export-async-init-file (list (list 'setq 'org-export-async-debug (or org-export-async-debug debug-on-error) 'load-path (list 'quote load-path)) (cons 'unwind-protect (cons (list 'let (list (list ... old-async-init-file)) (cons 'if (cons ... ...))) '((delete-file load-file-name)))))) (apply fn args))
  +org--fix-async-export-a(#f(advice-wrapper :around #f(compiled-function (backend file &optional async subtreep visible-only body-only ext-plist post-process) "Call `org-export-as' with output to a specified file.\n\nBACKEND is either an export back-end, as returned by, e.g.,\n`org-export-create-backend', or a symbol referring to\na registered back-end.  FILE is the name of the output file, as\na string.\n\nA non-nil optional argument ASYNC means the process should happen\nasynchronously.  The resulting buffer will then be accessible\nthrough the `org-export-stack' interface.\n\nOptional arguments SUBTREEP, VISIBLE-ONLY, BODY-ONLY and\nEXT-PLIST are similar to those used in `org-export-as', which\nsee.\n\nOptional argument POST-PROCESS is called with FILE as its\nargument and happens asynchronously when ASYNC is non-nil.  It\nhas to return a file name, or nil.  Export back-ends can use this\nto send the output file through additional processing, e.g,\n\n  (defun org-latex-export-to-latex\n    (&optional async subtreep visible-only body-only ext-plist)\n    (interactive)\n    (let ((outfile (org-export-output-file-name \".tex\" subtreep)))\n      (org-export-to-file \\='latex outfile\n        async subtreep visible-only body-only ext-plist\n        #\\='org-latex-compile)))\n\nWhen expressed as an anonymous function, using `lambda',\nPOST-PROCESS needs to be quoted.\n\nThe function returns either a file name returned by POST-PROCESS,\nor FILE." #<bytecode -0x14d6315366e2d182>) +org--dont-trigger-save-hooks-a) hugo "/home/emre/research/export/hugo/emre-site/content/..." nil nil nil)
  apply(+org--fix-async-export-a #f(advice-wrapper :around #f(compiled-function (backend file &optional async subtreep visible-only body-only ext-plist post-process) "Call `org-export-as' with output to a specified file.\n\nBACKEND is either an export back-end, as returned by, e.g.,\n`org-export-create-backend', or a symbol referring to\na registered back-end.  FILE is the name of the output file, as\na string.\n\nA non-nil optional argument ASYNC means the process should happen\nasynchronously.  The resulting buffer will then be accessible\nthrough the `org-export-stack' interface.\n\nOptional arguments SUBTREEP, VISIBLE-ONLY, BODY-ONLY and\nEXT-PLIST are similar to those used in `org-export-as', which\nsee.\n\nOptional argument POST-PROCESS is called with FILE as its\nargument and happens asynchronously when ASYNC is non-nil.  It\nhas to return a file name, or nil.  Export back-ends can use this\nto send the output file through additional processing, e.g,\n\n  (defun org-latex-export-to-latex\n    (&optional async subtreep visible-only body-only ext-plist)\n    (interactive)\n    (let ((outfile (org-export-output-file-name \".tex\" subtreep)))\n      (org-export-to-file \\='latex outfile\n        async subtreep visible-only body-only ext-plist\n        #\\='org-latex-compile)))\n\nWhen expressed as an anonymous function, using `lambda',\nPOST-PROCESS needs to be quoted.\n\nThe function returns either a file name returned by POST-PROCESS,\nor FILE." #<bytecode -0x14d6315366e2d182>) +org--dont-trigger-save-hooks-a) (hugo "/home/emre/research/export/hugo/emre-site/content/..." nil nil nil))
  org-export-to-file(hugo "/home/emre/research/export/hugo/emre-site/content/..." nil nil nil)
  org-hugo-export-to-md(nil nil nil)
  org-hugo--export-file-to-md("" nil nil nil)
  org-hugo-export-wim-to-md(:all-subtrees nil nil)
  (lambda (a _s v _b) (org-hugo-export-wim-to-md :all-subtrees a v))(nil nil nil nil)
  #f(compiled-function (&optional arg) "Export dispatcher for Org mode.\n\nIt provides an access to common export related tasks in a buffer.\nIts interface comes in two flavors: standard and expert.\n\nWhile both share the same set of bindings, only the former\ndisplays the valid keys associations in a dedicated buffer.\nScrolling (resp. line-wise motion) in this buffer is done with\nSPC and DEL (resp. C-n and C-p) keys.\n\nSet variable `org-export-dispatch-use-expert-ui' to switch to one\nflavor or the other.\n\nWhen ARG is `\\[universal-argument]', repeat the last export action, with the same\nset of options used back then, on the current buffer.\n\nWhen ARG is `\\[universal-argument] \\[universal-argument]', display the asynchronous export stack." (interactive "P") #<bytecode 0x17ad1c966fb8d55e>)(nil)
  apply(#f(compiled-function (&optional arg) "Export dispatcher for Org mode.\n\nIt provides an access to common export related tasks in a buffer.\nIts interface comes in two flavors: standard and expert.\n\nWhile both share the same set of bindings, only the former\ndisplays the valid keys associations in a dedicated buffer.\nScrolling (resp. line-wise motion) in this buffer is done with\nSPC and DEL (resp. C-n and C-p) keys.\n\nSet variable `org-export-dispatch-use-expert-ui' to switch to one\nflavor or the other.\n\nWhen ARG is `\\[universal-argument]', repeat the last export action, with the same\nset of options used back then, on the current buffer.\n\nWhen ARG is `\\[universal-argument] \\[universal-argument]', display the asynchronous export stack." (interactive "P") #<bytecode 0x17ad1c966fb8d55e>) nil)
  #f(advice-wrapper :after #f(compiled-function (&optional arg) "Export dispatcher for Org mode.\n\nIt provides an access to common export related tasks in a buffer.\nIts interface comes in two flavors: standard and expert.\n\nWhile both share the same set of bindings, only the former\ndisplays the valid keys associations in a dedicated buffer.\nScrolling (resp. line-wise motion) in this buffer is done with\nSPC and DEL (resp. C-n and C-p) keys.\n\nSet variable `org-export-dispatch-use-expert-ui' to switch to one\nflavor or the other.\n\nWhen ARG is `\\[universal-argument]', repeat the last export action, with the same\nset of options used back then, on the current buffer.\n\nWhen ARG is `\\[universal-argument] \\[universal-argument]', display the asynchronous export stack." (interactive "P") #<bytecode 0x17ad1c966fb8d55e>) (closure ((last-message . "../../.emacs.d/.local/straight/build-28.2/org-special-block-extras/org-special-block-extras.el: Warning: Pattern t is deprecated.  Use `_' instead") (arg) t) (&rest _) (if (car-safe (prog1 org--docs-empty! (setq org--docs-empty! (cdr org--docs-empty!)))) (progn (setq org--docs-actually-used nil org--docs nil)))))(nil)
  apply(#f(advice-wrapper :after #f(compiled-function (&optional arg) "Export dispatcher for Org mode.\n\nIt provides an access to common export related tasks in a buffer.\nIts interface comes in two flavors: standard and expert.\n\nWhile both share the same set of bindings, only the former\ndisplays the valid keys associations in a dedicated buffer.\nScrolling (resp. line-wise motion) in this buffer is done with\nSPC and DEL (resp. C-n and C-p) keys.\n\nSet variable `org-export-dispatch-use-expert-ui' to switch to one\nflavor or the other.\n\nWhen ARG is `\\[universal-argument]', repeat the last export action, with the same\nset of options used back then, on the current buffer.\n\nWhen ARG is `\\[universal-argument] \\[universal-argument]', display the asynchronous export stack." (interactive "P") #<bytecode 0x17ad1c966fb8d55e>) (closure ((last-message . "../../.emacs.d/.local/straight/build-28.2/org-spec...") (arg) t) (&rest _) (if (car-safe (prog1 org--docs-empty! (setq org--docs-empty! (cdr org--docs-empty!)))) (progn (setq org--docs-actually-used nil org--docs nil))))) nil)
  #f(advice-wrapper :after #f(advice-wrapper :after #f(compiled-function (&optional arg) "Export dispatcher for Org mode.\n\nIt provides an access to common export related tasks in a buffer.\nIts interface comes in two flavors: standard and expert.\n\nWhile both share the same set of bindings, only the former\ndisplays the valid keys associations in a dedicated buffer.\nScrolling (resp. line-wise motion) in this buffer is done with\nSPC and DEL (resp. C-n and C-p) keys.\n\nSet variable `org-export-dispatch-use-expert-ui' to switch to one\nflavor or the other.\n\nWhen ARG is `\\[universal-argument]', repeat the last export action, with the same\nset of options used back then, on the current buffer.\n\nWhen ARG is `\\[universal-argument] \\[universal-argument]', display the asynchronous export stack." (interactive "P") #<bytecode 0x17ad1c966fb8d55e>) (closure ((last-message . "../../.emacs.d/.local/straight/build-28.2/org-special-block-extras/org-special-block-extras.el: Warning: Pattern t is deprecated.  Use `_' instead") (arg) t) (&rest _) (if (car-safe (prog1 org--docs-empty! (setq org--docs-empty! (cdr org--docs-empty!)))) (progn (setq org--docs-actually-used nil org--docs nil))))) (closure ((last-message . "Starting new Ispell process hunspell with de_DE,de_CH,en_GB,en_US dictionary...done") (arg) t) (&rest _) (if (car-safe (prog1 org--docs-empty! (setq org--docs-empty! (cdr org--docs-empty!)))) (progn (setq org--docs-actually-used nil org--docs nil)))))(nil)
  apply(#f(advice-wrapper :after #f(advice-wrapper :after #f(compiled-function (&optional arg) "Export dispatcher for Org mode.\n\nIt provides an access to common export related tasks in a buffer.\nIts interface comes in two flavors: standard and expert.\n\nWhile both share the same set of bindings, only the former\ndisplays the valid keys associations in a dedicated buffer.\nScrolling (resp. line-wise motion) in this buffer is done with\nSPC and DEL (resp. C-n and C-p) keys.\n\nSet variable `org-export-dispatch-use-expert-ui' to switch to one\nflavor or the other.\n\nWhen ARG is `\\[universal-argument]', repeat the last export action, with the same\nset of options used back then, on the current buffer.\n\nWhen ARG is `\\[universal-argument] \\[universal-argument]', display the asynchronous export stack." (interactive "P") #<bytecode 0x17ad1c966fb8d55e>) (closure ((last-message . "../../.emacs.d/.local/straight/build-28.2/org-spec...") (arg) t) (&rest _) (if (car-safe (prog1 org--docs-empty! (setq org--docs-empty! ...))) (progn (setq org--docs-actually-used nil org--docs nil))))) (closure ((last-message . "Starting new Ispell process hunspell with de_DE,de...") (arg) t) (&rest _) (if (car-safe (prog1 org--docs-empty! (setq org--docs-empty! (cdr org--docs-empty!)))) (progn (setq org--docs-actually-used nil org--docs nil))))) nil)
  funcall-interactively(org-export-dispatch nil)

