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@chapter Working With Source Code or Embedded Source Code
Source code can be included in Org-mode documents using a @samp{src} block:
FIXME: This example is also in the Literal Examples section.
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(defun org-xor (a b)
"Exclusive or."
(if a (not b) b))
@end example
Org supports the following ways of working with such code blocks:
@itemize @bullet
Editing in the appropriate Emacs major-mode (@kbd{C-c '})
Export with appropriate markup
Extraction (``tangling'') into pure code files.
Execution, with results captured in the Org buffer
Using code blocks in table formulas
@end itemize
@section Syntax
:CUSTOM_ID: syntax
@subsection Source Code Block
The basic syntax of source code blocks in Org-babel is as follows:
#+begin_src language header-arguments
@end example
- language :: The language of the code in the source code block. Valid
values must be members of =org-babel-interpreters=.
- header-arguments :: Header arguments control many facets of the
evaluation and output of source code blocks. See the [[header-arguments][Header
Arguments]] section for a complete review of available header
- body :: The source code to be evaluated. An important key-binding
is C-c '. This calls =org-edit-src-code=, a function that brings
up an edit buffer containing the code using the Emacs major mode
appropriate to the language. You can edit your source code block
as you regularly would in Emacs.
This syntax can be expanded by naming the source code block.
#+begin_src language header-arguments
@end example
- name :: This name is associated with the source code block. This is
similar to the =#+tblname= lines that can be used to name tables
in Org-mode files. Referencing the name of a source code
block makes it possible to evaluate the block from other places in
the file, other files, or inside Org-mode tables. It
is also possible to pass arguments to a source code block through
this =#+source:= line (see [[alternate-argument-syntax][Alternate argument syntax]]).
@subsection Library of Babel
[[][Library of Babel]] functions can be called using the following syntax.
#+lob: R-plot(data=R-plot-example-data)
@end example
@subsection Aliases
Keyword aliases are intended to make Org-babel feel natural to
programmers fluent in a variety of languages. For example,
#+srcname: alias-example
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
'((call lob)
(source function srcname)
(results resname))
#+results: alias-example
| call | lob | |
| source | function | srcname |
| results | resname | |
@end example
- =#+srcname:= can be replaced with either of two aliases, =#+source:= or =#+function:=.
- =#+results:= can be replaced with its alias, =#+resname:=.
When calling Library of Babel functions, as in the following
example, there are two acceptable keywords. The =#+lob= call in
the example could be replaced with its alias, =#+call=.
#+lob: R-plot(data=R-plot-example-data)
@end example
@section Languages
:CUSTOM_ID: languages
Org-babel has support for the following languages.
| Language | Documentation | Identifier | Requirements |
| Asymptote | org-babel-doc-asymptote | asymptote | [[][asymptote]], [[][asy-mode]] |
| C | [[file:languages/][org-babel-doc-C]] | C | none |
| Clojure | [[file:languages/][org-babel-doc-clojure]] | clojure | [[][clojure]], [[][clojure-mode]], [[][slime]], [[][swank-clojure]] |
| css | org-babel-doc-css | css | none |
| ditaa | org-babel-doc-ditaa | ditaa | [[][ditaa]] (bundled with Org-mode) |
| Graphviz | org-babel-doc-dot | dot | [[][dot]] |
| Emacs Lisp | org-babel-doc-emacs-lisp | emacs-lisp | none |
| gnuplot | org-babel-doc-gnuplot | gnuplot | [[][gnuplot]], [[][gnuplot-mode]] |
| Haskell | org-babel-doc-haskell | haskell | [[][haskell]], [[][haskell-mode]], [[][inf-haskell]], [[][lhs2tex]] |
| Matlab | [[file:languages/][org-babel-doc-octave-matlab]] | matlab | matlab, [[][matlab.el]] |
| LaTeX | [[file:languages/][org-babel-doc-latex]] | latex | [[][latex]], [[][auctex]], [[][reftex]] |
| Objective Caml | org-babel-doc-ocaml | ocaml | [[][ocaml]], [[][tuareg-mode]] |
| Octave | [[file:languages/][org-babel-doc-octave-matlab]] | octave | octave |
| OZ | [[file:languages/][org-babel-doc-oz]] | oz | [[][Mozart]] which includes a major mode |
| Perl | org-babel-doc-perl | perl | [[][perl]], [[][cperl-mode]] (optional) |
| Python | org-babel-doc-python | python | [[][python]], [[][python-mode]] (optional) |
| R | [[file:languages/][org-babel-doc-R]] | R | [[][R]], [[][ess-mode]] |
| Ruby | org-babel-doc-ruby | ruby | [[][ruby]], [[][irb]], [[][ruby-mode]], [[][inf-ruby mode]] |
| Sass | org-babel-doc-sass | sass | [[][sass]], [[][sass-mode]] |
| GNU Screen | [[file:languages/][org-babel-doc-screen]] | screen | [[][screen]], a terminal |
| shell | org-babel-doc-sh | sh[fn:1] | a shell |
| SQL | org-babel-doc-sql | sql | none |
To add support for a particular language to your Org-babel
installation first make sure that the requirements of the language
are met, then add a line like the following to your Emacs
configuration, (replace "identifier" with one of the
entries in the Identifier column of the table).
