#+TITLE: rorg --- R and org-mode Please feel free to change the layout of this file, I'm just putting this here to get things started. * Objectives ** Import data into R from org Org-mode includes orgtbl-mode, an extremely convenient way of using tabular data in a plain text file. Currently, spreadsheet functionality is available in org tables using the emacs package calc. It would be a boon both to org users and R users to allow org tables to be manipulated with the R programming language. Org tables give R users an easy way to enter and display data; R gives org users a powerful way to perform vector operations, statistical tests, and visualization on their tables. *** Implementations **** naive Naive implementation would be to use =(org-export-table "tmp.csv")= and =(ess-exec "read.csv("tmp.csv")=. **** org-R [[file:existing_tools/org-R.el::defun%20org%20R%20export%20to%20csv%20csv%20file%20options][org-R-export-to-csv]] **** org-exp-blocks **** RweaveOrg NA ** Editing R code using r-mode from an org buffer ** evaluate R code and make the output available for processing in an org buffer ** evaluate R code and format the output for export * tasks