more opining about R tables

This commit is contained in:
Eric Schulte 2009-04-03 16:50:57 -07:00
parent 3e403fc9bb
commit a9bb21865d
2 changed files with 60 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -33,6 +33,23 @@
(litorgy-add-interpreter "R")
(defvar litorgy-R-var-name "litorgy_R_variable")
(defvar litorgy-R-var-as-table
" <- function (x, write.rownames = TRUE)
if(!is.null(dim(x)) && length(dim(x)) > 2)
stop(\"Object must be 1- or 2-dimensional\") ;
if(is.vector(x) || is.table(x) || is.factor(x) || is.array(x))
x <- as.matrix(x) ;
if(!(is.matrix(x) || inherits(x, c('matrix', 'data.frame')))) {
invisible() ;
print(x) ;
stop(\"Object not recognised as 1- or 2-dimensional\") ;
} ;
(defun litorgy-execute:R (body params)
"Execute a block of R code with litorgy. This function is
called by `litorgy-execute-src-block'."
@ -48,6 +65,28 @@ called by `litorgy-execute-src-block'."
(litorgy-R-command-to-string body))))
(defun litorgy-R-table-or-scalar (var-name)
"Determine whether the variable in `litorgy-R-buffer' named
VAR-NAME has any associated dimensions. If it does have
dimensions then return it as a list, otherwise just read it as a
single variable."
(if (litorgy-R-multidimensional-p var-name)
(litorgy-R-vecotr-to-elisp-list var-name)
(read result)))
(defun litorgy-R-multidimensional-p (var-name)
"Return t if the variable named VAR-NAME in `litorgy-R-buffer'
is multidimensional."
(defun litorgy-R-vector-to-elisp-list (var-name)
"Assumes that var-name is multidimensional in which case it
then converts it's value into an Emacs-lisp list which is
;; functions for evaluation of R code
(defvar litorgy-R-buffer nil
"Holds the buffer for the current R process")

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@ -31,6 +31,27 @@ options (maybe more)
This is now implemented see the example in the [[* silent evaluation][sandbox]]
** TODO insert 2-D R results as tables
everything is working but R and shell
*** TODO shells
*** TODO R
This has already been tackled by Dan in [[file:existing_tools/org-R.el::defconst%20org%20R%20write%20org%20table%20def][org-R:check-dimensions]]. The
functions there should be useful in combination with [[][R-export-to-csv]]
as a means of converting multidimensional R objects to emacs lisp.
It may be as simple as first checking if the data is multidimensional,
and then, if so using =write= to write the data out to a temporary
file from which emacs can read the data in using =org-table-import=.
Looking into this further, is seems that there is no such thing as a
scalar in R [[][R-scalar-vs-vector]]. In that light I am not sure how to
deal with trivial vectors (scalars) in R. I'm tempted to just treat
them as vectors, but then that would lead to a proliferation of
trivial 1-cell tables...
** TODO allow variable initialization from source blocks
Currently it is possible to initialize a variable from an org-mode
table with a block argument like =table=sandbox= (note that the