diff --git a/lisp/org-entities.el b/lisp/org-entities.el index a1519b0da..638da7861 100644 --- a/lisp/org-entities.el +++ b/lisp/org-entities.el @@ -154,6 +154,9 @@ packages to be loaded, add these packages to `org-latex-packages-alist'." ("real" "\\Re" t "ℜ" "R" "R" "ℜ") ("image" "\\Im" t "ℑ" "I" "I" "ℑ") ("weierp" "\\wp" t "℘" "P" "P" "℘") + ("ell" "\\ell" t "ℓ" "ell" "ell" "ℓ") + ("imath" "\\imath" t "ı" "[dotless i]" "dotless i" "ı") + ("jmath" "\\jmath" t "ȷ" "[dotless j]" "dotless j" "ȷ") "** Greek" ("Alpha" "A" nil "Α" "Alpha" "Alpha" "Α") @@ -203,6 +206,7 @@ packages to be loaded, add these packages to `org-latex-packages-alist'." ("upsilon" "\\upsilon" t "υ" "upsilon" "upsilon" "υ") ("Phi" "\\Phi" t "Φ" "Phi" "Phi" "Φ") ("phi" "\\phi" t "φ" "phi" "phi" "φ") + ("varphi" "\\varphi" t "ϕ" "varphi" "varphi" "ɸ") ("Chi" "X" nil "Χ" "Chi" "Chi" "Χ") ("chi" "\\chi" t "χ" "chi" "chi" "χ") ("acutex" "\\acute x" t "´x" "'x" "'x" "𝑥́") @@ -212,10 +216,15 @@ packages to be loaded, add these packages to `org-latex-packages-alist'." ("Omega" "\\Omega" t "Ω" "Omega" "Omega" "Ω") ("omega" "\\omega" t "ω" "omega" "omega" "ω") ("piv" "\\varpi" t "ϖ" "omega-pi" "omega-pi" "ϖ") + ("varpi" "\\varpi" t "ϖ" "omega-pi" "omega-pi" "ϖ") ("partial" "\\partial" t "∂" "[partial differential]" "[partial differential]" "∂") "** Hebrew" ("alefsym" "\\aleph" t "ℵ" "aleph" "aleph" "ℵ") + ("aleph" "\\aleph" t "ℵ" "aleph" "aleph" "ℵ") + ("gimel" "\\gimel" t "ℷ" "gimel" "gimel" "ℷ") + ("beth" "\\beth" t "ℶ" "beth" "beth" "ב") + ("dalet" "\\daleth" t "ℸ" "dalet" "dalet" "ד") "** Dead languages" ("ETH" "\\DH{}" nil "Ð" "D" "Ð" "Ð") @@ -226,6 +235,7 @@ packages to be loaded, add these packages to `org-latex-packages-alist'." "* Punctuation" "** Dots and Marks" ("dots" "\\dots{}" nil "…" "..." "..." "…") + ("cdots" "\\cdots{}" t "⋯" "..." "..." "⋯") ("hellip" "\\dots{}" nil "…" "..." "..." "…") ("middot" "\\textperiodcentered{}" nil "·" "." "·" "·") ("iexcl" "!`" nil "¡" "!" "¡" "¡") @@ -253,20 +263,23 @@ packages to be loaded, add these packages to `org-latex-packages-alist'." "* Other" "** Misc. (often used)" ("circ" "\\^{}" nil "ˆ" "^" "^" "ˆ") - ("vert" "\\vert{}" t "|" "|" "|" "|") + ("vert" "\\vert{}" t "|" "|" "|" "|") ("brvbar" "\\textbrokenbar{}" nil "¦" "|" "¦" "¦") + ("S" "\\S" nil "§" "paragraph" "§" "§") ("sect" "\\S" nil "§" "paragraph" "§" "§") ("amp" "\\&" nil "&" "&" "&" "&") ("lt" "\\textless{}" nil "<" "<" "<" "<") ("gt" "\\textgreater{}" nil ">" ">" ">" ">") - ("tilde" "\\~{}" nil "˜" "~" "~" "~") + ("tilde" "\\textasciitilde{}" nil "~" "~" "~" "~") ("slash" "/" nil "/" "/" "/" "/") ("plus" "+" nil "+" "+" "+" "+") ("under" "\\_" nil "_" "_" "_" "_") ("equal" "=" nil "=" "=" "=" "=") ("asciicirc" "\\textasciicircum{}" nil "^" "^" "^" "^") ("dagger" "\\textdagger{}" nil "†" "[dagger]" "[dagger]" "†") + ("dag" "\\dag{}" nil "†" "[dagger]" "[dagger]" "†") ("Dagger" "\\textdaggerdbl{}" nil "‡" "[doubledagger]" "[doubledagger]" "‡") + ("ddag" "\\ddag{}" nil "‡" "[doubledagger]" "[doubledagger]" "‡") "** Whitespace" ("nbsp" "~" nil " " " " " " " ") @@ -297,6 +310,7 @@ packages to be loaded, add these packages to `org-latex-packages-alist'." ("plusmn" "\\textpm{}" nil "±" "+-" "±" "±") ("times" "\\texttimes{}" nil "×" "*" "×" "×") ("frasl" "/" nil "⁄" "/" "/" "⁄") + ("colon" "\\colon" t ":" ":" ":" ":") ("div" "\\textdiv{}" nil "÷" "/" "÷" "÷") ("frac12" "\\textonehalf{}" nil "½" "1/2" "½" "½") ("frac14" "\\textonequarter{}" nil "¼" "1/4" "¼" "¼") @@ -326,7 +340,9 @@ packages to be loaded, add these packages to `org-latex-packages-alist'." ("cap" "\\cap" t "∩" "[intersection]" "[intersection]" "∩") ("cup" "\\cup" t "∪" "[union]" "[union]" "∪") ("int" "\\int" t "∫" "[integral]" "[integral]" "∫") + ("therefore" "\\therefore" t "∴" "[therefore]" "[therefore]" "∴") ("there4" "\\therefore" t "∴" "[therefore]" "[therefore]" "∴") + ("because" "\\because" t "∵" "[because]" "[because]" "∵") ("sim" "\\sim" t "∼" "~" "~" "∼") ("cong" "\\cong" t "≅" "[approx. equal to]" "[approx. equal to]" "≅") ("simeq" "\\simeq" t "≅" "[approx. equal to]" "[approx. equal to]" "≅") @@ -335,8 +351,26 @@ packages to be loaded, add these packages to `org-latex-packages-alist'." ("ne" "\\ne" t "≠" "[not equal to]" "[not equal to]" "≠") ("neq" "\\neq" t "≠" "[not equal to]" "[not equal to]" "≠") ("equiv" "\\equiv" t "≡" "[identical to]" "[identical to]" "≡") + + ("triangleq" "\\triangleq" t "≜" "[defined to]" "[defined to]" "≜") ("le" "\\le" t "≤" "<=" "<=" "≤") + ("leq" "\\le" t "≤" "<=" "<=" "≤") ("ge" "\\ge" t "≥" ">=" ">=" "≥") + ("geq" "\\ge" t "≥" ">=" ">=" "≥") + ("lessgtr" "\\lessgtr" t "≶" "[less than or greater than]" "[less than or greater than]" "≶") + ("lesseqgtr" "\\lesseqgtr" t "⋚" "[less than or equal or greater than or equal]" "[less than or equal or greater than or equal]" "⋚") + ("ll" "\\ll" t "≪" "<<" "<<" "≪") + ("Ll" "\lll" t "⋘" "<<<" "<<<" "⋘") + ("lll" "\lll" t "⋘" "<<<" "<<<" "⋘") + ("gg" "\\gg" t "≫" ">>" ">>" "≫") + ("Gg" "\\ggg" t "⋙" ">>>" ">>>" "⋙") + ("ggg" "\\ggg" t "⋙" ">>>" ">>>" "⋙") + ("prec" "\\prec" t "≺" "[precedes]" "[precedes]" "≺") + ("preceq" "\\preceq" t "≼" "[precedes or equal]" "[precedes or equal]" "≼") + ("preccurlyeq" "\\preccurlyeq" t "≼" "[precedes or equal]" "[precedes or equal]" "≼") + ("succ" "\\succ" t "≻" "[succeeds]" "[succeeds]" "≻") + ("succeq" "\\succeq" t "≽" "[succeeds or equal]" "[succeeds or equal]" "≽") + ("succcurlyeq" "\\succcurlyeq" t "≽" "[succeeds or equal]" "[succeeds or equal]" "≽") ("sub" "\\subset" t "⊂" "[subset of]" "[subset of]" "⊂") ("subset" "\\subset" t "⊂" "[subset of]" "[subset of]" "⊂") ("sup" "\\supset" t "⊃" "[superset of]" "[superset of]" "⊃") @@ -345,9 +379,12 @@ packages to be loaded, add these packages to `org-latex-packages-alist'." ("sube" "\\subseteq" t "⊆" "[subset of or equal to]" "[subset of or equal to]" "⊆") ("nsup" "\\not\\supset" t "⊅" "[not a superset of]" "[not a superset of]" "⊅") ("supe" "\\supseteq" t "⊇" "[superset