#+STARTUP: overview align #+TYP_TODO: TODO IDEA WISH QUESTION DECLINED INCONSISTENCY BUG DONE #+OPTIONS: H:2 num:t toc:t \n:nil @:t ::t |:t ^:t *:t TeX:t #+EMAIL: carsten.dominik@gmail.com #+TITLE: Org-mode Frequently Asked Questions * General ** Use features in other modes *I would like to use editing features of org-mode in other modes, is this possible?* Not really. For tables there is =orgtbl-mode= which implements the table editor as a minor mode. For other features you need to switch to Org-mode temporarily, or prepare text in a different buffer. ** Visibility cycling in Outline-mode and Outline-minor-mode %Can I get the visibility-cycling features in outline-mode and outline-minor-mode?% Yes, these functions are written in a way that they are independent of the outline setup. The following setup provides standard Org-mode functionality in outline-mode on =TAB= and =S-TAB=. For outline-minor-mode, we use =C-TAB= instead of =TAB=, because =TAB= usually has mode-specific tasks. :(add-hook 'outline-minor-mode-hook : (lambda () : (define-key outline-minor-mode-map [(control tab)] 'org-cycle) : (define-key outline-minor-mode-map [(shift tab)] 'org-global-cycle))) :(add-hook 'outline-mode-hook : (lambda () : (define-key outline-mode-map [(tab)] 'org-cycle) : (define-key outline-mode-map [(shift tab)] 'org-global-cycle))) Or check out /outline-magic.el/, which does this and also provides promotion and demotion functionality. @file{outline-magic.el} is available at [[http://www.astro.uva.nl/~dominik/Tools/OutlineMagic][Outline Magic]]. * Errors ** =(wrong-type-argument keymapp nil)= When I try to use Org-mode, I always get the error message @code{(wrong-type-argument keymapp nil)} This is a conflict with an outdated version of the /allout.el/. ** CUA mode does not work with Org-mode %Org-mode takes over the S-cursor keys. I also want to use CUA-mode, is there a way to fix this conflict?% Yes, see the /Conflicts/ section of the manual. * Setup and Structure ** Org-mode as default mode %Org-mode seems to be a useful default mode for the various README files I have scattered through my directories%. %How do I turn it on for all README files?% Add the following to your .emacs file: : (add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("README$" . org-mode)) ** Get rid of extra stars in outline %All these stars are driving me mad, I just find the Emacs outlines unreadable. Can't you just put white space and a single star as a starter for headlines?% See the section /Clean outline view/ in the manual. ** Two windows on same Org-mode file %I would like to have two windows on the same Org-mode file, but with different outline visibility. Is that possible?% In GNU Emacs, you may use /indirect buffers/ which do exactly this. See the documentation on the command =make-indirect-buffer=. In XEmacs, this is currently not possible because of the different outline implementation. * Hyperlinks ** Broken links after Org-mode 4.20 %Some of my links stopped working after I upgraded to a version 4.20 or later. Why is this, and how can I fix it?% These must be links in plain text, containing white space, such as : bbdb:Richard Stallman You need to protect these links by putting double brackets around them, like : [[bbdb:Richard Stallman]] ** Converting links to double-bracket format %I see that Org-mode now creates links using the double bracket convention that hides the link part and the brackets, only showing the description part. How can I convert my old links to this new format?% Execute once in each Org-mode file: =M-x org-upgrade-old-links= This replaces angular brackets with the new link format. ** Angular bracket links preference %I don't care if you find the new bracket links great, I am attached to the old style using angular brackets and no hiding of the link text. Please give them back to me, don't tell me it is not possible!% Would I let you down like that? If you must, you can do this : (setq org-link-style 'plain : org-link-format "<%s>") ** Confirmation for shell and elips links %When I am executing shell/elisp links I always get a confirmation prompt and need to type =yes RET=, that's 4 key presses! Can I get rid of this?% The confirmation is there to protect you from unwantingly execute potentially dangerous commands. For example, imagine a link :[[shell:rm -rf ~/*][ Google Search]] In an Org-mode buffer, this command would look like /Google Search/, but really it would remove your home directory. If you wish, you can make it easier to respond to the query by setting =org-confirm-shell-link-function= and/or =org-confirm-elisp-link-function= to =y-or-n-p=. Then a single yc keypress will be enough to confirm those links. It is also possible to turn off this check entirely, but I do not recommend to do this. Be warned. * Export ** Make TODO entries items, not headlines in HTML export %When I export my TODO list, every TODO item becomes a separate section. How do I enforce these items to be exported as an itemized list?% If you plan to use ASCII or HTML export, make sure things you want to be exported as item lists are level 4 at least, even if that does mean there is a level jump. For example: : * Todays top priorities : **** TODO write a letter to xyz : **** TODO Finish the paper : **** Pick up kids at the school Alternatively, if you need a specific value for the heading/item transition in a particular file, use the =#+OPTIONS= line to configure the H switch. : #+OPTIONS: H:2; ... ** Export only a subtree %I would like to export only a subtree of my file to HTML. How?% If you want to export a subtree, mark the subtree as region and then export. Marking can be done with =C-c @@ C-x C-x=, for example. * Tables ** #ERROR fields in tables %One of my table columns has started to fill up with =#ERROR=. What is going on?% Org-mode tried to compute the column from other fields using a formula stored in the =#+TBLFM:= line just below the table, and the evaluation of the formula fails. Fix the fields used in the formula, or fix the formula, or remove it! ** Unwanted new lines in table %When I am in the last column of a table and just above a horizontal line in the table, pressing TAB creates a new table line before the horizontal line%. %How can I quickly move to the line below the horizontal line instead?% Press =down= (to get on the separator line) and then =TAB= Or configure the variable =org-table-tab-jumps-over-hlines=. ** Change indentation of a table %How can I change the indentation of an entire table without fixing every line by hand?% The indentation of a table is set by the first line. So just fix the indentation of the first line and realign with =TAB=. * Agenda ** Include Org-mode agenda into Emacs diary %Is it possible to include entries from org-mode files into my emacs diary?% Since the org-mode agenda is much more powerful and can contain the diary, you should think twice before deciding to do this. Integrating Org-mode information into the diary is, however, possible. You need to turn on /fancy diary display/ by setting in .emacs: : (add-hook 'diary-display-hook 'fancy-diary-display) Then include the following line into your ~/diary file, in order to get the entries from all files listed in the variable =org-agenda-files= : &%%(org-diary) You may also select specific files with : &%%(org-diary) ~/path/to/some/org-file.org : &%%(org-diary) ~/path/to/another/org-file.org If you now launch the calendar and press d to display a diary, the headlines of entries containing a timestamp, date range, schedule, or deadline referring to the selected date will be listed. Just like Org-mode's agenda view, the diary for @emph{today} contains additional entries for overdue deadlines and scheduled items. See also the documentation of the @command{org-diary} function. Under XEmacs, it is not possible to jump back from the diary to the org, this works only in the agenda buffer. * COMMENT HTML style specifications # Local Variables: # org-export-html-style: " " # End: