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<h1 class="title"><i>This Month in Org</i>&ensp;<a href=""><img src="org-icon.svg" style="height:1.2em;position:relative;top:0.25em"></h1></a>
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Interested in <b><a href="">Org</a></b> but not enough to monitor the <a href="">mailing list</a>? In this blog I
digest developments, and each month regurgitate what I consider the highlights,
along with anything else Org-related I consider nifty.
Posts are published in <kbd>.html</kbd>, <kbd>.org</kbd>, <kbd>.org.html</kbd>, <kbd>.txt</kbd>, and <kbd>.pdf</kbd> forms &#x2014; because why not 😛
<div id="outline-container-htmla-href2022-05" class="outline-2">
<h2 id="htmla-href2022-05"><a href='2022-05-31-folding.html' style='text-decoration:none;color:inherit'> May 2022 <span class='tag'><span>2022-05-31</span></span></a><a aria-hidden="true" href="#htmla-href2022-05">#</a> </h2>
<div class="outline-text-2" id="text-htmla-href2022-05">
Finding time as of late has been more difficult than I anticipated, and on top
of that, just as I was thinking of writing last month&rsquo;s post, I got distracted
by an exciting patchset that has been in the works for over a year finally
getting sorted out and landing. So, I hope that some of the fun developments in
this post will make up the absense of the last one 🙂.
Since it&rsquo;s been longer than I thought since the last standard post, we&rsquo;ve got a
fair few commits to catch up on &#x2014; about 200. Most of these are miscellaneous
minor improvements and bugfixes, but a few notable changes have arrived too.
<div id="outline-container-folding" class="outline-3">
<h3 id="folding">Folding<a aria-hidden="true" href="#folding">#</a> </h3>
<div class="outline-text-3" id="text-folding">
The fabulous new folding engine (<kbd>org-fold-core</kbd>) should noticeably improve Org&rsquo;s
performance with large files. It contains a number of key optimisations to
improve speed, namely:
<ul class="org-ul">
<li>Deferring fontification of folded regions</li>
<li>Using text properties (\(\mathcal{O}(n \log n)\)) instead of overlays (\(\mathcal{O}(n^2)\)) for folded regions</li>
<li>A collection of aggressive optimisations available under <code>org-fold-core--optimise-for-huge-buffers</code></li>
<li>Convert text properties to overlays for <kbd>isearch</kbd> (which currently only supports overlays)</li>
How noticeable is the overall performance impact? Well, I poked Ihor and he was
kind enough to whip up some benchmarks.
<figure id="org5f7eeef">
<img src="figures/org-fold-perf-shifttab-contents.svg" alt="org-fold-perf-shifttab-contents.svg" class="invertible">
<figcaption><span class="figure-number">Figure 1: </span>The scaling of <code>org-shifttab</code> showing file contents, as file size increases, with and without org-fold.</figcaption>
<figure id="org85a331e">
<img src="figures/org-fold-perf-shifttab-showall.svg" alt="org-fold-perf-shifttab-showall.svg" class="invertible">
<figcaption><span class="figure-number">Figure 2: </span>The scaling of <code>org-shifttab</code> showing the entire file, as file size increases, with and without org-fold.</figcaption>
Well this looks very promising<sup><a id="fnr.1" class="footref" href="#fn.1" role="doc-backlink">1</a></sup>! Let&rsquo;s see how much of an improvement this is overall.