@tecosaur I've tested this quite a bit now and it seems to work reliably for the MWE even if I remove the org-headings as part of the document and use `#+glossary_sources: glossary-it-general acronyms-it-general` in the header as sources of the glosses. So when exporting to Markdown, the following document works, if I execute the embedded export-spec before exporting. ``` #+title: Glossary Demo #+glossary_sources: glossary-it-general acronyms-it-general * One Use a reference and a glossary entry to the PC or a Blog in the EmRE. * Two No refs aside from the PC glossary entry. #+begin_src emacs-lisp (org-glossary-set-export-spec 'md t :use "[%t](#gls-%K)" :definition "%t {#gls-%K}" :definition-structure "%d\n\\colon{} %v [%n uses]\n") #+end_src ``` However, if I change it from `'md` to `'hugo` which is basically the same markdown to render in this case, I get the initial nasty `hash-table-p` problem again. ``` Debugger entered--Lisp error: (wrong-type-argument hash-table-p nil) gethash((#("Emacs REproducible Research Environment\n" 0 40 (:parent nil))) nil) org-export-data((#("Emacs REproducible Research Environment\n" 0 40 (:parent nil))) nil) org-glossary--export-template("%v (%u)" md nil (:key "EmRE" :key-plural "EmREs" :key-nonce 6 :term "EmRE" :term-plural "EmREs" :alias-for nil :type acronym :category nil :value (#("Emacs REproducible Research Environment\n" 0 40 (:parent nil))) :definition-file "/home/emre/research/glosses/acronyms-it-general.or..." :definition-pos 80 :extracted nil :uses ((1 link (:type "gls" :path "1:EmRE" :format bracket :raw-link "gls:1:EmRE" :application nil :search-option nil :begin 243 :end 257 :contents-begin nil :contents-end nil :post-blank 0 :parent (paragraph (:begin 159 :end 260 :contents-begin 159 :contents-end 259 :post-blank 1 :post-affiliated 159 :mode planning :granularity element :org-element--cache-sync-key (1 . 159) :cached t :parent (section ...))))))) 1 nil nil nil) org-glossary--export-instance(md nil (:key "EmRE" :key-plural "EmREs" :key-nonce 6 :term "EmRE" :term-plural "EmREs" :alias-for nil :type acronym :category nil :value (#("Emacs REproducible Research Environment\n" 0 40 (:parent nil))) :definition-file "/home/emre/research/glosses/acronyms-it-general.or..." :definition-pos 80 :extracted nil :uses ((1 link (:type "gls" :path "1:EmRE" :format bracket :raw-link "gls:1:EmRE" :application nil :search-option nil :begin 243 :end 257 :contents-begin nil :contents-end nil :post-blank 0 :parent (paragraph (:begin 159 :end 260 :contents-begin 159 :contents-end 259 :post-blank 1 :post-affiliated 159 :mode planning :granularity element :org-element--cache-sync-key (1 . 159) :cached t :parent (section ...))))))) :first-use 1 nil nil nil) org-glossary--link-export(md nil "1:EmRE" nil nil nil) org-glossary--link-export-gls("1:EmRE" nil md nil) org-export-custom-protocol-maybe((link (:type "gls" :path "1:EmRE" :format bracket :raw-link "gls:1:EmRE" :application nil :search-option nil :begin 243 :end 257 :contents-begin nil :contents-end nil :post-blank 0 :parent (paragraph (:begin 159 :end 259 :contents-begin 159 :contents-end 259 :post-blank 1 :post-affiliated 159 :mode planning :granularity nil :parent (section (:begin 159 :end 260 :contents-begin 159 :contents-end 259 :robust-begin 159 :robust-end 257 :post-blank 1 :post-affiliated 159 :mode section :granularity nil :parent (headline ... #47)) #27)) #("Use a reference and a glossary entry to the " 0 44 (:parent #27)) (link (:type "gls" :path "1:PC" :format bracket :raw-link "gls:1:PC" :application nil :search-option nil :begin 203 :end 216 :contents-begin nil :contents-end nil :post-blank 1 :parent #27)) #("or a " 0 5 (:parent #27)) (link (:type "Gls" :path "1:blog" :format bracket :raw-link "Gls:1:blog" :application nil :search-option nil :begin 221 :end 236 :contents-begin nil :contents-end nil :post-blank 1 :parent #27)) #("in the " 0 7 (:parent #27)) #1 #(".\n" 0 2 (:parent #27))))) nil md) org-hugo-link((link (:type "gls" :path "1:EmRE" :format bracket :raw-link "gls:1:EmRE" :application nil :search-option nil :begin 243 :end 257 :contents-begin nil :contents-end nil :post-blank 0 :parent (paragraph (:begin 159 :end 259 :contents-begin 159 :contents-end 259 :post-blank 1 :post-affiliated 159 :mode planning :granularity nil :parent ...) #("Use a reference and a glossary e..." 0 44 ...) (link ...) #("or a " 0 5 ...) (link ...) #("in the " 0 7 ...) #1 #(".\n" 0 2 ...)))) nil (:export-options nil :back-end #s(org-export-backend :name hugo :parent blackfriday :transcoders ((code . org-hugo-kbd-tags-maybe) (drawer . org-hugo-drawer) (example-block . org-hugo-example-block) (export-block . org-hugo-export-block) (export-snippet . org-hugo-export-snippet) (headline . org-hugo-heading) (inner-template . org-hugo-inner-template) (inline-src-block . org-hugo-inline-src-block) (keyword . org-hugo-keyword) (link . org-hugo-link) (paragraph . org-hugo-paragraph) (src-block . org-hugo-src-block) (special-block . org-hugo-special-block)) :options ((:with-toc nil "toc" org-hugo-export-with-toc) (:section-numbers nil "num" org-hugo-export-with-section-numbers) (:author "AUTHOR" nil user-full-name newline) (:creator "CREATOR" nil org-hugo-export-creator-string) (:with-smart-quotes nil "'" nil) (:with-special-strings nil "-" nil) (:with-sub-superscript nil "^" ...) (:hugo-with-locale "HUGO_WITH_LOCALE" nil nil) (:hugo-front-matter-format "HUGO_FRONT_MATTER_FORMAT" nil org-hugo-front-matter-format) (:hugo-level-offset "HUGO_LEVEL_OFFSET" nil "1") (:hugo-preserve-filling "HUGO_PRESERVE_FILLING" nil org-hugo-preserve-filling) (:hugo-delete-trailing-ws "HUGO_DELETE_TRAILING_WS" nil org-hugo-delete-trailing-ws) (:hugo-section "HUGO_SECTION" nil org-hugo-section) (:hugo-bundle "HUGO_BUNDLE" nil nil) (:hugo-base-dir "HUGO_BASE_DIR" nil org-hugo-base-dir) (:hugo-goldmark "HUGO_GOLDMARK" nil org-hugo-goldmark) (:hugo-code-fence "HUGO_CODE_FENCE" nil t) (:hugo-use-code-for-kbd "HUGO_USE_CODE_FOR_KBD" nil org-hugo-use-code-for-kbd) (:hugo-prefer-hyphen-in-tags "HUGO_PREFER_HYPHEN_IN_TAGS" nil org-hugo-prefer-hyphen-in-tags) (:hugo-allow-spaces-in-tags "HUGO_ALLOW_SPACES_IN_TAGS" nil org-hugo-allow-spaces-in-tags) (:hugo-auto-set-lastmod "HUGO_AUTO_SET_LASTMOD" nil org-hugo-auto-set-lastmod) (:hugo-custom-front-matter "HUGO_CUSTOM_FRONT_MATTER" nil nil space) (:hugo-blackfriday "HUGO_BLACKFRIDAY" nil nil space) (:hugo-front-matter-key-replace "HUGO_FRONT_MATTER_KEY_REPLACE" nil nil space) (:hugo-date-format "HUGO_DATE_FORMAT" nil org-hugo-date-format) (:hugo-paired-shortcodes "HUGO_PAIRED_SHORTCODES" nil org-hugo-paired-shortcodes space) (:hugo-pandoc-citations "HUGO_PANDOC_CITATIONS" nil nil) (:bibliography "BIBLIOGRAPHY" nil nil newline) (:html-container "HTML_CONTAINER" nil org-hugo-container-element) (:html-container-class "HTML_CONTAINER_CLASS" nil "") (:hugo-aliases "HUGO_ALIASES" nil nil space) (:hugo-audio "HUGO_AUDIO" nil nil) ...) :filters ((:filter-body . org-hugo-body-filter)) :blocks nil :menu (72 "Export to Hugo-compatible Markdo..." (... ... ... ... ... ...))) :translate-alist ((code . org-hugo-kbd-tags-maybe) (drawer . org-hugo-drawer) (example-block . org-hugo-example-block) (export-block . org-hugo-export-block) (export-snippet . org-hugo-export-snippet) (headline . org-hugo-heading) (inner-template . org-hugo-inner-template) (inline-src-block . org-hugo-inline-src-block) (keyword . org-hugo-keyword) (link . org-hugo-link) (paragraph . org-hugo-paragraph) (src-block . org-hugo-src-block) (special-block . org-hugo-special-block) (center-block . org-blackfriday-center-block) (example-block . org-blackfriday-example-block) (fixed-width . org-blackfriday-fixed-width) (footnote-reference . org-blackfriday-footnote-reference) (inner-template . org-blackfriday-inner-template) (italic . org-blackfriday-italic) (item . org-blackfriday-item) (latex-environment . org-blackfriday-latex-environment) (latex-fragment . org-blackfriday-latex-fragment) (line-break . org-html-line-break) (plain-list . org-blackfriday-plain-list) (plain-text . org-blackfriday-plain-text) (quote-block . org-blackfriday-quote-block) (radio-target . org-blackfriday-radio-target) (special-block . org-blackfriday-special-block) (src-block . org-blackfriday-src-block) (strike-through . org-blackfriday-strike-through) (table-cell . org-blackfriday-table-cell) (table-row . org-blackfriday-table-row) ...) :exported-data #<hash-table eq 8/4001 0x2aaac0f55365> :input-buffer "" :input-file "/home/emre/research/roam-notes/2..." :with-toc nil :section-numbers nil :author "Jens Frey" :creator "Emacs 28.2 (Org mode 9.6 + ox-hu..." :with-smart-quotes nil :with-special-strings nil :with-sub-superscript {} :hugo-with-locale nil :hugo-front-matter-format "toml" :hugo-level-offset "1" ...)) org-export-data((link (:type "gls" :path "1:EmRE" :format bracket :raw-link "gls:1:EmRE" :application nil :search-option nil :begin 243 :end 257 :contents-begin nil :contents-end nil :post-blank 0 :parent (paragraph (:begin 159 :end 259 :contents-begin 159 :contents-end 259 :post-blank 1 :post-affiliated 159 :mode planning :granularity nil :parent ...) #("Use a reference and a glossary e..." 0 44 ...) (link ...) #("or a " 0 5 ...) (link ...) #("in the " 0 7 ...) #1 #(".