(require 'org-babel-identifier)
@end example
@section Header Arguments
:CUSTOM_ID: header-arguments
Definitions of all Org-babel header arguments are given [[header-argument-specific-documentation][below]]. In
addition, some languages may add their own header arguments. Please
see the language-specific documentation for information on
language-specific header arguments.
@subsection Using Header Arguments
The values of header arguments can be set in three different ways,
each more specific than the last.
@subsubsection System-wide
:CUSTOM_ID: system-wide-header-argument
System-wide values of header arguments can be specified by
customizing the =org-babel-default-header-args= variable:
org-babel-default-header-args is a variable defined in `org-babel.el'.
Its value is
((:session . "none")
(:results . "replace")
(:exports . "code")
(:cache . "no")
(:noweb . "no"))
Default arguments to use when evaluating a source block.
@end example
For example, the following example could be used to set the default value
of =:noweb= header arguments to =yes=. This would have the effect of
expanding =:noweb= references by default when evaluating source code blocks.
(setq org-babel-default-header-args
(cons '(:noweb . "yes")
(assq-delete-all :noweb org-babel-default-header-args)))
@end example
@subsubsection Org-mode Properties
Header arguments are also read from [[][Org-mode properties]], which
means they can be set on the outline header level. For example, the
value of the =:cache= header argument will default to true in all
source code blocks under the following example of an Org-mode outline header:
* outline header
:cache: yes
:CUSTOM_ID: property-set-header-arguments
@end example
Properties defined in this way override the properties set in
=org-babel-default-header-args=. It is convenient to use the
=org-set-property= function bound to =C-c C-x p= to set properties
in Org-mode documents.
@subsubsection Source Code Block
:CUSTOM_ID: single-block-header-arguments
The most common way to assign values to header arguments is at the
source code block level. This can be done by listing a sequence of
header arguments and their values as part of the =#+begin_src=
line. Properties set in this way override both the values of
=org-babel-default-header-args= and header argument specified as
properties. In the following example, the
=:results= header argument is set to =silent=, meaning the results
of execution will not be inserted in the buffer, and the =:exports=
header argument is set to =code=, meaning only the body of the
source code block
will be preserved on export to HTML or LaTeX.
#+source: factorial
#+begin_src haskell :results silent :exports code
fac 0 = 1
fac n = n * fac (n-1)
@end example
@subsection Specific Header Arguments
:CUSTOM_ID: header-argument-specific-documentation
@subsubsection =:var=
:CUSTOM_ID: header-argument-var
The =:var= header argument is used to pass arguments to
source code blocks. The specifics of how arguments are included
in a source code block are language specific and are
addressed in the language-specific documentation. However, the
syntax used to specify arguments is the same across all
languages. The values passed to arguments can be or
- literal values
- values from org-mode tables
- the results of other source code blocks
These values can be indexed in a manner similar to arrays -- see
[[var-argument-indexing][argument indexing]].