<div id='folding,table--1' class='table'>
<div class='gutter'><a href='#folding,table--1'>#</a></div>
<div class='tabular'>
<caption class="t-above"><span class="table-number">Table 1:</span> Time to run <kbd>org-shifttab</kbd> twice, cycling through all three display modes (in seconds).</caption>
<col class="org-right">
<col class="org-right">
<col class="org-right">
<col class="org-right">
<col class="org-right">
<th scope="col" class="org-right">File size (Mb)</th>
<th scope="col" class="org-right">Headings (thousands)</th>
<th scope="col" class="org-right">Bugfix (no org-fold)</th>
<th scope="col" class="org-right">Main (with org-fold)</th>
<th scope="col" class="org-right">Improvement</th>
<td class="org-right">18</td>
<td class="org-right">36</td>
<td class="org-right">115.31</td>
<td class="org-right">0.89</td>
<td class="org-right">99%</td>
<td class="org-right">8.8</td>
<td class="org-right">24</td>
<td class="org-right">19.03</td>
<td class="org-right">0.48</td>
<td class="org-right">97%</td>
<td class="org-right">4.4</td>
<td class="org-right">5</td>
<td class="org-right">3.79</td>
<td class="org-right">0.13</td>
<td class="org-right">97%</td>
<td class="org-right">2.2</td>
<td class="org-right">2</td>
<td class="org-right">1.29</td>
<td class="org-right">0.08</td>
<td class="org-right">94%</td>
<td class="org-right">1.1</td>
<td class="org-right">1</td>
<td class="org-right">0.50</td>
<td class="org-right">0.045</td>
<td class="org-right">91%</td>
</div> </div>
To be clear, even the smallest file in this data &#x2014; a 1.1 Mb Org file with around
a thousand headings, is fairly large. So, it&rsquo;s unlikely you&rsquo;ll notice much of a
difference with small&#x2013;medium files, but if you a few large+ files this should
be a <i>fantastic</i> improvement. Once again, thanks Ihor!
<div class="warning" id="orgf04c853">
The change to text properties instead of overlays breaks a number of third party
packages like <kbd>evil-search</kbd> and <kbd>consult</kbd>&rsquo;s <code>consult-line</code>.
If you are involved in any packages affected by this, you&rsquo;ll either want to
consider supporting invisible text, or look at <code>isearch-filter-predicate</code> and
<code>isearch-mode-end-hook</code>, which <kbd>org-fold</kbd> now uses.
If you&rsquo;re an end-user, perhaps politely make an issue on the repo for a project
<i>if no issue currently exists</i>, and either:
<ul class="org-ul">
<li>Stay off Org&rsquo;s bleeding edge till the package ecosystem has adapted to this change</li>
<li>Help the packages you use adapt to this change</li>
<li>Set <code>org-fold-core-style</code> to <code>overlays</code> to restore the old behaviour</li>
<div id="outline-container--engraved-source" class="outline-3">
<h3 id="-engraved-source"><i>Engraved</i> source code blocks in LaTeX<a aria-hidden="true" href="#-engraved-source">#</a> </h3>
<div class="outline-text-3" id="text--engraved-source">
All too often exporting code to LaTeX has been a disappointment, with lovely
syntax highlighting from Emacs major modes replaced with a markedly inferior
attempt by pygments (setting <code>org-latex-listings</code> to <code>minted</code>) in a colour scheme I
don&rsquo;t really like.
A bit over a year ago, a project called <a href="">engrave-faces</a> started with the aim of
making Emacs&rsquo; font-lock more exportable, like a generalised <kbd>htmlize.el</kbd>. This has
recently been used to provide a new option for inline and block source code
exports in LaTeX.
<figure id="org6f97a57">
<img src="figures/engraved-faces-sample.png" alt="engraved-faces-sample.png" class="invertible">
<figcaption><span class="figure-number">Figure 3: </span>A screenshot of an Org code block, exported to a <span class='acr'>PDF</span>, using <kbd>engrave-faces</kbd> and the <kbd>doom-one-light</kbd> theme.</figcaption>
To use this, simply install the package and set <code>org-latex-src-block-backend</code> (a
rename of <code>org-latex-listings</code> to better reflect its usage) to <code>engraved</code>.
While this is sufficient to get started, this new backend also allows for some
new options. The theme used for <i>engraving</i> a source block can be set globally
with the new variable <code>org-latex-engraved-theme</code>, or per-file with the
<kbd>#+latex_engraved_theme</kbd> keyword. It takes either the name of a theme, or the
symbol <kbd>t</kbd> as a stand-in for the current theme.
The theme can also be set on a per-block level using the LaTeX attribute
<figure id="org4246951">
<img src="figures/engraved-faces-multitheme.png" alt="engraved-faces-multitheme.png">
<figcaption><span class="figure-number">Figure 4: </span>Seven code blocks exported to LaTeX, each with a different engrave-faces theme.</figcaption>
Here&rsquo;s what using these new capabilities looks like in practice.
