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<header class="page-header"><div class="page-meta">2022-01-31, <span class='acr'>TEC</span></div>
<h1 class="title">January 2022</h1>
<p class="subtitle" role="doc-subtitle">Caching</p>
There are less &ldquo;obvious user-facing changes&rdquo; this month, but a lot of good work
has been happening 🙂.
<div id="outline-container-cache-continues-make" class="outline-2">
<h2 id="cache-continues-make">The cache continues to make strides<a aria-hidden="true" href="#cache-continues-make">#</a> </h2>
<div class="outline-text-2" id="text-cache-continues-make">
Nine months ago, Ihor started working on the org-element cache. The cache has
existed for a while now, but it used to be too buggy to be useful.
This is no longer the case! We&rsquo;re finally confident enough to flip
<code>org-element-use-cache</code>&rsquo;s default from <code>nil</code> to <code>t</code>. I mentioned some of the
improvements in <a href="2021-11-30-element.html#org961d671">November</a>, however Ihor has continued to make strides with the
Getting the cache right is tough though, and so while the situation is much
improved there are still lingering bugs which need to be chased down. If you
only take one thing away from the post, I&rsquo;d like it to be this:
<div class="info" id="orgcce2e5d">
<div style="text-align: left; margin-left: 1rem;">
The cache is actively being developed now, for the first time in years, so:
<ol class="org-ol">
<li>Ignore old advice (like <a href="">this</a>) which suggests disabling the cache
<ul class="org-ul">
<li>Note that the cache will <i>not</i> stuff anything up, at worst it will emit a warning</li>
<li>If you see an org-cache warning <i>please</i> report it to the Org mailing list &#x2014;
Cache warnings look something like this:
<details id='org5fdcd7d' class='code' open>
<div class='gutter'><a href='#org5fdcd7d'>#</a>
<button title='Copy to clipboard' onclick='copyPreToClipbord(this)'></button></div>
<pre class="example" id="org5fdcd7d">
Warning (org-element-cache): org-element--cache: Unregistered buffer modifications detected. Resetting.
If this warning appears regularly, please report the warning text to Org mode mailing list (M-x org-submit-bug-report).
The buffer is:
Current command: (some-buggy-command)
Chars modified: 483
Buffer modified: 330957
...some possibly long backtrace...
A good way to start is by copying this to your clipboard and then trying <kbd>M-x
org-submit-bug-report</kbd>. Regardless of whether you&rsquo;re using an Emacs mail client,
this will collect all the important information (org-mode version, etc.) and
populate a buffer with it. Add the warning text, and that will be a great help!
After all, it&rsquo;s quite hard to fix bugs we don&rsquo;t know about 😆.
As of October 2021, &ldquo;bulk&rdquo; heading promotion/demotion operations are now faster
thanks to the cache, and there have now been further improvements relating to
headings. It used to be the case that every time heading properties changed the
entire heading (and contents) were re-parsed. Now, cache heuristics prevent the
content from being entirely re-parsed (see
<code>org-element--cache-avoid-synchronous-headline-re-parsing</code> for a bit more
information). This improvement is particularly noticeable when refiling and
archiving headings.
<div id="outline-container-persisting-data" class="outline-2">
<h2 id="persisting-data">Persisting data<a aria-hidden="true" href="#persisting-data">#</a> </h2>
<div class="outline-text-2" id="text-persisting-data">
In October, Ihor started work on <kbd>org-persist.el</kbd> &#x2014; a way to <i>persist</i> data across
Emacs sessions. You may wonder what sort of data is being persisted. Well,
initially org-persist was written to record variable values associated with
particular files or buffers &#x2014; such as the org-element cache. This allows
org-mode to load the cache for an Org file and avoid re-parsing much of the
Over the past month, Ihor has <i>doubled</i> the total number of commits applied to
<kbd>org-persist.el</kbd> and now more kinds of data can be persisted, such as remote files
(via. tramp) and online resources. This opens up a lot of new possibilities, and
we can begin to see what this will allow for in the next highlight.
<div id="outline-container-exporting-documents-with" class="outline-2">
<h2 id="exporting-documents-with">Exporting documents with remote resources<a aria-hidden="true" href="#exporting-documents-with">#</a> </h2>
<div class="outline-text-2" id="text-exporting-documents-with">
Ever linked to an online image like
<kbd></kbd> in an Org document, seen
it look nice in the <span class='acr'>HTML</span> export and then be disappointed to just see a link in
LaTeX? Well I have. Thankfully this is no longer the case though, thanks to a
helper function <code>org-export-link-localise</code> that&rsquo;s just been added to <kbd>ox.el</kbd>.
Using <kbd>org-persist.el</kbd> this acquires a local copy of the remote resource and
substitutes it in for the remote link. This is currently utilised in <kbd>ox-latex.el</kbd>
to provide support for not just <span class='acr'>HTTPS</span> links but also tramp files!
<figure id="org733ccc3">
<img src="figures/ox-latex-image-link-localisation-demo.png" alt="ox-latex-image-link-localisation-demo.png" class="invertible">
<figcaption><span class="figure-number">Figure 1: </span>A screenshot of a (compiled to <span class='acr'>PDF</span>) LaTeX export, with an <span class='acr'>HTTPS</span> and tramp images.</figcaption>
While this is currently only implemented for <kbd>ox-latex</kbd>, this can be applied
generally, and so there&rsquo;s a good chance you&rsquo;ll hear more about this in the future.
There are also thoughts of moving this to the links file (<kbd>ol.el</kbd>) which would
make this functionality more broadly accessible (e.g. using cached/local
versions of a resource in other places, and defining custom downloaders for
custom link types).
<div id="outline-container-other-improvements" class="outline-2">
<h2 id="other-improvements">Other improvements<a aria-hidden="true" href="#other-improvements">#</a> </h2>
<div class="outline-text-2" id="text-other-improvements">
<ul class="org-ul">
<li>Produce less native-comp warnings <span class="underline">Ihor Radchenko</span></li>
<li>Add a header to the clock report table <span class="underline">Samim Pezeshki</span></li>
<li>More verbose test failure summary <span class="underline">Max Nikulin</span></li>
<li>Parallelise <kbd>make</kbd>ing the docs <span class="underline">Marco Wahl</span></li>
<li>More org-element tests <span class="underline">Ihor Radchenko</span></li>
<div id="outline-container-bugfixes" class="outline-2">
<h2 id="bugfixes">Bugfixes<a aria-hidden="true" href="#bugfixes">#</a> </h2>
<div class="outline-text-2" id="text-bugfixes">
<ul class="org-ul">
<li>Fix formatting in elisp-link prompt <span class="underline"><span class='acr'>TEC</span></span></li>
<li>Correct some checkdoc and compiler warnings <span class="underline">Ihor Radchenko</span></li>
<li>Correct signature for <code>org-element-at-point</code> <span class="underline">Mark A. Hershberger</span></li>
<li>Fix the LaTeX macron accent in org-entities <span class="underline"><span class='acr'>TEC</span></span></li>
<li>Ignore narrowing when tangling a file <span class="underline">Nicolas Goaziou</span></li>
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