org-agenda: Small refactoring

* lisp/org-agenda.el (org-agenda-get-deadlines):
This commit is contained in:
Nicolas Goaziou 2015-10-31 22:28:04 +01:00
parent e6ac458988
commit 7f20175807

View file

@ -6052,131 +6052,124 @@ specification like [h]h:mm."
(regexp (if with-hour
(todayp (org-agenda-today-p date)) ; DATE bound by calendar
(d1 (calendar-absolute-from-gregorian date)) ; DATE bound by calendar
(dl0 (car org-agenda-deadline-leaders))
(dl1 (nth 1 org-agenda-deadline-leaders))
(dl2 (or (nth 2 org-agenda-deadline-leaders) dl1))
d2 diff dfrac wdays pos pos1 category level
tags suppress-prewarning ee txt head face s todo-state
show-all upcomingp donep timestr warntime inherited-tags ts-date)
(todayp (org-agenda-today-p date)) ; DATE bound by calendar.
(current (calendar-absolute-from-gregorian date))
(goto-char (point-min))
(while (re-search-forward regexp nil t)
(catch :skip
(unless (save-match-data (org-at-planning-p)) (throw :skip nil))
(setq s (match-string 1)
txt nil
pos (1- (match-beginning 1))
todo-state (save-match-data (org-get-todo-state))
show-all (or (eq org-agenda-repeating-timestamp-show-all t)
(member todo-state
d2 (org-agenda--timestamp-to-absolute
s d1 'past show-all (current-buffer) pos)
diff (- d2 d1))
(setq suppress-prewarning
(let ((ds (and org-agenda-skip-deadline-prewarning-if-scheduled
(let ((item (buffer-substring (point-at-bol)
(and (string-match
org-scheduled-time-regexp item)
(match-string 1 item)))))))
((not ds) nil)
;; The current item has a scheduled date (in ds), so
;; evaluate its prewarning lead time.
((integerp org-agenda-skip-deadline-prewarning-if-scheduled)
;; Use global prewarning-restart lead time.
((eq org-agenda-skip-deadline-prewarning-if-scheduled
;; Set prewarning to no earlier than scheduled.
(min (- d2 (org-agenda--timestamp-to-absolute
ds d1 'past show-all (current-buffer) pos))
;; Set prewarning to deadline.
(t 0))))
(setq wdays (if suppress-prewarning
(let ((org-deadline-warning-days suppress-prewarning))
(org-get-wdays s))
(org-get-wdays s))
dfrac (- 1 (/ (* 1.0 diff) (max wdays 1)))
upcomingp (and todayp (> diff 0)))
;; When to show a deadline in the calendar:
;; If the expiration is within wdays warning time.
;; Past-due deadlines are only shown on the current date
(if (and (or (and (<= diff wdays)
(and todayp (not org-agenda-only-exact-dates)))
(= diff 0)))
;; (setq todo-state (org-get-todo-state))
(setq donep (member todo-state org-done-keywords))
(if (and donep
(or org-agenda-skip-deadline-if-done
(not (= diff 0))))
(setq txt nil)
(setq category (org-get-category)
warntime (get-text-property (point) 'org-appt-warntime))
(if (not (re-search-backward "^\\*+[ \t]+" nil t))
(throw :skip nil)
(goto-char (match-end 0))
(setq pos1 (match-beginning 0))
(setq level (make-string (org-reduced-level (org-outline-level)) ? ))
(setq inherited-tags
(or (eq org-agenda-show-inherited-tags 'always)
(and (listp org-agenda-show-inherited-tags)
(memq 'agenda org-agenda-show-inherited-tags))
(and (eq org-agenda-show-inherited-tags t)
(or (eq org-agenda-use-tag-inheritance t)
(memq 'agenda org-agenda-use-tag-inheritance))))
tags (org-get-tags-at pos1 (not inherited-tags)))
(setq head (buffer-substring
(progn (skip-chars-forward "^\r\n")
(if (string-match " \\([012]?[0-9]:[0-9][0-9]\\)" s)
(setq timestr
(concat (substring s (match-beginning 1)) " "))
(setq timestr 'time))
(setq txt
;; For past deadlines, make sure to report
;; time difference since date S, not since
;; closest repeater.