<details id='-engraved-source,code--1' class='code' open><summary><span class="lang">Org mode</span></summary>
<div class='gutter'>
<a href='#-engraved-source,code--1'>#</a>
<button title='Copy to clipboard' onclick='copyPreToClipbord(this)'></button> </div>
<div class="org-src-container">
<pre class="src src-org"><span class="org-org-document-info-keyword">#+title:</span> <span class="org-org-document-title">Engraving source blocks</span>
<span class="org-org-meta-line">#+latex_engraved_theme: modus-operandi</span>
<span class="org-org-block-begin-line">#+begin_src emacs-lisp</span>
<span class="org-org-block">(message </span><span class="org-org-block"><span class="org-string">"look ma, some %s"</span></span><span class="org-org-block"> 'code)</span>
<span class="org-org-block-end-line">#+end_src</span>
<span class="org-org-meta-line">#+attr_latex: :engraved-theme modus-viviandi</span>
<span class="org-org-block-begin-line">#+begin_src shell</span>
<span class="org-org-block"><span class="org-type">echo</span></span><span class="org-org-block"> </span><span class="org-org-block"><span class="org-string">"This is shell code"</span></span>
<span class="org-org-block-end-line">#+end_src</span>
This may well be the best syntax-highlighting solution available for <span class='acr'>PDF</span><small>s</small>/LaTeX
currently available, but I am a tad biased 😛.
<div id="outline-container-texinfo-export-improvements" class="outline-3">
<h3 id="texinfo-export-improvements">TexInfo export improvements<a aria-hidden="true" href="#texinfo-export-improvements">#</a> </h3>
<div class="outline-text-3" id="text-texinfo-export-improvements">
Jonas Bernoulli has been using a custom TexInfo backend for Magit&rsquo;s
documentation for a while now, and over the past few months he&rsquo;s worked the
features he was missing into Org&rsquo;s built-in TexInfo exporter.
Upstreaming like this always takes a fair bit of effort, so thank you Jonas for
going through with this!
<div id="outline-container-toggle-noweb-prefix" class="outline-3">
<h3 id="toggle-noweb-prefix">Toggle noweb prefix handling<a aria-hidden="true" href="#toggle-noweb-prefix">#</a> </h3>
<div class="outline-text-3" id="text-toggle-noweb-prefix">
Previously, whenever a noweb reference appeared on a non-empty line, a
multi-line replacement would duplicate the content before the noweb reference.
Clearly, this is not always desirable, and this behaviour can now be turned of
by setting the new header argument <kbd>:noweb-prefix no</kbd>.
<details id='toggle-noweb-prefix,code--1' class='code' open><summary><span class="lang">Org mode</span></summary>
<div class='gutter'>
<a href='#toggle-noweb-prefix,code--1'>#</a>
<button title='Copy to clipboard' onclick='copyPreToClipbord(this)'></button> </div>
<div class="org-src-container">
<pre class="src src-org"><span class="org-org-block-begin-line">#+begin_src emacs-lisp :noweb yes :noweb-prefix no</span>
<span class="org-org-block">(</span><span class="org-org-block"><span class="org-keyword">setq</span></span><span class="org-org-block"> example-data </span><span class="org-org-block"><span class="org-string">"&lt;&lt;example&gt;&gt;"</span></span><span class="org-org-block">)</span>
<span class="org-org-block-end-line">#+end_src</span>
Will now expand to
<span class="org-org-block-begin-line">#+begin_src emacs-lisp</span>
<span class="org-org-block">(</span><span class="org-org-block"><span class="org-keyword">setq</span></span><span class="org-org-block"> example-data </span><span class="org-org-block"><span class="org-string">"some</span></span>
<span class="org-org-block"><span class="org-string">multi-line</span></span>
<span class="org-org-block"><span class="org-string">content"</span></span><span class="org-org-block">)</span>
<span class="org-org-block-end-line">#+end_src</span>
Instead of
<span class="org-org-block-begin-line">#+begin_src emacs-lisp</span>
<span class="org-org-block">(</span><span class="org-org-block"><span class="org-keyword">setq</span></span><span class="org-org-block"> example-data </span><span class="org-org-block"><span class="org-string">"some</span></span>
<span class="org-org-block"><span class="org-string">(setq example-data "</span></span><span class="org-org-block">multiline</span>
<span class="org-org-block">(</span><span class="org-org-block"><span class="org-keyword">setq</span></span><span class="org-org-block"> example-data </span><span class="org-org-block"><span class="org-string">"content"</span></span><span class="org-org-block">)</span>
<span class="org-org-block-end-line">#+end_src</span>
<div id="outline-container-package-highlight-org" class="outline-3">
<h3 id="package-highlight-org">Package highlight: org-modern<a aria-hidden="true" href="#package-highlight-org">#</a> </h3>
<div class="outline-text-3" id="text-package-highlight-org">
I think we&rsquo;ve all <a href="">seen</a> <a href="">plenty</a> of <kbd>org-mode</kbd> <a href="">prettification</a> <a href="">packages</a> <a href="">before</a>, so
what makes Minad&rsquo;s <a href="">org-modern</a> special? It&rsquo;s actually doing something similar to
Ihor&rsquo;s org-fold improvements, switching out slower overlay-based approaches for
text properties. I can confirm that switching out <kbd>org-superstar-mode</kbd> for
<kbd>org-modern</kbd> has made a substantial improvement in my experience, halving the
first-load time of my <kbd></kbd> to around 20 seconds. If you&rsquo;re a fan of Org
prettification and haven&rsquo;t taken a look at this package, I highly recommend
giving it a shot.