\n" 0 2 ...)))) (:export-options nil :back-end #s(org-export-backend :name hugo :parent blackfriday :transcoders ((code . org-hugo-kbd-tags-maybe) (drawer . org-hugo-drawer) (example-block . org-hugo-example-block) (export-block . org-hugo-export-block) (export-snippet . org-hugo-export-snippet) (headline . org-hugo-heading) (inner-template . org-hugo-inner-template) (inline-src-block . org-hugo-inline-src-block) (keyword . org-hugo-keyword) (link . org-hugo-link) (paragraph . org-hugo-paragraph) (src-block . org-hugo-src-block) (special-block . org-hugo-special-block)) :options ((:with-toc nil "toc" org-hugo-export-with-toc) (:section-numbers nil "num" org-hugo-export-with-section-numbers) (:author "AUTHOR" nil user-full-name newline) (:creator "CREATOR" nil org-hugo-export-creator-string) (:with-smart-quotes nil "'" nil) (:with-special-strings nil "-" nil) (:with-sub-superscript nil "^" ...) (:hugo-with-locale "HUGO_WITH_LOCALE" nil nil) (:hugo-front-matter-format "HUGO_FRONT_MATTER_FORMAT" nil org-hugo-front-matter-format) (:hugo-level-offset "HUGO_LEVEL_OFFSET" nil "1") (:hugo-preserve-filling "HUGO_PRESERVE_FILLING" nil org-hugo-preserve-filling) (:hugo-delete-trailing-ws "HUGO_DELETE_TRAILING_WS" nil org-hugo-delete-trailing-ws) (:hugo-section "HUGO_SECTION" nil org-hugo-section) (:hugo-bundle "HUGO_BUNDLE" nil nil) (:hugo-base-dir "HUGO_BASE_DIR" nil org-hugo-base-dir) (:hugo-goldmark "HUGO_GOLDMARK" nil org-hugo-goldmark) (:hugo-code-fence "HUGO_CODE_FENCE" nil t) (:hugo-use-code-for-kbd "HUGO_USE_CODE_FOR_KBD" nil org-hugo-use-code-for-kbd) (:hugo-prefer-hyphen-in-tags "HUGO_PREFER_HYPHEN_IN_TAGS" nil org-hugo-prefer-hyphen-in-tags) (:hugo-allow-spaces-in-tags "HUGO_ALLOW_SPACES_IN_TAGS" nil org-hugo-allow-spaces-in-tags) (:hugo-auto-set-lastmod "HUGO_AUTO_SET_LASTMOD" nil org-hugo-auto-set-lastmod) (:hugo-custom-front-matter "HUGO_CUSTOM_FRONT_MATTER" nil nil space) (:hugo-blackfriday "HUGO_BLACKFRIDAY" nil nil space) (:hugo-front-matter-key-replace "HUGO_FRONT_MATTER_KEY_REPLACE" nil nil space) (:hugo-date-format "HUGO_DATE_FORMAT" nil org-hugo-date-format) (:hugo-paired-shortcodes "HUGO_PAIRED_SHORTCODES" nil org-hugo-paired-shortcodes space) (:hugo-pandoc-citations "HUGO_PANDOC_CITATIONS" nil nil) (:bibliography "BIBLIOGRAPHY" nil nil newline) (:html-container "HTML_CONTAINER" nil org-hugo-container-element) (:html-container-class "HTML_CONTAINER_CLASS" nil "") (:hugo-aliases "HUGO_ALIASES" nil nil space) (:hugo-audio "HUGO_AUDIO" nil nil) ...) :filters ((:filter-body . org-hugo-body-filter)) :blocks nil :menu (72 "Export to Hugo-compatible Markdo..." (... ... ... ... ... ...))) :translate-alist ((code . org-hugo-kbd-tags-maybe) (drawer . org-hugo-drawer) (example-block . org-hugo-example-block) (export-block . org-hugo-export-block) (export-snippet . org-hugo-export-snippet) (headline . org-hugo-heading) (inner-template . org-hugo-inner-template) (inline-src-block . org-hugo-inline-src-block) (keyword . org-hugo-keyword) (link . org-hugo-link) (paragraph . org-hugo-paragraph) (src-block . org-hugo-src-block) (special-block . org-hugo-special-block) (center-block . org-blackfriday-center-block) (example-block . org-blackfriday-example-block) (fixed-width . org-blackfriday-fixed-width) (footnote-reference . org-blackfriday-footnote-reference) (inner-template . org-blackfriday-inner-template) (italic . org-blackfriday-italic) (item . org-blackfriday-item) (latex-environment . org-blackfriday-latex-environment) (latex-fragment . org-blackfriday-latex-fragment) (line-break . org-html-line-break) (plain-list . org-blackfriday-plain-list) (plain-text . org-blackfriday-plain-text) (quote-block . org-blackfriday-quote-block) (radio-target . org-blackfriday-radio-target) (special-block . org-blackfriday-special-block) (src-block . org-blackfriday-src-block) (strike-through . org-blackfriday-strike-through) (table-cell . org-blackfriday-table-cell) (table-row . org-blackfriday-table-row) ...) :exported-data #<hash-table eq 8/4001 0x2aaac0f55365> :input-buffer "" :input-file "/home/emre/research/roam-notes/2..." :with-toc nil :section-numbers nil :author "Jens Frey" :creator "Emacs 28.2 (Org mode 9.6 + ox-hu..." :with-smart-quotes nil :with-special-strings nil :with-sub-superscript {} :hugo-with-locale nil :hugo-front-matter-format "toml" :hugo-level-offset "1" ...)) #f(compiled-function (element) #<bytecode 0x1d7d739e6f0ce78b>)((link (:type "gls" :path "1:EmRE" :format bracket :raw-link "gls:1:EmRE" :application nil :search-option nil :begin 243 :end 257 :contents-begin nil :contents-end nil :post-blank 0 :parent (paragraph (:begin 159 :end 259 :contents-begin 159 :contents-end 259 :post-blank 1 :post-affiliated 159 :mode planning :granularity nil :parent (section (:begin 159 :end 260 :contents-begin 159 :contents-end 259 :robust-begin 159 :robust-end 257 :post-blank 1 :post-affiliated 159 :mode section :granularity nil :parent (headline ... #47)) #27)) #("Use a reference and a glossary entry to the " 0 44 (:parent #27)) (link (:type "gls" :path "1:PC" :format bracket :raw-link "gls:1:PC" :application nil :search-option nil :begin 203 :end 216 :contents-begin nil :contents-end nil :post-blank 1 :parent #27)) #("or a " 0 5 (:parent #27)) (link (:type "Gls" :path "1:blog" :format bracket :raw-link "Gls:1:blog" :application nil :search-option nil :begin 221 :end 236 :contents-begin nil :contents-end nil :post-blank 1 :parent #27)) #("in the " 0 7 (:parent #27)) #1 #(".\n" 0 2 (:parent #27)))))) mapconcat(#f(compiled-function (element) #<bytecode 0x1d7d739e6f0ce78b>) (#("Use a reference and a glossary entry to the " 0 44 (:parent (paragraph (:begin 159 :end 259 :contents-begin 159 :contents-end 259 :post-blank 1 :post-affiliated 159 :mode planning :granularity nil :parent (section (:begin 159 :end 260 :contents-begin 159 :contents-end 259 :robust-begin 159 :robust-end 257 :post-blank 1 :post-affiliated 159 :mode section :granularity nil :parent ...) #6)) . #2))) (link (:type "gls" :path "1:PC" :format bracket :raw-link "gls:1:PC" :application nil :search-option nil :begin 203 :end 216 :contents-begin nil :contents-end nil :post-blank 1 :parent (paragraph (:begin 159 :end 259 :contents-begin 159 :contents-end 259 :post-blank 1 :post-affiliated 159 :mode planning :granularity nil :parent (section (:begin 159 :end 260 :contents-begin 159 :contents-end 259 :robust-begin 159 :robust-end 257 :post-blank 1 :post-affiliated 159 :mode section :granularity nil :parent ...) #30)) . #2))) #("or a " 0 5 (:parent (paragraph (:begin 159 :end 259 :contents-begin 159 :contents-end 259 :post-blank 1 :post-affiliated 159 :mode planning :granularity nil :parent (section (:begin 159 :end 260 :contents-begin 159 :contents-end 259 :robust-begin 159 :robust-end 257 :post-blank 1 :post-affiliated 159 :mode section :granularity nil :parent ...) #8)) . #2))) (link (:type "Gls" :path "1:blog" :format bracket :raw-link "Gls:1:blog" :application nil :search-option nil :begin 221 :end 236 :contents-begin nil :contents-end nil :post-blank 1 :parent (paragraph (:begin 159 :end 259 :contents-begin 159 :contents-end 259 :post-blank 1 :post-affiliated 159 :mode planning :granularity nil :parent (section (:begin 159 :end 260 :contents-begin 159 :contents-end 259 :robust-begin 159 :robust-end 257 :post-blank 1 :post-affiliated 159 :mode section :granularity nil :parent ...) #32)) . #2))) #("in the " 0 7 (:parent (paragraph (:begin 159 :end 259 :contents-begin 159 :contents-end 259 :post-blank 1 :post-affiliated 159 :mode planning :granularity nil :parent (section (:begin 159 :end 260 :contents-begin 159 :contents-end 259 :robust-begin 159 :robust-end 257 :post-blank 1 :post-affiliated 159 :mode section :granularity nil :parent ...) #10)) . #2))) (link (:type "gls" :path "1:EmRE" :format bracket :raw-link "gls:1:EmRE" :application nil :search-option nil :begin 243 :end 257 :contents-begin nil :contents-end nil :post-blank 0 :parent (paragraph (:begin 159 :end 259 :contents-begin 159 :contents-end 259 :post-blank 1 :post-affiliated 159 :mode planning :granularity nil :parent (section (:begin 159 :end 260 :contents-begin 159 :contents-end 259 :robust-begin 159 :robust-end 257 :post-blank 1 :post-affiliated 159 :mode section :granularity nil :parent ...) #34)) . #2))) #(".