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<span style="color: #9e9e9e;">#+title:</span> <span style="color: #29838d; font-weight: 700;">August 2021
</span><span style="color: #9e9e9e;">#+subtitle:</span> <span style="color: #29838d;">Roaming around
</span><span style="color: #9e9e9e;">#+author:</span> <span style="color: #29838d;">TEC
</span><span style="color: #9e9e9e;">#+date:</span> <span style="color: #29838d;">2021-08-38
<span style="color: #b1b1b1;">#+begin_quote
</span>Dear readers, unfortunately I've been unusually busy as of late, and will
continue to be for a bit over a month. As such, it's entirely likely that the
next post or two may <span style="text-decoration: line-through;">+be late+</span> make use of creative dates too.
<span style="color: #b1b1b1;">#+end_quote
In terms of Org development, we've had a fairly slow month --- mostly tweaks and
fixes, concentrated on the new org-cite functionality. However, there have been
big developments with Roam as of late.
<span style="color: #3b6ea8; font-weight: 700;">* </span><span style="color: #3b6ea8; font-weight: 700;">[[][</span><span style="color: #3b6ea8; font-weight: 700;">Org-roam v2]</span><span style="color: #3b6ea8; font-weight: 700;">]</span>
Pushed to the sidelines by last month's hugely significant citations
announcement was the release of Org-roam v2 🎉. The project's author Jethro
wrote a nice <span style="color: #3b6ea8; font-weight: 700;">[[][blog post]]</span> outlining the major changes and motivations, and so I'll
leave him to speak on that. Suffice to say, the idea of org-roam has been
refined into a form that should better server tinkerers looking to build off Org
roam, and make maintenance easier --- thus improving the user experience in the
long term 🙂. Should you be worried that the v1 -&gt; v2 upgrade will be painful,
read <span style="color: #3b6ea8; font-weight: 700;">[[][Org-roam v2 doesn't hurt]]</span>, relax, and try the upgrade wizard.
<span style="color: #3b6ea8; font-weight: 700;">* </span><span style="color: #3b6ea8; font-weight: 700;">[[][</span><span style="color: #3b6ea8; font-weight: 700;">Org-roam-ui]</span><span style="color: #3b6ea8; font-weight: 700;">]</span>
Within a month of Roam v2's announcement, we were pleasantly surprised by the
release of <span style="color: #3b6ea8; font-weight: 700;">[[][org-roam-server]]</span> usurper --- org-roam-ui.
<span style="color: #b6b6b6;">#+caption:</span> <span class="ef-ob">org-roam-ui's 2D overview.</span>
<span style="color: #b6b6b6;">#+attr_html: :class doom-one :width 50%</span>
<span style="color: #b6b6b6;">#+attr_latex: :width 0.5\linewidth</span>
<span style="color: #3b6ea8; font-weight: 700;">[[file:figures/org-roam-graph-2d-overview.png]]</span>
While org-roam-server remains incompatible with Roam v2, org-roam-ui is built
around v2 from the ground up. With this shift comes a much more ambitious set
of features. The graph view itself is now based on <span style="color: #3b6ea8; font-weight: 700;">[[][react-force-graph]]</span>, which
allows for both 2D and 3D views of the graph, with WebGL acceleration.
<span style="color: #b1b1b1;">#+begin_export html
</span><span class="ef-ob">&lt;</span><span style="color: #29838d;">figure</span><span class="ef-ob">&gt;
&lt;</span><span style="color: #29838d;">video</span> <span style="color: #cb9aad;">width</span><span class="ef-ob">=</span><span style="color: #4f894c;">"60%"</span> <span style="color: #cb9aad;">height</span><span class="ef-ob">=</span><span style="color: #4f894c;">"auto"</span><span class="ef-ob"> autoplay loop muted </span><span style="color: #cb9aad;">class</span><span class="ef-ob">=</span><span style="color: #4f894c;">"doom-one"</span><span class="ef-ob">&gt;
&lt;</span><span style="color: #29838d;">source</span> <span style="color: #cb9aad;">src</span><span class="ef-ob">=</span><span style="color: #4f894c;">"figures/org-roam-ui-3d-rotation.mp4"</span> <span style="color: #cb9aad;">type</span><span class="ef-ob">=</span><span style="color: #4f894c;">"video/mp4"</span><span class="ef-ob"> /&gt;
&lt;/</span><span style="color: #29838d;">video</span><span class="ef-ob">&gt;
&lt;</span><span style="color: #29838d;">figcaption</span><span class="ef-ob">&gt;
&lt;</span><span style="color: #29838d;">span</span> <span style="color: #cb9aad;">class</span><span class="ef-ob">=</span><span style="color: #4f894c;">"figure-number"</span><span class="ef-ob">&gt;Figure 1.1:&lt;/</span><span style="color: #29838d;">span</span><span class="ef-ob">&gt;
org-roam-ui's 3D graph view.
