Org: LaTeX, add a bunch of typeface presents

This commit is contained in:
TEC 2021-03-27 02:55:54 +08:00
parent 07c86da012
commit 37377ffd71
Signed by: tec
GPG key ID: 779591AFDB81F06C

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@ -7353,7 +7353,8 @@ introduce an =:order= keyword. Using this I'll arrange snippets as follows.
+ =0= Typography
- =0= Fonts themselves
- =0.1= Typographic tweaks (=microtype=)
- =0.2= Extra maths
- =0.2= Maths setup
- =0.3= Maths font
- =0.4= Extra text shaping (~\acr~)
- =0.5-0.9= Miscellaneous text modifications, trying to put shorter snippets first
+ =1= (/default/)
@ -7597,7 +7598,7 @@ the cars in `org-latex-fontsets'."
(when (memq (cdr fontset-spec) desired-styles)
(pcase (cdr fontset-spec)
(:serif nil)
(:serif "\\renewcommand{\\familydefault}{\\rmdefault}\n")
(:sans "\\renewcommand{\\familydefault}{\\sfdefault}\n")
(:mono "\\renewcommand{\\familydefault}{\\ttdefault}\n"))))
(error "Font-set %s is not provided in org-latex-fontsets" (car fontset-spec)))))
@ -7609,7 +7610,7 @@ preamble generation.
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(add-to-list 'org-latex-conditional-features '(org-latex-default-fontset . custom-font) t)
(add-to-list 'org-latex-feature-implementations '(custom-font :snippet (org-latex-fontset :serif :sans :mono) :order 0) t)
(add-to-list 'org-latex-feature-implementations '(.custom-maths-font :eager t :when (custom-font maths) :snippet (org-latex-fontset :maths) :order 0.1) t)
(add-to-list 'org-latex-feature-implementations '(.custom-maths-font :eager t :when (custom-font maths) :snippet (org-latex-fontset :maths) :order 0.3) t)
Finally, we just need to add some fonts.
@ -7617,23 +7618,46 @@ Finally, we just need to add some fonts.
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(defvar org-latex-fontsets
'((cm nil) ; computer modern
:serif "\\usepackage{plex-serif}"
:sans "\\usepackage{plex-sans}"
:mono "\\usepackage{plex-mono}"
:maths "% maths TBD")
:serif "\\usepackage[osf]{Alegreya}"
:sans "\\usepackage{AlegreyaSans}"
:mono "\\usepackage[scale=0.88]{sourcecodepro}"
:maths "\\usepackage[varbb]{newpxmath}")
:serif "\\usepackage[osf]{libertineRoman}"
:sans "\\usepackage[sfdefault,osf]{biolinum}"
:mono "\\usepackage[scale=0.88]{sourcecodepro}"
:maths "\\usepackage[libertine,varvw]{newtxmath}")
:sans "\\usepackage[sfdefault,scale=0.85]{FiraSans}"
:mono "\\usepackage[scale=0.80]{FiraMono}"
:maths "\\usepackage{newtxsf} % change to firamath in future?")
:serif "\\usepackage{kpfonts}")
:serif "\\usepackage{newpxtext}"
:sans "\\usepackage{gillius}"
:mono "\\usepackage[scale=0.9]{sourcecodepro}"
:maths "\\usepackage[varbb]{newpxmath}")
:serif "\\usepackage{kpfonts}")
:serif "\\usepackage[osf]{Alegreya}"
:sans "\\usepackage{AlegreyaSans}"
:mono "\\usepackage[scale=0.88]{sourcecodepro}"
:maths "\\usepackage[varbb]{newpxmath}"))
:serif "\\usepackage[osf]{noto-serif}"
:sans "\\usepackage[osf]{noto-sans}"
:mono "\\usepackage[scale=0.96]{noto-mono}"
;; Wait till TeXlive 2021 is released, use notomath
:maths "\\usepackage{newtxmath}")
:serif "\\usepackage{plex-serif}"
:sans "\\usepackage{plex-sans}"
:mono "\\usepackage[scale=0.95]{plex-mono}"
:maths "\\usepackage{newtxmath}") ; may be plex-based in future
:serif "\\usepackage[osf]{sourceserifpro}"
:sans "\\usepackage[osf]{sourcesanspro}"
:mono "\\usepackage[scale=0.95]{sourcecodepro}"
:maths "\\usepackage{newtxmath}") ; may be sourceserifpro-based in future
:serif "\\usepackage{newtxtext}"
:maths "\\usepackage{newtxmath}"))
"Alist of fontset specifications.
Each car is the name of the fontset (which cannot include \"-\").
@ -8327,10 +8351,9 @@ locally binding ~auto-mode-alist~ to ~nil~.
For how I've setup Org's LaTeX export, the following packages are needed:
#+name: org-latex-required-packages-list
+ Alegreya
+ adjustbox
+ amsmath
+ arev
+ amsmath
+ booktabs
+ cancel
+ capt-of
@ -8345,27 +8368,47 @@ For how I've setup Org's LaTeX export, the following packages are needed:
+ mathalpha
+ mathtools
+ microtype
+ newpxmath
+ pdfx
+ pifont
+ preview
+ siunitx
+ soul
+ sourcecodepro
+ subcaption
+ svg
+ tcolorbox
+ xcolor
+ xparse
Then for the various fontsets:
#+name: org-latex-font-packages-list
+ Alegreya
+ biolinum
+ FiraMono
+ FiraSans
+ kpfonts
+ libertine
+ newpxmath
+ newpxtext
+ newtxmath
+ newtxtext
+ newtxsf
+ noto
+ plex-mono
+ plex-sans
+ plex-serif
+ sourcecodepro
+ sourcesanspro
+ sourceserifpro
We can write a function which will check for each of these packages with
=kpsewhich=, and then if any of them are missing we'll inject some advice into the
generated config that gets a list of missing packages and warns us every time we
export to a PDF.
#+name: org-missing-latex-packages
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :noweb-ref none :var org-latex-required-packages-list=org-latex-required-packages-list
(setq org-required-latex-packages (mapcar #'car org-latex-required-packages-list))
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :noweb-ref none :var org-latex-required-packages-list=org-latex-required-packages-list :var org-latex-font-packages-list=org-latex-font-packages-list
(setq org-required-latex-packages (append (mapcar #'car org-latex-required-packages-list)
(mapcar #'car org-latex-font-packages-list)))
(defun check-for-latex-packages (packages)
(delq nil (mapcar (lambda (package)