The following syntax is used to pass arguments to source code
blocks using the =:var= header argument.
:var name=assign
@end example
where =assign= can take one of the following forms
- literal value :: either a string ="string"= or a number =9=.
- reference :: a table name:
#+tblname: example-table
| 1 |
| 2 |
| 3 |
| 4 |
#+source: table-length
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :var table=example-table
(length table)
#+results: table-length
: 4
@end example
a source code block name, as assigned by =#+srcname:=,
followed by parentheses:
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :var length=table-length()
(* 2 length)
: 8
@end example
In addition, an argument can be passed to the source code
block referenced by =:var=. The argument is passed within
the parentheses following the source code block name:
#+source: double
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :var input=8
(* 2 input)
#+results: double
: 16
#+source: squared
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :var input=double(input=1)
(* input input)
#+results: squared
: 4
@end example
@subsubheading alternate argument syntax
:CUSTOM_ID: alternate-argument-syntax
It is also possible to specify arguments in a potentially more
natural way using the =#+source:= line of a source code block.
As in the following example arguments can be packed inside of
parenthesis following the source name.
#+source: double(input=0)
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(* 2 input)
@end example
**** indexable variable values
:CUSTOM_ID: var-argument-indexing
It is possible to assign a portion of a value to a
variable in a source block. The following example
assigns the second and third rows of the table
=example-table= to the variable =data=:
:var data=example-table[1:2]
@end example
*Note:* ranges are indexed using the =:= operator.
*Note:* indices are 0 based.
The following example assigns the second column of the
first row of =example-table= to =data=:
:var data=example-table[0,1]
@end example
It is possible to index into the results of source code blocks
as well as tables. Any number of dimensions can be indexed.
Dimensions are separated from one another by commas.
For more information on indexing behavior see the documentation
for the =org-babel-ref-index-list= function -- provided below.
org-babel-ref-index-list is a Lisp function in `org-babel-ref.el'.
(org-babel-ref-index-list INDEX LIS)
Return the subset of LIS indexed by INDEX. If INDEX is
separated by ,s then each PORTION is assumed to index into the
next deepest nesting or dimension. A valid PORTION can consist
of either an integer index, or two integers separated by a : in
which case the entire range is returned.
@end example
*Note:* In Emacs, the documentation for any function or variable
can be read using the =describe-function= (M-x describe
function) and =describe-variable= (M-x describe variable)
functions, respectively.
@subsubsection =:results=
:CUSTOM_ID: header-argument-results
There are three types of results header argument:
- *collection* header arguments specify how the results should be collected from
the source code block;
- *type* header arguments specify what type of result the source code block
will return -- which has implications for how they will be
inserted into the Org-mode buffer; and
- *handling* header arguments specify how the results of
evaluating the source code block should be handled.
*Note:* only one option from each type may be supplied per source code
@subsubheading collection
:CUSTOM_ID: header-argument-results-collection
The following options are mutually exclusive, and specify how the
results should be collected from the source code block.
- value :: This is the default. The result is the value
of the last statement in the source code block.
This header argument places Org-babel in functional
mode. Note that in some languages, e.g., python,
use of this result type requires that a =return=
statement be included in the body of the source code
block. E.g., =:results value=.
- output :: The result is the collection of everything printed
to stdout during the execution of the source code
block. This header argument places Org-babel in scripting
mode. E.g., =:results output=.
@subsubheading type
The following options are mutually exclusive and specify what
type of results the code block will return. By default, results
are inserted as either a *table* or *scalar* depending on their
- table, vector :: The results should be interpreted as an Org-mode table.
If a single value is returned, Org-babel will convert it
into a table with one row and one column. E.g., =:results
value table=.
- scalar, verbatim :: The results should be interpreted
literally -- meaning they will not be converted into a table.
The results will be inserted into the Org-mode buffer as
quoted text. E.g., =:results value verbatim=.
- file :: The results will be interpreted as the path to a file,
and will be inserted into the Org-mode buffer as a file
link. E.g., =:results value file=.