of or equal to]" "[superset of or equal to]" "⊇") + ("setminus" "\\setminus" t "∖" "\" "\" "⧵") ("forall" "\\forall" t "∀" "[for all]" "[for all]" "∀") ("exist" "\\exists" t "∃" "[there exists]" "[there exists]" "∃") ("exists" "\\exists" t "∃" "[there exists]" "[there exists]" "∃") + ("nexist" "\\nexists" t "∃" "[there does not exists]" "[there does not exists]" "∄") + ("nexists" "\\nexists" t "∃" "[there does not exists]" "[there does not exists]" "∄") ("empty" "\\empty" t "∅" "[empty set]" "[empty set]" "∅") ("emptyset" "\\emptyset" t "∅" "[empty set]" "[empty set]" "∅") ("isin" "\\in" t "∈" "[element of]" "[element of]" "∈") @@ -366,7 +403,8 @@ packages to be loaded, add these packages to `org-latex-packages-alist'." ("rfloor" "\\rfloor" t "⌋" "[right floor]" "[right floor]" "⌋") ("lang" "\\langle" t "⟨" "<" "<" "⟨") ("rang" "\\rangle" t "⟩" ">" ">" "⟩") - ("hbar" "\\hbar" t "ℏ" "hbar" "hbar" "ℏ") + ("hbar" "\\hbar" t "ℏ" "hbar" "hbar" "ℏ") + ("mho" "\\mho" t "℧" "mho" "mho" "℧") "** Arrows" ("larr" "\\leftarrow" t "←" "<-" "<-" "←") @@ -437,7 +475,8 @@ packages to be loaded, add these packages to `org-latex-packages-alist'." ("odot" "\\odot" t "o" "[circled dot]" "[circled dot]" "ʘ") ("oplus" "\\oplus" t "⊕" "[circled plus]" "[circled plus]" "⊕") ("otimes" "\\otimes" t "⊗" "[circled times]" "[circled times]" "⊗") - ("checkmark" "\\checkmark" t "✓" "[checkmark]" "[checkmark]" "✓") + ("check" "\\checkmark" t "✓" "[checkmark]" "[checkmark]" "✓") + ("checkmark" "\\checkmark" t "✓" "[checkmark]" "[checkmark]" "✓") "** Miscellaneous (seldom used)" ("para" "\\P{}" nil "¶" "[pilcrow]" "¶" "¶") @@ -452,7 +491,8 @@ packages to be loaded, add these packages to `org-latex-packages-alist'." ("rlm" "" nil "‏" "" "" "‏") "** Smilies" - ("smile" "\\smile" t "☺" ":-)" ":-)" "⌣") + ("smile" "\\smile" t "⌣" ":-)" ":-)" "⌣") + ("frown" "\\frown" t "⌢" ":-(" ":-(" "⌢") ("smiley" "\\smiley{}" nil "☺" ":-)" ":-)" "☺") ("blacksmile" "\\blacksmiley{}" nil "☻" ":-)" ":-)" "☻") ("sad" "\\frownie{}" nil "☹" ":-(" ":-(" "☹") @@ -464,10 +504,11 @@ packages to be loaded, add these packages to `org-latex-packages-alist'." ("spadesuit" "\\spadesuit" t "♠" "[spades]" "[spades]" "♠") ("hearts" "\\heartsuit" t "♥" "[hearts]" "[hearts]" "♥") ("heartsuit" "\\heartsuit" t "♥" "[hearts]" "[hearts]" "♥") - ("diams" "\\diamondsuit" t "♦" "[diamonds]" "[diamonds]" "♦") - ("diamondsuit" "\\diamondsuit" t "♦" "[diamonds]" "[diamonds]" "♦") - ("Diamond" "\\diamond" t "⋄" "[diamond]" "[diamond]" "⋄") - ("loz" "\\diamond" t "◊" "[lozenge]" "[lozenge]" "◊") + ("diams" "\\diamondsuit" t "♦" "[diamonds]" "[diamonds]" "◆") + ("diamondsuit" "\\diamondsuit" t "♦" "[diamonds]" "[diamonds]" "◆") + ("diamond" "\\diamondsuit" t "⋄" "[diamond]" "[diamond]" "◆") + ("Diamond" "\\diamondsuit" t "⋄" "[diamond]" "[diamond]" "◆") + ("loz" "\\lozenge" t "◊" "[lozenge]" "[lozenge]" "⧫") ) "Default entities used in Org-mode to produce special characters. For details see `org-entities-user'.")