Initial commit

This commit is contained in:
TEC 2021-11-11 23:59:07 +08:00
commit fa0c84ee7c
Signed by: tec
GPG key ID: 779591AFDB81F06C
2 changed files with 572 additions and 0 deletions

57 Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
#+title: Org Music
#+author: tecosaur
This adds a new link type, =[[music:artist:song]]=.
* Link examples
=[[music:De/Vision:Deep Blue]]= Refers to the song /Deep Blue/ by /De/Vision/.
Exporting gives =Deep Blue by De/Vision=, and following the link in Emacs plays
the song from the beginning.
=[[music:De/Vision:Deep Blue::104s]]= simply refers to the same song 104 seconds
in. This exports as =104 seconds into Deep Blue by De/Vision=.
When exporting to HTML or LaTeX there is a variant of the =[[music:]]= link which
may be of interest --- =[[Music:]]=. This functions identically, however is a bit
fancier when exported.
When exporting to HTML, =[[music:De/Vision:Deep Blue]]= produces:
#+begin_src html
<div class='music-track'>
<a target="_blank" href="">
<img src=''></a>
<span><a target="_blank" title="De/vision Deep Blue"
<span style="font-style: italic">Deep Blue</span>
<br><small>Noob</small><br>by De/Vision</a></span>
Similarly, exporting to LaTeX produces:
#+begin_src LaTeX
& \vspace{-0.12\columnwidth}\href{}%
{\emph{Deep Blue}\newline {\footnotesize Noob}\newline by De/Vision}
* Settings
** Beets integration
When ~org-music-track-search-method~ is set to ~beets~, music tracks will be located
by querying [[][beets]]' database (~org-music-beets-db~).
A number of other features are only work with Beets, such as =M-x org-music-search-and-play=.
** Youtube integration
When a youtube API key is provided (see ~org-music-youtube-api-key~), the track
metadata is used to fetch a youtube URL to the track, which is used when exporting.
** Music player
Currently only music players that work with MPRIS are supported. When
~org-music-mpris-player~ is ~nil~, the MPRIS player is guessed by looking for
registered dbus services which use the =org.mpris.MediaPlayer2= interface.

org-music.el Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,515 @@
;;; org-music.el --- Links to music within Org -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
;; Copyright (C) 2021 TEC
;; Author: TEC <http://github/tecosaur>
;; Maintainer: TEC <>
;; Created: January 06, 2021
;; Modified: January 06, 2021
;; Version: 0.0.1
;; Keywords: multimedia
;; Homepage:
;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "27.1"))
;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs.
;;; Commentary:
;; links to music within Org
;;; Code:
(require 'dbus)
(require 'dash)
;;; Variables
(defvar org-music-player 'mpris
"Music player type. Curretly only supports mpris.")
(defvar org-music-mpris-player nil
"Name of the mpris player, used in the form org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.PLAYER.
If nil, this is guesed using `org-music-guess-mpris-player'.")
(defvar org-music-track-search-method 'file
"Method to find the track file from the link.
Can be beets or file.")
(defvar org-music-beets-db nil
"Location of the beets DB, for when using beets as the `org-music-track-search-method'")
(defvar org-music-folder "~/Music/"
"Location of your music folder, for when using file as the `org-music-track-search-method'")
(defvar org-music-recognised-extensions '("flac" "mp4" "m4a" "aiff" "wav" "ogg" "aiff")
"When searching for files in `org-music-track-search-method', recognise these extensions as audio files.")
(defvar org-music-album-art-inline nil
"Include a base 64 encoded version of the album art.
Try to find a URL for the art otherwise.")
(defvar org-music-youtube-api-key
(when-let ((secret (plist-get (car (auth-source-search :host "")) :secret)))
(if (functionp secret)
(funcall secret) secret))
"Youtube API key.