- raw, org :: The results are interpreted as raw Org-mode code and
are inserted directly into the buffer. If the results look
like a table they will be aligned as such by Org-mode.
E.g., =:results value raw=.
- html :: Results are assumed to be HTML and will be enclosed in
a =begin_html= block. E.g., =:results value html=.
- latex :: Results assumed to be LaTeX and are enclosed in a
=begin_latex= block. E.g., =:results value latex=.
- code :: Result are assumed to be parseable code and are
enclosed in a code block. E.g., =:results value code=.
- pp :: The result is converted to pretty-printed code and is
enclosed in a code block. This option currently supports
Emacs Lisp, python, and ruby. E.g., =:results value pp=.
@subsubheading handling
The following results options indicate what Org-babel should do
with the results once they are collected.
- silent :: The results will be echoed in the minibuffer but
will not be inserted into the Org-mode buffer. E.g.,
=:results output silent=.
- replace :: The default value. The results will be inserted
into the Org-mode buffer. E.g., =:results output
@subsubsection =:file=
:CUSTOM_ID: header-argument-file
=:file= is used to specify a path for file output in which case an
[[][org style]] =file:= link is inserted into the buffer as the
result. Common examples are graphical output from [[file:languages/][R]], gnuplot,
ditaa and [[file:languages/][latex]] blocks.
See the [[#header-argument-dir][=:dir= and remote execution]] section for examples.
Note that for some languages, including [[file:languages/][R]], gnuplot, [[file:languages/][latex]] and
ditaa, graphical output is sent to the specified file without the
file being referenced explicitly in the code block. See the
documentation for the individual languages for details. In
contrast, general purpose languages such as python and ruby
require that the code explicitly create output corresponding to
the path indicated by =:file=.
While the =:file= header argument can be used to specify the path
to the output file,
@subsubsection =:dir= and remote execution
:CUSTOM_ID: header-argument-dir
=:dir= specifies the /default directory/ during code block
execution. If it is absent, then the directory associated with the
current buffer is used. In other words, supplying =:dir path=
temporarily has the same effect as changing the current directory
with =M-x cd path=, and then not supplying =:dir=. Under the
surface, =:dir= simply sets the value of the emacs variable
When using =:dir=, you should supply a relative path for [[#header-argument-file][file
output]] (e.g. =:file myfile.jpg= or =:file results/myfile.jpg=) in
which case that path will be interpreted relative to the default
In other words, if you want your plot to go into a folder called
Work in your home directory, you could use
#+begin_src R :file myplot.png :dir ~/Work
matplot(matrix(rnorm(100), 10), type="l")
@end example
@subsubheading Remote execution
A directory on a remote machine can be specified using [[][tramp
filename syntax]], in which case the code will be executed on the
remote machine[fn:2]. An example is
#+begin_src R :file plot.png :dir /
plot(1:10, main=system("hostname", intern=TRUE))
@end example
Text results will be returned to the local org buffer as normal, and
file output will be created on the remote machine with relative paths
interpreted relative to the remote directory. An org link to the
remote file will be created.
So in the above example a plot will be created on the remote machine,
and a link of the following form will be inserted in the org buffer:
@end example
Most of this functionality follows immediately from the fact that
=:dir= sets the value of the emacs variable =default-directory=,
thanks to [[][tramp]]. Those using XEmacs, or GNU Emacs prior to
version 23 may need to install tramp separately in order for the
above features to work correctly.
@subsubheading Further points
- If =:dir= is used in conjunction with =:session=, although it
will determine the starting directory for a new session as
expected, no attempt is currently made to alter the directory
associated with an existing session.
- =:dir= should typically not be used to create files during
export with =:exports results= or =:exports both=. The reason
is that, in order to retain portability of exported material
between machines, during export, links inserted into the buffer
will *not* be expanded against default directory. Therefore, if
default-directory is altered using =:dir=, it it probable that
the file will be created in a location to which the link does
not point.
@subsubsection =:exports=
:CUSTOM_ID: header-argument-exports
Specify what should be included in HTML or LaTeX exports of the
Org-mode file.
- code :: the default. The body of code is included
into the exported file. E.g., =:exports code=.
