Add command to view org export files, and keybind

This commit is contained in:
tecosaur 2020-05-19 01:52:59 +08:00
parent 8bde804bd0
commit c4ff8d34ed

View file

@ -1430,6 +1430,35 @@ Now, by default, LSPs don't really function at all in ~src~ blocks.
(dolist (lang org-babel-lang-list)
(eval `(lsp-org-babel-enable ,lang)))
***** View exported file
='localeader v= has no pre-existing binding, so I may as well use it with the same
functionality as in LaTeX. Let's try viewing possible output files with this.
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(after! org
(map! :map org-mode-map
:desc "View exported file" "v" #'org-view-output-file)
(defun org-view-output-file (&optional org-file-path)
"Visit buffer open on the first output file (if any) found, using `org-view-output-file-extensions'"
(let* ((org-file-path (or org-file-path (buffer-file-name) ""))
(dir (file-name-directory org-file-path))
(basename (file-name-base org-file-path))
(output-file nil))
(dolist (ext org-view-output-file-extensions)
(unless output-file
(when (file-exists-p
(concat dir basename "." ext))
(setq output-file (concat dir basename "." ext)))))
(if output-file
(pop-to-buffer (or (find-buffer-visiting output-file)
(find-file-noselect output-file)))
(message "No exported file found")))))
(defvar org-view-output-file-extensions '("pdf" "md" "rst" "txt" "tex")
"Search for output files with these extensions, in order, viewing the first that matches")
**** Super agenda
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(use-package! org-super-agenda