<figure id="org23984dd">
<img src="figures/org-modern-readme-demo.gif" alt="org-modern-readme-demo.gif" class="invertible">
<figcaption><span class="figure-number">Figure 5: </span>A demonstration of org-modern taken from the project <span class='acr'>README</span>.</figcaption>
<div id="outline-container-other-improvements" class="outline-3">
<h3 id="other-improvements">Other improvements<a aria-hidden="true" href="#other-improvements">#</a> </h3>
<div class="outline-text-3" id="text-other-improvements">
<ul class="org-ul">
<li>Clean up some magic numbers in <kbd>org-attach</kbd> <span class="underline">Marco Wahl</span></li>
<li>Allow <i>any</i> command form in <code>org-attach-commands</code> (including keyboard macros)
<span class="underline">Marco Wahl</span></li>
<li>Allow <kbd>dest</kbd> in <code>org-list-send-item</code> to be a buffer position <span class="underline">Sacha Chua</span></li>
<li>Improve <span class='acr'>CSL</span>-<span class='acr'>JSON</span> date handling in <kbd>oc-basic</kbd> <span class="underline">David Lukes</span></li>
<li>Add <kbd>TOML</kbd> and <kbd>desktop</kbd> language aliases <span class="underline"><span class='acr'>TEC</span></span></li>
<li>Speed up cached bibliography retrieval in <kbd>oc-basic</kbd> <span class="underline">Ihor Radchenko</span></li>
<li>Allow setting PlantUML jar arguments <span class="underline">Ihor Radchenko</span></li>
<li>Allow for customisation of property separators with <code>org-property-separators</code>
<span class="underline">Tyler Grinn</span></li>
<li>New <kbd>ox-latex</kbd> maintainer, Daniel Fleischer</li>
<li>More unit tests <span class="underline">Kyle Keyer, Nick Dokos</span></li>
<li>Documentation improvements <span class="underline">Kyle Meyer, Juan Manuel Macias, Bastien, Karl
Fogel, Cody Harris</span></li>
<div id="outline-container-bugfixes" class="outline-3">
<h3 id="bugfixes">Bugfixes<a aria-hidden="true" href="#bugfixes">#</a> </h3>
<div class="outline-text-3" id="text-bugfixes">
<ul class="org-ul">
<li>An Emacs &lt;28 bug in <kbd>org-persist</kbd> <span class="underline">Ihor Radchenko</span></li>
<li>Author extraction in <kbd>oc-basic</kbd> <span class="underline">Nicolas Goaziou</span></li>
<li>Fix behaviour of <code>org-copy-visible</code> with adjacent tex and
<code>buffer-invisibility-spec</code> <span class="underline">Kyle Meyer</span></li>
<li>Parsing of inline footnotes with parentheses <span class="underline">Nicolas Goaziou</span></li>
<li>Honor <code>default-directory</code> in <kbd>ob-gnuplot</kbd> <span class="underline">Ihor Radchenko</span></li>
<li>Heading fontification bug <span class="underline">Anders Johansson</span></li>
<li>Template expansion where one key is a substring of another <span class="underline">Andrew Arensburger</span></li>
<div id="outline-container-htmla-href2022-04" class="outline-2">
<h2 id="htmla-href2022-04"><a href='2022-04-01-confluence.html' style='text-decoration:none;color:inherit'> Special Announcement <span class='tag'><span>2022-04-01</span></span></a><a aria-hidden="true" href="#htmla-href2022-04">#</a> </h2>
<div class="outline-text-2" id="text-htmla-href2022-04">
It <b>h</b>as become apparent to the Org Mode developers that Org is suffering from a
severe lack of enterprise adoption. To r<b>e</b>ctify this, we will be leveraging our
collective decades working on holistic human-markup interaction tools to rapid<b>l</b>y
pivot to what we believe to be the <i>true</i> markup format of the future &#x2014;
<a href="">Confluence Wiki Markup</a>.