- results :: the result of evaluating the code is included in the
exported file. E.g., =:exports results=.
- both :: both the code and results are included in the exported
file. E.g., =:exports both=.
- none :: nothing is included in the exported file. E.g.,
=:exports none=.
@subsubsection =:tangle=
:CUSTOM_ID: tangle-header-arguments
Specify whether or not the source code block should be included
in tangled extraction of source code files.
- yes :: the source code block is exported to a source code file
named after the basename (name w/o extension) of the
Org-mode file. E.g., =:tangle yes=.
- no :: the default. The source code block is not
exported to a source code file. E.g., =:tangle no=.
- other :: Any other string passed to the =:tangle= header argument
is interpreted as a file basename to which the block will
be exported. E.g., =:tangle basename=.
@subsubsection =:session=
:CUSTOM_ID: header-argument-session
Start a session for an interpreted language where state is
preserved. This applies particularly to the supported languages
python, R and ruby.
By default, a session is not started.
A string passed to the =:session= header argument will give the
session a name. This makes it possible to run concurrent
sessions for each interpreted language.
@subsubsection =:noweb=
:CUSTOM_ID: header-argument-noweb
Controls the expansion of [[noweb-reference-syntax][noweb syntax]] references in a
source code block. This header argument can have one of two
values: =yes= or =no=.
- =no= :: the default. No [[noweb-reference-syntax][noweb syntax]] specific action is taken
on evaluating source code blocks/ However, noweb references
will still be expanded during tangling.
- =yes= :: all [[noweb-reference-syntax][noweb syntax]] references in the body of the source
code block will be expanded before the block is evaluated.
@subsubheading Noweb Prefix Lines
Noweb insertions are now placed behind the line prefix of the
This behavior is illustrated in the following example. Because
the =<<example>>= noweb reference appears behind the SQL
comment syntax, each line of the expanded noweb reference will
be commented.
This source code block:
-- <<example>>
@end example
expands to:
-- this is the
-- multi-line body of example
@end example
Note that noweb replacement text that does *not* contain any
newlines will not be affected by this change, so it is still
possible to use inline noweb references.
Thanks to Sébastien Vauban for this idea.
@subsubsection =:cache=
:CUSTOM_ID: header-argument-cache
Controls the use of in-buffer caching of source code block
results to avoid re-running unchanged source code blocks. This
header argument can have one of two values: =yes= or =no=.
- =no= :: The default. No caching takes place and the source
code block will be run every time it is executed.
- =yes= :: every time the source code block is run a sha1 hash of
the code and arguments passed to the block will be
generated. This hash is packed into the =#+results:= line
of the results and will be checked on subsequent executions
of the source code block. If the source code block has not
changed since the last time it was evaluated, it will not be
@section Results
:CUSTOM_ID: results-specification
The way in which results are handled depends on whether a [[header-argument-session][session]]
is invoked, as well as on whether
[[header-argument-results-collection][=:results value=] or
[[header-argument-results-collection][=:results output=]] is used. The following table shows the
| | non-session (default) | =:session= |
| =:results value= | value of last expression | value of last expression |
| =:results output= | contents of stdout | concatenation of interpreter output |
*Note:* With =:results value=, the result in both =:session= and
non-session is returned to Org-mode as a table (a one- or
two-dimensional vector of strings or numbers) when appropriate.
@subsection Non-session
@subsubsection =:results value=
This is the default. Internally, the value is obtained by
wrapping the code in a function definition in the external
language, and evaluating that function. Therefore, code should be
written as if it were the body of such a function. In particular,
note that python does not automatically return a value from a
function unless a =return= statement is present, and so a
'return' statement will usually be required in python.
This is the only one of the four evaluation contexts in which the
code is automatically wrapped in a function definition.
@subsubsection =:results output=
The code is passed to the interpreter as an external process, and
the contents of the standard output stream are returned as
text. (In certain languages this also contains the error output
stream; this is an area for future work.)
@subsection =:session=
@subsubsection =:results value=
The code is passed to the interpreter running as an interactive
Emacs inferior process. The result returned is the result of the
last evaluation performed by the interpreter. (This is obtained in
a language-specific manner: the value of the variable =_= in
python and ruby, and the value of =.Last.value= in R).