\n" 0 2 (:parent (paragraph (:begin 159 :end 259 :contents-begin 159 :contents-end 259 :post-blank 1 :post-affiliated 159 :mode planning :granularity nil :parent (section (:begin 159 :end 260 :contents-begin 159 :contents-end 259 :robust-begin 159 :robust-end 257 :post-blank 1 :post-affiliated 159 :mode section :granularity nil :parent ...) #12)) . #2)))) "") org-export-data((paragraph (:begin 159 :end 259 :contents-begin 159 :contents-end 259 :post-blank 1 :post-affiliated 159 :mode planning :granularity nil :parent (section ... #1)) #("Use a reference and a glos..." 0 44 (:parent #1)) (link (:type "gls" :path "1:PC" :format bracket :raw-link "gls:1:PC" :application nil :search-option nil :begin 203 :end 216 :contents-begin nil :contents-end nil :post-blank 1 :parent #1)) #("or a " 0 5 (:parent #1)) (link (:type "Gls" :path "1:blog" :format bracket :raw-link "Gls:1:blog" :application nil :search-option nil :begin 221 :end 236 :contents-begin nil :contents-end nil :post-blank 1 :parent #1)) #("in the " 0 7 (:parent #1)) (link (:type "gls" :path "1:EmRE" :format bracket :raw-link "gls:1:EmRE" :application nil :search-option nil :begin 243 :end 257 :contents-begin nil :contents-end nil :post-blank 0 :parent #1)) #(".\n" 0 2 (:parent #1))) (:export-options nil :back-end #s(org-export-backend :name hugo :parent blackfriday :transcoders (... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...) :options (... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...) :filters (...) :blocks nil :menu (72 "Export to Hugo-compatible ..." ...)) :translate-alist ((code . org-hugo-kbd-tags-maybe) (drawer . org-hugo-drawer) (example-block . org-hugo-example-block) (export-block . org-hugo-export-block) (export-snippet . org-hugo-export-snippet) (headline . org-hugo-heading) (inner-template . org-hugo-inner-template) (inline-src-block . org-hugo-inline-src-block) (keyword . org-hugo-keyword) (link . org-hugo-link) (paragraph . org-hugo-paragraph) (src-block . org-hugo-src-block) (special-block . org-hugo-special-block) (center-block . org-blackfriday-center-block) (example-block . org-blackfriday-example-block) (fixed-width . org-blackfriday-fixed-width) (footnote-reference . org-blackfriday-footnote-reference) (inner-template . org-blackfriday-inner-template) (italic . org-blackfriday-italic) (item . org-blackfriday-item) (latex-environment . org-blackfriday-latex-environment) (latex-fragment . org-blackfriday-latex-fragment) (line-break . org-html-line-break) (plain-list . org-blackfriday-plain-list) (plain-text . org-blackfriday-plain-text) (quote-block . org-blackfriday-quote-block) ...) :exported-data #<hash-table eq 8/4001 0x2aaac0f55365> :input-buffer "" :input-file "/home/emre/research/roam-n..." :with-toc nil :section-numbers nil :author "Jens Frey" :creator "Emacs 28.2 (Org mode 9.6 +..." :with-smart-quotes nil :with-special-strings nil :with-sub-superscript {} ...)) #f(compiled-function (element) #<bytecode 0x1d7d739e6f0ce78b>)((paragraph (:begin 159 :end 259 :contents-begin 159 :contents-end 259 :post-blank 1 :post-affiliated 159 :mode planning :granularity nil :parent (section (:begin 159 :end 260 :contents-begin 159 :contents-end 259 :robust-begin 159 :robust-end 257 :post-blank 1 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(paragraph (:begin 765 :end 826 :contents-begin 765 :contents-end 826 :post-blank 1 :post-affiliated 765 :mode nil :granularity nil :parent #10) (link ...) #("\n" 0 1 ...) (entity ...) #("A personal computing device. [1 uses]\n" 0 38 ...))))) "") org-export-data((org-data (:begin 1 :contents-begin 1 :contents-end 826 :end 826 :robust-begin 67 :robust-end 824 :post-blank 0 :post-affiliated 1 :path "/home/emre/research/roam-n..." :mode org-data :ID "48f5f865-d0b8-49e9-810c-f2..." :CATEGORY "20230119222009-test" :granularity nil) (section (:begin 1 :end 152 :contents-begin 1 :contents-end 151 :robust-begin 1 :robust-end 149 :post-blank 1 :post-affiliated 1 :mode first-section :granularity nil :parent #1) (keyword ...) (keyword ...)) (headline (:raw-value "One" :begin 152 :end 260 :pre-blank 1 :contents-begin 159 :contents-end 259 :robust-begin 161 :robust-end 257 :level 1 :priority nil :tags nil :todo-keyword nil :todo-type nil ...) (section ... ...)) (headline (:raw-value "Two" :begin 260 :end 500 :pre-blank 1 :contents-begin 267 :contents-end 499 :robust-begin 269 :robust-end 497 :level 1 :priority nil :tags nil :todo-keyword nil :todo-type nil ...) (section ... ... ...)) (headline (:raw-value "Acronyms" :begin 500 :end 586 :pre-blank 0 :contents-begin 511 :contents-end 585 :robust-begin 513 :robust-end 583 :level 1 :priority nil :tags nil :todo-keyword nil :todo-type nil ...) (section ... ...)) (headline (:raw-value "Glossary" :begin 586 :end 826 :pre-blank 0 :contents-begin 597 :contents-end 826 :robust-begin 599 :robust-end 824 :level 1 :priority nil :tags nil :todo-keyword nil :todo-type nil ...) (section ... ... ...))) (:export-options nil :back-end #s(org-export-backend :name hugo :parent blackfriday :transcoders (... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...) :options (... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...) :filters (...) :blocks nil :menu (72 "Export to Hugo-compatible ..." ...)) :translate-alist ((code . org-hugo-kbd-tags-maybe) (drawer . org-hugo-drawer) (example-block . org-hugo-example-block) (export-block . org-hugo-export-block) (export-snippet . org-hugo-export-snippet) (headline . org-hugo-heading) (inner-template . org-hugo-inner-template) (inline-src-block . org-hugo-inline-src-block) (keyword . org-hugo-keyword) (link . org-hugo-link) (paragraph . org-hugo-paragraph) (src-block . org-hugo-src-block) (special-block . org-hugo-special-block) (center-block . org-blackfriday-center-block) (example-block . org-blackfriday-example-block) (fixed-width . org-blackfriday-fixed-width) (footnote-reference . org-blackfriday-footnote-reference) (inner-template . org-blackfriday-inner-template) (italic . org-blackfriday-italic) (item . org-blackfriday-item) (latex-environment . org-blackfriday-latex-environment) (latex-fragment . org-blackfriday-latex-fragment) (line-break . org-html-line-break) (plain-list . org-blackfriday-plain-list) (plain-text . org-blackfriday-plain-text) (quote-block . org-blackfriday-quote-block) ...) :exported-data #<hash-table eq 8/4001 0x2aaac0f55365> :input-buffer "" :input-file "/home/emre/research/roam-n..." :with-toc nil :section-numbers nil :author "Jens Frey" :creator "Emacs 28.2 (Org mode 9.6 +..." :with-smart-quotes nil :with-special-strings nil :with-sub-superscript {} ...)) #f(compiled-function (backend &optional subtreep visible-only body-only ext-plist) "Transcode current Org buffer into BACKEND code.\n\nBACKEND is either an export back-end, as returned by, e.g.,\n`org-export-create-backend', or a symbol referring to\na registered back-end.\n\nIf narrowing is active in the current buffer, only transcode its\nnarrowed part.