2009-02-08 15:00:28 -05:00

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<h1 class="title">rorg &mdash; Code evaluation in org-mode, with an emphasis on R</h1>
<div id="table-of-contents">
<h2>Table of Contents</h2>
<div id="text-table-of-contents">
<li><a href="#sec-1">Overview (Dan) </a>
<li><a href="#sec-1.1">Project objectives </a>
<li><a href="#sec-1.1.1">It produces text/numeric output </a></li>
<li><a href="#sec-1.1.2">It produces graphical output </a></li>
<li><a href="#sec-1.1.3">It creates some non-graphics files </a></li>
<li><a href="#sec-1.1.4">It alters the environment by side effect in some other way </a></li>
<li><a href="#sec-1.2">Implementation questions </a>
<li><a href="#sec-1.2.1">How is the code placed in the org file? </a></li>
<li><a href="#sec-1.2.2">When is the code evaluated? </a></li>
<li><a href="#sec-1.2.3">What is the result of code evaluation? </a></li>
<li><a href="#sec-2">Commentary </a>
<li><a href="#sec-2.1">Eric </a></li>
<li><a href="#sec-3">Objectives </a>
<li><a href="#sec-3.1">Send data to R from org </a>
<li><a href="#sec-3.1.1">Implementations </a></li>
<li><a href="#sec-3.2">Evaluate R code from org and deal with output appropriately </a>
<li><a href="#sec-3.2.1">vector output </a></li>
<li><a href="#sec-3.2.2">graphical output </a></li>
<li><a href="#sec-3.3">Evaluate R code on export </a></li>
<li><a href="#sec-4">Notes </a>
<li><a href="#sec-4.1">Special editing and evaluation of source code in R blocks </a>
<li><a href="#sec-4.1.1">R-block proposal </a></li>
<li><a href="#sec-4.1.2">Source code blocks </a></li>
<li><a href="#sec-4.1.3">dblocks </a></li>
<li><a href="#sec-4.1.4">R blocks </a></li>
<li><a href="#sec-4.2">Interaction with the R process </a></li>
<li><a href="#sec-5">Tasks </a></li>
<li><a href="#sec-6">buffer dictionary </a></li>
<div id="outline-container-1" class="outline-2">
<h2 id="sec-1">Overview (Dan <span class="timestamp">2009-02-08 Sun</span>) </h2>
<div id="text-1">
<div id="outline-container-1.1" class="outline-3">
<h3 id="sec-1.1">Project objectives </h3>
<div id="text-1.1">
<p>This project is basically about putting source code into org
files. This isn't just code to look pretty as a source code example,
but code to be evaluated. Org files have 3 main export targets: org,
html and latex. Thus the aim of this project is to produce files in
those formats that have benefitted in some way from the evaluation of
source code that is present in the source org file. We have a current
focus on R code, but we are regarding that more as a working example
than as a defining feature of the project.
Code evaluation can have three relevant consequences. Our aim is to
deal with these consequences as follows:
<div id="outline-container-1.1.1" class="outline-4">
<h4 id="sec-1.1.1">It produces text/numeric output </h4>
<div id="text-1.1.1">
<p>We (optionally) incorporate the text output as text in the target
<div id="outline-container-1.1.2" class="outline-4">
<h4 id="sec-1.1.2">It produces graphical output </h4>
<div id="text-1.1.2">
<p>We either link to the graphics or (html/latex) include them inline.
<div id="outline-container-1.1.3" class="outline-4">
<h4 id="sec-1.1.3">It creates some non-graphics files </h4>
<div id="text-1.1.3">
<p>? We link to other file output
<div id="outline-container-1.1.4" class="outline-4">
<h4 id="sec-1.1.4">It alters the environment by side effect in some other way </h4>
<div id="text-1.1.4">
<p>We bear this in mind
<div id="outline-container-1.2" class="outline-3">
<h3 id="sec-1.2">Implementation questions </h3>
<div id="text-1.2">
<p>These objectives raise three questions:
How is the code placed in the org file?
When is the code evaluated?
What is the result of code evaluation?
<div id="outline-container-1.2.1" class="outline-4">
<h4 id="sec-1.2.1">How is the code placed in the org file? </h4>
<div id="text-1.2.1">
<p>Using some version of the code block ideas that Eric and Austin
have worked on. (In addition, an aim of org-R was to allow Org
users who are not R users to specify R code implicitly, using
native org syntax. I'd like to maintain that, but it's not central
to this project.)