Automatically fetched from the authinfo file on initialisation,
by looking for the password of an entry for")
;;; Utility functions
(defun org-music-get-link (full &optional include-time display-mode)
"Generate link string for currently playing track, optionally including a time-stamp"
(pcase org-music-player ;; NOTE this could do with better generalisation
('mpris (let* ((track-metadata
(org-music-mpris-get-property "Metadata"))
(album-artist (caar (cadr (assoc "xesam:albumArtist" track-metadata))))
(artist (if (or (equal album-artist "")
(null album-artist)
(s-contains-p "various" album-artist t))
(caar (cadr (assoc "xesam:artist" track-metadata)))
(track (car (cadr (assoc "xesam:title" track-metadata))))
(start-time (when include-time
(/ (org-music-mpris-get-property "Position") 1000000))))
(if full
(format "[[%susic:%s][%s by %s]]"
(if display-mode "M" "m")
(org-music-format-link artist track start-time) track artist)
(org-music-format-link artist track start-time))))
(_ (user-error! "The specified music player: %s is not supported" org-music-player))))
(defun org-music-format-link (artist track &optional start-time end-time)
(let ((artist (replace-regexp-in-string ":" "\\\\:" artist))
(track (replace-regexp-in-string ":" "\\\\:" track)))
(concat artist ":" track
(cond ((and start-time end-time)
(format "::%s-%s"
(org-music-seconds-to-time start-time)
(org-music-seconds-to-time end-time)))
(format "::%s"
(org-music-seconds-to-time start-time)))))))
(defun org-music-parse-link (link)
(let* ((link-dc (->> link
(replace-regexp-in-string "\\([^\\\\]\\)\\\\:" "\\1#COLON#")
(replace-regexp-in-string "\\(::[a-z0-9]*[0-9]\\)\\'" "\\1s")))
(link-components (mapcar (lambda (lc) (replace-regexp-in-string "#COLON#" ":" lc))
(s-split ":" link-dc)))
(artist (nth 0 link-components))
(track (nth 1 link-components))
(durations (when (and (> (length link-components) 3)
(equal (nth 2 link-components) ""))
(s-split "-" (nth 3 link-components))))
(start-time (when durations
(org-music-time-to-seconds (car durations))))
(end-time (when (cdr durations)
(org-music-time-to-seconds (cadr durations)))))
(list artist track start-time end-time)))
(defun org-music-seconds-to-time (seconds)
"Convert a number of seconds to a nice human duration, e.g. 5m21s.
This action is reversed by `org-music-time-to-seconds'."
(if (< seconds 60)
(format "%ss" seconds)
(if (< seconds 3600)
(format "%sm%ss" (/ seconds 60) (% seconds 60))
(format "%sh%sm%ss" (/ seconds 3600) (/ (% seconds 3600) 60) (% seconds 60)))))
(defun org-music-time-to-seconds (time-str)
"Get the number of seconds in a string produced by `org-music-seconds-to-time'."
(let* ((time-components (reverse (s-split "[a-z]" time-str)))
(seconds (string-to-number (nth 1 time-components)))
(minutes (when (> (length time-components) 2)
(string-to-number (nth 2 time-components))))
(hours (when (> (length time-components) 3)
(string-to-number (nth 3 time-components)))))
(+ (* 3600 (or hours 0)) (* 60 (or minutes 0)) seconds)))
(defun org-music-play-track (artist title &optional start-time end-time)
"Play the track specified by ARTIST and TITLE, optionally skipping to START-TIME in, stopping at END-TIME."
(if-let ((file (org-music-find-track-file artist title)))
(pcase org-music-player
('mpris (org-music-mpris-play file start-time end-time))
(_ (user-error! "The specified music player: %s is not supported" org-music-player)))
(user-error! "Could not find the track '%s' by '%s'" title artist)))
(defun org-music-mpris-play (file &optional start-time end-time)
(let ((uri (url-encode-url (rng-file-name-uri file))))
(org-music-mpris-call-method "OpenUri" uri)
(sleep-for 0.1) ; give things a moment to ge going
(let ((track-id (caadr (assoc "mpris:trackid"
(org-music-mpris-get-property "Metadata")))))
(when start-time
(org-music-mpris-call-method "SetPosition" :object-path track-id
:int64 (round (* start-time 1000000))))
(when end-time
(org-music-mpris-stop-at-time uri end-time)))))
(defun org-music-mpris-stop-at-time (url end-time)
"Check that url is playing, and if it is stop it at END-TIME."
(when (equal url (caadr (assoc "xesam:url" (org-music-mpris-get-property "Metadata"))))
(let* ((time-current (/ (/ (org-music-mpris-get-property "Position") 10000) 100.0))
(time-delta (- end-time time-current)))
(message "%s" time-delta)
(if (< time-delta 0)
(org-music-mpris-call-method "Pause")
(if (< time-delta 6)
(run-at-time (max 0.001 (* 0.9 time-delta)) nil #'org-music-mpris-stop-at-time url end-time)
(run-at-time 5 nil #'org-music-mpris-stop-at-time url end-time))))))
(defun org-music-mpris-get-property (property)
"Return the value of org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.Player.PROPERTY."
(dbus-get-property :session (concat "org.mpris.MediaPlayer2."
