adding thoughts about referencing data to, see

**** Eric: referencing data in general
This commit is contained in:
Eric Schulte 2009-03-04 17:22:28 -08:00
parent e292e34041
commit 2f12591e5a

View file

@ -280,6 +280,74 @@ plus a table reference within that org file. Thus maybe something like
(R-obj-name-2 . (:tblref tbl-name-or-id-2 :file file-2)))
#+end_src emacs-lisp
**** Eric: referencing data in general
So here's some thoughts for referencing data (henceforth referred to
as *resources*). I think this is the next thing we need to tackle for
implementation to move forward. We don't need to implement everything
below right off the bat, but I'd like to get these lists as full as
possible so we don't make any implementation assumptions which
preclude real needs.
We need to reference resources of the following types...
- table (list)
- output from a source code block (list or hash)
- property values of an outline header (hash)
- list (list)
- description list (hash)
- more?...
All of these resources will live in org files which could be
- the current file (default)
- another file on the same system (path)
- another file on the web (url)
- another file in a git repo (file and commit hash)
What information should each of these resources be able to supply?
I'm thinking (again not that we'll implement all of these but just to
think of them)...
- ranges or points of vector data
- key/value pairs from a hash
- when the object was last modified
- commit info (author, date, message, sha, etc...)
- pointers to the resources upon which the resource relies
So we need a referencing syntax powerful enough to handle all of these
alternatives. Maybe something like =path:sha:name:range= where
- path :: is empty for the current file, is a path for files on the
same system, and is a url otherwise
- sha :: is an option git commit indicator
- name :: is the table/header/source-block name or id for location
inside of the org file (this would not be optional)
- range :: would indicate which information is requested from the
resource, so it could be a range to access parts of a
table, or the names of properties to be referenced from an
outline header
Once we agree on how this should work, I'll try to stub out some code,
so that we can get some simple subset of this functionality working,
hopefully something complex enough to do the following...
- [[* resource reference example][resource-reference-example]]
***** questions
****** multiple outputs
Do we want things like a source code block to leave multiple outputs,
or do we only want them to be able to output one vector or hash?
****** environment (state and side-effects)
This design assumes that any changes will explicitly pass data in a
functional programming style. This makes no assumptions about things
like source code blocks changing state (in general state changes lead
to more difficult debugging).
- Do we want to take steps so ensure we do things like execute
consecutive R blocks in different environment, or do we want to
allow state changes?
- Does this matter?
*** source-target pairs
The following can be used for special considerations based on
@ -615,6 +683,42 @@ First assign the variable with some sort of interpreted line
** resource reference example
This block holds an array of information written in [[][YAML]]
#name: yaml-array
#+begin_src yaml
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
This next block saves the information in the YAML array into the ruby
variable =ya= and then in ruby it multiplies each variable in the =ya=
by 2.
#name: ruby-array
#assign: ya = yaml-array
#+begin_src ruby{ |e| e * 2 }
This final block takes the output of the ruby block, and writes it to
cell =0,0= through =0,3= of the table
#name: example-table
#assign: self[0, (1..3)] = ruby-array
| example results |
| |
| |
| |
* COMMENT Commentary
I'm seeing this as like commit notes, and a place for less formal
communication of the goals of our changes.