STARTED re-work tangling system

haven't done any debugging but all of the main code changes have
  been made in org-babel-tangle.el
This commit is contained in:
Eric Schulte 2009-07-30 08:57:26 -06:00
parent 0fd84e9429
commit 56b18db9b8
2 changed files with 62 additions and 51 deletions

View file

@ -43,31 +43,32 @@ file.")
org-mode formatted FILE. This function will first export the
source code using `org-babel-tangle' and then load the resulting
file using `load-file'."
(let ((loadable-file (first (org-babel-tangle-file file "emacs-lisp"))))
(unless (file-exists-p loadable-file)
(error "can't load file that doesn't exist"))
(load-file loadable-file)
(message "loaded %s" loadable-file)))
(defun org-babel-tangle-file (file &optional lang)
"Extract the bodies of all source code blocks in FILE with
`org-babel-tangle'. Optional argument LANG can be used to limit
the exported source code blocks by language."
(flet ((age (file)
(time-subtract (current-time)
(sixth (file-attributes file))))))
(let ((target-file (concat (file-name-sans-extension file) "."
(second (assoc lang org-babel-tangle-langs)))))
(if (and lang (file-exists-p target-file) (> (age file) (age target-file)))
(list target-file)
(save-window-excursion (find-file file) (org-babel-tangle lang))))))
(let* ((base-name (file-name-sans-extension file))
(exported-file (concat base-name ".el")))
;; tangle if the org-mode file is newer than the elisp file
(unless (and (file-exists-p exported-file) (> (age file) (age exported-file)))
(org-babel-tangle-file file base-name "emacs-lisp"))
(load-file exported-file)
(message "loaded %s" exported-file))))
(defun org-babel-tangle (&optional lang)
(defun org-babel-tangle-file (file &optional target-file lang)
"Extract the bodies of all source code blocks in FILE with
`org-babel-tangle'. Optional argument TARGET-FILE can be used to
specify a default export file for all source blocks. Optional
argument LANG can be used to limit the exported source code
blocks by language."
(save-window-excursion (find-file file) (org-babel-tangle target-file lang)))
(defun org-babel-tangle (&optional target-file lang)
"Extract the bodies of all source code blocks from the current
file into their own source-specific files. Optional argument
LANG can be used to limit the exported source code blocks by
TARGET-FILE can be used to specify a default export file for all
source blocks. Optional argument LANG can be used to limit the
exported source code blocks by language."
(let ((base-name (file-name-sans-extension (buffer-file-name)))
@ -76,37 +77,42 @@ language."
(mapc ;; for every language create a file
(lambda (by-lang)
(let* ((lang (car by-lang))
(specs (cdr by-lang))
(lang-f (intern (concat lang "-mode")))
(lang-specs (cdr (assoc lang org-babel-tangle-langs)))
(ext (first lang-specs))
(she-bang (second lang-specs))
(by-session (cdr by-lang)))
(flet ((to-file (filename specs)
(add-to-list 'path-collector filename)
(with-temp-file filename
(funcall lang-f)
(when she-bang (insert (concat she-bang "\n")))
(point) (progn (insert "generated by org-babel-tangle") (point)))
(mapc #'org-babel-spec-to-string (reverse specs)))))
;; if there are multiple sessions then break out by session
(if (> (length by-session) 1)
(mapc (lambda (session-pair)
(setq block-counter (+ block-counter (length (cdr session-pair))))
(to-file (format
"%s-%s.%s" base-name (car session-pair) ext) (cdr session-pair)))
(setq block-counter (+ block-counter (length (cdr (car by-session)))))
(to-file (format "%s.%s" base-name ext) (cdr (car by-session)))))))
(she-bang (second lang-specs)))
(lambda (spec)
(let* ((tangle (cdr (assoc :tangle params)))
(base-name (or (when (not (or (string= tangle "yes")
(string= tangle "no")))
(file-name (when base-name
(concat base-name "." ext))))
(when file-name
;; delete any old versions of file
(unless (member file-name path-collector)
(delete-file file-name))
;; drop source-block to file
(funcall lang-f)
(when she-bang (insert (concat she-bang "\n")))
(point) (progn (insert "generated by org-babel-tangle") (point)))
(org-babel-spec-to-string spec)
(append-to-file nil nil file-name))
(add-to-list 'path-collector file-name))))
(org-babel-tangle-collect-blocks lang))
(message "tangled %d source-code blocks" block-counter)
(defun org-babel-tangle-collect-blocks (&optional lang)
"Collect all source blocks in the current org-mode file.
Return two nested association lists, first grouped by language,
then by session, the contents will be source-code block
specifications of the form used by `org-babel-spec-to-string'.
Return an association list of source-code block specifications of
the form used by `org-babel-spec-to-string' grouped by language.
Optional argument LANG can be used to limit the collected source
code blocks by language."
(let ((block-counter 0) blocks)
@ -121,20 +127,14 @@ code blocks by language."
(body (second info))
(params (third info))
(spec (list link source-name params body))
(session (cdr (assoc :session params)))
by-lang by-session)
(unless (string= (cdr (assoc :tangle params)) "no") ;; maybe skip
(unless (and lang (not (string= lang src-lang))) ;; maybe limit by language
;; add the spec for this block to blocks under it's language and session
;; add the spec for this block to blocks under it's language
(setq by-lang (cdr (assoc src-lang blocks)))
(setq blocks (delq (assoc src-lang blocks) blocks))
(setq by-session (cdr (assoc session by-lang)))
(setq by-lang (delq (assoc session by-lang) by-lang))
(setq blocks (cons ;; by-language
(cons src-lang (cons ;; by-session
(cons session (cons spec by-session)) by-lang))
;; blocks should contain all source-blocks organized by language and session
(setq blocks (cons (cons src-lang (cons spec by-lang)) blocks))))))
;; blocks should contain all source-blocks organized by language
;; (message "blocks=%S" blocks) ;; debugging

View file

@ -240,7 +240,7 @@ being generated at =ruby-nuweb.rb= with the following contents
: puts " Ruby "
: puts "---------------------------footer---------------------------"
** TODO re-work tangling system
** STARTED re-work tangling system
Sometimes when tangling a file (e.g. when extracting elisp from a
org-mode file) we want to get nearly every source-code block.
@ -251,6 +251,17 @@ literate programming along the Nuweb model)
I'm not sure how we can devise a single simple tangling system that
naturally fits both of these use cases.
*** new setup
the =tangle= header argument will default to =no= meaning source-code
blocks will *not* be exported by default. In order for a source-code
block to be tangled it needs to have an output file specified. This
can happen in two ways...
1) a file-wide default output file can be passed to `org-babel-tangle'
which will then be used for all blocks
2) if the value of the =tangle= header argument is anything other than
=no= or =yes= then it is used as the file name
** PROPOSED raise elisp error when source-blocks return errors
Not sure how/if this would work, but it may be desirable.