With this <b>p</b>aradigm shift, you can look forward to a much more intuitive syntax,
empowering you to create next-generation agile documents.
To assist you in this <b>t</b>ransition, we&rsquo;ll give you a brief overview of the changes
you can expect. Text formatting is almost unaffected, with a few sensible
changes made to the surrounding c<b>h</b>aracters.
<a href="2022-04-01-confluence.html">Read more&#x2026;</a>
<div id="outline-container-htmla-href2022-02" class="outline-2">
<h2 id="htmla-href2022-02"><a href='2022-02-30-orgnvim.html' style='text-decoration:none;color:inherit'> February 2022 <span class='tag'><span>2022-02-30</span></span></a><a aria-hidden="true" href="#htmla-href2022-02">#</a> </h2>
<div class="outline-text-2" id="text-htmla-href2022-02">
Timothy (<span class='acr'>TEC</span>) here. This month we have a guest post from a different part of the
Org ecosystem, to highlight one of the most promising efforts to provide a good
experience outside Emacs.
<div class="link-preview"><a href=""><img src=""/><small></small><p><b>GitHub - nvim-orgmode/orgmode: Orgmode clone written in Lua for Neovim 0.7+.</b></br>Orgmode clone written in Lua for Neovim 0.7+. Contribute to nvim-orgmode/orgmode development by creating an account on GitHub.</p></a></div>
&ldquo;But I use Emacs, I don&rsquo;t care&rdquo; you may say. In that case, I&rsquo;d like to point out
that wider spread and better Org support enriches the Org ecosystem as a whole.
It makes the format more approachable, and <i>useful</i> for other people. This is good
for everybody.
Without any further ado, here&rsquo;s the guest post kindly written by Kristijan.
Like every beginner Vim user, at some point I ran into a usual editor war post:
Vim vs Emacs. At that time, I didn&rsquo;t have an idea what &ldquo;Emacs&rdquo; was.
<a href="2022-02-30-orgnvim.html">Read more&#x2026;</a>
<div id="outline-container-htmla-href2022-01" class="outline-2">
<h2 id="htmla-href2022-01"><a href='2022-01-31-caching.html' style='text-decoration:none;color:inherit'> January 2022 <span class='tag'><span>2022-01-31</span></span></a><a aria-hidden="true" href="#htmla-href2022-01">#</a> </h2>
<div class="outline-text-2" id="text-htmla-href2022-01">
There are less &ldquo;obvious user-facing changes&rdquo; this month, but a lot of good work
has been happening 🙂.
<div id="outline-container-cache-continues-make" class="outline-3">
<h3 id="cache-continues-make">The cache continues to make strides<a aria-hidden="true" href="#cache-continues-make">#</a> </h3>
<div class="outline-text-3" id="text-cache-continues-make">
Nine months ago, Ihor started working on the org-element cache. The cache has
existed for a while now, but it used to be too buggy to be useful.