@subsubsection =:results output=
The code is passed to the interpreter running as an interactive
Emacs inferior process. The result returned is the concatenation
of the sequence of (text) output from the interactive
interpreter. Notice that this is not necessarily the same as what
would be sent to stdout if the same code were passed to a
non-interactive interpreter running as an external process. For
example, compare the following two blocks:
#+begin_src python :results output
print "hello"
print "bye"
: hello
: bye
@end example
In non-session mode, the '2' is not printed and does not appear.
#+begin_src python :results output :session
print "hello"
print "bye"
: hello
: 2
: bye
@end example
But in =:session= mode, the interactive interpreter receives input '2'
and prints out its value, '2'. (Indeed, the other print statements are
unnecessary here).
@section Noweb Reference Syntax
:CUSTOM_ID: noweb-reference-syntax
The [[][Noweb]] Literate Programming system allows named blocks of code to
be referenced by using the familiar Noweb syntax:
: <<code-block-name>>
Noweb references are handled differently during evaluation and
When a document is tangled, Noweb references are replaced with the
named source code block.
When a source code block is evaluated, the action depends upon the
value of the =:noweb= header argument. If =:noweb yes=, then a
Noweb reference is expanded before evaluation. If =:noweb no=,
the default, then the reference is not expanded before
*Note:* the default value, =:noweb no=, was chosen to ensure that
Org-babel does not break correct code in a language, such as Ruby,
where =<<arg>>= is a syntactically valid construct. If =<<arg>>= is
not syntactically valid in languages that you use, then please
consider [[*System%20wide][setting the default value]].
An example that uses the Noweb reference syntax is provided in the
[[literate programming example]].
@section Key Bindings & Useful Functions
Org-babel re-binds many common Org-mode key sequences depending on
the context. Within a source-code block the following sequences
are rebound:
| =C-c C-c= | [[function-org-babel-execute][org-babel-execute-src-block]] |
| =C-c C-o= | [[function-org-babel-open-src-block-result][org-babel-open-src-block-result]] |
| =C-up= | [[function-org-babel-load-in-session][org-babel-load-in-session]] |
| =M-down= | [[function-org-babel-pop-to-session][org-babel-pop-to-session]] |
Org-babel also exposes a number of functions behind the common
=org-babel-key-prefix= of =C-c M-b=:
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :exports none
(lambda (binding
(list (format "\\C-c \\M-b %s"
(car binding))
(format "[[function-%s][%s]]"
(cdr binding) (cdr binding))))
@end example
| =C-c M-b t= | [[function-org-babel-tangle][org-babel-tangle]] |
| =C-c M-b T= | [[function-org-babel-tangle-file][org-babel-tangle-file]] |
| =C-c M-b e= | [[function-org-babel-execute-src-block][org-babel-execute-src-block]] |
| =C-c M-b s= | [[function-org-babel-execute-subtree][org-babel-execute-subtree]] |
| =C-c M-b b= | [[function-org-babel-execute-buffer][org-babel-execute-buffer]] |
| =C-c M-b h= | [[function-org-babel-sha1-hash][org-babel-sha1-hash]] |
| =C-c M-b g= | [[function-org-babel-goto-named-source-block][org-babel-goto-named-source-block]] |
| =C-c M-b l= | [[function-org-babel-lob-ingest][org-babel-lob-ingest]] |
@subsection Functions
@subsubsection org-babel-execute-src-block
:CUSTOM_ID: function-org-babel-execute-src-block
org-babel-execute-src-block is an interactive Lisp function in
(org-babel-execute-src-block &optional ARG INFO PARAMS)
Execute the current source code block, and insert the results
into the buffer. Source code execution and the collection and
formatting of results can be controlled through a variety of
header arguments.