(or org-music-mpris-player (org-music-guess-mpris-player)))
"/org/mpris/MediaPlayer2" "org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.Player"
(defun org-music-mpris-call-method (property &rest args)
"Call org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.Player.PROPERTY with ARGS, returning the result."
(apply #'dbus-call-method :session (concat "org.mpris.MediaPlayer2."
(or org-music-mpris-player (org-music-guess-mpris-player)))
"/org/mpris/MediaPlayer2" "org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.Player"
property args))
(defun org-music-guess-mpris-player ()
(when-let ((players
(-filter (lambda (interface)
(and (s-contains-p "org.mpris.MediaPlayer2" interface)
(not (string-match-p "firefox\\|chromium\\|plasma-browser-integration" interface))))
(dbus-call-method :session
(replace-regexp-in-string "org\\.mpris\\.MediaPlayer2\\." "" (car players))))
(defun org-music-find-track-file (artist title)
"Try to find the file for TRACK by ARTIST, using `org-music-track-search-method', returning nil if nothing could be found."
(pcase org-music-track-search-method
('file (org-music-find-file artist title))
('beets (org-music-beets-find-file artist title))
(_ (user-error! "The specified music search method: %s is not supported" org-music-track-search-method))))
(defun org-music-beets-find-file (artist title)
"Find the file correspanding to a given artist and title."
(let* ((artist-escaped (replace-regexp-in-string "\"" "\\\\\"" artist))
(title-escaped (replace-regexp-in-string "\"" "\\\\\"" title))
(file-result (lambda (f) (if (string= "" f ) nil (string-trim-right f)))))
(funcall file-result
"SELECT path FROM items WHERE albumartist IS \"%s\" AND title IS \"%s\" LIMIT 1 COLLATE NOCASE"
artist-escaped title-escaped)))
(funcall file-result
"SELECT path FROM items WHERE artist IS \"%s\" AND title IS \"%s\" LIMIT 1 COLLATE NOCASE"
artist-escaped title-escaped))))))
(defun org-music-beets-sql-query (query)
"Submit a QUERY to the beets db."
nil t nil
(expand-file-name org-music-beets-db)
(when (> (point) 1) ; remove trailing newline
(delete-char -1))
(defun org-music-beets-all-artist-title ()
"Return a list of (artist title) elements for the entire db."
(lambda (artist-title)
(split-string artist-title "|"))
"SELECT artist, title, album, genre FROM items") "\n")))
(defvar org-music--beets-all-artist-title-fontified-cache nil)
(defun org-music-beets-all-artist-title-fontified ()
"Fontified version of `org-music-beets-all-artist-title'."
(or (cdr (assq (frame-width) org-music--beets-all-artist-title-fontified-cache))
(cdar (push (cons (frame-width)
(mapcar (lambda (result)
(let ((artist (car result))
(track (cadr result))
(album (caddr result))
(genre (cadddr result))
(setq full-width (+ (length artist) (length track) (length album) (length genre)))
(concat (propertize artist 'face 'font-lock-keyword-face)
(propertize ":" 'face 'font-lock-comment-delimiter-face)
(propertize track 'face 'font-lock-variable-name-face)
" " ; no break space, for spliting
(make-string (max 0 (- (frame-width) full-width 3)) ? )
(propertize album 'face 'font-lock-string-face)
" "
(propertize genre 'face 'font-lock-doc-face))))
(defun org-music-beets-search ()
"Interactive search."
(if (not (eq org-music-track-search-method 'beets))
(user-error "Beets file location must be used for track searching.")
(let ((result
(completing-read "Song: " (org-music-beets-all-artist-title-fontified))))
(split-string (car (split-string result " ")) ":"))))
(defun org-music-beets-search-m ()
"Return a music:search result string, from an interactive search."
(concat "music:" (org-music-beets-search)))
(defun org-music-beets-search-M ()
"Return a Music:search result string, from an interactive search."
(concat "Music:" (org-music-beets-search)))
(defun org-music-search-and-play ()
"Search for a track, and play it immediately."
(apply #'org-music-play-track (org-music-beets-search)))
(defun org-music-search-and-insert ()
"Search for a track, and insert it as a link."
(cl-destructuring-bind (artist track) (org-music-beets-search)
(insert "[[music:" (org-music-format-link artist track)
"][" track " by " artist "]]")))
(defun org-music-find-file (artist title)
"Try to find a file in `org-music-folder' which contains TITLE, looking first in ./ARTIST if possible."