\n\nIf a region is active, transcode that region.\n\nWhen optional argument SUBTREEP is non-nil, transcode the\nsub-tree at point, extracting information from the headline\nproperties first.\n\nWhen optional argument VISIBLE-ONLY is non-nil, don't export\ncontents of hidden elements.\n\nWhen optional argument BODY-ONLY is non-nil, only return body\ncode, without surrounding template.\n\nOptional argument EXT-PLIST, when provided, is a property list\nwith external parameters overriding Org default settings, but\nstill inferior to file-local settings.\n\nReturn code as a string." #<bytecode 0xaf8499a48178f2>)(hugo nil nil nil (:output-file "/home/emre/research/export/hugo/emre-site/content/...")) apply(#f(compiled-function (backend &optional subtreep visible-only body-only ext-plist) "Transcode current Org buffer into BACKEND code.\n\nBACKEND is either an export back-end, as returned by, e.g.,\n`org-export-create-backend', or a symbol referring to\na registered back-end.\n\nIf narrowing is active in the current buffer, only transcode its\nnarrowed part.\n\nIf a region is active, transcode that region.\n\nWhen optional argument SUBTREEP is non-nil, transcode the\nsub-tree at point, extracting information from the headline\nproperties first.\n\nWhen optional argument VISIBLE-ONLY is non-nil, don't export\ncontents of hidden elements.\n\nWhen optional argument BODY-ONLY is non-nil, only return body\ncode, without surrounding template.\n\nOptional argument EXT-PLIST, when provided, is a property list\nwith external parameters overriding Org default settings, but\nstill inferior to file-local settings.\n\nReturn code as a string." #<bytecode 0xaf8499a48178f2>) (hugo nil nil nil (:output-file "/home/emre/research/export/hugo/emre-site/content/..."))) (let ((old-async-init-file org-export-async-init-file) (org-export-async-init-file (make-temp-file "doom-org-async-export"))) (doom-file-write org-export-async-init-file (list (list 'setq 'org-export-async-debug (or org-export-async-debug debug-on-error) 'load-path (list 'quote load-path)) (cons 'unwind-protect (cons (list 'let (list (list ... old-async-init-file)) (cons 'if (cons ... ...))) '((delete-file load-file-name)))))) (apply fn args)) +org--fix-async-export-a(#f(compiled-function (backend &optional subtreep visible-only body-only ext-plist) "Transcode current Org buffer into BACKEND code.\n\nBACKEND is either an export back-end, as returned by, e.g.,\n`org-export-create-backend', or a symbol referring to\na registered back-end.\n\nIf narrowing is active in the current buffer, only transcode its\nnarrowed part.\n\nIf a region is active, transcode that region.\n\nWhen optional argument SUBTREEP is non-nil, transcode the\nsub-tree at point, extracting information from the headline\nproperties first.\n\nWhen optional argument VISIBLE-ONLY is non-nil, don't export\ncontents of hidden elements.\n\nWhen optional argument BODY-ONLY is non-nil, only return body\ncode, without surrounding template.\n\nOptional argument EXT-PLIST, when provided, is a property list\nwith external parameters overriding Org default settings, but\nstill inferior to file-local settings.\n\nReturn code as a string." #<bytecode 0xaf8499a48178f2>) hugo nil nil nil (:output-file "/home/emre/research/export/hugo/emre-site/content/...")) apply(+org--fix-async-export-a #f(compiled-function (backend &optional subtreep visible-only body-only ext-plist) "Transcode current Org buffer into BACKEND code.\n\nBACKEND is either an export back-end, as returned by, e.g.,\n`org-export-create-backend', or a symbol referring to\na registered back-end.\n\nIf narrowing is active in the current buffer, only transcode its\nnarrowed part.\n\nIf a region is active, transcode that region.\n\nWhen optional argument SUBTREEP is non-nil, transcode the\nsub-tree at point, extracting information from the headline\nproperties first.\n\nWhen optional argument VISIBLE-ONLY is non-nil, don't export\ncontents of hidden elements.\n\nWhen optional argument BODY-ONLY is non-nil, only return body\ncode, without surrounding template.\n\nOptional argument EXT-PLIST, when provided, is a property list\nwith external parameters overriding Org default settings, but\nstill inferior to file-local settings.\n\nReturn code as a string." #<bytecode 0xaf8499a48178f2>) (hugo nil nil nil (:output-file "/home/emre/research/export/hugo/emre-site/content/..."))) org-export-as(hugo nil nil nil (:output-file "/home/emre/research/export/hugo/emre-site/content/...")) #f(compiled-function (backend file &optional async subtreep visible-only body-only ext-plist post-process) "Call `org-export-as' with output to a specified file.\n\nBACKEND is either an export back-end, as returned by, e.g.,\n`org-export-create-backend', or a symbol referring to\na registered back-end. FILE is the name of the output file, as\na string.\n\nA non-nil optional argument ASYNC means the process should happen\nasynchronously. The resulting buffer will then be accessible\nthrough the `org-export-stack' interface.\n\nOptional arguments SUBTREEP, VISIBLE-ONLY, BODY-ONLY and\nEXT-PLIST are similar to those used in `org-export-as', which\nsee.\n\nOptional argument POST-PROCESS is called with FILE as its\nargument and happens asynchronously when ASYNC is non-nil. It\nhas to return a file name, or nil. Export back-ends can use this\nto send the output file through additional processing, e.g,\n\n (defun org-latex-export-to-latex\n (&optional async subtreep visible-only body-only ext-plist)\n (interactive)\n (let ((outfile (org-export-output-file-name \".tex\" subtreep)))\n (org-export-to-file \\='latex outfile\n async subtreep visible-only body-only ext-plist\n #\\='org-latex-compile)))\n\nWhen expressed as an anonymous function, using `lambda',\nPOST-PROCESS needs to be quoted.\n\nThe function returns either a file name returned by POST-PROCESS,\nor FILE." #<bytecode -0x14d6315366e2d182>)(hugo "/home/emre/research/export/hugo/emre-site/content/..." nil nil nil) apply(#f(compiled-function (backend file &optional async subtreep visible-only body-only ext-plist post-process) "Call `org-export-as' with output to a specified file.\n\nBACKEND is either an export back-end, as returned by, e.g.,\n`org-export-create-backend', or a symbol referring to\na registered back-end. FILE is the name of the output file, as\na string.\n\nA non-nil optional argument ASYNC means the process should happen\nasynchronously. The resulting buffer will then be accessible\nthrough the `org-export-stack' interface.\n\nOptional arguments SUBTREEP, VISIBLE-ONLY, BODY-ONLY and\nEXT-PLIST are similar to those used in `org-export-as', which\nsee.\n\nOptional argument POST-PROCESS is called with FILE as its\nargument and happens asynchronously when ASYNC is non-nil. It\nhas to return a file name, or nil. Export back-ends can use this\nto send the output file through additional processing, e.g,\n\n (defun org-latex-export-to-latex\n (&optional async subtreep visible-only body-only ext-plist)\n (interactive)\n (let ((outfile (org-export-output-file-name \".tex\" subtreep)))\n (org-export-to-file \\='latex outfile\n async subtreep visible-only body-only ext-plist\n #\\='org-latex-compile)))\n\nWhen expressed as an anonymous function, using `lambda',\nPOST-PROCESS needs to be quoted.\n\nThe function returns either a file name returned by POST-PROCESS,\nor FILE." #<bytecode -0x14d6315366e2d182>) (hugo "/home/emre/research/export/hugo/emre-site/content/..." nil nil nil)) (let (before-save-hook after-save-hook) (apply fn args)) +org--dont-trigger-save-hooks-a(#f(compiled-function (backend file &optional async subtreep visible-only body-only ext-plist post-process) "Call `org-export-as' with output to a specified file.\n\nBACKEND is either an export back-end, as returned by, e.g.,\n`org-export-create-backend', or a symbol referring to\na registered back-end. FILE is the name of the output file, as\na string.\n\nA non-nil optional argument ASYNC means the process should happen\nasynchronously. The resulting buffer will then be accessible\nthrough the `org-export-stack' interface.\n\nOptional arguments SUBTREEP, VISIBLE-ONLY, BODY-ONLY and\nEXT-PLIST are similar to those used in `org-export-as', which\nsee.