(let ((diff (if (< (org-today) d1) diff
(- (org-agenda--timestamp-to-absolute s)
(cond ((= diff 0) dl0)
((> diff 0)
(if (functionp dl1)
(funcall dl1 diff date)
(format dl1 diff)))
(if (functionp dl2)
(funcall dl2 diff date)
(format dl2 (if (string= dl2 dl1)
diff (abs diff)))))))
head level category tags
(and (= diff 0) timestr)))))
(when txt
(setq face (org-agenda-deadline-face dfrac))
(org-add-props txt props
'org-marker (org-agenda-new-marker pos)
'warntime warntime
'level level
'ts-date d2
'org-hd-marker (org-agenda-new-marker pos1)
'priority (+ (- diff)
(org-get-priority txt))
'todo-state todo-state
'type (if upcomingp "upcoming-deadline" "deadline")
'date (if upcomingp date d2)
'face (if donep 'org-agenda-done face)
'undone-face face 'done-face 'org-agenda-done)
(push txt ee))))))
(nreverse ee)))
(let* ((s (match-string 1))
(pos (1- (match-beginning 1)))
(todo-state (save-match-data (org-get-todo-state)))
(donep (member todo-state org-done-keywords))
(show-all (or (eq org-agenda-repeating-timestamp-show-all t)
(member todo-state
;; DEADLINE is the current scheduled date. When it
;; contains a repeater and SHOW-ALL is non-nil,
;; LAST-REPEAT is the repeat closest to CURRENT.
;; Otherwise, LAST-REPEAT is equal to DEADLINE.
(last-repeat (org-agenda--timestamp-to-absolute
s current 'past show-all (current-buffer) pos))
(deadline (org-agenda--timestamp-to-absolute s current))
(diff (- last-repeat current))
(let ((scheduled
(and org-agenda-skip-deadline-prewarning-if-scheduled
(org-entry-get nil "SCHEDULED"))))
((not scheduled) nil)
;; The current item has a scheduled date, so
;; evaluate its prewarning lead time.
((integerp org-agenda-skip-deadline-prewarning-if-scheduled)
;; Use global prewarning-restart lead time.
((eq org-agenda-skip-deadline-prewarning-if-scheduled
;; Set pre-warning to no earlier than SCHEDULED.
(min (- last-repeat
scheduled current 'past show-all
(1+ (search-forward org-deadline-string)))))
;; Set pre-warning to deadline.
(t 0))))
(wdays (if suppress-prewarning
(let ((org-deadline-warning-days suppress-prewarning))
(org-get-wdays s))
(org-get-wdays s))))
;; When to show a deadline in the calendar: if the
;; expiration is within WDAYS warning time. Past-due
;; deadlines are only shown on the current date
(unless (or (and (<= diff wdays)
(and todayp (not org-agenda-only-exact-dates)))
(= diff 0))
(throw :skip nil))
;; Skip done tasks if `org-agenda-skip-deadline-if-done' is
;; non-nil or if it isn't applicable to CURRENT deadline.
(when (and donep
(or org-agenda-skip-deadline-if-done
(/= deadline current)))
(throw :skip nil))
(re-search-backward "^\\*+[ \t]+" nil t)
(goto-char (match-end 0))
(let* ((category (org-get-category))
(make-string (org-reduced-level (org-outline-level)) ?\s))
(head (buffer-substring (point) (line-end-position)))
(or (eq org-agenda-show-inherited-tags 'always)
(and (listp org-agenda-show-inherited-tags)
(memq 'agenda org-agenda-show-inherited-tags))
(and (eq org-agenda-show-inherited-tags t)
(or (eq org-agenda-use-tag-inheritance t)
(memq 'agenda
(tags (org-get-tags-at nil (not inherited-tags)))
(if (string-match " \\([012]?[0-9]:[0-9][0-9]\\)" s)
(concat (substring s (match-beginning 1)) " ")
;; For past deadlines, make sure to report time
;; difference since date S, not since closest
;; repeater.