This is no longer the case! We&rsquo;re finally confident enough to flip
<code>org-element-use-cache</code>&rsquo;s default from <code>nil</code> to <code>t</code>. I mentioned some of the
improvements in , however Ihor has continued to make strides with the
Getting the cache right is tough though, and so while the situation is much
improved there are still lingering bugs which need to be chased down. If you
only take one thing away from the post, I&rsquo;d like it to be this:
<a href="2022-01-31-caching.html">Read more&#x2026;</a>
<div id="outline-container-htmla-href2021-12" class="outline-2">
<h2 id="htmla-href2021-12"><a href='2021-12-31-retrospection.html' style='text-decoration:none;color:inherit'> December 2021 <span class='tag'><span>2021-12-31</span></span></a><a aria-hidden="true" href="#htmla-href2021-12">#</a> </h2>
<div class="outline-text-2" id="text-htmla-href2021-12">
Just over eight months ago, I kicked off <i>This Month in Org</i> with an emphatic
announcement of the blog&rsquo;s in the form of a <a href="2021-04-26-Welcome.html">Welcome</a> post. If you haven&rsquo;t
guessed, this is the first &ldquo;blog post&rdquo; I&rsquo;ve ever written. In that <i>welcome</i> post,
I gave my motivation for starting the blog &#x2014; essentially to bridge a perceived
gap in information sources between a subscription to the Org project mailing
list, and nothing.
That is why I thought this blog should exist, but until now I have neglected to
mention what <i>I</i> want to accomplish with it. By starting <i>TMiO</i> I hoped to:
<ul class="org-ul">
<li>Engage more people with the improvements being made to Org<sup>[1]</sup>.</li>
<li>Highlight some of the great work being done by Org<sup>[1]</sup> contributors.</li>
<li><a href="2021-12-31-retrospection.html">Read more&#x2026;</a></li>
<div id="outline-container-htmla-href2021-11" class="outline-2">
<h2 id="htmla-href2021-11"><a href='2021-11-30-element.html' style='text-decoration:none;color:inherit'> November 2021 <span class='tag'><span>2021-11-30</span></span></a><a aria-hidden="true" href="#htmla-href2021-11">#</a> </h2>
<div class="outline-text-2" id="text-htmla-href2021-11">
With a 9.5 release highlight post last month, and the month before skipped, it&rsquo;s
now <i>three months</i> since the last regular instalment of <span class='acr'>TMIO</span>. Let&rsquo;s get back up
to date on some of the latest happenings with Org.
<div id="outline-container-org-as-markup" class="outline-3">
<h3 id="org-as-markup">Org as markup<a aria-hidden="true" href="#org-as-markup">#</a> </h3>
<div class="outline-text-3" id="text-org-as-markup">
Looking at the wider ecosystem, it certainly appears that there is a growing
appetite for Org markup outside org-mode. More projects like <a href="">Hugo</a> and <a href="">Logseq</a>
seem to be interested in supporting Org markup, and there has been a recent
growth in editor extensions like Neovim&rsquo;s <a href="">orgmode.nvim</a> (started in March this
year) and Sublime Text&rsquo;s <a href="">OrgExtended</a> (started in June this year).
<a href="2021-11-30-element.html">Read more&#x2026;</a>
<div id="outline-container-htmla-href2021-10" class="outline-2">
<h2 id="htmla-href2021-10"><a href='2021-10-31-release.html' style='text-decoration:none;color:inherit'> October 2021 <span class='tag'><span>2021-10-31</span></span></a><a aria-hidden="true" href="#htmla-href2021-10">#</a> </h2>
<div class="outline-text-2" id="text-htmla-href2021-10">
Turns out that life became busy enough that instead of delaying, last month&rsquo;s
post had to be cancelled. We&rsquo;re now back to business as usual though 🙂.
There have been some cool recent developments in Org over the past two months,
but you&rsquo;ll have to learn about those is next month&rsquo;s edition as <i>Org 9.5 has been
released</i> 🎉. So, let&rsquo;s go over some of the changes I&rsquo;m most excited about, in no
particular order. To get a more complete picture of the latest changes, see
<a href=""><span class='acr'>ORG</span>-<span class='acr'>NEWS</span></a>.
<div id="outline-container-new-citation-engine" class="outline-3">
<h3 id="new-citation-engine">The new citation engine<a aria-hidden="true" href="#new-citation-engine">#</a> </h3>
<div class="outline-text-3" id="text-new-citation-engine">
<a href="2021-10-31-release.html">Read more&#x2026;</a>
<div id="outline-container-htmla-href2021-08" class="outline-2">
<h2 id="htmla-href2021-08"><a href='2021-08-38-roaming.html' style='text-decoration:none;color:inherit'> August 2021 <span class='tag'><span>2021-08-38</span></span></a><a aria-hidden="true" href="#htmla-href2021-08">#</a> </h2>
<div class="outline-text-2" id="text-htmla-href2021-08">
Dear readers, unfortunately I&rsquo;ve been unusually busy as of late, and will
continue to be for a bit over a month. As such, it&rsquo;s entirely likely that the
next post or two may <del>be late</del> make use of creative dates too.