\n\nOptional argument POST-PROCESS is called with FILE as its\nargument and happens asynchronously when ASYNC is non-nil. It\nhas to return a file name, or nil. Export back-ends can use this\nto send the output file through additional processing, e.g,\n\n (defun org-latex-export-to-latex\n (&optional async subtreep visible-only body-only ext-plist)\n (interactive)\n (let ((outfile (org-export-output-file-name \".tex\" subtreep)))\n (org-export-to-file \\='latex outfile\n async subtreep visible-only body-only ext-plist\n #\\='org-latex-compile)))\n\nWhen expressed as an anonymous function, using `lambda',\nPOST-PROCESS needs to be quoted.\n\nThe function returns either a file name returned by POST-PROCESS,\nor FILE." #<bytecode -0x14d6315366e2d182>) hugo "/home/emre/research/export/hugo/emre-site/content/..." nil nil nil) apply(+org--dont-trigger-save-hooks-a #f(compiled-function (backend file &optional async subtreep visible-only body-only ext-plist post-process) "Call `org-export-as' with output to a specified file.\n\nBACKEND is either an export back-end, as returned by, e.g.,\n`org-export-create-backend', or a symbol referring to\na registered back-end. FILE is the name of the output file, as\na string.\n\nA non-nil optional argument ASYNC means the process should happen\nasynchronously. The resulting buffer will then be accessible\nthrough the `org-export-stack' interface.\n\nOptional arguments SUBTREEP, VISIBLE-ONLY, BODY-ONLY and\nEXT-PLIST are similar to those used in `org-export-as', which\nsee.\n\nOptional argument POST-PROCESS is called with FILE as its\nargument and happens asynchronously when ASYNC is non-nil. It\nhas to return a file name, or nil. Export back-ends can use this\nto send the output file through additional processing, e.g,\n\n (defun org-latex-export-to-latex\n (&optional async subtreep visible-only body-only ext-plist)\n (interactive)\n (let ((outfile (org-export-output-file-name \".tex\" subtreep)))\n (org-export-to-file \\='latex outfile\n async subtreep visible-only body-only ext-plist\n #\\='org-latex-compile)))\n\nWhen expressed as an anonymous function, using `lambda',\nPOST-PROCESS needs to be quoted.\n\nThe function returns either a file name returned by POST-PROCESS,\nor FILE." #<bytecode -0x14d6315366e2d182>) (hugo "/home/emre/research/export/hugo/emre-site/content/..." nil nil nil)) #f(advice-wrapper :around #f(compiled-function (backend file &optional async subtreep visible-only body-only ext-plist post-process) "Call `org-export-as' with output to a specified file.\n\nBACKEND is either an export back-end, as returned by, e.g.,\n`org-export-create-backend', or a symbol referring to\na registered back-end. FILE is the name of the output file, as\na string.\n\nA non-nil optional argument ASYNC means the process should happen\nasynchronously. The resulting buffer will then be accessible\nthrough the `org-export-stack' interface.\n\nOptional arguments SUBTREEP, VISIBLE-ONLY, BODY-ONLY and\nEXT-PLIST are similar to those used in `org-export-as', which\nsee.\n\nOptional argument POST-PROCESS is called with FILE as its\nargument and happens asynchronously when ASYNC is non-nil. It\nhas to return a file name, or nil. Export back-ends can use this\nto send the output file through additional processing, e.g,\n\n (defun org-latex-export-to-latex\n (&optional async subtreep visible-only body-only ext-plist)\n (interactive)\n (let ((outfile (org-export-output-file-name \".tex\" subtreep)))\n (org-export-to-file \\='latex outfile\n async subtreep visible-only body-only ext-plist\n #\\='org-latex-compile)))\n\nWhen expressed as an anonymous function, using `lambda',\nPOST-PROCESS needs to be quoted.\n\nThe function returns either a file name returned by POST-PROCESS,\nor FILE." #<bytecode -0x14d6315366e2d182>) +org--dont-trigger-save-hooks-a)(hugo "/home/emre/research/export/hugo/emre-site/content/..." nil nil nil) apply(#f(advice-wrapper :around #f(compiled-function (backend file &optional async subtreep visible-only body-only ext-plist post-process) "Call `org-export-as' with output to a specified file.\n\nBACKEND is either an export back-end, as returned by, e.g.,\n`org-export-create-backend', or a symbol referring to\na registered back-end. FILE is the name of the output file, as\na string.\n\nA non-nil optional argument ASYNC means the process should happen\nasynchronously. The resulting buffer will then be accessible\nthrough the `org-export-stack' interface.\n\nOptional arguments SUBTREEP, VISIBLE-ONLY, BODY-ONLY and\nEXT-PLIST are similar to those used in `org-export-as', which\nsee.\n\nOptional argument POST-PROCESS is called with FILE as its\nargument and happens asynchronously when ASYNC is non-nil. It\nhas to return a file name, or nil. Export back-ends can use this\nto send the output file through additional processing, e.g,\n\n (defun org-latex-export-to-latex\n (&optional async subtreep visible-only body-only ext-plist)\n (interactive)\n (let ((outfile (org-export-output-file-name \".tex\" subtreep)))\n (org-export-to-file \\='latex outfile\n async subtreep visible-only body-only ext-plist\n #\\='org-latex-compile)))\n\nWhen expressed as an anonymous function, using `lambda',\nPOST-PROCESS needs to be quoted.\n\nThe function returns either a file name returned by POST-PROCESS,\nor FILE." #<bytecode -0x14d6315366e2d182>) +org--dont-trigger-save-hooks-a) (hugo "/home/emre/research/export/hugo/emre-site/content/..." nil nil nil)) (let ((old-async-init-file org-export-async-init-file) (org-export-async-init-file (make-temp-file "doom-org-async-export"))) (doom-file-write org-export-async-init-file (list (list 'setq 'org-export-async-debug (or org-export-async-debug debug-on-error) 'load-path (list 'quote load-path)) (cons 'unwind-protect (cons (list 'let (list (list ... old-async-init-file)) (cons 'if (cons ... ...))) '((delete-file load-file-name)))))) (apply fn args)) +org--fix-async-export-a(#f(advice-wrapper :around #f(compiled-function (backend file &optional async subtreep visible-only body-only ext-plist post-process) "Call `org-export-as' with output to a specified file.\n\nBACKEND is either an export back-end, as returned by, e.g.,\n`org-export-create-backend', or a symbol referring to\na registered back-end. FILE is the name of the output file, as\na string.\n\nA non-nil optional argument ASYNC means the process should happen\nasynchronously. The resulting buffer will then be accessible\nthrough the `org-export-stack' interface.\n\nOptional arguments SUBTREEP, VISIBLE-ONLY, BODY-ONLY and\nEXT-PLIST are similar to those used in `org-export-as', which\nsee.\n\nOptional argument POST-PROCESS is called with FILE as its\nargument and happens asynchronously when ASYNC is non-nil. It\nhas to return a file name, or nil. Export back-ends can use this\nto send the output file through additional processing, e.g,\n\n (defun org-latex-export-to-latex\n (&optional async subtreep visible-only body-only ext-plist)\n (interactive)\n (let ((outfile (org-export-output-file-name \".tex\" subtreep)))\n (org-export-to-file \\='latex outfile\n async subtreep visible-only body-only ext-plist\n #\\='org-latex-compile)))\n\nWhen expressed as an anonymous function, using `lambda',\nPOST-PROCESS needs to be quoted.\n\nThe function returns either a file name returned by POST-PROCESS,\nor FILE." #<bytecode -0x14d6315366e2d182>) +org--dont-trigger-save-hooks-a) hugo "/home/emre/research/export/hugo/emre-site/content/..." nil nil nil) apply(+org--fix-async-export-a #f(advice-wrapper :around #f(compiled-function (backend file &optional async subtreep visible-only body-only ext-plist post-process) "Call `org-export-as' with output to a specified file.\n\nBACKEND is either an export back-end, as returned by, e.g.,\n`org-export-create-backend', or a symbol referring to\na registered back-end. FILE is the name of the output file, as\na string.\n\nA non-nil optional argument ASYNC means the process should happen\nasynchronously. The resulting buffer will then be accessible\nthrough the `org-export-stack' interface.