<div id="outline-container-1.2.2" class="outline-4">
<h4 id="sec-1.2.2">When is the code evaluated? </h4>
<div id="text-1.2.2">
<p>Let's use an asterisk to indicate content which includes the
<b>result</b> of code evaluation, rather than the code itself. Clearly
we have a requirement for the following transformation:
org &rarr; org*
Let's say this transformation is effected by a function
`org-eval-buffer'. This transformation is necessary when the
target format is org (say you want to update the values in an org
table, or generate a plot and create an org link to it), and it
can also be used as the first step by which to reach html and
org &rarr; org* &rarr; html
org &rarr; org* &rarr; latex
Thus in principle we can reach our 3 target formats with
`org-eval-buffer', `org-export-as-latex' and `org-export-as-html'.
An extra transformation that we might want is
org &rarr; latex
I.e. export to latex without evaluation of code, in such a way that R
code can subsequently be evaluated using
<code>Sweave(driver=RweaveLatex)</code>, which is what the R community is
used to. This would provide a `bail out' avenue where users can
escape org mode and enter a workflow in which the latex/noweb file
is treated as source.
<li id="sec-">How do we implement `org-eval-buffer'? <br/>
AIUI The following can all be viewed as implementations of
org-eval-buffer for R code:
<li id="sec-">org-eval-light <br/>
This is the beginnings of a general evaluation mechanism, that
could evaluate python, ruby, shell, perl, in addition to R.
The header says it's based on org-eval, what is org-eval??
<li id="sec-">org-R <br/>
This accomplishes org &rarr; org* in elisp by visiting code blocks
and evaluating code using ESS.
<li id="sec-">RweaveOrg <br/>
This accomplishes org &rarr; org* using R via
<pre class="example">
Sweave("", driver=RweaveOrg, syntax=SweaveSyntaxOrg)
<li id="sec-">org-exp-blocks.el <br/>
Like org-R, this achieves org &rarr; org* in elisp by visiting code
blocks and using ESS to evaluate R code.
<div id="outline-container-1.2.3" class="outline-4">
<h4 id="sec-1.2.3">What is the result of code evaluation? </h4>
<div id="text-1.2.3">
<p>Here we have to consider text/numeric output, and graphical
output. And also the stage at which evaluation occurs
<li id="sec-">org &rarr; org* <br/>
<li id="sec-">Text / numerical output <br/>
In the case of org &rarr; org*, I would argue that, where
appropriate, it should be stored in org tables. Thus an advantage
our project would have over Sweave is that tabular output is
automatically conveqrted to native tables on export to HTML and
<li id="sec-">Graphical output <br/>
We place an org link to the file. This is done already by
org-R-apply, and by RweaveOrg.
<li id="sec-">latex &rarr; latex* <br/>
This is done by Sweave(driver=RweaveLatex) and so is out of our hands
<div id="outline-container-2" class="outline-2">
<h2 id="sec-2">Commentary </h2>
<div id="text-2">
<div id="outline-container-2.1" class="outline-3">
<h3 id="sec-2.1">Eric <span class="timestamp">2009-02-06 Fri 15:41</span> </h3>
<div id="text-2.1">
<p>I think we're getting close to a comprehensive set of objectives
(although since you two are the real R user's I leave that decision up
to you). Once we've agreed on a set of objectives and agreed on at
least to broad strokes of implementation, I think we should start
listing out and assigning tasks.
<div id="outline-container-3" class="outline-2">
<h2 id="sec-3">Objectives </h2>
<div id="text-3">
<div id="outline-container-3.1" class="outline-3">
<h3 id="sec-3.1">Send data to R from org </h3>
<div id="text-3.1">
<p>Org-mode includes orgtbl-mode, an extremely convenient way of using
tabular data in a plain text file. Currently, spreadsheet
functionality is available in org tables using the emacs package
calc. It would be a boon both to org users and R users to allow
org tables to be manipulated with the R programming language. Org
tables give R users an easy way to enter and display data; R gives
org users a powerful way to perform vector operations, statistical
tests, and visualization on their tables.
<div id="outline-container-3.1.1" class="outline-4">
<h4 id="sec-3.1.1">Implementations </h4>
<div id="text-3.1.1">
<li id="sec-">naive <br/>
Naive implementation would be to use <code>(org-export-table "tmp.csv")</code>
and <code>(ess-execute "read.csv('tmp.csv')")</code>.
<li id="sec-">org-R <br/>
org-R passes data to R from two sources: org tables, or csv
files. Org tables are first exported to a temporary csv file
using <a href="existing_tools/org-R.el">org-R-export-to-csv</a>.