&lt;/</span><span style="color: #29838d;">figcaption</span><span class="ef-ob">&gt;
&lt;/</span><span style="color: #29838d;">figure</span><span class="ef-ob">&gt;
</span><span style="color: #b1b1b1;">#+end_export
Using <span style="color: #3b6ea8; font-weight: 700;">[[][emacs-websocket]]</span>, org-roam-ui establishes a two-way connection between
Emacs and the Web visualisation. This allows for nifty features like syncing the
graph view and the currently open roam file in Emacs. Furthermore, with
<span style="color: #4f894c;">=xwidget-webkit=</span> you can even embed org-roam-ui <span style="text-decoration: italic;">/inside/</span> Emacs!<span style="color: #ac4426;">[fn:1]</span>
<span style="color: #b6b6b6;">#+caption:</span> <span class="ef-ob">Embed org-roam-ui in Emacs using xwidget-webkit.</span>
<span style="color: #b6b6b6;">#+attr_html: :class invertible</span>
<span style="color: #3b6ea8; font-weight: 700;">[[file:figures/org-roam-ui-in-emacs.png]]</span>
Beyond this, org-roam-ui also provides a number of other nice features, such as
filtering and theme syncing, with more in the works. To see more, check out the
<span style="color: #4f894c;">=README=</span> published on GitHub.
<span style="color: #3b6ea8; font-weight: 700;">[[Https://]]</span>
<span style="color: #3b6ea8; font-weight: 700;">* New ConTeXt exporter</span>
We've long been able to export to LaTeX files with <span style="color: #4f894c;">=ox-latex=</span>, but now you can
export to ConTeXt too with <span style="color: #3b6ea8; font-weight: 700;">[[][ox-context]]</span>! While only just released, a lot of work
has already gone into this --- with development starting almost a year ago by the
commit history.
It's always nice to see more export options for Org, and I wish Jason all the
best in developing <span style="color: #4f894c;">=ox-context=</span>.
<span style="color: #3b6ea8; font-weight: 700;">* Other improvements</span>
+ Refactor <span style="color: #4f894c;">=oc-natbib.el=</span>, <span style="color: #4f894c;">=oc-biblatex=</span>, <span style="color: #4f894c;">=oc-basic.el=</span>, <span style="color: #4f894c;">=org-compat.el=</span> to improve byte
compilation _Maxim Nikulin_ _Nicolas Goaziou_ _Marco Wahl_
+ Allow for selecting cite style with a citation argument _Nicolas Goaziou_
+ Add support for Italian "smart quotes" _DPDmancul_
+ Fix Spanish mistranslation in footnote Documentation _Juan Manuel Macias_
+ Define <span style="color: #4f894c;">=\citeprocitem=</span> in <span style="color: #4f894c;">=oc-csl.el=</span> for use by <span style="color: #4f894c;">=citeproc-el=</span> _TEC_
+ Fix error in <span style="color: #4f894c;">=org-export-define-backend=</span> docstring _Zachary Kanfer_ _Nicolas Goaziou_
+ Document the <span style="color: #4f894c;">=:results none=</span> option _Yasushi Shoji_
+ Other documentation improvements: _Jorge Neto_ _Marco Wahl_
<span style="color: #3b6ea8; font-weight: 700;">* Bugfixes</span>
+ When tangling a certain language, be more careful about which blocks are
matched _DMG, Nicolas Goaziou_
+ Make <span style="color: #4f894c;">=q=</span> in <span style="color: #4f894c;">=org-agenda=</span> work even when <span style="color: #ac4426;">~debug-on-error~</span> is set _Lars Ingebrigtsen_
+ Make <span style="color: #4f894c;">=org-attach=</span> work again for Emacs \(&lt; 28\) _Kyle Meyer, Marco Wahl_
+ Make <span style="color: #ac4426;">~rx~</span> usage in <span style="color: #4f894c;">=org-cite=</span> files compatible with Emacs \(&lt; 27.1\) _Max Nikulin_
+ Prevent <span style="color: #4f894c;">='=</span> from becoming a LaTeX active char in exports using <span style="color: #4f894c;">=oc-csl=</span> _TEC_
+ Have <span style="color: #4f894c;">=org-colview=</span> dynblock <span style="color: #4f894c;">=match=</span> and <span style="color: #4f894c;">=mixlevel=</span> interact sensibly _Nick Dokos_
+ Behave appropriately when <span style="color: #ac4426;">~ffap-url-regexp~</span> is <span style="color: #ac4426;">~nil~</span>, instead of throwing an error
_Peder Stray_ _TEC_
<span style="color: #3b6ea8; font-weight: 700;">* Footnotes</span>
<span style="color: #ac4426;">[fn:1]</span> I have found the <span style="color: #4f894c;">=xwidget-webkit=</span> experience quite unstable until I
started using Emacs 28 with the pure-GTK branch. So, if you're not getting a
good experience now, there's a good chance you'll have a better experience in
the future.