\n\nOptional arguments SUBTREEP, VISIBLE-ONLY, BODY-ONLY and\nEXT-PLIST are similar to those used in `org-export-as', which\nsee.\n\nOptional argument POST-PROCESS is called with FILE as its\nargument and happens asynchronously when ASYNC is non-nil. It\nhas to return a file name, or nil. Export back-ends can use this\nto send the output file through additional processing, e.g,\n\n (defun org-latex-export-to-latex\n (&optional async subtreep visible-only body-only ext-plist)\n (interactive)\n (let ((outfile (org-export-output-file-name \".tex\" subtreep)))\n (org-export-to-file \\='latex outfile\n async subtreep visible-only body-only ext-plist\n #\\='org-latex-compile)))\n\nWhen expressed as an anonymous function, using `lambda',\nPOST-PROCESS needs to be quoted.\n\nThe function returns either a file name returned by POST-PROCESS,\nor FILE." #<bytecode -0x14d6315366e2d182>) +org--dont-trigger-save-hooks-a) (hugo "/home/emre/research/export/hugo/emre-site/content/..." nil nil nil)) org-export-to-file(hugo "/home/emre/research/export/hugo/emre-site/content/..." nil nil nil) org-hugo-export-to-md(nil nil nil) org-hugo--export-file-to-md("" nil nil nil) org-hugo-export-wim-to-md(:all-subtrees nil nil) (lambda (a _s v _b) (org-hugo-export-wim-to-md :all-subtrees a v))(nil nil nil nil) #f(compiled-function (&optional arg) "Export dispatcher for Org mode.\n\nIt provides an access to common export related tasks in a buffer.\nIts interface comes in two flavors: standard and expert.\n\nWhile both share the same set of bindings, only the former\ndisplays the valid keys associations in a dedicated buffer.\nScrolling (resp. line-wise motion) in this buffer is done with\nSPC and DEL (resp. C-n and C-p) keys.\n\nSet variable `org-export-dispatch-use-expert-ui' to switch to one\nflavor or the other.\n\nWhen ARG is `\\[universal-argument]', repeat the last export action, with the same\nset of options used back then, on the current buffer.\n\nWhen ARG is `\\[universal-argument] \\[universal-argument]', display the asynchronous export stack." (interactive "P") #<bytecode 0x17ad1c966fb8d55e>)(nil) apply(#f(compiled-function (&optional arg) "Export dispatcher for Org mode.\n\nIt provides an access to common export related tasks in a buffer.\nIts interface comes in two flavors: standard and expert.\n\nWhile both share the same set of bindings, only the former\ndisplays the valid keys associations in a dedicated buffer.\nScrolling (resp. line-wise motion) in this buffer is done with\nSPC and DEL (resp. C-n and C-p) keys.\n\nSet variable `org-export-dispatch-use-expert-ui' to switch to one\nflavor or the other.\n\nWhen ARG is `\\[universal-argument]', repeat the last export action, with the same\nset of options used back then, on the current buffer.\n\nWhen ARG is `\\[universal-argument] \\[universal-argument]', display the asynchronous export stack." (interactive "P") #<bytecode 0x17ad1c966fb8d55e>) nil) #f(advice-wrapper :after #f(compiled-function (&optional arg) "Export dispatcher for Org mode.\n\nIt provides an access to common export related tasks in a buffer.\nIts interface comes in two flavors: standard and expert.\n\nWhile both share the same set of bindings, only the former\ndisplays the valid keys associations in a dedicated buffer.\nScrolling (resp. line-wise motion) in this buffer is done with\nSPC and DEL (resp. C-n and C-p) keys.\n\nSet variable `org-export-dispatch-use-expert-ui' to switch to one\nflavor or the other.\n\nWhen ARG is `\\[universal-argument]', repeat the last export action, with the same\nset of options used back then, on the current buffer.\n\nWhen ARG is `\\[universal-argument] \\[universal-argument]', display the asynchronous export stack." (interactive "P") #<bytecode 0x17ad1c966fb8d55e>) (closure ((last-message . "../../.emacs.d/.local/straight/build-28.2/org-special-block-extras/org-special-block-extras.el: Warning: Pattern t is deprecated. Use `_' instead") (arg) t) (&rest _) (if (car-safe (prog1 org--docs-empty! (setq org--docs-empty! (cdr org--docs-empty!)))) (progn (setq org--docs-actually-used nil org--docs nil)))))(nil) apply(#f(advice-wrapper :after #f(compiled-function (&optional arg) "Export dispatcher for Org mode.\n\nIt provides an access to common export related tasks in a buffer.\nIts interface comes in two flavors: standard and expert.\n\nWhile both share the same set of bindings, only the former\ndisplays the valid keys associations in a dedicated buffer.\nScrolling (resp. line-wise motion) in this buffer is done with\nSPC and DEL (resp. C-n and C-p) keys.\n\nSet variable `org-export-dispatch-use-expert-ui' to switch to one\nflavor or the other.\n\nWhen ARG is `\\[universal-argument]', repeat the last export action, with the same\nset of options used back then, on the current buffer.\n\nWhen ARG is `\\[universal-argument] \\[universal-argument]', display the asynchronous export stack." (interactive "P") #<bytecode 0x17ad1c966fb8d55e>) (closure ((last-message . "../../.emacs.d/.local/straight/build-28.2/org-spec...") (arg) t) (&rest _) (if (car-safe (prog1 org--docs-empty! (setq org--docs-empty! (cdr org--docs-empty!)))) (progn (setq org--docs-actually-used nil org--docs nil))))) nil) #f(advice-wrapper :after #f(advice-wrapper :after #f(compiled-function (&optional arg) "Export dispatcher for Org mode.\n\nIt provides an access to common export related tasks in a buffer.\nIts interface comes in two flavors: standard and expert.\n\nWhile both share the same set of bindings, only the former\ndisplays the valid keys associations in a dedicated buffer.\nScrolling (resp. line-wise motion) in this buffer is done with\nSPC and DEL (resp. C-n and C-p) keys.\n\nSet variable `org-export-dispatch-use-expert-ui' to switch to one\nflavor or the other.\n\nWhen ARG is `\\[universal-argument]', repeat the last export action, with the same\nset of options used back then, on the current buffer.\n\nWhen ARG is `\\[universal-argument] \\[universal-argument]', display the asynchronous export stack." (interactive "P") #<bytecode 0x17ad1c966fb8d55e>) (closure ((last-message . "../../.emacs.d/.local/straight/build-28.2/org-special-block-extras/org-special-block-extras.el: Warning: Pattern t is deprecated. Use `_' instead") (arg) t) (&rest _) (if (car-safe (prog1 org--docs-empty! (setq org--docs-empty! (cdr org--docs-empty!)))) (progn (setq org--docs-actually-used nil org--docs nil))))) (closure ((last-message . "Starting new Ispell process hunspell with de_DE,de_CH,en_GB,en_US dictionary...done") (arg) t) (&rest _) (if (car-safe (prog1 org--docs-empty! (setq org--docs-empty! (cdr org--docs-empty!)))) (progn (setq org--docs-actually-used nil org--docs nil)))))(nil) apply(#f(advice-wrapper :after #f(advice-wrapper :after #f(compiled-function (&optional arg) "Export dispatcher for Org mode.\n\nIt provides an access to common export related tasks in a buffer.\nIts interface comes in two flavors: standard and expert.\n\nWhile both share the same set of bindings, only the former\ndisplays the valid keys associations in a dedicated buffer.\nScrolling (resp. line-wise motion) in this buffer is done with\nSPC and DEL (resp. C-n and C-p) keys.\n\nSet variable `org-export-dispatch-use-expert-ui' to switch to one\nflavor or the other.\n\nWhen ARG is `\\[universal-argument]', repeat the last export action, with the same\nset of options used back then, on the current buffer.\n\nWhen ARG is `\\[universal-argument] \\[universal-argument]', display the asynchronous export stack." (interactive "P") #<bytecode 0x17ad1c966fb8d55e>) (closure ((last-message . "../../.emacs.d/.local/straight/build-28.2/org-spec...") (arg) t) (&rest _) (if (car-safe (prog1 org--docs-empty! (setq org--docs-empty! ...))) (progn (setq org--docs-actually-used nil org--docs nil))))) (closure ((last-message . "Starting new Ispell process hunspell with de_DE,de...") (arg) t) (&rest _) (if (car-safe (prog1 org--docs-empty! (setq org--docs-empty! (cdr org--docs-empty!)))) (progn (setq org--docs-actually-used nil org--docs nil))))) nil) org-export-dispatch(nil) funcall-interactively(org-export-dispatch nil) command-execute(org-export-dispatch) ```
authsec commented 2023-01-30 21:05:22 +00:00 (Migrated from