<li id="sec-">org-exp-blocks <br/>
org-exp-blocks uses <a href="#sec-">org-interblock-R-command-to-string</a> to send
commands to an R process running in a comint buffer through ESS.
org-exp-blocks has no support for dumping table data to R process, or
vice versa.
<li id="sec-">RweaveOrg <br/>
<div id="outline-container-3.2" class="outline-3">
<h3 id="sec-3.2">Evaluate R code from org and deal with output appropriately </h3>
<div id="text-3.2">
<div id="outline-container-3.2.1" class="outline-4">
<h4 id="sec-3.2.1">vector output </h4>
<div id="text-3.2.1">
<p>When R code evaluation generates vectors and 2-dimensional arrays,
this should be formatted appropriately in org buffers (orgtbl-mode) as well
as in export targets (html, latex)
Agreed, if we can convert the vector data to lists then we can use
the many orgtbl-to-* functions to convert the list to whatever
output format we desire. See `orgtbl-to-orgtbl, `orgtbl-to-latex',
`orgtbl-to-html', `orgtbl-to-csv', etc&hellip;
<li id="sec-">Implementations <br/>
<li id="sec-">org-R <br/>
org-R converts R output (vectors, or matrices / 2d-arrays) to an
org table and stores it in the org buffer, or in a separate org
file (csv output would also be perfectly possible).
<li id="sec-">org-exp-blocks <br/>
<li id="sec-">RweaveOrg <br/>
<div id="outline-container-3.2.2" class="outline-4">
<h4 id="sec-3.2.2">graphical output </h4>
<div id="text-3.2.2">
<p>R can generate graphical output on a screen graphics device
(e.g. X11, quartz), and in various standard image file formats
(png, jpg, ps, pdf, etc). When graphical output is generated by
evaluation of R code in Org, at least the following two things are desirable:
output to screen for immediate viewing is possible
graphical output to file is linked to appropriately from the
org file This should have the automatic consequence that it is
included appropriately in subsequent export targets (html,
<li id="sec-">Implementations <br/>
<li id="sec-">org-R <br/>
org-R does (1) if no output file is specified and (2) otherwise
<li id="sec-">org-exp-blocks <br/>
org-exp-blocks tries to do 2, but I don't think that part was
every really working
<li id="sec-">RweaveOrg <br/>
<div id="outline-container-3.3" class="outline-3">
<h3 id="sec-3.3">Evaluate R code on export </h3>
<div id="text-3.3">
<p>At first I was leaning towards leaving the exporting to Sweave, but it
seems that once we have evaluation or R working, it will not be
difficult to implement full evaluation of R blocks, one-liners, and
creation of R graphics on export directly in elisp.
I think that this would be worth the effort since it would eliminate
the need for using Sweave, and would allow for exportation to any
target format supported by org-mode.
<div id="outline-container-4" class="outline-2">
<h2 id="sec-4">Notes </h2>
<div id="text-4">
<div id="outline-container-4.1" class="outline-3">
<h3 id="sec-4.1">Special editing and evaluation of source code in R blocks </h3>
<div id="text-4.1">
<p>Unfortunately org-mode how two different block types, both useful.
In developing RweaveOrg, a third was introduced.
Eric is leaning towards using the <code>#+begin_src</code> blocks, as that is
really what these blocks contain: source code. Austin believes
that specifying export options at the beginning of a block is
useful functionality, to be preserved if possible.
Note that upper and lower case are not relevant in block headings.
<div id="outline-container-4.1.1" class="outline-4">
<h4 id="sec-4.1.1"><span class="todo">PROPOSED</span> R-block proposal </h4>
<div id="text-4.1.1">
<p>I (Eric) propose that we use the syntax of source code blocks as they
currently exist in org-mode with the addition of <b>evaluation</b>,
<b>header-arguments</b>, <b>exportation</b>, <b>single-line-blocks</b>, and
<b>evaluation</b>: These blocks can be evaluated through <code>\C-c\C-c</code> with
a slight addition to the code already present and working in
<a href="existing_tools/org-eval-light.el">org-eval-light.el</a>. All we should need to add for R support would
be an appropriate entry in <a href="#sec-4.1.1">org-eval-light-interpreters</a> with a
corresponding evaluation function. For an example usinga
org-eval-light see <a href="#sec-">* src block evaluation w/org-eval-light</a>.
<b>header-arguments</b>: These can be implemented along the lines of
Austin's header arguments in <a href="existing_tools/RweaveOrg/org-sweave.el">org-sweave.el</a>.
<b>exportation</b>: Should be as similar as possible to that done by
Sweave, and hopefully can re-use some of the code currently present
in <a href="existing_tools/exp-blocks/org-exp-blocks.el ">org-exp-blocks.el</a>.