Optionally supply a value for INFO in the form returned by
Optionally supply a value for PARAMS which will be merged with
the header arguments specified at the front of the source code
@end example
@subsubsection org-babel-open-src-block-result
:CUSTOM_ID: function-org-babel-open-src-block-result
org-babel-open-src-block-result is an interactive Lisp function in
(org-babel-open-src-block-result &optional RE-RUN)
If `point' is on a src block then open the results of the
source code block, otherwise return nil. With optional prefix
argument RE-RUN the source-code block is evaluated even if
results already exist.
@end example
@subsubsection org-babel-load-in-session
:CUSTOM_ID: function-org-babel-load-in-session
org-babel-load-in-session is an interactive Lisp function in
(org-babel-load-in-session &optional ARG INFO)
Load the body of the current source-code block. Evaluate the
header arguments for the source block before entering the
session. After loading the body this pops open the session.
@end example
@subsubsection org-babel-pop-to-session
:CUSTOM_ID: function-org-babel-pop-to-session
org-babel-pop-to-session is an interactive Lisp function in
(org-babel-pop-to-session &optional ARG INFO)
Pop to the session of the current source-code block. If
called with a prefix argument then evaluate the header arguments
for the source block before entering the session. Copy the body
of the source block to the kill ring.
@end example
@subsubsection org-babel-tangle
:CUSTOM_ID: function-org-babel-tangle
org-babel-tangle is an interactive Lisp function in
It is bound to C-c M-b t.
(org-babel-tangle &optional TARGET-FILE LANG)
Extract the bodies of all source code blocks from the current
file into their own source-specific files. Optional argument
TARGET-FILE can be used to specify a default export file for all
source blocks. Optional argument LANG can be used to limit the
exported source code blocks by language.
@end example
@subsubsection org-babel-execute-subtree
:CUSTOM_ID: function-org-babel-execute-subtree
org-babel-execute-subtree is an interactive Lisp function in
It is bound to C-c M-b s.
(org-babel-execute-subtree &optional ARG)
Replace EVAL snippets in the entire subtree.
@end example
@subsubsection org-babel-execute-buffer
:CUSTOM_ID: function-org-babel-execute-buffer
org-babel-execute-buffer is an interactive Lisp function in
It is bound to C-c M-b b.
(org-babel-execute-buffer &optional ARG)
Replace EVAL snippets in the entire buffer.
@end example
@subsubsection org-babel-sha1-hash
:CUSTOM_ID: function-org-babel-sha1-hash
org-babel-sha1-hash is an interactive Lisp function in `org-babel.el'.
It is bound to C-c M-b h.
(org-babel-sha1-hash &optional INFO)
Not documented.
@end example
@subsubsection org-babel-goto-named-source-block
:CUSTOM_ID: function-org-babel-goto-named-source-block
org-babel-goto-named-source-block is an interactive Lisp function in
It is bound to C-c M-b g.
(org-babel-goto-named-source-block &optional NAME)
Go to a named source-code block.
@end example
@subsubsection org-babel-lob-ingest
:CUSTOM_ID: function-org-babel-lob-ingest
org-babel-lob-ingest is an interactive Lisp function in
It is bound to C-c M-b l.
(org-babel-lob-ingest &optional FILE)
Add all source-blocks defined in FILE to `org-babel-library-of-babel'.
@end example
@section Batch Execution
It is possible to call Org-babel functions from the command line.
This shell script calls [[function-org-babel-tangle][org-babel-tangle]] on every one of its
Be sure to adjust the paths to fit your system.
# -*- mode: shell-script -*-
# tangle a file with org-babel
# wrap each argument in the code required to call tangle on it
for i in $@@; do
FILES="$FILES \"$i\""
emacsclient \
--eval "(progn
(add-to-list 'load-path (expand-file-name \"~/src/org/lisp/\"))
(add-to-list 'load-path (expand-file-name \"~/src/org/contrib/lisp/\"))
(require 'org)(require 'org-exp)(require 'org-babel)
(mapc (lambda (file)
(find-file (expand-file-name file \"$DIR\"))
(kill-buffer)) '($FILES)))"
@end example
@section Footnotes
[fn:1] The former use of the =shell= identifier is now deprecated.
[fn:2] As long as the interpreter executable is found on the remote
machine: see the variable =tramp-remote-path=