@kaushalmodi Do you have any idea why this is not working?

@kaushalmodi Do you have any idea why this is not working?
tecosaur commented 2023-02-01 14:35:41 +00:00 (Migrated from

Yea, the problem with the Hugo export is that it's trying to call org-export-custom-protocol-maybe without info when the glossary link export needs the info.

a66063a991/ox-hugo.el (L2747)

Yea, the problem with the Hugo export is that it's trying to call `org-export-custom-protocol-maybe` without `info` when the glossary link export *needs* the `info`.
kaushalmodi commented 2023-02-01 14:37:36 +00:00 (Migrated from

@tecosaur Thanks for spotting that! So all that's needed is pass the info as well to that call?

@tecosaur Thanks for spotting that! So all that's needed is pass the `info` as well to that call?
tecosaur commented 2023-02-01 14:38:02 +00:00 (Migrated from

For Hugo export? Yea, I think that's all that's needed 🙂

For Hugo export? Yea, I think that's all that's needed :slightly_smiling_face:
tecosaur commented 2023-02-01 14:39:26 +00:00 (Migrated from

It could be good if org-glossary produced a more helpful error message or worked in a limited capacity without info, but I'm not sure when/if I'll get to that.

It could be good if org-glossary produced a more helpful error message or worked in a limited capacity without info, but I'm not sure when/if I'll get to that.
kaushalmodi commented 2023-02-01 14:44:01 +00:00 (Migrated from

@tecosaur I've created a PR to fix this in ox-hugo, but ox-hugo CI is broken for me for a while after the org cache updates in Org 9.6. I haven't found time to understand the issue and come up with a fix for that.

@tecosaur I've created a PR to fix this in `ox-hugo`, but `ox-hugo` CI is broken for me for a while after the org cache updates in Org 9.6. I haven't found time to understand the issue and come up with a fix for that.
tecosaur commented 2023-02-01 14:51:27 +00:00 (Migrated from

Hmm, if you can reliably produce an org cache related error then Ihor would probably be interested in that.

Hmm, if you can reliably produce an org cache related error then Ihor would probably be interested in that.
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Reference: tec/org-glossary#9
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