<b>single-line-blocks</b>: It seems that it is useful to be able to
place a single line of R code on a line by itself. Should we add
syntax for this similar to Dan's <code>#+R:</code> lines? I would lean
towards something here that can be re-used for any type of source
code in the same manner as the <code>#+begin_src R</code> blocks, maybe
<b>references-to-table-data</b>: I get this impression that this is
vital to the efficient use of R code in an org file, so we should
come up with a way to reference table data from a single-line-block
or from an R source-code block. It looks like Dan has already done
this in <a href="existing_tools/org-R.el">org-R.el</a>.
<p>What do you think? Does this accomplish everything we want to be able
to do with embedded R source code blocks?
<li id="sec-">src block evaluation w/org-eval-light <br/>
here's an example using org-eval-light.el
first load the org-eval-light.el file
<i>&lt;elisp:(load (expand-file-name "org-eval-light.el" (expand-file-name "existing_tools" (file-name-directory buffer-file-name))))&gt;</i>
then press <code>\C-c\C-c</code> inside of the following src code snippet. The
results should appear in a comment immediately following the source
code block. It shouldn't be too hard to add R support to this
function through the `org-eval-light-interpreters' variable.
(Dan: The following causes error on export to HTML hence spaces inserted at bol)
#+begin<sub>src</sub> shell
<div id="outline-container-4.1.2" class="outline-4">
<h4 id="sec-4.1.2">Source code blocks </h4>
<div id="text-4.1.2">
<p>Org has an extremely useful method of editing source code and
examples in their native modes. In the case of R code, we want to
be able to use the full functionality of ESS mode, including
interactive evaluation of code.
Source code blocks look like the following and allow for the
special editing of code inside of the block through
<pre class="src src-r">
,<span style="color: #add8e6;">## </span><span style="color: #add8e6;">hit C-c ' within this block to enter a temporary buffer in r-mode.
,<span style="color: #add8e6;">## </span><span style="color: #add8e6;">while in the temporary buffer, hit C-c C-c on this comment to
</span>,<span style="color: #add8e6;">## </span><span style="color: #add8e6;">evaluate this block
</span>a <span style="color: #98fb98;">&lt;-</span> 3
,<span style="color: #add8e6;">## </span><span style="color: #add8e6;">hit C-c ' to exit the temporary buffer
<div id="outline-container-4.1.3" class="outline-4">
<h4 id="sec-4.1.3">dblocks </h4>
<div id="text-4.1.3">
<p>dblocks are useful because org-mode will automatically call
`org-dblock-write:dblock-type' where dblock-type is the string
following the <code>#+BEGIN:</code> portion of the line.
dblocks look like the following and allow for evaluation of the
code inside of the block by calling <code>\C-c\C-c</code> on the header of
the block.
<div id="outline-container-4.1.4" class="outline-4">
<h4 id="sec-4.1.4">R blocks </h4>
<div id="text-4.1.4">
<p>In developing RweaveOrg, Austin created <a href="existing_tools/RweaveOrg/org-sweave.el">org-sweave.el</a>. This
allows for the kind of blocks shown in <a href="existing_tools/RweaveOrg/testing.Rorg">testing.Rorg</a>. These blocks
have the advantage of accepting options to the Sweave preprocessor
following the #+BEGIN<sub>R</sub> declaration.
<div id="outline-container-4.2" class="outline-3">
<h3 id="sec-4.2">Interaction with the R process </h3>
<div id="text-4.2">
We should take care to implement this in such a way that all of the
different components which have to interactive with R including:
evaluation of source code blocks
automatic evaluation on export
evaluation of \R{} snippets
evaluation of single source code lines
sending/receiving vector data
<p>I think we currently have two implementations of interaction with R
processes; <a href="existing_tools/org-R.el">org-R.el</a> and <a href="existing_tools/exp-blocks/org-exp-blocks.el ">org-exp-blocks.el</a>. We should be sure to take
the best of each of these approaches.
<div id="outline-container-5" class="outline-2">
<h2 id="sec-5">Tasks </h2>
<div id="text-5">
<div id="outline-container-6" class="outline-2">
<h2 id="sec-6">buffer dictionary </h2>
<div id="text-6">
<p>LocalWords: DBlocks dblocks
<div id="postamble"><p class="author"> Author: Dan
<a href="mailto:dan@Tichodroma">&lt;dan@Tichodroma&gt;</a>
<p class="date"> Date: 2009-02-08 14:56:13 EST</p>
<p>HTML generated by org-mode 6.21trans in emacs 22</p>