In terms of Org development, we&rsquo;ve had a fairly slow month &#x2014; mostly tweaks and
fixes, concentrated on the new org-cite functionality. However, there have been
big developments with Roam as of late.
<div id="outline-container-org-roam-v2" class="outline-3">
<h3 id="org-roam-v2"><a href="">Org-roam v2</a><a aria-hidden="true" href="#org-roam-v2">#</a> </h3>
<div class="outline-text-3" id="text-org-roam-v2">
<a href="2021-08-38-roaming.html">Read more&#x2026;</a>
<div id="outline-container-htmla-href2021-07" class="outline-2">
<h2 id="htmla-href2021-07"><a href='2021-07-31-citations.html' style='text-decoration:none;color:inherit'> July 2021 <span class='tag'><span>2021-07-31</span></span></a><a aria-hidden="true" href="#htmla-href2021-07">#</a> </h2>
<div class="outline-text-2" id="text-htmla-href2021-07">
Last month I not-at-all-subtly hinted that a certain long-awaited feature was
arriving imminently. At this point, I think it&rsquo;s a good idea to set the tone for the rest of
this post.
<figure id="org71f0d97">
<img src="figures/celebrate-citations.svg" alt="celebrate-citations.svg" class="org-svg">
<div id="outline-container-citations" class="outline-3">
<h3 id="citations">Citations<a aria-hidden="true" href="#citations">#</a> </h3>
<div class="outline-text-3" id="text-citations">
<a href="2021-07-31-citations.html">Read more&#x2026;</a>
<div id="outline-container-htmla-href2021-06" class="outline-2">
<h2 id="htmla-href2021-06"><a href='2021-06-34-relaxed.html' style='text-decoration:none;color:inherit'> June 2021 <span class='tag'><span>2021-06-34</span></span></a><a aria-hidden="true" href="#htmla-href2021-06">#</a> </h2>
<div class="outline-text-2" id="text-htmla-href2021-06">
The previous two months have been pretty good for Org development &#x2014; with many
bug fixes and feature improvements. This month has been substantially slower
than the last<sup>[1]</sup>, but that&rsquo;s not to say not much is happening: in fact, there are
some rather nifty contributions lined up for the not-too-distant future and a
certain long-awaited feature branch<sup>[2]</sup> is getting very close to merging 😀.
You&rsquo;ll just have to stick around to hear about those in a future edition of <span class='acr'>TMIO</span> 😉.
<figure id="orgaecd1b1">
<img src="figures/dilbert-zenos-paradox.jpg" alt="dilbert-zenos-paradox.jpg" class="invertible">
<figcaption><span class="figure-number">Figure 6: </span>It&rsquo;s right around the corner, I swear!</figcaption>
<div id="outline-container-customise-reference-command" class="outline-3">
<h3 id="customise-reference-command">Customise the reference command used in LaTeX<a aria-hidden="true" href="#customise-reference-command">#</a> </h3>
<div class="outline-text-3" id="text-customise-reference-command">
<a href="2021-06-34-relaxed.html">Read more&#x2026;</a>
<div id="outline-container-htmla-href2021-05" class="outline-2">
<h2 id="htmla-href2021-05"><a href='2021-05-31-async.html' style='text-decoration:none;color:inherit'> May 2021 <span class='tag'><span>2021-05-31</span></span></a><a aria-hidden="true" href="#htmla-href2021-05">#</a> </h2>
<div class="outline-text-2" id="text-htmla-href2021-05">
<div id="outline-container-async-babel-sessions" class="outline-3">
<h3 id="async-babel-sessions">Async Babel sessions have landed<a aria-hidden="true" href="#async-babel-sessions">#</a> </h3>
<div class="outline-text-3" id="text-async-babel-sessions">
Jack Kamm has made a fantastic contribution to Org: <kbd>ob-comint.el</kbd> now supports
asynchronous output from source blocks <i>with full support for sessions</i> 🎉.