(let ((diff (if (< (org-today) current) diff
(- deadline current))))
(if (= diff 0) (car org-agenda-deadline-leaders)
(let ((future (nth 1 org-agenda-deadline-leaders))
(past (nth 2 org-agenda-deadline-leaders)))
(cond ((> diff 0) (format future diff))
((string= future past) (format past diff))
(t (format past (abs diff)))))))
head level category tags
(and (= diff 0) timestr)))
(face (org-agenda-deadline-face
(- 1 (/ (float (- deadline current)) (max wdays 1)))))
(upcomingp (and todayp (> diff 0)))
(warntime (get-text-property (point) 'org-appt-warntime)))
(org-add-props item props
'org-marker (org-agenda-new-marker pos)
'org-hd-marker (org-agenda-new-marker (line-beginning-position))
'warntime warntime
'level level
'ts-date deadline
'priority (- (org-get-priority item) diff)
'todo-state todo-state
'type (if upcomingp "upcoming-deadline" "deadline")
'date (if upcomingp date deadline)
'face (if donep 'org-agenda-done face)
'undone-face face
'done-face 'org-agenda-done)
(push item deadline-items))))))
(nreverse deadline-items)))
(defun org-agenda-deadline-face (fraction)
"Return the face to displaying a deadline item.
@ -6218,6 +6211,7 @@ scheduled items with an hour specification like [h]h:mm."
(let* ((s (match-string 1))
(pos (1- (match-beginning 1)))
(todo-state (save-match-data (org-get-todo-state)))
(donep (member todo-state org-done-keywords))
(show-all (or (eq org-agenda-repeating-timestamp-show-all t)
(member todo-state
@ -6281,90 +6275,86 @@ scheduled items with an hour specification like [h]h:mm."
;; Skip done habits, or tasks if
;; `org-agenda-skip-deadline-if-done' is non-nil or if it
;; was scheduled in the past anyway.
(let ((donep (member todo-state org-done-keywords)))
(when (and donep
(or org-agenda-skip-scheduled-if-done
(/= schedule current)
(throw :skip nil))
;; Skip entry if it already appears as a deadline, per
;; `org-agenda-skip-scheduled-if-deadline-is-shown'. This
;; doesn't apply to habits.
(when (pcase org-agenda-skip-scheduled-if-deadline-is-shown
(or (not (assq (line-beginning-position 0) deadline-pos))
(>= last-repeat
(time-to-days (org-get-deadline-time (point)))))
(`not-today pastschedp)
(`t t)
(_ nil))
(throw :skip nil))
;; Skip habits if `org-habit-show-habits' is nil, or if we
;; only show them for today.
(when (and habitp
(or (not (bound-and-true-p org-habit-show-habits))
(and (not todayp)
(throw :skip nil))
(re-search-backward "^\\*+[ \t]+" nil t)
(goto-char (match-end 0))
(let* ((category (org-get-category))
(or (eq org-agenda-show-inherited-tags 'always)
(and (listp org-agenda-show-inherited-tags)
(memq 'agenda org-agenda-show-inherited-tags))
(and (eq org-agenda-show-inherited-tags t)
(or (eq org-agenda-use-tag-inheritance t)
(memq 'agenda
(tags (org-get-tags-at nil (not inherited-tags)))
(make-string (org-reduced-level (org-outline-level))
(head (buffer-substring (point) (line-end-position)))
(if (string-match " \\([012]?[0-9]:[0-9][0-9]\\)" s)
(concat (substring s (match-beginning 1)) " ")
(item (org-agenda-format-item
;; For past scheduled dates, make sure to
;; report time difference since SCHEDULE,
;; not since closest repeater.