(when-let* ((music-folder (expand-file-name org-music-folder))
(search-folders (or
(-filter ; look for folders which contain ARTIST
(lambda (file-or-folder)
(s-contains-p artist (file-name-base file-or-folder) t)
(file-directory-p file-or-folder)))
(directory-files music-folder t))
(list music-folder)))
(extension-regex (format "\\.\\(?:%s\\)\\'" (s-join "\\|" org-music-recognised-extensions)))
(tracks (-filter
(lambda (file)
(s-contains-p title (file-name-base file) t))
(-flatten (mapcar (lambda (dir)
(directory-files-recursively dir extension-regex))
(when (> (length tracks) 1)
(message "Warning: multiple matches for %s by %s found" title artist))
(car tracks)))
(defun org-music-file-metadata (file)
(let ((result (with-temp-buffer
(call-process "ffprobe" nil t nil
"-v" "quiet" "-print_format" "json=compact=1" "-show_format" file)
(goto-char (point-min))
(json-parse-buffer :object-type 'plist))))
(plist-get (plist-get result :format) :tags)))
(defun org-music-file-cover-thumbnail-url (file)
(let ((metadata (org-music-file-metadata file))
(url-request-extra-headers '(("Accept" . "application/json"))))
(when-let* ((album-id (or (plist-get metadata :MUSICBRAINZ_ALBUMID)
(plist-get metadata :MusicBrainz\ Album\ Id)))
(album-art (with-current-buffer
(format "" album-id))
(goto-char url-http-end-of-headers)
(json-parse-buffer :object-type 'plist :array-type 'list)))
(cover (car (-filter
(lambda (i)
(member "Front" (plist-get i :types)))
(plist-get album-art :images))))
(thumbnail (plist-get (plist-get cover :thumbnails) :small)))
;;; Integration with Org
(org-link-set-parameters "music"
:follow #'org-music-open-fn
:export #'org-music-export-text
:complete #'org-music-beets-search-m)
(org-link-set-parameters "Music" ;; like music, but visually fancier
;; FIXME this should work as far as I can tell
;; :image-data-fun #'org-music-image-fn
:follow #'org-music-open-fn
:export #'org-music-fancy-export
:complete #'org-music-beets-search-M)
(defun org-music-open-fn (link)
(apply #'org-music-play-track (org-music-parse-link link)))
(defun org-music-insert-current-track (&optional include-time)
"Insert link to currest track, including a timestamp when the universal argument is supplied."
(interactive "P")
(pp include-time)
(insert (org-music-get-link t include-time
(and (= (current-column) 0) ; at start of line,
(save-excursion ; and line above blank
(forward-line -1)
(= (current-column) 0))))))
(defun org-music-export-text (path desc backend &optional _info newline album-p)
(let* ((track-info (org-music-parse-link path))
(artist (nth 0 track-info))
(track (nth 1 track-info))
(start-time (nth 2 track-info))
(end-time (nth 3 track-info))
(youtube (org-music-youtube-track artist track))
(url (org-music-youtube-track-url youtube start-time))
(link (lambda (body)
(if (not url) body
(cond ((org-export-derived-backend-p backend 'html)
(concat "<a target=\"_blank\" title=\"" (replace-regexp-in-string "\"" "\\\\\"" (plist-get youtube :title)) "\" href=\"" url "\">" body "</a>"))
((org-export-derived-backend-p backend 'latex)
(concat "\\href{" url "}{" body "}"))
(t body)))))
(emphasise (cond ((org-export-derived-backend-p backend 'html)
(lambda (s) (format "<span style=\"font-style: italic\">%s</span>" s)))
((org-export-derived-backend-p backend 'latex)
(lambda (s) (format "\\emph{%s}" s)))
(t (lambda (s) s))))
(diminish (cond ((org-export-derived-backend-p backend 'html)
(lambda (s) (format "<small>%s</small>" s)))
((org-export-derived-backend-p backend 'latex)
(lambda (s) (format "{\\footnotesize %s}" s)))
(t (lambda (s) (format "(%s)" s))))))
(funcall link
(or desc
(cond ((and start-time end-time)
(format "%s to %s seconds of%s" start-time end-time (or newline " ")))
(format "%s seconds into%s" start-time (or newline " "))))
(funcall emphasise track)
(when album-p
(when-let ((album (org-music-kid3-get "Album" (org-music-find-track-file artist track))))
(concat (or newline " ") (funcall diminish album))))
(or newline " ")
"by "