If you haven&rsquo;t used sessions before, you&rsquo;re in for a treat! By simply assigning
a named session to a source code block, e.g. <kbd>:session foo</kbd>, the same process will
be reused for any other code blocks that specify the <kbd>foo</kbd> session. To do this for
a certain language across the entire document, you can set the header argument
property, i.e.
<details id='async-babel-sessions,code--1' class='code' open><summary><span class="lang">Org mode</span></summary>
<div class='gutter'>
<a href='#async-babel-sessions,code--1'>#</a>
<button title='Copy to clipboard' onclick='copyPreToClipbord(this)'></button> </div>
<div class="org-src-container">
<pre class="src src-org"><span class="org-org-meta-line">#+property: header-args:lang :session foo</span>
Along with the asynchronous process communication in <kbd>ob-comint.el</kbd>, we have an
implementation for <b>Python</b>, and we should see support for <b>R</b> and <b>Ruby</b> in the
not-too-distant future 😍.
<a href="2021-05-31-async.html">Read more&#x2026;</a>
<div id="outline-container-htmla-href2021-04" class="outline-2">
<h2 id="htmla-href2021-04"><a href='2021-04-30-export-plot.html' style='text-decoration:none;color:inherit'> April 2021 <span class='tag'><span>2021-04-30</span></span></a><a aria-hidden="true" href="#htmla-href2021-04">#</a> </h2>
<div class="outline-text-2" id="text-htmla-href2021-04">
<div id="outline-container-discussion-contributor-support" class="outline-3">
<h3 id="discussion-contributor-support">A discussion on contributor support<a aria-hidden="true" href="#discussion-contributor-support">#</a> </h3>
<div class="outline-text-3" id="text-discussion-contributor-support">
Concerns <a href="">were raised</a><sup>[1]</sup> about some contributors&rsquo; patches languishing, and it not
being made clear how long it might take to get a response from someone.
In <a href="">response to this</a>, a the new role of <i>Contributor Steward</i> has been created to:
help ensure contributors get a timely response, help out with preliminary patch
feedback, and keep <a href=""></a> up to date.
Org now has three Contributor Stewards to ease the process for patch submitters
and core maintainers:
<ul class="org-ul">
<li>Timothy / <span class='acr'>TEC</span></li>
<li>Tim Cross</li>
<li>John Corless</li>
<a href="2021-04-30-export-plot.html">Read more&#x2026;</a>
<div id="outline-container--htmla-href2021" class="outline-2">
<h2 id="-htmla-href2021"><a href='2021-04-26-Welcome.html' style='text-decoration:none;color:inherit'> Welcome <span class='tag'><span>2021-04-26</span></span></a><a aria-hidden="true" href="#-htmla-href2021">#</a> </h2>
<div class="outline-text-2" id="text--htmla-href2021">
<div id="outline-container-introduction" class="outline-3">
<h3 id="introduction">Introduction<a aria-hidden="true" href="#introduction">#</a> </h3>
<div class="outline-text-3" id="text-introduction">
Org is an absolutely marvellous project. However, a quick glance at
<a href=""></a> can lead one to think &ldquo;so&#x2026; it&rsquo;s an Emacs version of
Markdown? What&rsquo;s the big deal?&rdquo;. While it&rsquo;s easy to understand how someone might
think that at first, that impression misses two crucial points:
<ul class="org-ul">
<li>While for simple constructs (<b>bold</b>, <i>italic</i>, headlines, etc.) the syntax is very
much analogous<sup>[1]</sup>, Org scales to much more powerful forms that are a
headache to replicate in Markdown</li>
<li>Org mode was developed in Emacs, for Emacs. The integrations for Org put <i>every
other plaintext markup editing experience to shame</i>. <b>This is a bold statement</b>,
and I stand by it.</li>
<a href="2021-04-26-Welcome.html">Read more&#x2026;</a>
<div id="footnotes">
<h2 class="footnotes">Footnotes: </h2>
<div id="text-footnotes">
<div class="footdef"><sup><a id="fn.1" class="footnum" href="#fnr.1" role="doc-backlink">1</a></sup> <div class="footpara" role="doc-footnote"><p class="footpara">Note the difference in scale, org-fold makes
the most difference in the graph where the times are an order of magnitude
<div id="postamble" class="status">
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