#+title: Org Music #+author: tecosaur #+html:


This adds a new link type, =[[music:artist:song]]=. * Link examples =[[music:De/Vision:Deep Blue]]= Refers to the song /Deep Blue/ by /De/Vision/. Exporting gives =Deep Blue by De/Vision=, and following the link in Emacs plays the song from the beginning. =[[music:De/Vision:Deep Blue::104s]]= simply refers to the same song 104 seconds in. This exports as =104 seconds into Deep Blue by De/Vision=. When exporting to HTML or LaTeX there is a variant of the =[[music:]]= link which may be of interest --- =[[Music:]]=. This functions identically, however is a bit fancier when exported. When exporting to HTML, =[[music:De/Vision:Deep Blue]]= produces: #+begin_src html
Deep Blue
by De/Vision
#+end_src Similarly, exporting to LaTeX produces: #+begin_src LaTeX \begin{tabular}{@{\hspace{0.3\columnwidth}}r@{\hspace{0.1\columnwidth}}p{0.4\columnwidth}} \includegraphics[height=6em]{/home/tec/Music/De_Vision/Noob/cover.jpg} & \vspace{-0.12\columnwidth}\href{https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cV8c9Vxz3fY}% {\emph{Deep Blue}\newline {\footnotesize Noob}\newline by De/Vision} \end{tabular} #+end_src * Settings ** Beets integration When ~org-music-track-search-method~ is set to ~beets~, music tracks will be located by querying [[https://beets.io/][beets]]' database (~org-music-beets-db~). A number of other features are only work with Beets, such as =M-x org-music-search-and-play=. ** Youtube integration When a youtube API key is provided (see ~org-music-youtube-api-key~), the track metadata is used to fetch a youtube URL to the track, which is used when exporting. ** Music player Currently only music players that work with MPRIS are supported. When ~org-music-mpris-player~ is ~nil~, the MPRIS player is guessed by looking for registered dbus services which use the =org.mpris.MediaPlayer2= interface.