(defvar org-music--youtube-cache
(make-hash-table :test 'equal))
(defun org-music-youtube-track (artist track)
(let ((stored-value (gethash (concat artist " " track) org-music--youtube-cache)))
(unless stored-value
(setq stored-value
(let* ((file (org-music-find-track-file artist track))
(file-youtube-id (when file (org-music-kid3-cmd "get \"YOUTUBE_ID\"" file))))
(puthash (concat artist " " track)
(if (and file-youtube-id (not (string= "" file-youtube-id)))
(list :id file-youtube-id
:title (org-music-kid3-cmd "get \"YOUTUBE_TITLE\"" file))
(when org-music-youtube-api-key
(let ((data (if-let* ((result
(format ""
(concat artist " " track))
(json-parse-buffer :object-type 'plist)))
(videos (plist-get
(vid1 (if (= (length videos) 0) nil
(aref videos 0))))
:id (plist-get (plist-get vid1 :id) :videoId)
:title (replace-regexp-in-string "\\\\ " " " (plist-get (plist-get vid1 :snippet) :title)))
(when file
(org-music-kid3-set "YOUTUBE_ID" (plist-get data :id) file)
(org-music-kid3-set "YOUTUBE_TITLE" (plist-get data :title) file))
(if (equal 'none stored-value) nil stored-value)))
(defun org-music-youtube-track-url (youtube-entry &optional start-time)
(when youtube-entry
(format ""
(plist-get youtube-entry :id)
(when (and start-time (/= 0 start-time))
(format "&t=%d" start-time)))))
(defun org-music-kid3-cmd (cmd file)
nil t nil
"-c" cmd file)
(when (> (point) 1) ; remove trailing newline
(delete-char -1))
(defun org-music-kid3-get (param file)
(org-music-kid3-cmd (format "get \"%s\"" param) file))
(defun org-music-kid3-set (param value file)
(org-music-kid3-cmd (format "set \"%s\" \"%s\"" param (shell-quote-argument value)) file)
(defun org-music-cover-image (track-file)
"Try to find a cover image for the track in the given location"
(car (-filter (lambda (file)
(-contains-p '("png" "jpg" "jpeg") (file-name-extension file)))
(directory-files (file-name-directory track-file) t "cover"))))
(defun org-music-image-fn (_protocol link _description)
(when-let* ((track-data (org-music-parse-link link))
(cover-file (org-music-cover-image
(nth 0 track-data) (nth 1 track-data)))))
(set-buffer-multibyte nil)
(setq buffer-file-coding-system 'binary)
(insert-file-contents cover-file)
(buffer-substring-no-properties (point-min) (point-max)))))
(defun org-music-fancy-export (path desc backend _info)
(let* ((track-data (org-music-parse-link path))
(file (org-music-find-track-file
(nth 0 track-data) (nth 1 track-data)))
(url (org-music-youtube-track-url (org-music-youtube-track (nth 0 track-data) (nth 1 track-data))
(nth 2 track-data)))
(cover-img (if (org-export-derived-backend-p backend 'html)
(if org-music-album-art-inline
(let* ((img-file (org-music-cover-image file))
(tmp-img-file (make-temp-file "albumart-" nil (file-name-extension img-file t))))
(when (executable-find "convert")
(call-process "convert" nil nil nil
img-file "-resize" "250x250" tmp-img-file)
(setq img-file tmp-img-file))
(when (and (executable-find "pngquant")
(string= "png" (file-name-extension img-file)))
(call-process "pngquant" nil nil nil "-f" "-o" img-file img-file))
(insert-file-contents img-file))
(or (org-music-file-cover-thumbnail-url file)
(org-music-cover-image file)))
(org-music-cover-image file)))
(newline-str (cond ((org-export-derived-backend-p backend 'html) "<br>")
((org-export-derived-backend-p backend 'latex) "\\newline ")
(t " ")))
(text (org-music-export-text path nil backend nil newline-str t)))
(cond ((org-export-derived-backend-p backend 'html)
(format "<div class='music-track'>\n %s<img src='%s'>%s <span>%s</span>\n</div>"
(if url
(concat "<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"" url "\">")
(if url "</a>\n" "")
((org-export-derived-backend-p backend 'latex)
(format "\\begin{tabular}{@{\\hspace{0.3\\columnwidth}}r@{\\hspace{0.1\\columnwidth}}p{0.4\\columnwidth}}
\\includegraphics[height=6em]{%s} & \\vspace{-0.12\\columnwidth}%s
\\end{tabular}" cover-img text))
(t text))))
(provide 'org-music)
;;; org-music.el ends here