
32 lines
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<h2>Survey Attempt
<code style="color:var(--primary)">$(uid)</code>
has been recorded
<h2 style="color: var(--primary)"><em>Thank you</em> for taking part in the survey!</h2>
<h5>We hope to see you next year 🙂</h5>
<p>You can view your results as
<% map(resultlinks) do (fmt, url) %>
<a href="$(url)">$(fmt)</a>
<% end |> l -> join(l, ", ", ", or ") %>
<br /> <hr />
<h4>Financially supporting the Emacs community</h4>
<p>If you are able to, financially supporting the Emacs community dignifies
the work they do and helps people find and justify the time they spend
improving the state of Emacs' ecosystem.</p>
<p>Should this sound like something you would be interested in, here
is a small selection of donation links that may be of interest.</p>
$(join(donateitems, '\n'))
<br />
<a href="/" role="button">Go Home</a>