etcdir = $(lispdir)/etc ETCDIRS = styles -include # optional local customization .NOTPARALLEL: # always run this make serially .SUFFIXES: # we don't need default suffix rules ifeq ($(MAKELEVEL), 0) $(error This make needs to be started as a sub-make from the toplevel directory.) endif .PHONY: all install clean cleanall clean-install all: install: $(ETCDIRS) $(foreach dir, $?, if [ ! -d $(etcdir)/$(dir) ]; then $(MKDIR) $(etcdir)/$(dir); else true; fi ; $(CP) $(dir)/* $(etcdir)/$(dir); ) clean: cleanall: clean-install: if [ ! -d $(etcdir) ]; then $(MKDIR) $(etcdir); else true; fi ; $(RMR) $(etcdir)