(let ((diff (if (< (org-today) current) diff
(- schedule current))))
(if (= diff 0) (car org-agenda-scheduled-leaders)
(format (nth 1 org-agenda-scheduled-leaders)
(- 1 diff))))
head level category tags
(and (= diff 0) timestr)
nil habitp)))
(when item
(let ((face (cond ((and (not habitp) pastschedp)
(todayp 'org-scheduled-today)
(t 'org-scheduled)))
(habitp (and habitp (org-habit-parse-todo))))
(org-add-props item props
'undone-face face
'face (if donep 'org-agenda-done face)
'org-marker (org-agenda-new-marker pos)
'org-hd-marker (org-agenda-new-marker
'type (if pastschedp "past-scheduled" "scheduled")
'date (if pastschedp schedule date)
'ts-date schedule
'warntime warntime
'level level
'priority (if habitp (org-habit-get-priority habitp)
(+ 94 (- 5 diff) (org-get-priority item)))
'org-habit-p habitp
'todo-state todo-state))
(push item scheduled-items))))))))
(when (and donep
(or org-agenda-skip-scheduled-if-done
(/= schedule current)
(throw :skip nil))
;; Skip entry if it already appears as a deadline, per
;; `org-agenda-skip-scheduled-if-deadline-is-shown'. This
;; doesn't apply to habits.
(when (pcase org-agenda-skip-scheduled-if-deadline-is-shown
(or (not (assq (line-beginning-position 0) deadline-pos))
(>= last-repeat
(time-to-days (org-get-deadline-time (point)))))
(`not-today pastschedp)
(`t t)
(_ nil))
(throw :skip nil))
;; Skip habits if `org-habit-show-habits' is nil, or if we
;; only show them for today.
(when (and habitp
(or (not (bound-and-true-p org-habit-show-habits))
(and (not todayp)
(throw :skip nil))
(re-search-backward "^\\*+[ \t]+" nil t)
(goto-char (match-end 0))
(let* ((category (org-get-category))
(or (eq org-agenda-show-inherited-tags 'always)
(and (listp org-agenda-show-inherited-tags)
(memq 'agenda org-agenda-show-inherited-tags))
(and (eq org-agenda-show-inherited-tags t)
(or (eq org-agenda-use-tag-inheritance t)
(memq 'agenda
(tags (org-get-tags-at nil (not inherited-tags)))
(make-string (org-reduced-level (org-outline-level)) ?\s))
(head (buffer-substring (point) (line-end-position)))
(if (string-match " \\([012]?[0-9]:[0-9][0-9]\\)" s)
(concat (substring s (match-beginning 1)) " ")
(item (org-agenda-format-item
;; For past scheduled dates, make sure to
;; report time difference since SCHEDULE,
;; not since closest repeater.
(let ((diff (if (< (org-today) current) diff
(- schedule current))))
(if (= diff 0) (car org-agenda-scheduled-leaders)
(format (nth 1 org-agenda-scheduled-leaders)
(- 1 diff))))
head level category tags
(and (= diff 0) timestr)
nil habitp))
(face (cond ((and (not habitp) pastschedp)
(todayp 'org-scheduled-today)
(t 'org-scheduled)))
(habitp (and habitp (org-habit-parse-todo))))
(org-add-props item props
'undone-face face
'face (if donep 'org-agenda-done face)
'org-marker (org-agenda-new-marker pos)
'org-hd-marker (org-agenda-new-marker (line-beginning-position))
'type (if pastschedp "past-scheduled" "scheduled")
'date (if pastschedp schedule date)
'ts-date schedule
'warntime warntime
'level level
'priority (if habitp (org-habit-get-priority habitp)
(+ 94 (- 5 diff) (org-get-priority item)))
'org-habit-p habitp
'todo-state todo-state)
(push item scheduled-items))))))
(nreverse scheduled-items)))
(defun org-agenda-get-blocks ()